Then the sensation of the body came to the dreams. The body responded with pain. The pain merged with infinity. Pain reminded the name.
The name has become dear to consciousness.
Through an intolerable burning sensation in her whole body, the young elf raised heavy eyelids. A torch dimly burning nearby, seemed to her a small sun.
Blinking, she was able to look around. There were no corpses around and it inspired a weakened elf. She lay on a wooden plank attached to a stone wall with powerful chains. Low stone ceiling, earthen floor, blank walls and steel lattice - that's all the decoration.
Dense, badly stinking unknown substance, bandages, covered most of the young body.
- Am I alive ?! I had to be torn apart and eaten by those vile creatures, thought Sindorel. The whole burden of the incident again fell upon her. Trying to get up, the elf felt a sharp pain in her entire body and lost consciousness.
A girl woke up a few days later. She was awakened by touch and mumbling in an unknown language. Someone methodically naming it, already naked, with stiff palms. The palms rubbed something into the skin, not missing a single inch of the young body. Bony fingers went everywhere. The ointment covered all the skin, labia, ass and little ring of the anus, even crept inside, in an attempt to spread the ointment as deep as possible. Hitting an incredibly bitter ointment in the mouth of an elf, made her wince and begin to spit, indicating that she was no longer asleep.
- I woke up. Good. She slept a long time, she heard, a dry, lifeless voice.
Even the awakening of the girl did not prevent the bearer of her voice from smearing her face, lips, ears and all the holes in which her bony fingers could crawl through.
Sindorel opened her eyes and, crying out, closed her eyes in fear. It was not for nothing that her fingers seemed bony to her, and they were bone. Gray human bone. The creature standing above it turned out to be, wrapped in a black hoodie, a skeleton. In the sockets of the skull a greenish flame was boiling. Old, as if from another life, lessons, surfaced in a foggy fear. The skeleton that says can only be a lich - a revived dark magician.
- Do not twitch! - ordered a lifeless voice, removing, however, his paws from the oily shiny body. “Your wounds have only recently healed.” My servants overdid it. They should have delivered you unscathed. Rest, sleep, eat and drink.
Squeezing out all that apparently, I wanted to say, the lich picked up the bottle of ointment and left the camera. Having closed the lock, he threw a glowing gaze inside the cage and left. Sindorel from the experience, again fell into unconsciousness.
When she awoke, the elf was able to look around, no longer experiencing severe pain and not fainting. Unfortunately, the situation has not changed.
The attention of the girl was attracted by a large jug standing near the wall, and there was a basket next to the jug. Eagerly drunk water from the pot, Sindorel drew attention to the basket. Among the swarming of fruit worms, rotting apples could be seen. She ate everything, even the worms. The emaciated body needed protein and calories. She washed down all the water, she fell asleep.
This time the elf was awakened by the clank of the lattice. An attempt to get up was interrupted by a dry order not to move. The lich again proceeded to rub the sallow body with his ointment. During the whole process, the reviving dead person did not interrupt his mantra in an incomprehensible language.
- Good. You are ready, - the skeleton declared, having finished research of secluded places of a gentle body. - Tomorrow! - he said and went out.
Having quenched the cyclopean hunger with a new batch of worms and fruits, the elf began to examine her body. The once flawless, spotless, greenish skin, was now covered with a network of subtle scars, like a tattoo. Not finding any extra hollows, the girl calmed down. She was afraid that the lich sewed her out of the pieces, or that several pieces of flesh were torn from her, but the dead only bit, and did not tear her body. So the ointment and the unique properties of the elf race did their job - soon even the scars will not be visible.
Not wanting to find out what will happen tomorrow, Sindorel, began to think hard. She noticed that the skeleton comes to her without a staff, and any weapon. This must take advantage. Killing this creature is almost impossible. The science of the forest people claimed that to destroy such monsters you need magic weapons or magic. Powerful magic. Nothing else can simply damage the dark soul that binds a lifeless body. What made the sorcerer almost immortal.
With no weapons, no talents for magic, the elf wanted to take advantage of the weakness of the skeleton's deprived muscles. She will simply knock him off his feet and run away when the lich opens the grille. So be it, she decided, and prepared to wait.
I had to wait a long time. Lunch and dinner appeared in the chamber by itself and was immediately eaten by the hungry girl. The young body was poured with force with each piece eaten. Her night was half awake. Hearing the noise, Sindorel prepared to escape.
Approaching, the noise became clearer. It was not a dry chatter of bones against a stone, but a wet shuffling of many feet. A crowd of the dead approached the lattice. The door opened by itself, and a crowd of zombies slowly entered the chamber. To grab, furiously fumbling and heart-rending screaming girl, was a matter of time. Tender body covered many rotting paws.
The dead did not immediately eat the maiden of the forest, which surprised her a lot. Clasping her body from all sides, they set off. Suspended among a multitude of rotting corpses, an elf soon ceased to resist and twitch — yet she had not yet fully regained her strength.
Zombies carried their prey slowly. More than an hour passed before they finally reached their goal. Stopping, lifeless servants put the captive in front of him. The girl was in a spacious, well lit torch, round room. In the center of the room, through a gap in the ceiling, many dark vines descended. Before the vines stood, armed with a staff, a lich.
Sindorel was put on his feet. The dead men recoiled from her, but they did not leave. They remained standing in the aisle, thus blocking the only way out. However, the glow of a dead light, the staff of the lich, by itself did not give a chance to escape.
- Come on! - ordered lifeless voice.
Sindorel could only obey. She took several wrong steps forward, facing the skeleton.
- Go to the lianas! Said the lich, pointing to the dark lashes with a white finger. - Take one of the shoots! Not this one! The black! Put it in your mouth. Do not bite!
Meekly obeying all instructions of the forest maiden, after a minute, gently sucking the black fat process of the vines. The lich was silent. A clever tongue worked hard on a sluggish black plant. Five minutes passed. Ten. The elf began to get tired.
Suddenly, still lifeless process jerked and slipped into the girl's throat. The whole plant exploded in motion. Revived vines wrapped around a young body. Raising fragile prey above the floor, and reliably fixing it in a spreading state, the plant calmed down. Only the process in the throat continued to move closer to the stomach. The shoot was thin, which sometimes allowed to breathe.
Vaginal lips touched something wet. The same touch felt and ass elf. One, second, third ... four fatty processes burst sharply into each hole. The processes entering Sindorel from the front, having reached the stop inside her body, began to twitch in discord. The penetration from behind did not end so quickly. Like worms, fatty black lashes made their way deeper, bursting and stretching a tight hole. The ass ached as if she had no meeting with the elves, nor with the centaurs, nor with the troll. Unsophisticated could have imagined that she was fussing a virgin, but the plant didn’t care. The elf felt her belly filling up and moving.
- Finally! - came the exclamation of the lich.
All new and new processes ...
broke into a narrow ass. A heavily swollen belly was full of movement. A few minutes later, the process that rammed the throat broke out with elastic jets and left the mouth gaped in cries. The seed burned the stomach. Mind elf clouded. The screams turned into a mutter. Unknown, otherworldly words broke Sindorel's lips.
Before losing touch with reality, the girl noticed a lich approaching her, who asked questions in the same incomprehensible language and clearly received answers. Mind left the body torn apart by an uneasy fuck and carried off into the distance.
Sindorel was surprised to see a dark forest from a bird's eye view. Looking into the distance, she instantly moved to the edge of the wasteland. The world was preparing for the dawn and on the familiar site, the centaurs were preparing to leave for the wasteland. Shifting through the dead lands, the elf saw the camp of the guards. There bustled at least fifty half-horses. Mind rushed further into the forest. So he became thicker, a moment, and the girl was already looking at the stone wall that surrounded her hometown.
Unclear attraction emanated from a huge tree in the center of the settlement. For a moment, and Sindorel came face to face with Talking with the forest. The priestess's full lips covered the pink process of the liana tightly. Her body was swollen and shook under the jolts from below. The belly, exposed by a special dress, was swollen and overfilled. The girl realized that the same thing was happening to her body now. She, like the high priestess, speaks to the forest. But is it possible? To speak with the forest in two voices?
Bright green seed splashed into the priestess. She fell into a trance and spoke. Sindorel felt her body repeating to the lich everything that the soiled green lips say.
Minutes passed or years? It was unclear.
The priestess stopped talking. Her body left creepers. Picking up the floor of the dress, she quickly went down the corridors. Observing mind followed her. Along the way she met the pages. The priestess was throwing a few words, and the page went next.
The Speaker entered her chambers accompanied by five men. Two left to guard the corridors, and the rest, one word closed the door and began to throw off clothes. Two immediately lay on the floor, entwining legs.
With a regal gait, the priestess took off her dress became over the men. Helping with her hands, she deftly planted on two thick penises at once and began to twist her pelvis. Full lips parted in a sweet moan. At the sign of the palm, a fat cock burst into the open mouth. Unceremoniously clutching at his long ears, the page, he pulled the Speaking to the forest on the most eggs in a businesslike manner. Looking into pleading, humble, tear-filled eyes, the elf leaned back, letting him inhale and exhale, and then pulled her ears again until she felt the pubis touching the soft lips.
The priestess has not forgotten anyone. The two remaining elves, she jerked her palms. Thus, her body served as a haven for five at once. While admiring the narrow holes of the Speaker from below, kneeling elves took caresses of miniature palms, not forgetting to know the full bosom. The last page, while increasing the pace, took kisses in the pubis. The room quickly filled with squish and wet, gurgling rattles.
Sindorel could not take her eyes off the depraved picture. She was even slightly comforted by the fact that the high priestess, like the last whore, meekly appeased five men.
Finishing exclusively in the hot mouth, elves succeeded each other. The men said something, from which the priestess blushed desperately, but worked without ceasing. Sindorel heard the word "holoasaad", which from the old adverb meant "Speaking with meat."
The orgy was interrupted when the priestess violently finished. written for Her body finely shaken. Under cheers, one of the pages, stopped in the throat of the ending elf, blocking her air. It was easy to ignore the weak attempts of a shaking body to pull away. Orgasm shook the young woman with a new force. Only when she almost fainted was she allowed to breathe again.
After giving a moment to rest, the pages again filled the taut holes of the Speaker. They no longer had a reverence for this ending whore. They did what they like the way they like.
The orgy lasted and lasted. As soon as the page was tired, a new one came to take its place. Sindorel did not know how much time had passed, but counted more than twenty men. They are not even interrupted for lunch. They ate themselves and fed the priestess without removing her from the members. However, she ate quite a bit, she was very well fed with protein, but she drank plenty of water. After a while the score reached thirty and the faces began to repeat.
After a while and two more meals, from which the priestess refused, she already could not swallow the seed, and then, thickly drained from the corners of the lips along the neck and chest. The men left their toy at once. Brilliant from sweat and semen, the female body, heavily sank to the floor. The pages have picked up the priestess, carried her to the font located right there and skillfully washed away all whitish leaks from the naked body.
Patiently waiting for the Speaker to get rid of excess protein in the stomach, the pages helped her to dress in the same dress and solemnly escorted the weary woman to the sacred hall, where the vines once again occupied her body.
The disembodied observer again witnessed an act of conversation with the forest. I listened to a new message and again took the priestess to her chambers, where a wheeze and a squish were heard again.
Suddenly, Sindorel's consciousness returned to her body.
“And your priestess is working without shifting her legs,” said a lifeless voice.
Looking into the glowing eyes, the elf felt how her numerous assashes were leaving her ass. The floor around was thickly flooded with some kind of liquid. It smelled like swamp.
Lich unexpectedly easily snatched a slender body from the plexus of vines. Almost running, he rushed with her body out. Having gone through several corridors, he stopped in a poorly lit room filled with wooden pads. Stopping near one of the installations, the skeleton clamped an elf in wooden hoops.
So Sindorel was immobilized. Her arms and neck were securely held by a tree, her legs bent at the knees, stood on a stone, painfully resting with cups. Ankles fixed in shackles.
- You seem to think to run? Try it! The lich reported and left.
Squeezed in an uncomfortable pose, the elf was left alone with her thoughts.
How did he know? I just thought! What now?
These thoughts plagued the maiden of the forest for many hours. Soon thirst followed, and hunger followed her. The thirsty mind counted out at least two days of torment.
On the next day, the elf woke up from rough touches. In her back holes wore short, thick and rough limbs. Opening her eyes, she saw another one in front of her face.
The creature that appeared before the captive had a frail physique, gray skin, and a toothy mouth. Goblin. The name has come up in memory.
- Do you want to drink? - asked squeaky voice.
Sindorel nodded. As far as fasteners allowed.
- Is there?
The nods continued. She could not speak - she did not allow terrible dry mouth.
- Then you swallow everything that I put in your mouth?
At this the elf opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue and imploringly looked at the goblin. She was so dehydrated that her body could not even generate a lubricant and now she was flooded in the ass on a dry one, bringing a lot of painful sensations.
For such submission the girl was rewarded with a stream of life-giving moisture from a jug. Having drunk enough and chewed a few apples, she gently swallowed goblin flesh.
- Good toy! - squeaked in the back. At the same time, the maiden of the forest felt a stream of semen that struck the bowels of her intestines. A double chpok sounded. Both goblin came out of the female tight body. The one who shot out in the ass, lay down on the floor, loudly praising the narrowness of the elven body. The one that filled his stump pussy, briskly replaced the hole. Goblins, too, preferred a tight, bottomless anal passage.
Accepting everything that the goblin offered in front, so that it flowed from the nose. The girl coughed for a long time. But soon she swallowed the goblin pod again.
Soon, Sindorel understood the whole gamut of feelings that the Speaker had with the forest. There were so many goblins. Fuck her as unceremoniously. Even worse. Elves descended only in the mouth, and goblins anywhere. So both the back and legs quickly became covered with a drying smelly peel. It was also different that in a day nobody had relaxed her. Watered and continued to tear. There are, for obvious reasons, no longer wanted.
So it took at least four days.
The goblin party was interrupted by a flash of light, from which not less than a dozen crumbled ashes. Dumb merry fellows froze in horror.
- I ordered to watch, not to fuck, day after day! Scaly creatures! - lifeless tone sharply contrasted with resentment embedded in the words.
Another outbreak followed and the maiden of the forest felt free. Freedom from a dried multi-day peel. From goblin stench. And even from the members who filled her holes.
- She is now unusable! - lich continued to rage, - idiots have to wait a few more days! Unhook and drag her to the stall!
A bunch of goblins that survived immediately fulfilled the order, rapidly carrying a tired body through the corridors.
Thrown onto thick hay, Sindorel felt a steel ring closing around her neck. Now she sat on a chain like a dog.
The slightly dampened mind, the female climbed under the mantle, eagerly smacking her lips, but only stumbled upon the bone.
- It will not work with me.
“Ah ... goblins ...” the girl coming to her mind squeezed out.
- Will not enter.
- Why?
- Look around.
Behind the forest maiden, a monstrous horse with a burning mane of fire and bright scarlet veins rose menacingly.
- Fire Shire. He can't stand goblins. So they will not approach you, - the lich turned around and went to the exit, but he stopped at the door and, without turning around, continued, - Be good ... do not let me finish your pussy anymore! My spell removed the goblin fruit from you, but you are unfit for ritual for a few more days. Liana just refuse to take you. So if you can not wait - let's ass or jerk off. Feel free to - sew!
The skeleton came out. His steps soon subsided in the dark.
A huge horse approached the elf. She was so exhausted that she could only lie on her back, and tried not to move. Emitting thin streams of smoke nostrils, breathed noisily over the girl. After examining the greenish body from all sides, Shire licked the nearest nipple with a hot tongue and returned to his trough. Sindorel breathed a sigh of relief and began to knead the joints stiff in the shoes.
After eating and drinking water, the provisions reappeared by themselves, the forest maiden found out that the steel chain allows you to walk freely to any corner of the room. There was no shop or mattress here, so before dinner it lay on the straw floor. At first she was afraid of the cold, but the horse gave off so much heat that even the stone of the walls was warm.
Fiery Shire showed no interest in the guest and stood peacefully in his corner. Unable to be afraid of such a non-aggressive animal for a long time, the elf decided to come closer. From charcoal black, with red streaks of skin, clearly carried heat. The elf timidly stroked her mighty side and with a squeak pulled her hand away. If the black parts of the skin were just very warm, then the scarlet veins were red-hot coals. Sucking on the burned finger, the girl touched the animal's alert, soft ears. A gentle touch had an unexpected effect. A shadow trembled beneath the giant's belly. Crouching, Sindorel saw how normal, up to this point, the horse member is greatly increasing in size. Three dark rings, evenly dividing the length of the club into 4 parts, lit up red. The elf had a hand on the penis for comparison - the cudgel was even thicker than that of a stone troll.
- Well, you're hot konyashka. But you will not squeeze into me! Still tear in half! - Shire just snorted, but the penis began to darken and deflate.
So two days have passed. Sindorel ate, drank and practiced. Shire watched from his corner and did nothing special. He favorably accepted the girl's caress and snorted in response to her lisping.
In the evening of the second day, the captive habitually went to her companion, but her attention was attracted by some brilliance. Something gleamed in the gap between the two blocks. The problem was that getting to this gap was not so easy. It was necessary to squeeze between the logs, which in three layers reinforced the wall at the bottom. It was possible to get stuck, but curiosity overcame.
The elf breathed, took a deep breath, and pushed her body between the logs. She was disappointed. In the mortar-sticking mortar, a shard of useless mica glistened.
The logs suddenly snapped and squeezed the young body.
With a disappointed sigh, the girl leaned back, but could not. She is stuck. The naughty body did not want to deflate to the desired size. So the captive waited a few grave moments of reflection in an unequivocal pose. She got stuck so that her round ass protruded out, and her long legs barely reached the floor without giving reliable support.
- Konyashka! Help - not found stuck nothing better, how to call for help.
Hearing perevyuk hooves, she sighed with relief. Soon, she felt a hot breath on her ass, but Shire was in no hurry to do something.
- Get me out!
But nothing happened.
- Well, get me out!
Gentle ass touched hot tongue.
- Do not lick me, and pull out! Shouted the elf, feeling the hot process polishing her body from the labia to the sphincter ring.
At the next shout, the horse reared up, loudly squealed and slammed its hooves over the wooden logs. On a gentle ass they gave a huge head. It was so big that it was unclear what kind of hole the owner wants to take.
- Do not! I'll tear! - the girl cried, but only felt the increased pressure. Desperately sobbing, the elf put her hands back and, as she could, spread her buttocks and tried to relax.
The penis finder, deepened his penis even more strongly and pressed on the soft flesh. The green ring finally rang out and tightly engulfed the head from all sides. The walls shuddered from the deafening feminine cry.
Blissful Shire, patiently waited for his female to stop screaming and twitching. He was sure that now he would get his own.
When the screams stopped, and the horse felt that the tender flesh was already stretched enough, he moved forward a few centimeters. The answer was only a hoarse "Oh, oh, oh" below. The clever beast knew that there was nothing left before the first ring on his penis and, this time, waited much longer. Stretched to impossibility Sindorel even began to miss.
When the trunk advanced deeper, the elf felt a thickening entering her. Very hot thickening. Red hot thickening. From her screaming dust fell from the ceiling.
This time Shire did not wait. The girl under him will not calm down and not subside. He shoved the barrel deeper until a second scarlet thickening went inside the greenish body. After the third, Shire felt unprecedented pleasure. Now, his head was tightly covered with girl's ribs. He listened to the small sighs of the forest maiden, who was already incapable of screaming, and leaned back.
Tightly clamped in a narrow manhole between thick logs, the elf stretched tight on a giant member could not breathe normally. When the hot rings left her young body, she could breathe deeply, so that right there, under the pressure of a huge cudgel, with a whistle, exhale.
The hot parts of the penis were burned. Sindorel seemed to hiss when her flesh was in contact with them. Sweat rolled in a hail of overheated body. Shire only increased the pace. He furiously slapped a stuck elf. He had not had a female for so long.
Ten minutes. Twenty. Shire seemed tireless. But soon he could not stand the wild jumps. Having driven his trunk finally, so ...
as deep as he could, he was blissfully discharged. Cool boiling water filled the female insides. The jet, under great pressure, sprayed through clenched teeth, burning sponges. Sindorel only needed to hold his breath and open his mouth wider until the smoking seed flowed to the floor.
The fallen penis easily left the broken ass. Hot streams flowed along slender legs. She-Elf bitterly burst into tears. Time after time, it was used only to satisfy men's desires. Her body was a nozzle for a member.
Dry claps rang through the stall.
- Incredible! - said a lifeless voice from the aisle, - I thought you would die if not in the first five minutes then after the eruption, and you are still alive and even mumble something.
- pull me out! The captive squealed.
- No no. I need to examine you.
Shire was replaced by a lich. Bony fingers felt the buttocks, pulsating in attempts to close the sphincter and even the walls of the intestine.
- Feel me?
“Not now,” the girl replied, feeling the fingers stop groping her.
- Curious. But I put my hand on your shoulder and did not touch the walls. Well, here you have a hollow.
Light flashed. A section of logs gently flew off the wall and stood in the middle of the room. No one thought to free the maiden of the forest. Leach began to study the throat and lips.
- That's how. The legs, and the chin with the lips are swollen from the hot seed, but all the mucous are intact. Not torn or burned. And books don't lie that elves are perfect females. I even begin to regret that I am deprived of the necessary organ.
- Let me out!
- Not. I like you so much more.
The light flashed again, and the logs returned to their place.
- Have fun! And I need to think, - declared a lich and went out, not paying attention to women's screams.
Sindorel began a new life. Now the horse pecked her body up to eight times a day. That quickly it is slow, then one ring, then the entire length. One of the nights had to spend in full coupling. The horse did not want to fuck her or leave her tight body. Only in the morning he finished, making only a couple of movements. Shire was pleased with his toy. An elf who was used by all whom she could calmly reacted to her current role, but the contact of her intestine with scarlet rings on the penis of the Shire caused feelings of burning alive, and it is difficult to accept this.
- Here is a hole! - declared a lich who came in a few days, - There would be a draft here - it would have whistled to the whole castle.
- Get me out! - moaned emaciated maiden of the forest.
- I will pull out, but under one condition!
- Anything! Bring four centaurs here and let them take me four at once, just pull me out!
- You're looking for everything ready! Then come with me and do what I say!
- Good!
There were three strokes of the staff on the floor. Thrice puffed light. The body of Sindorel was cleared of horse seed, the burns on the lips, chin and thighs disappeared, the stretched, forgotten ass as it closed, returned to normal size, and the body slipped from the logs. The latter was unsuccessfully greeted by a shire, but he was not ready to do anything against the lich's staff and simply burst out with displeased neighing.
- Come after me! - threw a lich and headed for the exit.
Elf obediently seeded behind the skeleton. She was very surprised that the body, which had been clamped in an uncomfortable pose by logs for several days, did not ache and did not tremble. It looks like dead magic can bring back strength.
A short walk through the stone corridors ended in a small round hall. The floor and the ceiling were lined with torches and candles. It was the brightest room of all that Sindorel saw here. Concentric circles and incomprehensible letters were painted on the floor.
“Get inside the circle between me and the middle.”
The elf obediently stepped over the inscriptions and stood where she was ordered. Dead read the words in an unknown language. Recitative went in circles. Each new entry sounded louder, and soon the roar of the skeleton was like thunder. The girl clamped her long ears, so as not to deaf. Finally, the mantra was cut short.
At first, nothing seemed to happen, but soon, in the very center of the floor pattern, a flame was kindled. From a fiery flash came a tall humanoid creature. His legs were hooves, curved horns flaunted on his head, and his muzzle was most like a bull.
The lich said something in the same language and poked his finger at the virgin forest trembling with fear. She wanted to escape, but she could not. Each line of concentric circles on the floor was an irresistible wall for it. The man arrived, stretched out his muscular arms and pressed the elf to a hot body, unexpectedly rather pleasant than burning.
The lich discussed something with the called being for a long time. Soon, they clearly agreed, and the creature turned its attention to its hushed burden. Looking into the almond-shaped eyes, he pressed on the greenish shoulders, putting the girl on his knees. To her considerable surprise, where she was ready to swallow something meat, waited emptiness. The pubis of the creature was smooth, without a hint of a sexual organ.
After enjoying the confusion of the maiden of the forest, the horned man pushed her, so that the girl lay back on the stone slabs and snapped her fingers, sparking sparks. A flame lit up between his legs, and a procession was made from it, the size of an elf's hand from elbow to fingers, with a clenched fist of the head.
Sindorel whined. She rolled onto her stomach and tried to run away on four bones. The size did not scare her. Such penises, she knew, would fit into her about ten pieces and even the centaur would fit. Scarecrow another. The rod was dark crimson of the heated steel, and the head was red-hot.
The owner of the luminous body, leisurely grabbed the waist, vainly trying to overcome the pattern of the elf. He lifted her to the required level and, with a sweep, planted a young body on her body so that the elastic ass loudly slapped on the stomach, and froze.
Sindorel could not scream. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish’s, but she made no sound. Eyes climbed from orbit. A hail of tears rolled down my cheeks. Her guts twisted and smoked like meat on a spit.
- Do not be afraid! - the lich said, - Your body will not suffer. You can make a fire in your offal and nothing will happen.
Hearing this, the elf finally sobbed loudly. As if waiting for this as a call to start, horned, took off the bat. Loud slaps spread through the nearby corridors. Elastic greenish buttocks dispersed in waves with each blow. The pace is increasing.
After a few minutes, which seemed to the forest maiden over the years, the creature's skin began to glow. In her opinion, the impossible happened - the pace increased even more. The girl stopped feeling how the red-hot head was pushing her flesh — the speed was so great that the walls of the intestine did not have time to take shape before the penis returned.
When the glow filled the whole room, the horned one made the last push and stopped. To the surprise of Sindorel, ready for a burst of lava that exploded in strength, which would score straight through her throat, nothing spilled into her. The flames inside the ass went out. The penis has disappeared. Mighty fingers unclenched, releasing their prey.
The elf fell to the floor, curled up and let loose tears. Her ass was still smoking, and there were two huge dark green bruises on her waist, in the shape of her paws.
The lich shouted something and clapped his hands. The creature laughed loudly. The dead man, obviously puzzled by this laughter, froze in place. An unbearably glowing half-man pointed his finger at the skeleton and shouted two words. From the tip of the finger fell fiery tape. The tape wrapped the dry bones, instantly burned the black hoodie and pulled the dead man into the center of the circle.
The lich desperately resisted. Continuously sounded strange words and flashed the staff. At some point, it seemed that he would be able to break free, but the fire ribbon bent and twisted the staff. He broke out and fell on the stone with large gray flakes.
When the muscular arms touched the white bones, both creatures disappeared in a powerful flash of light, leaving only a handful of ashes and an elf sobbing on the floor.
A light smoke from a tiny fire, barely noticeably rose into the sky. Sindorel was cold, but she did not want to risk it. A larger bonfire could attract the attention of anyone. Miraculously, getting out of the castle. Miraculously, sneaking past the goblins, the girl reached the centaur camp on the edge of a dark forest. There was nothing here, and the elf was starving for a week. Weakness spread over the muscles, I wanted to sleep more and more.
The distant clatter of hooves became the sound of hope. Three armored border guards burst into the parking lot. Having made several circles around the exhausted maiden of the forest, they stopped and bowed in a salute.
- Do you have food? - the naked girl has rushed in feet.
- We now do not take supplies reconnaissance. Sorry, one of the centaurs said dryly.
Sindorel crawled under the feet of the nearest semi-horse. Her palms closed on the centaur's sluggish penis and began to put him on alert. Dumbfounded by a bay, only stepped back legs.
- And the comrades did not lie! Said the blissful centaur cheerfully, whose flesh had already risen and was now violently polished with a wet tongue. The girl could not take such a cudgel in a tiny mouth, so she had to stick her tongue out and hastily lick a huge cudgel. Feeling that her partner is ready, the elf pressed her lips to the hole at the end of the penis. Often swallowing, she tried not to shed a single drop of fat seed, but the jet was powerful, and part of the white liquid spread over the girl’s chin, neck and breasts. Diligently gathering everything with her finger, she sent everything she could get into her mouth and, smiling blissfully, got out from under the horse's body.
Sindorel did not need invitations, she herself lay down on the stone slab with her stomach and she herself ran her hands through the rope loops. She even told the guards how much she should be tied to the stone. The elf did not even sob when the first of the centaurs burst into her ass, without any lubrication. Her stomach sang with joy, finally getting food and the girl was more likely to sleep than something depressing. Even continuous fucking with horse clubs of alternating centaurs did not prevent the maiden of the forest from sleeping all night.
Already in the morning the elf jumped up on the back of a fast galloping half-horse. Their path lay to their native forest. Home.