- Hello! Interested in your ad. I want to make a blowjob. I'm 34, plump.
After a couple of hours, he replied, and the correspondence began.
- Good wish! And before someone did? The sit is here? Or mine?
- Did once. Unfortunately, there is no place.
- Well, I will find a place! Did he or forced? Liked? How do you want with the ending in your mouth?
- I did it myself, not by coercion, but by seduction, rather ... Although the partner was powerful, and I also liked the element of subordination. I liked the process itself, it was with an ending in my mouth.
- This is what I like! Super! I love to finish in my mouth! I have an office in Paveletskaya, I am the head and I always know when there will be no one for a couple of hours. The doors inside are closing! The most convenient morning or afternoon.
Further, our communication continued with the discussion of the technical details of the meeting, as a result of which, two days later, at noon, I opened the creaky door of a two-storey mansion, where my new acquaintance rented his office. The old-fashioned, moaned grandmother-watchman, who was guarding the entrance, asked where I was going. I called the name and patronymic of the person I needed and was sent to the second floor, room number 24. There I was greeted by young people who were energetically discussing something, lounging in chairs. Stretching hands, the inhabitants of the room assured me that they had never heard of any Roman, but for some reason their cheerful looks drove me to the paint, as if the purpose of my search was absolutely transparent to them.
He went out into the street and, struggling with the cold gusts of the February wind, lit up. Mood gone bad. My acquaintance turned out to be another entertaining virtual ... I reached into the phone to check my mail. With Roma, I internally said goodbye, but still hoped for a letter in the mailbox explaining everything.
Suddenly in one of the windows on the first floor of the mansion a window opened slightly and a pleasant thick baritone addressed me:
- Hey, why don't you come in? I thought you wouldn’t come, well, I looked out the window ...
We met near the watch, Roman came out to meet me and tell a couple of tender grandmother-guard.
- Come on, come on in! - Roma led me along the corridor, barely lit by just one blinking daylight lamp, in spite of his duties hiding worn linoleum from prying eyes, and opening the study door, offered to come in and not be embarrassed.
The "office" turned out to be a modest little room, divided into two parts. The first one had a kind of “waiting room” with a pile of cabinets and shelves, and the second had two desktops with computers.
The owner of the office, smiling healthy guy just above me, with a lush mustache and cheerful eyes, I immediately liked.
- Yes, good shy, seriously, relax! Make you a seagull, cold, probably? - suggested Roman.
I refused, but I gladly took advantage of the offer, because I really had to calm down a bit. We raised, talking about different nonsense ...
- Well, we will not pull, - Roman crushed a cigarette in an ashtray. - Ready, did not change my mind?
We looked each other directly into the eyes, and from the fact that he caught my eyes with his own, instantly hypnotizing and subjugating me, I felt dizzy, turned red and nodded slightly, replied:
- Sure, with pleasure!
Roma got up, lowered the blinds on the window. I went to the waiting room, I heard the keys in the lock turn.
- Everything, now nobody will prevent us. Here, this is for you to be softer, - he threw on the floor an old blanket of camel hair, which he dug up somewhere in the bins.
I love this moment, when the usual acquaintance is about to move on to something more, and I know that in a minute or two I will please my partner.
I took off my sweater, stayed in one T-shirt, and knelt in front of Roman, who was comfortably seated in the chair, letting down his pants and underpants, with an already excited member sticking between his widely spread legs. The cock was a small, neat, half-open head glittering wetly. I took it in my mouth and began to suck, slowly, very slowly and tenderly. My hands were on his thighs, but sometimes they went on a short journey to pat my partner's stomach or legs. Very soon, my man began to moan, encouraging me:
- Oh, oh, what a thrill ... I haven't had a boyfriend for a hundred years ... So, so ... Damn, your lips are softer than a girl's ...
I took Romina's palm and put it on my nape. The hint was understood without words. Taking me by the hair with both hands, the man began to stick my head on his handsome man, introducing it to its full length, so that the eggs rested on my chin. Five to seven minutes later I heard:
- I can not more, now finish!
- Yeah! - I replied, without removing the penis from the mouth.
And then he felt my partner's legs tightened, and my mouth was filled with warm salty sperm. I sucked slowly and gently, happily taking in all his passion to the last drop. And he stroked my head, saying how good he was.
The novel, which received from me everything he wanted, quickly “rounded off” the meeting. But it was a sin to me to complain, because everything that I came for was realized. Gave pleasure to the man, and I had no doubt that he was pleased. And what could be more important than this?
Going out into the street, I realized that I was awake so much that it was hard to even walk, it was so painful in my groin. Having difficulty reaching the first street toilet, I frantically tore through wet panties and caressed myself, after a few seconds discharging onto the plastic floor.