Near the city of New Castle, a rectangular building, the Temple Building, was erected. There, young templars practice in the skill and ministry. In the future, they will be able to become Knights of the Temple. And if - if they approve of the Bright Mages, then the Paladins. Although, in this case, the oath is taken again, both to the Magicians and to the Pontiff ... But, these are details. It is considered that the high post is prepared by the steadiest, purest and most skilled of all fighters.
Behind the New Castle, not visible to many, are the ruins of the Old Castle, where the servants live. Of course, the ruins were restored to an acceptable living type, but respectable grandees do not live there. Disdain. So the whole servants' castle went away.
In this morning, from the courtyard of the Temple Complex, there were shouts and thuds.
From early morning, young fighters practiced on the training ground. At least fifteen people. The instructor kept a sharp eye on the action, and fourteen guys, breaking up into groups, were cut with each other with training swords. Despite the warm weather, all were wearing special sleeves and training helmets. Wooden swords and shields made a hollow sound with each blow.
- Relf, take on the shield, then answer, do not try to fend off, man! - shouted the instructor, - Jacques, do not be afraid, breech shield, substitute a blow! Then you will repair ha - ha!
Repair training weapons, also included in the duties of young templar.
- Julius, do not be afraid, move away from protection, otherwise, they will not let you hit! - the teacher walked around the perimeter of the site, covered with fine gravel.
I watched the fight a little more, seeing that the players were getting tired.
“Enough,” this voice even outstripped the command of the teacher-instructor.
From the shade of the trees on the training field made a middle-aged, but wiry man of medium height. He was dressed in a camisole, on top of which was attached a cape with a multi-cross cross. It was Mentor Conrad, one of the knights of the Temple.
“There is persistence in you, young man,” remarked Konrad, who nodded his instructor to his head bowed courteously, “However, there is little fuse and enthusiasm for a successful result. Here you learn to take a punch and respond to a punch. But the one who will be hard to strike, he will lose. To exhaust the opponent is one tactic. Breaking his shield is a decisive tactic. Use the first or second in the standings. At this step, you have enough initial skills.
Konrad waved his hand.
- Finish, Brask! There is still time before the “small parade”, let the guys eat and take a break.
“Small parade”, Relf straightened his helmet. So called the event, when particularly important guests came to see the temple recruits. Once or twice a month this happened. Before serious parades happened three times. The graphs and barons did not miss the chance to glance at the future knights. This especially flattered their young wives and concubines. Well, the Templar Mentors were not against the demonstration of the wards.
Evil tongues claimed that influential people took away some recruits for an audience ... But, Relf did not believe the rumors. And there was no evidence of this. How many stories does the yard fill up with? The future Knights of the Temple, this is the prop of the throne and the elite!
Laughing and chattering, they followed the instructor. Jokingly saluted the gatekeepers, in the clothes of the Temple and entered the armory, going down the stairs, damp from the dew. It was a training room filled with not real weapons. Actually, not even a room, but a basement hall with a low ceiling. There, the guys took off their defenses, removed their weapons and shields, pulled on their shirts and moved towards the dining room, along a rather narrow corridor lit by lampadas. The corridor is looped. On the way came across closed rooms. One of the doors was shackled with metal - the food warehouse of the Temple. In front of the stairs leading up there was another reinforced door, near which two guards towered with idleness. It was an armory, filled with real, not fake weapons. Further, the pleasant smell of cooking dishes brought the guys straight to the kitchen.
Cook, just left the room. The guys conducted a young girl with their views. According to the statute, a woman should not be located next to the young templar. Not as a servant. Not as another student of the Temple. Although, the strict charter did not comply ...
There were rumors about women - Knights of the Temple, but it was gossip, which has little faith.
“Mainley brought us food today,” one of the guys remarked when the girl disappeared.
“The shy Manly is still that little thing,” the other chuckled.
- Ha! She herself, as a boy, - the third waved his arms, - Did you see her chest and ass?
- She has a nice face.
- And freckles?
- Do not spoil at all, Julius, at all!
The guys settled in a large room at one of the empty tables. At the stove the chief cook hosted. He cooked something and watched in parallel how the boar, cut into pieces, was fried on a spit. Looks like cooking dinner for guests.
Young templars were fed more poorly: vegetable soup, freshly baked bread, a bit of corned beef, onions, and a bitter herbal tea in wooden mugs. However, the diet was quite satisfying. Reasons to grumble in unpretentious templar was not.
The guys did not sit long. Another group was coming soon. Outside the window, the sounds of training were clearly heard. In total, four groups of fighters were simultaneously engaged. At the "small parade" must attend all. While there is time, it was necessary to take a break, check the exit form, get dressed and wait for a preliminary review from the responsible Mentor. He estimated the quality of the form and appearance and gave his verdict to the fighters.
Time passed surprisingly quickly. And even the old Kovlet did not “reject” anyone, with a wave of his hand, saying that you should walk in a crowd.
The main hall was crowded. Two groups are already lined up. Relf took his place. Comrades froze nearby. Here is the final group. It seems not all here ... But the majority.
On the perimeter of the hall, all four responsible Mentors, with their weapons, froze.
Upstairs, on the balcony, where the eyes of all those present were fixed, steps rang out. The head of the Temple Corps, Lord Kraisley, looked around the hall with his eagle eye and nodded slightly. As one, those present lifted their arms to their chests in greeting and lowered them again. Kraisley nodded again and went out. After some time, there were many sounds of footsteps and Kraisley returned with the nobles accompanying him.
Among them were several ladies. A slight sigh swept through the hall when the guys saw Madame Julian. There were legends about her. A sleek and graceful lady looking pretty young. She had a deep cleavage, almost not hiding appetizing and large breasts. Wide hips were distinguishable through the necklines of the dress. And this is despite the fact that she loved to expose a solid part of the back. Her dress only emphasized the body. In the dark hair was removed high comb. Eyes shot, highlighting some of the students. His gaze lingered on Relfe. The guy felt his excitement and ... Did you notice a smile on her face?
But, completely his eyes captivated another person. It was a fair-haired girl, a sophisticated physique. Her face attracted and fascinated. Innocent, big eyes, as if asking for protection. The dress was expensive and combined white, silver, blue, with a thin scarlet belt. Glittered in her hair .
diadem in the form of a crown. Without doubt, Ferinda Kantirian, the daughter of the king and one of his five heirs, appeared before the templars.
Everyone knelt down. The head of the Temple Corps looked inquiringly at the princess. She inclined her head slightly.
- Stand up! - loudly commanded the head.
All straightened again.
It seemed to Relf, but the Mentors slightly shifted their short swords. Although only four of those present were armed, the Mentors' vigilance increased a hundredfold, in the presence of a royal blood person.
Then, other “guests” also looked at the templars. However, the consciousness of Relf was occupied by Ferinda. This girl, as if asked to be protected ... Although, she did not need to ask! For her, would give life to all in the Corps! She seemed to be an unearthly being that descended from heaven ...
The review ended when the "guests" left the balcony. The head of the Corps returned and waved his hand: disperse.
Relf, like everyone else, was going to his barracks, when suddenly he was called out.
Rustling dress, the guy caught up with the girl. She was dressed like a maid of honor. Without another word, she took the surprised guy by the hand:
- Come on. Mistress wants to see you.
Relfe flinched. Is the princess herself?
The girl escorted him to one of the corridors. They descended the stairs. For some time they were making their way through the deserted basement halls, until they came to an inconspicuous door. With a grin, the girl removed the key from her neckline and unlocked the door.
Relfe stepped into a lush garden. It was a real maze of bushes and fragrant flowers ...
But, the girl did not give time to admire the garden. She closed the door and also led Reulf by the hand through the nooks of the garden to a new door that led to one of the buildings of the castle. The guy flinched. Imagination painted bold pictures.
Perhaps there was a conspiracy and the princess is looking for such honest people like him ...
The girl led him through a richly decorated corridor to a patterned door, with personal emblems and invited him to enter.
“Wait until the lady invites you.” You are free to have a bite, ”the lady said and closed the doors.
Relf marveled at the decoration of the room. Silks. Tapestries. Gold. He sat down on the sofa and looked reproachfully at the table with a vase of fruit and a full glass of fragrant drink. Time flowed slowly. Relfe ate a couple of fruit and drank sweetly - sour, tonic drink. He was amazed at the surge of energy. It seemed that he was filled with power ... And, awkward was at once the excited member. Relfe reddened. But he did not wait too long.
- Come in! - a powerful voice came from behind another decorated door.
Relf approached and easily unlocked the door.
Then he started, swallowed and barely closed the door behind him, seeing the unprecedented.
In front of him was not a princess, but a frivolously dressed Madame Juliana, seated in an armchair. She was almost completely naked. And, strange pictures of intercourse with her were drawn in his mind. Madame mysteriously smiled, looking at the guy from her likeness "throne".
Madame Juliana spread her chiseled legs. Her dense body appeared in all its glory. Legs, knees, hips, protruding labia, slightly parted from the strain. Tight ring anus. The stomach is drawn in because of the imposing pose. Heavy breasts crowned large nipples. Thin, graceful hands rests on the chair. Shoulders raised. Crowning a long neck, the head attracts an aristocratic face, covered with a grimace of vice. The hair is dark, long, curly. The skin is elastic. Tight ass hidden large chair.
“Come on,” she said, and the young man, as if hypnotized, stood beside her.
- OU! - her hands felt the trousers appreciatively, - Yes, you have a riser!
- Let's look at this handsome man! - she unbuckled the belt and let down her pants, freeing a tense organ and a large scrotum with testicular ovals, - There is something to work on!
Madame Juliana licked her full lips and leaned over to the very crown of his penis, warming him with warmth of breath. Her left hand was already massaging eggs. The penis was tense, through the halo peeped through the blue - crimson head. The woman opened her mouth and put out her tongue covered with saliva and licked the whisk. Then she grunted and pressed her lips to the rim in a strange kiss, put her tongue under the foreskin.
- Ahh! You are under the skin! - the guy started up.
She grunted and began to turn her tongue. Penis finely trembled. For a long time the guy will not last - Madame noted to herself. Her vagina, too, began to moisten. But it is too early. She pulled her tongue out from under the skin and grabbed the whisk with her teeth, squeezing a little. Member flinched. The head was filled with excitement. Large eggs pulled up to the body. The organ took a “martial” position and prepared to pour out a viscous seed at any one time.
- Mhm! - she began to move her jaw to the right - left, massaging the whisk with her teeth.
- I finish! - the guy arched, gasped more often and ... Julina held out the head rim with her teeth. However, the member was already twitching, shooting a seed under the fold of the foreskin. Relf groaned when experienced hands began to walk along the trunk of his penis and squeeze the eggs, as if squeezing the seed into the fold of flesh. After making sure that the intensity had subsided, Juliana tightly wrapped her head in her lips and put a organ in her mouth in one mouthful.
She felt the taste of semen and the smegma floating in it. Trying not to choke, she completely exposed the head and began to actively swallow the seed-filled mouth. When her mouth was a little empty, she began to work with her tongue, with her hands holding the butt of the guy trying to move away. It seems he was unpleasant. But soon the pleasure was replaced by discomfort. She gave a retreat, only when the member again hardened and rested his head in the sky.
Relf pulled away, freeing the body from close, oral captivity. At first, the trunk slowly emerged, then the folds of the shifted flesh ...
With a chomping sound, a large, purple head left the female mouth. From the tongue to the startling member stretched a string of saliva. The guy looked at his body in surprise.
- H - H - what!
“Oh, just do not tell me that you didn’t know that the head can be bare,” Julian smiled.
- This is ... Head?
“Well, yes,” Juliana raised an eyebrow, “And from this place, the hole where it forks, a seed appears.” It plays an important role in obtaining offspring and procreation ... Come on, I will show you where the children come from and how they can be produced. You do not know?
- Uh ... I do not know much about this ...
- True? “Julian was laughed,” “Sorry, it’s not over you ... How do you live there in the Temple Corps?” You do not know how to masturbate too?
- Well ... It is ... I know this ... - the boy hesitated, - Once with Brother Zhiom we watched the maids bathe ... Although part of the river was fenced off there, but we saw and general experienced arousal. Then he offered to take off his pants and stroke each other's organs ...
- And ... - Julian concentratedly rubbed the bridge of her nose, - You just limited yourself to chafing?
- Well, yes ... Then the girls got dressed and returned to the Old Castle. And Jiom and I moved to daily trainings. Then there were many more times when I rubbed ... Watching my sister Marie, when she lectured us, rubbed under the table. Then, when Brother Varrav brought pictures with naked girls, he rubbed ... Often at night, if he had not exhausted in a day. But, I never knew that it could be so ... Although I saw it a couple of times, but I did not know how ...
- Do ... - Julina shook her head - Difficult case! Need to rehabilitate ... And on Lady Ferinda, you also juggled?
- N - no! Lady, this is our holy mother, who grants the meaning of our being! Otherwise, why beat our hearts! - blurted out the guy, taking a proud pose.
“That's yes ...” Julian slyly winked. “That's for sure.” Here, only this purity is not for you.
Juliana took the guy by the tense cock, spread her legs and, smiling mysteriously, opened the other lips with her other hand.
- Like the view? - She slightly moved her ass to clearly show the outlines of the labia minora, the entrance to the vagina and even the urethra.
Yes - and! - a member of the guy jerked once, another, three ...
- Hey! It is too early! - Julian abruptly intercepted the organ at the base, not letting come, - It's too early! First you will enter me.
She led him closer, holding the organ, and then pulled the twitching penis to the labia. The dick was hot, and her gut glowed too, wanting to sit on that peak of flesh. However, she led the head to the labia and started tapping lightly. Flattering sounds filled the room. Then, the woman moved the organ in its soft, pinkish flesh, richly lubricating the secreted juices. Noticing a large drop on the head, she sighed and herself introduced the organ into the exhausted inside. A large head with a kind of tension slid inside. Julina herself leaned forward, sitting down to the limit.
- Wow ... How resilient it is!
- Mhh ...
- How do you like to be inside a woman? She asked, squinting.
- This is ... Warm and pleasant you ... - he trembled - Like massaging me with yourself!
- Yes. - Julina tightened her vaginal muscles.
- Oh - y - y! - the guy tried to pull away, but she wrapped her legs.
- Will you keep me? - She whispered, leaning forward, freeing herself from the remnants of a thin peignoir and wrapping her arms around him.
He nodded convulsively.
Then she hung on him, fully putting on the penis, almost entered the womb. Feeling a hot young body under herself, she began to move up and down, as if in a jump. Her buttocks tightly clasped powerful hands. And her arms wound around the guy's neck. The room began to fill the sounds of smacking. She sped up the jump, feeling the tension of a partner. He began to actively move his hips. His face reddened. Member stiffened. A little more and ...
Suddenly, Relf gently laid her on a comfortable chair, trembling with his whole body, drew a member with a squishing sound and at the same time fired. Tense organ furiously pulsating began to spew seed fountains on the body of Julian. For a second, this spectacle lured her ... But she quickly gathered herself, sat down and planted her mouth on another organ that was trembling. She began to actively suck, not allowing the member to fall off and massaging the eggs that were pressed to the base of the organ. Her work had an effect. The organ again took up the fighting position, with the head up.
- Hu - hu, - Julina turned over gracefully on the chair, turning her back to the guy, - Will you try to ram my other hole?
She dug her hands into her own buttocks and parted them showing off the opened vagina and ajar anus ring. It, as if beckoned to check its own elasticity.
Relf swallowed, feeling like a member twitching, wanting to penetrate this hole.
He poked his head into the soft petals. Juliana gasped, releasing some more grease. Rubbing a member, the guy brought it to the back of the girl and began to enter. The large head experienced resistance, but was quickly absorbed. The organ slowly entered in half, and then simply plunged into the cramped ass of Juliana. The guy stopped only when his eggs touched thick labia. A member was in the heat.
“How ... This is ... indecent ..." muttered Relf, blissful.
“In love, there is little decency,” said Julian cautiously.
The woman leaned slightly forward, easily releasing the organ to the head, then moved back again, driving it into the warmth of the anus. Relf was ready to finish again. He literally plopped onto Julian’s back and, with redoubled forces, began to hammer at her.
A member of fairly free rammed ass women. Judging by the chomping sounds, there was already some kind of lubricant. Relf felt that he was ending, but he overcame himself and began to fuck even more. Moaning with excitement, such a desirable female body turned him on. With the last movements, erupting inside Juliana, he felt that he was satisfied. A member wearily slipped out of the anus, followed by the white streams of his seed.
Julina immediately turned around and sucked the organ with her insatiable mouth. When the penis left the woman’s mouth, Relf saw that the head was hidden again, the organ itself was only twitching weakly.
“Enough for today,” Juliana rose from her chair, “I do not set out to make you dry.” And you still have a lot to do.
“Mgm ...” Relf nodded uncertainly, “Uh ... Thank you, Lady Juliana!”
“Thank you, Relf,” she smiled, “My boy.”
As soon as the door closed, Juliana leaned tiredly against the warm and durable wood. She slid the bolt. Then, with a flying gait, she walked over to a large mirror, looking at the naked body covered with drying seed. Hastily she returned to the chair, positioned it in front of the mirror, then set the chair with an edge, spread her leg so that the rounded back buried her in her crotch and sank onto the bezel with a burning womb.
She began to frantically rub against the back, covering it with her own mucus and sperm, still flowing from the anus. She actively worked her hips, transferring weight to her calves and rubbing herself. Unfortunately, the guy could not give her real pleasure ... But, this is not surprising, given his poor experience. And, quite fixable. He will come again. Juliana saw her twin in the mirror begin to twitch convulsively with every movement.
“I’m finishing,” she “sang” to no one. In the mirror it was noticeable, as the moisture plentifully flowed between her labia. The clitoris is clearly out of the folds of the skin. The woman was trembling, keeping her balance. Then, she set the chair and smiled to herself.