(With elements of profanity. Children with their parents have a passport with you!)
With this outgoing - in fact, already gone - in summer, when the weather decided to please the Muscovites and guests of the capital with really warm weather and hit the night by 27 days and 22 at night, I rolled in the area of midnight in the desert, filled with electric light, the side of the Luzhniki Stadium and me on my scooter — and I wasn’t particularly in a hurry — didn’t seem to be puffing too much, the group of brave longborders overtook — a couple of little girls and little things three dolboyopchik. While I was deciding that it was time for me to slow down a little, to dismount and get another beer from my backpack, the young people drove a good distance and ... I looked that they had something strange there - some kind of eccentric bivouac right in the middle of asphalt. Doryvshy finally to the place of the mysterious parking of the extreme, I realized that everything, alas, was not just that - one of the girls managed to plow the asphalt with her nose, and so much that she was lying back, quietly moaning, next to it there is a pool of blood an area of one and a half and a half of an adult man’s palm, the second girl rushes right there, promakat poor thing spout some tampons, well, the guys next door are marking time. “Great,” fucking! Fucking hung up! Well, I also began to dig in my bag - something was hanging out there on the topic - a bandage, a plaster - on trifles. It is a pity, but you want to help somehow. And she lies, apparently, in shock from the pain, or, God forbid, “shook”, breathes like a kitten, eyes are closed and tears flow - zhaaalko, no words!
Well, horror, this blood, spreading in the dust with sand, doesn’t really think too much what to do, how to help the poor fellow ... And I looked at the object itself at the very girl - God, the little hare with a fluffy tail! The muzzle is a little bit skulutenkaya - very even quite! The ass is round, the breasts are small under the T-shirt, the papillae are pulling up, the lyashechki are tender from under the short shorts. All such a fine, miniature, with a short haircut. The completely white skin of the crumbs — the arms and legs — did not tan, obviously, in summer at all. Does it work without work or is it studying? - FIG-knows. Neither the elbow pads, nor the knee pads - nifiga is not wearing it. And that these elbow pads, even if they were - no one will wear a rubber clown nose on the nose anyway!
And then I thought: so what is happening in life? Why is it so that everything is all around through the ass and out of tune ?! So who, it is asked, is necessary ?! Why all this, nepomym who invented, ebantizm ?! After all, around summer night breathes and smells sweet and as much as 20 degrees of heat! But how many times do we have such nights in a year, if we estimate them? And what, a pretty little girl, here is some kind of wallowing in the light of the lanterns and writhe in pain, having nibbled on the wheels of the zasrani board ?! How many, you godochkov, not for a penny missing ass - 19? 20? 21 and a half? And you probably think that this is all for a long time - for the rest of your life - “when there are endless, insane, carefree smiles around, spring and flowers” ?! Figushki, zaychunya, fi-gush-ki - everything will fly by, you will not have time to look back! And now you are already “from 30 and older” and nobody needs you! Think about this horror, a tummy sticking out from under the shirts, a little wrapped up in a tender fat - think about what it is and what it is eaten with - these are THE FIGURE and to ANYONE! Here you will live to see them, and then ride - at least on a longboard, and at least on a stupa! And fall from both how many will fit ...
What am I riding ?! Why do I need a scooter? So I, the hare - the male - I do not fall, I will not be killed. erotic stories A and fall - to hell with me! We, those who “are marked with the letter“ Me ”on the map, our herds wander - 100500 thousand-million and all the fuck are not necessary. We are walking, hanging out, diving around the world, this is what is called “with our own dick in hand” - we scream all our life - where would we press in the next corner, who else would have to lift up our little skirt and spread our legs ... There are a lot of us, very many, varied, varied - a complete oversupply. And you - sweetie zaek - to the insulting little! So we have to launch rockets into space, or else we can ride a scooter ... And you, a smooth-skinned princess, are a rare bird! Come and look around - only men, young men, boys, aunts with dangling perches, and old men with old women around 10 kilometers around! So does this occupation for you, the sun - roll on the asphalt and ohrenyovat from wild pain with a broken nosypox! Let your three best skateboarder companions get better here and don't get up - even with broken noses, even with torn arms and legs (I'd personally unto all three of them head stupidly unscrew!)
And what kind of joy did you need ?! Is this your place in life - almost to the bone, to cut off your elbow, to lie with an open back with thin blades on dirty asphalt ?! Look, to the nearest grass and bushes and a half meters from the force! After all, you would take the pens, sweet and unharmed, and you would wrap your arms around your neck at this time - carry them to the very bushes, fold them neatly on soft weed, and even spread something. Kiss, tickle, pinch you all! Gradually pull off these very shorts to the level of your white knees, stick your hand under the panties. Bunny, you have treasure there, do you know? - your sweet crack is lipky and alluring! Kiss her all over, lick her to the extent that you don't remember yourself! Then enter the finger there neatly and fool them. Then the second ... And next to you there is another ass! And what - a gentle miracle, probably also in the same fun freckles, like cheeks! - with such a pop you can also - many interesting interesting things to think about ...
Lick you yummy midnight and cover with kisses from the heels to the very top! Do you nice and sweet, so you squeak and grunt, giggling and crying, moaning and squealing! On the bridge to get up in sweet convulsions, tummy to the sky, which is all in the stars that night ... That's what, zayonok, you mom and dad did! That's it for this! But not at all in order to fall from a stupid board onto the asphalt with a nose.
A longboard that your moronic would be thrown to the ebenyam in the middle of the river ...
Please remember my simple and sincere words, gentle young creatures, when the producers of every type of fashionable shit — longboards, snowboards and other rubbish — wink at you from the pages of the next gloss.