It happened that it was earned in a few hours, as much as it was sometimes not earned in a year. And there were serious overflights by the cash register. But life seemed easy, everything in it can be achieved, it is only worth a little tense. I have seriously turned away from state production. And in no way was he going to connect life with work for any virtual or real owner.
University is over. I threw the diploma somewhere on the mezzanine in the apartment, in full confidence that I will never work in my specialty. Then it seemed that I could do everything on my own.
Periodically occurring easy earnings, sometimes allowed to go "all serious". But I note right away that I have never been particularly attracted to sex with prostitutes. Well, maybe the first couple of times, I was interested, but then, quickly understanding the essence and purpose of the woman selling her body, I lost interest in this. I will not lie, use the services of this kind, I sometimes allowed myself, and do not rule out that in the future I can also afford it sometimes. As a prostitute she, in my opinion, is nothing more than an emergency sexual help.
And since I, being a kind person in love, inclined to bow before a woman, friend, mother, I prefer not to buy a vagina, not a gain by force, but I try to achieve mutual interest. And if I see and feel this sexual interest of a woman by me, as a man, if a woman is eager to get me as a lover, then the importance of all the surrounding conventions almost always disappears.
Every time I am ready to open up to meet this urge to the end. Indeed, in response to my revelation-return, the partner also begins to open, returning my efforts in return to me with my physical intimacy and spiritual energy. Thus, in the ideal case, a boundless relationship of masculine and feminine originates, aimed at full physiological harmony. And this interchange of love energy is the main goal of my searches and experiences. And at such moments, all research, all experiments with blowjobs, kuni, annals, any sex acrobatics, become a natural process, not causing the lovers any surprise, no shock, no disgust, no protest. On the contrary, there is a desire to do everything for the most complete satisfaction of each other.
In, as he said! Chesslovo himself formulated!
We walked out once with Vasily, my friend and companion for no particular reason. They just decided to have a drink, and it smoothly flowed into drunkenness with a bath and then relocating to the apartment of Sergey, another companion companion, in view of the temporarily departed wife.
At first we just took vodka and no tricky snacks in order to drink and go home.
But as it happens in men's companies, as the containers with alcohol were emptying, the conversations turned to the topic “about women” and instead of going home, they began to find out if any of us have a girlfriend
trouble-free, which can figure out two more friends to decorate a pleasantly flowing evening.
I have no such girlfriend that meets the above conditions.
Vasily tried to call some of his old acquaintance, but was sent by her with curses because he remembers about her only drunk, she was tired of it, in general she was “not like that”, and “... who do you take me for ... ?
Seryoga said that he had a madam, and that he would have all the iron with her, and she would ensure the arrival of girlfriends, but for everything else he could not be sure. In a sense, I can confidently say which of his girlfriends will be dragged by his beloved young lady to him, and, accordingly, their sexual use is questionable. At this point, the "boys" themselves will have to arm themselves with charm.
Serega did not talk long with his girlfriend. The conversation was quite free, and I really liked that you can easily tell your lady that you urgently need herself, and two more light girls for easy communication with the girls.
Less than two hours, as we already drank in the company "charmer".
Again, I have to apologize to the audience for not remembering the names of all the participants of the “wide run” race. I can confidently say that the one who was with me was called Tatyana, but at the time of the meeting, she, for Hochma, introduced herself to Asya. I immediately, under the general cheerful mood, was called Europe.
- And how will it be to not quite officially? - Asya asked.
- Call me boldly: Evrope Xenofontovich! And unofficially - Evrik.
The rest are Seregina, Galya's mistress, and the third (let Olga be).
So in a relaxed atmosphere, with the general fun, laughter and fucking shooting eyes made acquaintance.
Visually, the girls were about the same. About one age, in my inexperienced eye, is between 27 and 32 years old. And apparently all three are pretty attractive. Serega has already managed to tell us that his Galina has an 8-year-old son and she is not married, and in a conversation it quickly turned out that the others also have a child, and they are not burdened by their husbands either.
To be frank, I initially liked Galya most of all, but Tanya-Asya, who, despite the presence of a chair, soon chose to sit on my lap, claiming her rights to me, already turned me into a turn.
And who would mind? - Not me!
An interesting point: the girls did not come empty-handed, but with alcohol and snacks. Perhaps, it was Seryoga who started to fuss, and maybe, they themselves worked “on“ Vernyak ”. And somehow, during the first minutes of the general feast, it became clear that we would not go home for a long time, because the conversation was always about sexual topics on the verge of decency.
It remained to deal with couples. That is, to understand who will handle whom.
But this moment was decided rather quickly and even without a fight.
It was clear that Serega would be busy with his old friend. Asya was sitting on my lap.
Accordingly, Vasily got Olga.
Gradually, the pre-conceived script began to roll into a more intimate direction.
Seryoga at some point whispered to me that, they say, then it would be nice to exchange the girls.
- I do not mind to hang with Tanya. - he winked at me like a conspirator, - sucks - perfectly !!!
I was surprised. It turns out Serega familiar with Asya? An interesting twist! It is not upset. Moreover served as a hint to further action. I was surprised how he knew about these intimate Asins talents. A few days later, when we were sharing our impressions about the evening we had with Sergei at a regular bathhouse, it became clear that Seryoga had purely theoretical knowledge. Galina whispered to him about it (in the same telephone conversation), having handed over her friend to the giblets. By the way, it is not clear why Galya made this ad for her friend, as she didn’t let go of Serega then. At the same time, she herself behaved completely freely, demonstrating by her behavior what could be like with him, as with any of us. Sergei also did not show “special” intentions towards her. In short, they apparently had a “very high relationship” with Galka.
But all this becomes clear later, but for now, for myself, I have decided to certainly unleash Asya on a blow job. I did not guess that I would not have to unwind anyone. Blowjob, as it turned out, this wonderful young lady had a natural state of mind.
I was, in principle, not against the castling proposed by Serega, but for the moment I wanted to be alone with Asya-Tanya.
- Come on, have a smoke on the balcony? - I suggested to her.
- Let's go!
To do this, it was necessary from the kitchen, where we sat together, to go into one ...
from rooms with a balcony.
To the balcony, we have not reached literally one meter. The room hit the bed and began to kiss.
I was sure that no one would disturb us, because we were in the back room.
But it was not there!
I just managed to unbutton the button with Asya on jeans, as Galina entered the room. It was not immediately clear in the dark that it was Galya, but she asked for something, and we knew from the voice that it was she.
I, thinking that when she saw us “at the beginning of glorious deeds”, she would return to the kitchen, I decided not to interrupt my occupation. The only thing is, I stopped trying to take off jeans from Asya, but we continued to kiss, showing by our appearance that no one was needed, no one was important, and no one could stop us.
However, Galya did not leave.
She asked Asi-Tani something. Now I do not remember what. She answered her something. And immediately, as it seemed to me, with reproach and hostility I asked:
- Maybe to join us? Or should I leave right away? - Asin reproach is absolutely correct and logical in this situation, and I thought that Galina is now dumping from the bedroom.
At about this moment, Asya, taking advantage of the darkness, undid the button and the zipper on my pants. The decor was quite funny. I definitely liked this Asi-Tanin activity.
But!!! Galina lay down on the bed on the other side of me. And what's more, she tried to turn me towards her by the shoulder!
- What are you doing here? - the question sounded rhetorically, sort of like with humor, and did not require an answer.
I was lying on my back between two attractive women, and did not understand what to do next.
Asina's hand is running into my pants. With my right hand, I stroke her side, and climb under the T-shirt. With my left hand, I want to pull Galya up by the neck for a kiss, taking her from the back under the left armpit. My dumas are already flowing into the mode of group cooperation under the program F + M + F.
Asya extracts my organ, which has already taken the necessary outlines. The pants and jeans are still on me, and the elastic of the pants slightly presses the member to the stomach.
And then I notice that Asya, having slightly touched Gal, showed her hand to my dick.
It came to me, like a giraffe, with a delay, that the pitch darkness that had happened at the moment when we were in this room was long gone, because our eyes had become accustomed to the dim lighting coming from the window.
It was super exciting. They both considered my dick. I was not embarrassed, although I always feel awkward if a woman (us) looks naked at me.
And at that moment, from behind the door, I heard the voice of Basil:
- They smoke on the balcony.
- Where is the balcony? - Olga's voice.
I got up, having to fasten jeans. The girls stayed on the bed. When the door opened, the picture was completely innocent.
Asya hissed at everyone present:
“Why are you hitting here?” Bring down to the kitchen and do not interfere!
In general, group sex broke off, before it started.
Galya picked up and went to the kitchen, and Vaska, the bastard, pushing Olga in front of him, unceremoniously walked onto the balcony. There they began to smoke, and Asya and I lay down again on the bed.
- Let's crawl under the blanket, and then they will not interfere. - She whispered to me and, pulling off jeans with shorts, dove under the covers.
I followed her lead. This is a special thrill, when all the conventions have already been discarded, and the first caress started, combined with gentle touches. Our clothes are already resting on a chair, and we, twisting our arms and legs, kiss, inflaming each other with passionate cuddles on the genitals and all sorts of other erogenous places.
After about five minutes, past us, already diligently pretending that nothing unusual was happening in bed, Vasily and Olga withdrew from the balcony.
As soon as the door closed behind them, Asya immediately threw back the blanket, and without preparation, rushing her face to my groin, she began to mouth my cock.
She did it diligently and not monotonous. She quite deeply launched it into her mouth, and she lowered her head not in a straight line, but along some intricate spiral. Or tongue drove along the trunk from the base to the head, and there kissing the bridle, or sucking the head, again descended to the testicles and in turn sucked them. Sometimes she broke away from her occupation, and quickly asked me:
- So good?
- Is that better?
- How do you like?
- Do you want me like this?
- Did anyone give you a blowjob testicles?
What could I say to her at this moment? I was just like a helpless calf, rather moaning in ecstasy. She brought me to a peak, but then she was interrupted, and with some word or movement she rolled away the approaching orgasm.
I have never experienced such bliss.
At some point I tried to turn Asya “to my back to the forest in front”, trying to try the “69” pose with her, but she held my head, making it clear that she didn’t need smoking.
Drunk alcohol, the fatigue of the past day, the sauna, and the skillful actions of Asi-Tani restored my strength, made me sexually resilient, and it seemed to me that I could make love to her all night long.
I laid her on her back, lifted my hands and spread her legs, and, seeing her complete agreement, with one hand I pushed my lower lips and with my other hand I sent my penis to my destination. Asya's legs remained in the same position: high up and apart.
It seems to be nothing special in this position: from the point of view of the Kama Sutra, the most ordinary, but the openness, the revelation of a woman and, at the same time, the free visibility by her man and his freedom of action, make the process indescribably sweet and sexy.
I tried to do everything to Ace was nice. Caressing her breasts with her hands, massaging her nipples separately with her fingers, stroking her legs on the inner side of her thighs and wherever he could reach, occasionally gently twisting her clit. Movement performed slowly, almost completely removing from her penis and slowly sinking it back full length.
Silent groans in time with my movements left no doubt that I was doing everything right.
Then, with another immersion, I lay down completely on Asinu's crotch, chest and abdomen, and began to move quickly, pushing the process to the final.
“Have you finished yet?” - Asy asked suddenly worried.
- Not yet. - I replied, mechanically stopping to move.
Asya rolled to the side, and after a moment we changed places. She sat on top of me and slowly continued to move.
I closed my eyes and relaxed.
When I again accelerated the movement, Asya jumped off the penis, moving the crotch to my feet, and again began to stimulate his mouth.
Again, I thought how wonderful it was to feel the hips of a soft female breast, and at the same time feel tender and skilful lips on the penis.
After a few moments, I finished in her mouth without even asking if she wanted to or not. And not because I am so rude, but because I somehow realized that she was expecting this from me.
Asya-Tanya did not complain, did not recoil, but, on the contrary, with obvious pleasure, took every last drop in her mouth.
Ten minutes later I was still in a languid languor, and Asya slowly began to dress.
- I still want to meet you. You dont mind? - I asked her, kissing her back, between the shoulder blades and also began to pull on his clothes. From behind the door came the screech of sofa springs.
She shrank from pleasure, and dictated her phone.
- There will be time - call! Call me on phone Asya! Or introduce yourself to Europe. I will then understand who I am talking to.
We met her two more times. And the third time, she told me on the phone that she was getting married and meetings were not desirable. I think lied!
Most likely, I just tired of her.
«You sound like fucking»