The relationship between a man and a woman, whether we like it or not, is always determined by our breeding instinct. It includes the evolution and survival of offspring. And it is these two principles laid down in us at the instinctive level that create the confusion in the relationship that we have. That is, we are trying to build relationships solely on one principle, completely ignoring the other, and after all, truly harmonious relations are possible when both principles are taken into account. But the myth of feminine loyalty to this interferes, depriving the relationship of the entire depth of feelings. After all, the sex of a woman on the side is necessary for any normal relationship between a man and a woman. Omitting this simple truth, many families fail. On the other hand, a man in such a relationship should remain true.
Unlike a woman, no matter how strange it may sound, a man is required loyalty for normal relations. In other words, the best relationship between a man and a woman is possible only if the woman has sex on the side, and the man remains true. Moreover, this is not at all an empty sound, but has very good reasons. The reason for this is the instincts from the point of view of which in such a relationship the two most important principles of reproduction are best taken into account: evolution and survival of the offspring. Therefore, as if in a society did not concern, the cuckold in the very nature of man. For a man to be a cuckold is the same normal and natural need as for a woman the need to have a reliable and loyal man and certainly change him. And even better in the open with permission to have sex on the side. But because of the myth of female loyalty, she does not even suspect such a possibility. Depriving both myself and my man of great pleasure.
And this myth makes a man really suffer and suffer. For him to know how a woman meets with other men, an unspeakable spiritual anguish. That often leads to a rupture of relations. Therefore, it is necessary for such men to explain that being a cuckold for a man is normal, there is nothing bad or demeaning about it. This is the most natural form of relationship between a man and a woman, which only improves them. Another problem is that it is difficult for a man to accept the thought that he should remain faithful. It is important to understand that in fact no one forces a man to remain true, just in this matter nature is not on his side. If a man loves his woman, cherishes her and relationships, it is still better to drop his egoism. Loyalty is the best way to prove love. Do not worry about the injustice of the world, a man will be more than rewarded for this beloved woman. In addition, the cuckold is so fascinating that other women will simply become uninteresting.
Love and sex in a woman are intertwined in a strange way. Sometimes she herself can not figure it out. She cheats on a loved one, tormented by conscience, but can not do anything. Men, too, without understanding the reasons for this behavior, begin to relax in every way on topics from all whore women, to what she lacked. Although in reality everything is quite simple, the basis of such behavior is based on simple rules dictated to us by the breeding instinct. And a man who loves, you need to know these rules, as this will avoid various misunderstandings, and help to create a strong and harmonious relationship with his beloved woman. The main thing is to understand that this is not at all the choice of a woman to have sex on the side, this desire is programmed in a woman by nature, and to stop treating the cuckold as if it were a perversion. How can it be a perversion that makes love between a man and a woman stronger. Another thing is that you should not shout about it to everyone you meet, the society will not accept the cuckold anyway, and why should you enjoy it, enjoy each other. From my own experience I can say that it is even interesting when lovers do not know that you are aware. You can cool fun, playing the whole performances.
Seducing men is the natural need of a woman, refusing to which, we deprive her of the necessary emotions, which only adversely affects the relationship. However, even the best sex does not replace the woman's beloved man. Relationships are always in first place for her. Sex on the side is like a pleasant and necessary addition and you shouldn’t be jealous of her. Women divide men into two types: for sex and for relationships. Any pikaper will confirm this. (who doesn’t know, pick-up pick-up is something like removing women for sex) But they make one mistake by putting an equal sign between these types. Love in the life of a woman is of paramount importance. And only by finding a reliable and loyal man, does she get attracted to others. A woman starts looking for men for sex only after her personal life is arranged. Until this beautiful moment, she is looking for a relationship, and strive in every possible way to bind a man to her.
He also noticed in his memoirs that it was incomparably easier to seduce married women, which he was very surprised at. But do not scold women, it is their nature, and is easily explained. First, find a man who will take care of her and her children, and then get pregnant, but not the other way around, because it violates an important principle - the survival of the offspring. These are the simplest rules dictated by the breeding instinct. And why a woman is attracted to other men, it is also clear to get pregnant. Find the best man and get pregnant from him. Thus, another important principle is fulfilled - the evolution of a species. Cuckold is needed by mankind. According to one anonymous study, an average of 10% to 20% of men in families raise not their children. No one, in fact, does not force a woman to give birth from other men.
If a woman loves her man and wants to give birth only from him - great! It is just necessary to understand where the horns grow from, and why nature needs it so that a woman has sex on the side. The role of women is the selection of the best genes, the role of men to help her. Harmonious relationships are possible only if a man and a woman fulfill their roles. Why a man should remain true is also understandable. If he wasting his resources on other women, he would not be able to take good care of his woman and her children. The principle of survival of offspring is violated. In addition, men do not need a variety of sexual partners. For this there is no reason, unlike a woman, in a relationship a man has only one task, the survival of offspring, he is the breadwinner. And the task of evolution to provide his woman and other men. And for this, nature has provided a man with everything necessary, forcing him to have pleasure when his beloved has sex on the side, and a woman, on the contrary, gets indescribable pleasure when a man is faithful. Is it worth it to deprive her of this pleasure?
A man may not really attach much importance to his loyalty, so he needs to know that women's instincts are built in such a way that a woman is more excited when she with full consent and approval has sex with different men, and at the same time man keeps her loyalty. And since love and relationships are above all for a woman, loyalty to her beloved man is very important to her. Often women refuse to meet other men, only because of the fear that her ...
man will walk too. Men who dream of making “whores” out of their wives should take this moment into account and clearly speak it out loud, indicating to her your loyalty as an immutable fact. By the way, the second advice, for such men, is to give your wife less sex than she needs, so that she has a desire for adventure in her ass. And by the way, the third advice, but for women who live in swinger couples or open marriages, where both spouses have sex freedom - carefully transfer your relationship to a cuckold, a loving man will accept it. The advice may seem unethical, but the woman is nice.
Many women dream of finding sexual freedom in marriage, but the fear of losing a husband and unwillingness to give a husband the same freedom stops them. And here nature itself comes to help the woman’s desire. The need to be a cuckold is every man. You can say this is the way of nature, to make people evolve, but it would still be monkeys. With the right approach, you can make a cuckold from almost every man. A beloved woman attracts and excites a man when she is available to others. THIS IS AN IMPOSSIBLE FACT. It is difficult to explain rationally, these are our instincts. Cuckold is the most natural relationship between a man and a woman. If two people love each other and dream to live together in a happy marriage all their lives, then they need a cuckold. If a woman goes on dates with the permission of her man, this does not mean that they do not love each other, it is just the opposite! Women need to know that their need to meet with men outside of marriage is fully supported by men, you just need to wake up this need in them correctly, because it only leads to improved relationships.
Knowing how important a good relationship is for a woman, this task, one might say, is of paramount importance. After all, the point is not to have sex on the side, but to do it with the full consent of the beloved man, in other words, so that he knows everything, only then the woman gets complete satisfaction. It is important to understand that cuckold marriages are usually outwardly no different from ordinary ones. Although in most cases the cuckold is a henpecked, it is not at all the rule. Cuckold is as different as in frequency and in relations between spouses as people are different. It all depends on the personal preferences of the spouses. Comparing them with each other is like comparing green and sweet. One thing is for sure, with all the variety of sexual life that a wife leads outside of marriage, the husband always remains true and this is what makes the spouses in such marriages truly happy. It can be marriages from where a man dominates, and a wife as a slave who is “forced” to fuck with other men, to her opposite, with submissive husbands.
There may be marriages where the wife meets with other men with tacit permission and the spouses do not concern this aspect of the wife’s life, although the husband knows everything, but he does not arrange any dramas and scandals and there can be marriages where the wife is engaged in prostitution. Humiliation of a husband often plays a significant part of the pleasure in a cuckold relationship. It can be completely different, from the mention of how big a member of a lover and how much pleasure his wife gets from him, to cream pie. Who does not know, cream pie, this is when the husband has the sperm of other men, directly from the wife's vagina. And also to take other forms, depends on how far the spouses want and are ready to go in their sexual games and their fantasies. So sometimes women deprive their husbands of sex, even in marriage. especially for They keep their husband's cock locked in a special device - a chastity belt or chastity, which prevents her husband from engaging in whatever sex or masturbation, while wives have complete sexual freedom. But to be precise, chastity is more common in the west.
Cuckold, though it adds interest, but he will never replace simple human qualities and the attraction of spouses to each other as a person. In other words, if two people cannot find a language between themselves, then no cuckold will help them. The Cuckold, though ideal, is just a relationship, and they are built on the usual sympathies between a man and a woman. RGNOSETS SHOULD NOT BE BECOMING A GOAL - ARGNOSETS ARE ALL JUST THE MEANS. And if, after removing the cuckold, the couple holds no more, the cuckold will not help them, rather the opposite. Cuckold strengthens and improves already existing, but he can not create a new one. This is a powerful catalyst, but in order for the reaction to take place, high-quality reagents are needed that could interact with each other without this catalyst. It is important to know to all who strive for such a relationship !!! But also remember that the cuckold is the most sexual and exciting relationship between a man and a woman, which can only be.