- Hello! - the guest loudly greeted.
- Good afternoon, - I did not greet the visitor without turning around.
The sysadmin's profession assumes that during the working day, strangers with different computer-related constantly come to our room and not only have problems and do not have the strength to turn around on everyone. In addition, I was connected to the computer of one of the accountants, who had so inopportunely stopped printing the printer from 1c, and I really wanted to close this application before lunch.
- Meet your new colleague, guys. - this is the voice of Arkady Petrovich, the director of the department. “They call me Irina, they have some experience in administration, they can tell the mouse from the keyboard,” Petrovich chuckled to his wit. - Teach the rest yourself.
The situation did not fall into any of the usual patterns and I was forced to turn around. Next to Petrovich there was a pretty brunette of about twenty-five, maybe a little older, of short stature, jeans, a blouse, hair pulled tight in a ponytail, and her hands a little nervously fiddling with a small handbag.
In principle, we requested replenishment a long time ago, the work became more and more, the office of the company was actively developing, but our purely male team of three persons, of course, could not guess about such a gift.
“Lazy, you as the elder, arrange the guys, the workplace, the printer, that's all, I have business, I leave you,” Petrovich said to me and quickly left the room.
- Come on, boys, who is more free, - I transferred the authorities further and again returned to the ill-fated printer.
Sanya did not even have time to respond, and Vitya had already rushed to the free table to collect the workplace of a new employee.
- This is me now quickly, just wait, - he blurted out Irina with a patter.
“You sit down,” Sanya, who was silent before, suggested to her, “there is no truth in her legs.” By the way, my name is Alexander.
“Victor,” came from under the table.
- Alexey, - I introduced myself last.
“Very nice,” said Irina, sitting down on the edge of the proposed chair. So I began to see her out of the corner of my eye. - And in general, probably you can?
“You have a nice place here,” she drawled, looking around our office.
“Yes, recently the repairs were made to us that before this it was better not to remember,” Vitya quickly answered, conjuring with a monitor. There was the impression that he was trying to get ahead of us in communicating with the girl, so that we, God forbid, didn’t tell her too much.
Then Vitya told Irina how to connect to clients for a long time, the most common mistakes of users, internal numbers of subscribers, working schedule in the office, where coffee, kettle, microwave, conveyed other necessary information for an office employee.
- Boys, where can I have lunch?
- I spend you, there is a cafe nearby, they feed tasty and inexpensive. - with these words, Vitya imperceptibly with his hand besieged Sanya and me when we, too, began to move, trying to get up from their seats.
“A smart little one, I didn’t expect such agility from him,” muttered Sanya with notes of envy.
Sanya and I were about the same age, well over thirty, and Vitya - much younger, that's why she drove quickly to us, Malaya. I think that, most likely, he is even younger than Irina, but not by much.
- What are we now, without lunch chtol? - asked Sanya.
“No, I think that he led her to the Armenians, we will go to the Plate today, he will not lose us,” I suggested.
After lunch, the life of the department returned to its usual rhythm, Vita had to deal with the applications that had accumulated before lunch, I threw off a couple of minor problems for Irina, so that I would gradually get involved in the process.
At exactly six, Irina began to gather.
- I spend you? - our king has rattled.
“It is not worth it,” Irina refused with a slight smile. - I'm on the car, do not worry.
With these words, Irina left. We were silent for a little while, and then Sanya, with a slight mock, said, every word asked:
- Well, Victor, how are you?
Minor flushed, his cheeks clearly reddened.
- Guys, - he blurted out with a patter, - you understand everything, she seems to have no one, we have something planned, there is such a feeling, let us not climb. Irka will be mine!
- Wow, come on, dare, small. The old Freud, by the way, at the core of all his teachings was an unconscious attraction to his mother, do you understand? This subconscious pushes young men to older ladies, do you hear?
Sanya was serious to the limit, but in the eyes of her, a herd of horses, who were laughing at Vitya, was directly stomping.
“Go to hell, it's not such a big difference,” Vitya sent a short message, blushing even more, and quickly packed up, too, went home.
- Well, you give, even Freud fastened here, - I laughed, - how many rehearsed?
“Yes, almost from lunch,” Sanya neighing, “Okay, I will not spread rot to the youth, it will work for him, it means advice and love, well done means.”
Life flowed as usual. Irina pretty quickly got into the course of the matter, almost all the problems that do not require male power, she took upon herself, the rest of the routine was left for Small, which allowed Sanya and me to focus on global tasks. Sanya finally took up the policy of anti-virus protection, and I, an already outdated computer network project, Petrovich was shaking me from a new year.
A light fragrance of women's perfumery firmly settled in the office, curtains suddenly appeared on the windows, the coffee place was now constantly clean and tidy, coffee and sugar did not run out, and almost always there was a supply of cookies and other pastries, in general, a woman's hand was felt throughout.
Vitya knew how to take care of a new employee, his attention wasn’t escaped by either the new part of her toilet, the change of hairstyle or make-up, he necessarily weighed Irina with a mountain of compliments. Almost every morning he treated Ira to chocolates or a box of chocolates. Irina accepted the presents favorably, although the present immediately moved to the coffee zone, from where anyone could enjoy it.
Once, Vitya brought a bouquet of roses to work and, blushing, handed it to Ira. Ira, embarrassed and also reddened, muttered something like “well, you shouldn't have been worth it at all”, but, nevertheless, the bouquet accepted and smacked Vitya on the cheek.
“Thank you,” she thanked the guy, stroking his hair, “but no longer worth it.”
In the evening, she took the bouquet home, which, Sanya and me, after consulting with each other, were taken as a small step forward.
A month later, the company celebrated its tenth anniversary. On this occasion, a corporate event was organized in a restaurant on the edge of the city on the bank of a picturesque lake with an attached sauna, billiards and bowling to boot. The presenter was invited to the corporate party with a local radio station and a DJ with equipment. “It will be fun,” promised the girls from the marketing department.
Almost all of us arrived at the restaurant at the same time, Vitya, Ira, Sanya, and his wife, Olya and me. Men on the occasion of the celebration in classic trousers with light shirts, Viti, as it turned out, was collecting a whole suit in a closet. Irina came in a dark blue tight-fitting dress, very beneficial emphasizing her slim figure, and Olya, as befits a married lady, in a strict evening dress, but with a deep neckline.
In the hall there were tables for six people, since there were five of us, to us the organizers hoisted another girl, Sveta, a still young employee from the logistics department. Initially, Sveta was severely constrained, she almost did not know us, as she worked absolutely nothing, and the logisticians did not often contact us, but a good portion of wine and a few good jokes from me quickly relaxed her.
Our table stood at a distance from the leadership and in general from the center of attention of the leading and other responsible persons, which allowed us not to focus on the overall course of the event. erotic stories While the management told us how much success the company has achieved in its ten years of existence, we ...
managed to miss a few shots, not forgetting to give ladies snacks. Vitya paid all his attention to Ira - who would doubt, Sanya - Ole, I quite naturally got Sveta, which I took advantage of more than.
Jokes, compliments, various stories from work, as well as “Mmm, Svetochka, I highly recommend this fish, it melts right in the mouth”, “Let me pour some more wine, it is just the color of your eyes” and so on and so forth.
It was evident that Sveta liked everything, I already had quite definite plans for her, from which I constantly had to straighten my dick in my pants.
Then there were dances where I no longer danced the girl, but gently pawed over all parts of the body. My breasts are a little pumped up, maximum is the first size, but I'm not a fan of big boobs at all, I didn't care for that. Not a skinny, not fat, quite standard proportions girl who favorably and gratefully accepts your courtship - what more do you want?
For all these events I didn’t pay attention to my neighbors at the table, and there was something to see - Vitya snapped up the campaign faster than us, the speech became a bit cheeky, close to Irkin’s face, something was rubbing her, probably important to him. Irina turned away from Vitka as best she could. A separate story about their hands - under the table there was obviously some kind of languid scuffle - is she pawing her? Well, okay, adults, they will understand.
They drank again, brought snacks and hot, carried off empty dishes. The DJ knew his business well, completely neutral music during the feasts, the unobtrusive presenter turned on at the right time when people started to get bored during the break between dishes.
- Let's take a break from snacks and alcohol, white dance is announced, ladies invite gentlemen! - announced the presenter into the microphone.
The chairs were pushed backward, people stretched to wherever - on the dance floor, in the smoking room, just outside, to unwind. I decided that if Sveta did not invite me, then we are now with Sanya and Olga, taking a bottle of Armenian from the table, retire to the gazebo on the beach, since the warm June weather was favorable for this. But some people had other plans.
On my right shoulder gently lay female hand. I turned around. Irina.
- Do not want to dance? She asked simply.
“With pleasure,” I replied, suppressing in myself the desire to see what Vitya was doing at that time.
From the speakers, some slow mix with Mr. Credo in the lead role. Ira and I chose a more free place from the rest of the dancing couples. I thought of choosing a stand more neutral - like my hand is at my partner's waist, hers are on my shoulder, with our left palms we hold each other at a short distance, but Irina put both hands on my shoulders and I was forced to clasp her waist with both hands.
- Who is this girl with Alexander? - Ira asked me, burning with my breath my ear.
- This is Olya, his wife, you Vitya did not introduce you to her?
- Yes, Victor ..., you know ... - she paused, - as if to say more softly. He is very persistent ... no, not so ...
- Intrusive? - I prompted.
- Yes it is. - with relief I accepted my definition of Ira. - You can’t talk to him about anything, it all comes down to complaints, why I don’t want to meet him. It is annoying.
- And you do not want? - I clarified.
- Not. And you and Alexander seem to always leave us alone with him on purpose.
What a twist. From this point of view I, of course, did not consider the situation. Well, you can't tell Ira why we behave this way.
We silently shifted from one foot to the other for a minute, a dance of the type. The proximity of the girl, her smell, hot breath on my neck, my hands lying on her waist, when accidentally slipping down, clearly felt through the thin nylon of the fitting dress the relief of the top of the girl's panties - all this inevitably led to a pleasant languor in the lower abdomen. In short, I swam guys. Like a boy.
You could just surrender to chance - and come what may. But at that moment, I was still struggling with the unwillingness of the upcoming clashes with Vitya, and I remembered that Sveta was sitting at the table, which I perceived at that moment as a working option. The smooth transition of one slow mix to another helped me in the decision. This was something from the Latinos, such a cross between waltz and tango. I grabbed my hand from the waist to the back of the girl, threw her back, hesitated a little, then straightened it with a sharp jerk and led her in a dance. Stunned Irina did not know how to dance, but I didn’t need it. Antonina Georgievna, my ballroom dancing teacher, who had killed three years in an attempt to hammer all these pasts into my youthful brain, had probably shot herself dead from shame, but she had enough skills she had acquired to lead my partner with confidence now. I circled Iru, threw back the distance and again pressed to me, trying not to begin difficult elements with which an inexperienced partner could not cope. I do not know how long we danced, probably for a long time, in the ecstasy of dance I received frank pleasure from the power over the slim and slim body of the girl and time stopped for me.
With some kind of sixth sense, feeling the end of the composition, I abruptly threw Irina away from myself, and also dramatically pulled her to me and with the last chord pressed her hot body to me. The girl was breathing heavily, her elastic chest pressed against me, covered with underwear and nylon of the dress, heaved and fell deeply.
Suddenly suddenly there was a storm of applause. The dancers did not even notice that no one was dancing anymore, but formed an even tight circle around us and just enjoyed the spectacle. I slowly relaxed my hand, pressing Irina to me, releasing her. The girl's eyes were burning.
- You know, Alexey, I greatly underestimated you, it was something. - Ira whispered admiringly.
“Since you and I have moved on to you,” I replied, “let me thank you for the invitation and for the dance.”
With these words, I gently took her hand and kissed the back of my hand. Then we returned to the table where Sanya and Olya and the gloomy Vitya were waiting for us.
- Lech, it was epic! - Sanya congratulated me.
- Did you study somewhere? - asked Olya. - You were the most beautiful couple on the dance floor!
Vitya, having heard the compliment, darkened even more, apparently, he did not lose time in vain and considerably aggravated his condition with a few piles of alcohol. When he saw it, Ira wiped a smile from her face, her mood dropped significantly. Trying to save the situation and help her, I suggested to act according to plan A, that is, to advance towards the lake, taking with me wine for girls and brandy for guys, and of what kind of snacks. Sveta was nowhere to be seen, well, and to hell with her, I decided that whatever happened next.
We chose a free gazebo, set up a drink and a snack. Remembering that I needed to divide Vitya and Irina, I arranged for Vitya to flop down on the bench first, then he waited for Sanya to stay with his wife and then let him choose a place for Irina. Naturally, she sat by the couple, and I sat down with her.
I didn’t want to drink a lot, I squeezed my glass, stretching it for a few toasts, but Sanya and Vitya - first of all, of course, Vitya, then Sanya has his wife near by - quickly devastated cognac. For a new portion, Vitya volunteered to go, staggering, retired towards the hall, and disappeared. After waiting for about twenty minutes, I had to go for the supplement myself, because Sanya, squeezed on one side by his wife, and on the other - Irina, pointedly looked into my eyes and pounded his chest with his middle and index finger. We sat for a long time, poisoned jokes, told stories, in general, very soulful time.
Irina, with the departure of Vitya, relaxed, laughed at jokes, sometimes throwing attentive glances at me. Sometimes I poured alcohol and gave me an apple right from my hand. I just pressed against the girl, lightly wrapped her left hand around the waist, lightly stroking her slender thigh. The light fabric of her dress instantly let her body heat to my hand and, probably, on the contrary, although Ira did not react at all, making ..
pretend nothing happens.
All the good ends sooner or later, the corporate party ended, the presenter with the DJ turned their program a long time ago, the waiter approached us and tactfully hinted at the end of the celebration. Leaving the girls in the gazebo, Sanya and I tried to figure out the fate of Vitya, but no one could say anything about him and in general had not seen him for a long time. His phone was available, but Vitya did not take the call. We decided that Vitya dumped home without saying goodbye and is now sleeping at home.
Called one taxi at all, the benefit was on the way. My dwelling was located farthest, because with Sanya they decided that I would pay for everything, then we would decide everything according to finances. Having explained to the taxi driver how we were going to go, we settled in the car. Sanya, who had sat down ahead, with the movement of a magician, extracted from somewhere almost a whole bottle of wine and four disposable cups. Olya, despite the reproachful glance at her husband, did not refuse, also drank.
When we arrived at the Sanya's house, everyone unloaded to carry out. Seeing off the spouses dragged on, we unloaded from the car, drank it on the road, then again on the road, calmed down only when there was not a drop in the bottle.
- Come on bro! - Sanya and I clapped each other's palms.
“Let me borrow your boyfriend,” Olga gently pulled me out of Ira's half-embraces, hugged me herself, and loudly kissed my cheek with wet lips, leaving a cooling trace on my cheek.
- So, let me, in general, here I am, - Sanya was indignantly indignant, - chug!
“Next time you dance with me,” said Olya sternly, licked her fingers and rubbed the place of the kiss, apparently wiping off the traces of lipstick. Then she showed her husband her tongue.
- I won't wash my face until Monday. - I promised as languidly as possible.
- Well pizdeeets! - stretched Sanya.
Everyone laughed and we finally broke up.
Despite the fact that there was a lot of space in the car, Irina sat next to me and pressed herself tightly against me. She put her head on my shoulder, took my hand and, muttering "how tired I was", closed her eyes. Feeling pressed to the hand of the female breast for the same time this evening caused a pleasant languor in the lower abdomen, ending somewhere at the tip of the penis. I wanted to go endlessly, I could not only embrace the girl, as she held me tightly by the palm, and I was afraid to disturb her with my movement, so I had to be content with the gentle stroking of her palm.
Irina nevertheless had to be disturbed when she arrived at her house.
- Ira, come.
It turned out that the girl did not sleep, easily opened her eyes and smiled at me.
“Take me to the apartment,” she asked me. - My neighbors are restless, anxious something.
- No question, - I gave her a hand, helping to get out of the car, then left her, walked around the car, gave the driver 7 hundred, which would make about a hundred more than would hit the counter.
- Chief, let's do it, wait 10 minutes, if I don’t exist - you can go, - I asked quietly.
“Accepted,” the driver smiled knowingly and added ambiguously — a good evening.
The old mechanism, grunting strainingly, drove the elevator car up to the sixth floor, on the floor was half dark, a weak light bulb somehow lit up the space around it. Ira came to the door of the apartment, felt the keys, but did not open the door, turned to face me and leaned against the wall, carefully looking into my eyes. Her eyes sparkled. With what, and she knew how to use cosmetics. Not a gram of superfluous, all in the case. The eyebrows are skillfully underlined, a little mascara on the eyelashes, a soft, shiny lipstick on the lips. The girl's breathing made the mounds of her chest rise and fall. Probably the second size, if there is an honest bra - it was inappropriate for me to think.
Silence was delayed, some first step was needed, which she was waiting for, naturally, from me. I walked over, gently wrapped my hands around her buttocks and pressed her hips to my pelvis. A timid kiss on the edge of the lips. Still. Lips around her lower lip. Ira did not resist, but did not respond. The breath of a girl with a hint of alcohol enveloped me, making my heart beat faster and faster. Finally, Ira decided something for herself.
“Not here,” she whispered, hugging me tightly and then tearing me off her lips.
She opened the door to the apartment, we entered the narrow hallway. Quickly throwing off my shoes, I could hardly wait for Ira to cope with her shoes. As soon as she straightened, I immediately pressed her against the wall, again clasped her elastic buttocks, and with my mouth I began to look in the dark for her lips.
“Phew, how cool without heels, her legs are tired ...” she complained to me somewhere under the ear and I immediately closed her mouth with a greedy kiss.
This time Ira answered me, the girl’s wet lips intertwined with mine, giving me a sweet taste of lipstick. Her elastic tongue burst into my mouth, actively exploring my teeth, gums, sometimes even reaching the inside of my cheeks while actively fighting my tongue.
Fingering my fingers, I gradually lifted her dress, crushing the priests somewhere in the accordion, and stopped only when I felt the cool skin of my buttocks, triangle tightened with classic panties, under my palms. My fingers immediately, cheekily, crept under the thin fabric of the Irkine underwear, and having met each other strictly between the halves, the priests began to push the tasty buns in different directions.
The dress was frankly disturbing, I wanted more, I tried to lift it higher, but without the help of Irina I could not do it.
“Let's go to the room,” she whispered to me.
I went after her, unbuttoning on the go and throwing off my clothes so as not to be distracted by it later. In the room, in the light of a night light, she pulled off her dress over the top and with an elusive movement she unbuttoned it and took off her bra, remaining only in panties. Elastic breasts did not even sag without support, neat pinkish-brown nipples looked at me invitingly.
At first, Ira, embarrassed by my eyes, covered her chest with her hand, but then, having coped with the excitement, slowly lowered her hand. Smiling slightly, she turned around on her axis, giving herself to be seen from all sides.
- Like? - she laughed softly.
“You are divinely beautiful,” I gasped out, while at that moment I absolutely did not deceive her as a teenager, I looked at her with admiration, and it seemed to me that there is no one more perfect and more beautiful than Ira.
I walked over to her, turned my back to me, and gently pressed her back, forced me to kneel on the bed. Continuing to put pressure on my back, I bent it in the back, forcing me to lay down my chest. Now nothing prevented me from enjoying Ira's frankly bulging ass. He ran his hand over the buttocks, then down the hollow between them. He himself knelt, behind the girl, and nuzzled his nose in the thin fabric that hides the girl's crotch. The smell that hit in the nose did not in any way seem repulsive to me, moreover, for me it worked as a powerful aphrodisiac, a wave of pleasure swept somewhere from thighs to the tip of the penis, forcing him to release a large drop in pants. At the first moment I was even scared that I had finished.
I pulled the last barrier from the girl, first to my knees, and then completely threw aside, and then froze, admiring the view. The perineum of the girl was perfectly shaved, or maybe it was the result of epilation, who knows, the outer labia almost completely hid the inner lips, forming two perfect rollers, all this beauty was crowned with a brown rosette of anus. Ira had everything TAM wet, she was clearly agitated. I gently ran a pinch of fingers between my lips, collecting a little bit of a secret and, unable to restrain myself, licked it from my fingers, trying to taste Ira.
Ira impatiently led booty.
- What are you there? She whispered.
“You are very beautiful here,” I praised her.
“Say, too, what a beautiful thing there can be,” Ira muttered in embarrassment. She must have turned red now.
I brought my face closer to her priest and licked from my heart ..
girl from the lips to the very hole in the pope.
- Ay! - screamed Irina, trying to squeeze the hips. - You what! I'm not ready there, Leshenka, dear ...
Nevertheless, overcoming her resistance, I continued my caress with my tongue. Very tasty girl. And the smell ... The sugary, salty, sweet-and-sour cocktail of smells from female secretions, sweat and something else made my dick pulsate with new and new portions of pre-ejaculate, my underwear was probably wet through.
Irina no longer resisted, completely surrendering to my caresses and frankly enjoying them. Each movement of my tongue was given in all its body by nervous convulsions, it was fully formed in half, in this position I only reached the anus and had to help myself in satisfying the girl with my hand. Irina’s hair was not completely destroyed on the pubis, and, apparently, was cut short, which I acutely felt with steaming female secretions with my fingers.
She finished Ira quickly and unexpectedly, just abruptly throwing her ass right in my face, nose painfully poked into the hole of her priests, and a large portion of female secret splashed into her chin.
She departed from an orgasm for a long time, just lay on her stomach for a few minutes, did not say anything, and only breathed heavily. While she was lying, I wiped my face from her juices with a sheet and then just admired the sight of a satisfied girl.
Then she turned onto her back and asked anxiously:
- Am I described? Lord, how uncomfortable - deeply flushing, asked Irina.
- Do not worry, - I smiled, - this is just a squirt. Have you ever had this?
- Right? Is everything okay
- Yes, yes, everything is fine, do not worry. Well, except maybe this one. - I pointed to my dick, bulging my panties.
Ira smiled and beckoned me with her finger.
“Come here, my pervert,” she purred softly. “And I never really had anything like that.”
She pulled off the gum of my underpants, put her palm in there and gently wrapped my wet cock around.
- Wow, - she was surprised, feeling that the whole hand was smeared in my nedosperm, and, gently podrachivaya my dick continued, - poor thing, here you have suffered today. Take it off yourself, you urgently need to discharge. How do you want me to lie?
I quickly threw off my underwear, folded Ira in half in my thighs, and squeezed my legs tightly with each other and pressed her knees firmly to her breasts, thus providing myself with the most tight compression of my member's vagina, and with unreal pleasure, slowly entered in Ira.
Starting slowly fucking Irina, I gradually increased the pace, after a couple of minutes pounding her vagina with the maximum amplitude, almost completely pulling out my penis and sharply introducing back, hitting her pubis with my own. My balls with nice slaps beat about the girl's ass. At first it seemed to me that I would not take much time, but I continued to hammer, several times I was already at the peak, but at the last moment something interfered, and the orgasm retreated. Ira herself began to moan, a little wet at first the vagina was again filled with abundant lubricant. Sweat flowed down somewhere on the sheet on Ira, mixed with her sweat, smelled hot in the air, smelled of sex.
The second orgasm overtook the girl also unexpectedly for me, Ira screamed sharply and squeezed me tightly with her vaginal muscles, making friction as difficult as possible, and I was still far away. And then I thought that this girl, who is now entirely in my power, who gives me pleasure and takes it herself, lying under me in the most depraved pose that you can imagine - this is my colleague, it seemed impregnable at work, but now I can do whatever I want, what can I do there - I already do with it what I want! With this thought, I suddenly had a fireball in my chest, which in five or six shocks quickly went down the abdomen and was discharged by a powerful explosion of pleasure. I descended into it for a long time, continued to hammer, every push seemed to lead to the release of a liter of sperm deep inside Ira and to an even greater flash of pleasure somewhere, on the tip of the penis.
Gradually, I dried up, my pushes became weaker and, in the end, I let go of Irina's legs, and he relaxed himself on a sweaty girl, without removing the penis from her. The penis was still pulsating slightly, but the eggs were completely empty, as was the head - without a single thought. Ira gently stroked my wet hair, quietly saying:
- Good, my, dear, my beloved. My goodness, how good.
I gratefully kissed her on the lips, cheeks, forehead. Everything was salty, as if we were running a marathon. The crouched member gradually fell out of the vagina, and Irina quickly grabbed the edge of the towel, poked it between her legs, stopping the spilled sperm.
“Maniac,” she grumbled, smiling, “I filled it all up.” Come off me, I urgently need to the bathroom.
I rolled off her, and Irina, holding the sheets between her legs, quickly ran into the bathroom.
- In the closet, take fresh linen, made a bed! - She shouted from there, blocking the sound of water.
Somehow I found the strength to fulfill her request and lay down again. There were still no thoughts, there was a feeling of euphoria, some kind of unearthly happiness ... The feeling that nothing has ended today, but is just beginning ...
Ira came in, wrapped in a large bath towel, refreshed after a shower, sweet, slim. Beautiful, satisfied girl. I sat down on the bed. Smiled, a little embarrassed. Long looked somewhere to the side, all in my thoughts. Then she lay down, putting her head on my feet, thoughtfully, tenderly, she took up the devastated eggs.
“It’s so funny when it’s small,” she remarked, slightly touching the urethra with her finger and gently grabbing the head with two fingers.
Sensitive after sex head nervously twitched in her hands.
“Oh, the baby is still moving,” Ira laughed.
- Caress him ... - I asked hoarsely, - ... mouth.
Ira looked at me with surprise.
- Do you want more?
- I want you.
Ira thought about it, then throwing back a strand of hair, so as not to interfere, slowly sucked the soft flesh into her mouth. A soft, non-erect penis, fully fit in her hot moist mouth, Ira herself nuzzled me in the pubis. There was enough space in her mouth so that without letting go of a member from her mouth, she could completely lick his tongue, gently touching the urethra. From the unusual sensations, the calming member began to gain elasticity again, and very soon it ceased to fit in the mouth, but it did not bother Ira at all. She was now diligently putting her lips on the cock, not forgetting to caress the head with her tongue. Sometimes she took out a member, gently nadrachila his hand, after how properly spitting on her for lubrication. Carefully licked all over the trunk, while my free hand rolled my eggs.
The old idea that my colleague completely sucked me away now did not allow me to enjoy the process for a long time. At some point I held Irina’s head with my hands, fixing her in one position, began frantically tugging my hips to fuck her delicate mouth, and Irina at that moment helped me by pressing her tongue tightly to the bridle, repeatedly enhancing the sensations. The world exploded with a myriad of stars, I firmly held the girl's head, pouring her tongue and gums with my fat and surprisingly thick seed. Irina, not resisting, waited until the end of the fountain, when her mouth was full, swallowing up the excess seed, so that it could be seen through her neck muscles.
“Everything, this time is everything,” Ira decided, wiping her lips, “you have exhausted me completely, like a maniac. Again, brush your teeth because of you.
Needless to say, I never got home that weekend. We enjoyed each other in bed and just talking, wondering how much time we needed to realize that we were made for each other.
On Sunday, Ira asked me not to say anything to Vita.
- Why? I can not calmly watch his rolled up to you.
- I will decide this question myself, it is not necessary that people know about us at work. Well, you understand, - she hesitated, - office romance, all that, some may not understand, the rumors are the same ...
“Rumors are born when there is no reliable information,” I said reasonably, “but oh well, as you wish.”
Ps. At work, they still learned, even if not immediately, but they did. And Victor also learned. But this is not a topic for this story, and there is little interesting.