Soon the pavement was replaced by grown lawn and sand. He stopped, watching the light fading away.
“Impressive,” said a voice nearby.
He turned around. There was a woman a little distance away. In appearance she was about thirty years old. Eyes are hidden by glasses. The hair is long, dark. And still ridiculous, not according to the weather raincoat. In these go in the fall ... However, maybe she has good reason for that? Who knows who knows...
“Impressive,” the guy nodded.
“There are places from which it is more convenient to watch the sunset,” she said, “Interested?”
“Why not,” the guy shrugged.
The woman slowly moved in the direction of the fitness center. Watching her low-heeled shoes leave footprints in the sand, the guy followed him. Once again, the pavement stuck under the feet. They descended from the lighted part of the street to the square, behind the fitness center.
Because of the bushes and trees, the sunset was barely visible.
“Hey, this is clearly not the place to admire the views!” - cautiously noticed the guy. He even looked around. Is anyone hiding in the thickets? He reproached himself for rashness.
“It depends on what kinds,” the woman remarked with a grin, deftly unbuttoning her cloak under which there was no other clothing.
- Eh ... - the guy was fascinated by eating the body with his eyes, quite distinguishable in the still twilight, - X - at least name your name ...
- Why do you need to know my name? - the woman smiled and her pleasant face became lustful - ominous. Eyes slightly flashed scarlet because of the glasses ... Or is it a play of light and shadow in the lenses? Her whole body, under the raincoat tricky bondage. The scarlet rope wrapped around her neck, went below, covering her breasts, weaving on her tucked up belly with cunning knots, going down, covering even the folds of the genital lips. The guy drew attention to strong legs and quite muscular arms. Sports lady. From this and not run away, even if you wish.
She let the cloak fall on the sand. Now, one could appreciate her whole body. For example, the breast of a woman was small, but elastic. It is pleasant to squeeze such in hands, as each of the breasts will be able to fit in the palm of your hand Standing with her back, the woman spread her legs, bent, showing an open anus and vagina, oozing juice. Large labia parted lips, exposing small and pink. She put her foot on the decorative wall, sagging lower and turned around, slightly raising her flesh with her fingers, showing a protruding clitoris, a barely discernible opening of the urethra and a tense entrance into the depths of her body.
- Are you ready to fuck me? - She asked, once again straightening, but expressively behind the ass.
Of course, the guy felt excited, it began to roll a long time ago. But...
- N - not quite! - the guy shook like an aspen leaf, - This is not normal! You're a pervert!
In fact, he was not eager to have sex on the street ... Even if it was a warm, evening street of the summer city.
- Blame yourself! - laughed the lady.
She picked up her cloak and deftly pulled it back, putting her hands in her pockets.
The guy turned to just leave, when suddenly:
- Hey, wait a minute!
Of course, he turned back to the voice when the electric shocker had already touched his bare hand. His body cramped and he collapsed on the sand.
For a while he lost consciousness ... Or did it just seem?
His body was naked ... and stiff.
And where did she have the rope from? Removed from yourself? She knitted him dexterously, even gagged, using a white handkerchief as a gag. After making sure that he breathes normally through his nose, the woman helped him to his feet. It was still difficult to walk, but she helped him, making sure that he did not fall. It seems that she packed his clothes in a bag ... Otherwise, where did she get her impressive bag, which wasn’t with the lady earlier? She led him into the building of the newly constructed fitness center - the Foyer, gleaming with fresh paint. There was a smell of some perfume in the air. Under the feet was a thick polymer floor. It did not take too long to go. They reached the locker room. At the end of a rather spacious room there was a shower and it was clearly used by someone. The woman deftly unfolded it and locked it into a cramped, metal box. She closed the door only after she threw a cunning loop on the penis and massaged it, making it excited. The guy saw the woman grin at him goodbye and quickly left the room. The center door slammed: the woman came out.
The guy pulled the shackles. Nothing succeeded. He banged his forehead into the cold metal of the door.
Well, locked up. However ... He felt the breath of air ... And not only through the vent. The dick was outside! Someone had done a hole in the drawer, enough for the excited organ to be outside. The member quivered, from the surging blood. How awkward ... Stop! Hole in the metal box! Did someone use it for the same purpose? And, apparently not once.
The shower stopped making noise. The guy heard voices. For good luck, these were female voices. Although, how to look: he was lucky or not.
When the girls, negligee entered the room, he noticed that one of them was a blonde, and the other a brunette. Sporty enough folded. The first one has a more refined build, and the second one is slightly lower and denser, but it has voluminous hips and large breasts. Persons were moderately cute. It is evident that the girls take care of themselves, although nature has not cheated them. The member jerked from what he saw, the voices were silent, an awkward pause hung.
- Is that ... Fuck? - the first girl raised an eyebrow.
“Mhm ...” answered the Second, bursting the cud.
- Uh ... Real and live horseradish? - clarified the first girl.
“Definitely,” the second one sucked the gum.
- He had never attached to the locker before ... - grinning, First went to the metal shelter, - Well, get a pervert!
She loudly slapped hand, forcing a member to jump. It was painful. But at the same time...
“How he twitches,” remarked the Second.
- Get more! - followed by a few poppy slaps.
- Look, he was stupid! - poked the second finger.
From the blows, the organ became even more agitated and a large head was exposed.
- What are you, kayfuesh there? - the first one was alarmed, - Look how you got up!
She moved to another drawer and opened it, removing two purses. erotic stories One - flopped on a bench next to the second, and the second unbuttoned. Rummaging in her purse, took out her phone and took a couple of shots. The second, also removed the phone and began to shoot. Not too nice selfie.
- Wait a minute! - First visited the idea. She returned to the locker and hung her purse on the dick.
The organ jerked excitedly, the benefit of which was that the bag weighed almost nothing.
- It's good! - remarked the second, chomping gum and taking off.
The first rummaged in her pocket and took out a pencil and shower gel:
- Check it out! - she poured the liquid on the penis. White gel, like sperm became tight drops drip onto the floor.
- At - at - oh! - remarked the second, putting his hand between the legs and gently massaging the panties, - Teku!
- No no! - The first one rubbed the gel and put it on the pencil, on the back side, - Look! ..
She held a pencil to the quivering organ and, with a smirk, shoved it into the urethra with its smooth, backside. There was a dull pain. Pencil inexorably entered, forcing the guy to grumble. The urethra burned from the tool that expanded it. With the other hand, the First felt the member, adjusting the progress of the pencil. He entered almost on the slate, causing a burning sensation and itching, in everything, a member unaccustomed to such treatment. But, the excitement has not decreased. The girl admired her decision and slightly drove her hand around the penis, exciting the organ even more.
- Focus - pokus! - laughed Second.
The first took up the pencil and carefully began to remove the pencil. With a barely audible champ, he left the penis. A pencil of grease stretched behind the pencil. The organ burned away from the used gel. But, the First was inexorable. She brought the bottle to the member.
- Get it! - she inserted the tip of the dispenser into the urethra and splashed out the gel. The member was twitching. Part of the gel spilled back.
But it was not important, the pencil again entered the urethra, easily and to the full depth. Then, she began to ram the insides of a member with this semblance of a urethral dilator. Inward - outward, inward - outward, inward ... A member stiffened, veins swelled and a pencil twitched.
“Give me the magazine,” laughed First.
- What for? - reasonably asked the second.
- Come on!
The plump folder was cured from the Second's handbag and ended up in the hands of the First. She sat down at the locker, took a member like a writing instrument and began to print something on paper. The guy felt that he would not last long ... He moaned. The organ began to twitch stronger, tightly clamped by manicured fingers ...
- Here, this is my painting, and now ... - The first did not finish. A wave of semen struck her fingers. She screamed in surprise. Pencil flew out of the member and with a thud fell to the floor. On the magazine and on the surprised face of the girl flew tight, translucent drops.
Strange, but she did not let the cock start, caressing him.
Although, soon the body wilted. A bag with a dull sound fell to the floor. The body, slightly trembling, pouring out the remaining drops on the wall of the locker and purse. The second went into a fit of laughter:
- Would you see your face! - She shouted, - Although, I have everything written down!
- Stupid member! - The first one struck with a palm over a slightly sagging organ.
The organ jerked. The second one got up from her seat and gave the phone to the First:
“My turn,” she said, “Check it out!”
The girl pushed aside her tight pigtails of black hair. She lifted the organ and opened the puffy lips with a picture that swallowed him. First, the reduced head, then the twitching “body” of the organ, and so on, until it rested against the metal of the locker.
- Wow! - noticed the first one with one hand holding the phone and the other trying to break free from the bikini
The second fell back, slowly removing from the mouth a hardened and trembling organ, with a crowned, swollen, pink head that seemed to caress its tongue. The head itself left the mouth with a light "chpok", reluctantly falling out.
Both girls laughed.
The second one grabbed the organ at the very base and began to sit on it with its mouth, occasionally issuing chomping sounds. As far as the locker could be seen, her second hand was operating between her legs, caressing her crotch.
- Chaw! Chomp! Chomp! - came from below, - Wed - p - rp! Cham ...
Member excited to the extreme and was again ready to issue the flow of semen. But the girl felt it and looked slyly into the ventilation slot at the top of the drawer. She squeezed the organ at the base and pulled it out of her mouth, watching as it pulsed. After waiting some time, she licked her other hand and began to play with the head, massaging it with her fingers, then with the palm, to switch the pleasure. Periodically, she took a break, giving the body a rest.
- Oh! Wow! Oooh! - it came to the hearing of the guy and, switching the attention, he saw that the First one no longer removes, but masturbates, stretching the legs indecently and dropping off her panties. She settled on a bench so that you could see as much as possible from the locker. Fingers of a girl with champs rubbed a wet crotch. From this sight a member almost jumped out of the box.
The second bit her teeth into the pinkish flesh of the head, causing some pain and forcing the excitement to recede. She continued to orally rape the organ, forcing it to pour out streams of lubricant.
The first one was completely absorbed in her own feelings, almost raping herself with her hand. Her blond curls scattered over her shoulders. The mouth was opened in the shape of the letter "o". She rode on her arm, moving back and forth on the bench, spreading her legs apart. Bench tapped. But the girl did not care. Low breasts crowned with hardened nipple beads jumped in time with the hostess. Fingers continued to caress the bosom, plunging half into the pinkish, expiring juice of the subsoil, they rubbed the clitoris.
The girl was exhausted. She trembled all over, it seems that the girl caught an orgasm.
Here something narrow and wet touched a member. The guy saw how the Second, spreading his legs, attached himself to the organ, introducing it into himself ... He felt how they were playing with him and, behold, the head slipped into moist, cramped and relief bowels that began to compress the organ, introducing deeper.
- Hey! - Gave voice, - What are you doing?
- M - m - m! Nice - the Second responded.
- “Fly” want?
- Not really...
The first rummaged in her long-suffering purse and removed the contraceptive from the pocket.
She got on her knees, in front of the blissful Second, in spite of the protests, took a member out of her. Deftly pulled the "gum" on the body. I processed it with a tongue, sucked it a couple of times in my mouth and returned it back to a warm womb. The second accelerated the pace of movement, and the first took up her clitoris, processing tongue excited place. However, the guy could only assume the whole picture. The review was closed to him by the second hair jumping on the organ.
For a long time this could not go on and now, the member convulsively twitched, pouring into the condom, which was tightly compressed by the girl. She enjoyed a little more spasms of the organ and the caresses of her friend, and only then withdrew from the penis, removing both the organ itself and the contraceptive filled with semen. The first immediately wrapped its mouth in a white, latex-covered head floating in white discharge. She stubbornly refused to give rest to the “instrument”.
- You're not going to ... - the beginning was the second, but the first bit through a thin film, pouring the contents of the condom into your mouth.
Then, the girl got up and did something from which the guy's cock got up again. She clung to the mouth of her friend, sharing with her the white substance. Both met in a passionate kiss. Then, covering the body of the Second with kisses, the First one sank down and smacked sounds. Judging by the moans, the second was very excited. Unable to withstand such pressure, she trembled all over and pressed her friend's head to her groin. After a while she relaxed.
- That was great!
“I know,” the first one got to her feet, wiping her mouth.
- He still has ... - remarked the second.
- Let, I waved First, - He has a long night ahead.
Both again visited the shower, then returned to the room, got dressed, and, not paying attention to the sounds from the locker, left the room. As they left, they turned off the light.
The guy was left alone with sad thoughts. The cunning knot allowed him to finish, but he kept the organ in an excited state, not letting it fall. How much will he hang around like that? When they notice him ...
Suddenly, the front door slammed and footsteps echoed down the corridor. Judging by the sound, it was a woman. She walked along the corridor, first passing through the dressing room, opening one of the adjacent doors. Then the footsteps came back and the lights flashed again in the dressing room.
- ABOUT! - There was a surprised exclamation. It seems that she noticed "innovation".
“What have we got here?” Pervert?
The woman came out in the foreseeable sector and the guy saw that she was wearing strict clothes that looked like uniforms. A woman of medium ...
years old. Smart and even sophisticated face. Big lips. Sparkles glitter in the eyes. The figure of her, dense build, has powerful hips and a strong ass. However, a large chest "balanced" it, giving the body some kind of completeness. Gate strict shirt undone. There are dark jeans and boots on their feet.
- Thought that you will give away for free? - She smiled, putting his hands on his hips and looking at the penis, - Now I'm going to the dining room, take the pepper ... Do you see? Do you think what will happen if a little sypanut on your "unit"? Come on, come out without delay!
The guy screamed.
- Do not want? - She said with reproach, - Well, I'm for pepper ...
He screamed harder and began to beat on the box.
Realizing that there is a strange situation, the lady - the guard pulled the door locker. Nothing. Then she unzipped another button and removed the spare key from the cleavage, which she opened the door with.
“Fig yourself ...” she rounded her eyes, “Is that who you are?”
Naturally, she was unable to achieve anything until she untied her mouth.
“N - I don’t know, some kind of abnormal ...” answered the guy.
“Hm,” the lady fumbled with his hands tied, “I see.” Here it happens sometimes. A couple of times faced with similar. However, there were perverts, nobody tied them up.
She began to untie his legs, dropping to her knees. Slightly hesitated with the rope that entangled the member. The boy flushed, feeling the gentle hands touching his body.
- By the way ... Since you are here ... - the fingers pulled off the rope, but they began to massage the organ itself, - I helped you, but will you help me?
- What? - swallowed the guy.
- Slightly brighten up a lonely evening? - the lady pulled the skin to the base, forcing the body to stand up to its full length. Her mouth greedily covered the head, sucking it inside. The tongue began to caress the excited flesh, trying to penetrate straight into the urethra.
- M ... La - a - adno ... - stretched the guy, feeling his hands gently twist his tongue playing with an excited organ.
- Smack! - The lady removed the term for a while, - That's great.
She returned to her oral work, but took off her strict shirt and, undoing the bodice, allowed her breasts to fall out. The guy could not resist, slightly bent and began to knead the chest, forcing the lady to moan from the rolling excitement. She began to move a little faster, however, changing the technique of caress, so that the guy did not finish ahead of time. Once again, removing the fat organ from her mouth, the lady pulled away and unbuckled the belt.
She took a condom out of a bag attached to her belt and put it in her mouth. Then, she pulled the "gum" on the rised organ, with the help of her mouth. Reluctantly, she released a latex squeezed cock and unzipped her own pants. Pants slid to the floor, exposing the buttocks and thighs. Lace panties fell down as well. Crowned all the bra. The lady clung to the guy, sucking him in a strong kiss. Their tongues woven together.
- M - m - m! - she said, tapping herself on the thigh with an excited organ, like a strong, rubber beater.
The lady turned her back, slightly arched, so that the guy could see the fold and large, strong ass. Not long thinking, he drove the organ between the labia. Lubricated with saliva and self-lubrication, the condom penetrated without much difficulty. The guy pressed, feeling how the body squeezes deeper, squeezed and stimulated by the walls. The body twisted beneath him, the lady moaned. Soon he was able to move inside fairly easily, making pleasant both frictions.
- Oh - y - y! - issued a lady, podmahivaya him, - Yes - a - a ...
After a while, he felt that he was ending. The woman climbed down from him, removing the organ and the contraceptive poured in with the seed, and, sitting down opposite, began to masturbate to complete her agitation. She lovingly looked at the twitching cock, squeezed by the hand of the guy.
Feeling a little relief, after being satisfied, he looked away at the room with a distant look and caught the oddity. All the lockers had a hole, like an embrasure ... Approximately at the level ... His penis was tense. No ... It can not be! Have they specifically made a fitness center here for this purpose? But who and why? Although, “why” is understandable. But such means! He involuntarily shuddered when he saw a weighty package with his own clothes, not far from the entrance. The reaction of the body only complemented his impulse. He tensed and not paying attention to the lustful sounds jerked naked to the front door, grabbing the bag with belongings.
There was a surprised and protesting cry from behind ... However, it was unstoppable. He reached the glass door with a bolt of lightning. Lucky that she was not locked. Just briskly, he ran onto a deserted beach, hiding behind a package. It remained only to find a place to change clothes. But it seemed to him that he too simply left the building. Maybe the doors just did not lock? From the building of a fitness center, threatening female cries were heard ...