We wait...
What are we waiting for, whom we stand ... Not what and whom, but determination ...
“You sure are.” - She asks.
I am silent. And at the very thought of a gallop. “Am I sure? Yes, dick knows! ”This experience is new to us. Yes, we already had meetings in different formats and going left. Have both. But like this! In fact, I myself brought her to the meeting. He picked her pussy. He himself was not against! And now jitters ...
They met at her work. He travel, German. And his name is Karl! Charles! Stsuko his name is Karl !!! Well, I don't know why his name hooked me up so much. A man like a man. Slightly older than us, he was about 40 then.
In general, word for word. And in Russian, he speaks pretty well. So I met ... I will not bore you with the details of his courtship, but after a while my dear asked to meet with him without me. To say that I was surprised means to say nothing! I was in Ahue !!! She never informed in advance! Rather, not so, she was sure that she would surrender to him. All the betrayals were previously drunk as it were and were not planned in advance. And here she was sure to continue !!!
- Well. - demandingly asks.
- Yes. - I answer in a forced way.
- sure? - demanding looks into my eyes.
- Go, then we will regret if you do not go. - I answer.
I am drawn to her. Substitutes the cheek. Smacking.
Comes out of the car and goes to the entrance. Near the entrance stops, looks around. He smiles looking into my eyes, turns his back to me, pulls up a sundress and takes off his panties. Fucked up ...
She comes back to me, through the open window of the car she throws the shorts on the panel ...
- That would not miss, I will call how to pick up. - stately removed to the entrance.
I take her rag in my hand. And she is wet and smells of my excited woman! Which is going to fuck not with me ...
And stsuko this wildly excites me !!!
And so began the epic with Karl ...