First, let us introduce ourselves again: Dima, Fields, over 40, with children, about our figures - well, let them on ..., our figures have not been "20 years old" for a long time.
This event happened in the most difficult month for me in the year - at the beginning of March, last year 2018. Why is it so heavy - but it has so managed that half of the female relatives managed to get bored so that they were born in late February - early March, and my wife is also, and all the time they are trying to celebrate together with one big company, and plus on March 8, in addition, in a week ... The brain makes what to give to and not to offend anyone. Sometimes I was saved by the fact that by the nature of my activity (adjustment, installation of equipment, maintenance), I often have to go on business trips to and fro, here, for a couple of weeks, sometimes up to a month. And quite often he “disappeared” on a business trip precisely at such a “crucial” moment. Chocolate after the fact saved the situation later. Well, his wife - her beloved, always, but what a thread is a gift.
Last year I was again sent on a business trip, but from there I had to return a couple of days before my spouse’s birthday, so promised my wife. But circumstances did not work in my favor, I had to “get stuck” at work a little (the line did not want to make money, one of the Celestial Factory failed with components) and returned only on the second day after its Day.
Being late - it means to blame, why - it does not matter: mine then really really sulked at me. To reduce the intensity of "tungsten", I remembered about the always helping out "cultural and educational" event, through which, by the way, lies the way to the hearts of many women - visiting shopping centers. The choice of the wife fell on the Ikeya-Auchan complex in Khimki, something very impatient to buy it there. And then came the day of shopping.
I will not bother the reader with a description of how we got from our cozy, beloved, little N-ska to Khimki; how is there my devout plunged into an event called shopping; how I suffered ... To write a novel about it is definitely not today ...
In short, stuffed cars with all sorts of things, everything was bought under the motto "vital" and "it's a gift." Everything, the end ... We left, embarked on Leningradka. Saturday evening. Cork, and the specific. We are crawling. And we are not only Ring, and still further shove ...
Cars jump from row to row, as if you can win a lot in such a concrete traffic jam, and the picture is made even more difficult by motorcyclists who make their way through the traffic jam like wasps. One by one, just manage to react to them and to the car that “face” climbs into the gap between your car and in front of you. Tired of it, all the more so that we still couldn’t get to the house at a reasonable time, we decided to stop at a roadside cafe to wait out the traffic jam a little.
Once it was decided to wait out the traffic jam, it gradually, but surely, began to maneuver to the side street. And now, it seems, everything has already broken out, turning to the right, and there the cafe, when suddenly “boom” came from behind, something “flew in”. We brake, jump out - a motorcyclist rushed up on us from the right, hurried, for some reason wanted to overtake on the right, but in the process ignored the flashing lights of the right turn of our car ... We got off with a scratch on the bumper bruises; when he got up, his knee "rigged". We offer help ...
And suddenly:
- Fields, is that you?
My wife is in a stupor, I am confused ... The motorcyclist finally realized that a helmet with the darkened visor lowered does not dispose us to promptly recognize the holder of this voice and removes the helmet. And there is a guy, the age of my wife, my body size, but a bit slimmer, and the hair on the head is noticeably denser than me.
The wife looks at him, looks, then her eyes widen and how he yells:
- Glory is Glory! Dim, remember, I told about him.
As they say, the roulette played. How can you predict that you will be in a PDD away from your home for a hundred kilometers with an old acquaintance of your wife, whom she has not seen for 20 years.
Vyacheslav, give him his due, stretched out his hand first to me, greeted, introduced themselves. He was a close friend of my wife, together, in the same company after school hanging out. By the way, my wife told me about him at the dawn of our relationship, that he was for her, like a boy, but she didn’t go on to build eyes and curl up, kiss, paw, then he drove off to the army, then disappeared from the city. Well, and then I drew, and Slava finally went "to rest." Of course, at the time of the first acquaintance we were all modestly silent about this. Just an old friend. It was later, already at home we "remembered" some nuances, but later.
And Paul immediately to him with questions. Where gone, how are you and so on. Stream, Niagara ... And then we are standing, although we have practically moved out of Leningradka, but still on the road. We were “politely” a couple of times, with hooters, hinted that it was time to free the road, since everything is fine. And by itself, the proposal to continue communication in a cafe drew a picture of where we were going to initially go and wait a little bit of traffic.
The cafe turned out to be extremely cozy for the roadside. The name of the cafe modestly keep silence, because, even kill, but I do not remember. We ordered coffee, tea, a croissant ... We sit, like we are talking, but here I’m watching more, because I’m not able to insert a word into their avalanche of information. A thousand years have not seen each other, a lot of time to tell them. It turned out that after the army, Slava went to Moscow, started a small business with an army friend, got married there, he had a tight schedule, he stopped paying proper attention to his wife and eventually got strong horns, he also screwed up, got divorced, has three children , she misses them a lot, because the former got very angry at him, blamed him for what happened between them, and drove off to the Promised Land with her children to her parents, who immigrated there in the mid-90s, now alone. He loves being driven by a bike, waving longing, especially through a traffic jam; like adrenaline catches, here and caught up ... This time, as it turned out for all of us, very, very well ...
I look at how they devour each other’s eyes, pour in a bunch of words and find that it starts to amuse me gradually. I catch myself thinking that Slava is a normal kind of guy. The farther away, the more I realize that in due time Fields found in him, the disposition grows towards him with every minute. And then suddenly a crazy thought rushes through my head ... (If it were not for our experiments in swing, then I would never have decided to voice / embody it.)
I decided to try, although I didn’t really believe that something would work out. I sit, waiting for the moment. Here Slava leaves for a couple of minutes on urgent matters. The attempt is not torture, and without any preparation I tell my wife:
- And you would not want to sleep with him? I allow. Present.
The fact that this is not a joke, she understood right away, but with such suggestions, in fact, my “not spoiled”, actually for the first time. Figuratively speaking, Paulie's jaw dropped, there was a pause that lasted until the coming of Glory.
With the return of Glory, the conversation continued, as if I had not asked such a frank question to my wife. We sat like this for about 2 hours, at the end even I managed to break into conversations. Slava turned out to be a good conversationalist, with a broad outlook, found common topics for discussion, even in football, although we support different clubs. But time inexorably went forward and we had to gradually wrap up. Wife asks her to the right room, before you pay, leave. I stand on the clock, she goes out and immediately stuns ...
me, with a carefree tone asking:
- A proposal is in force, did not change my mind, will you not regret?
What a twist. I internally applaud an excerpt from my wife. Adrenaline rushed through, I had to pause and said quietly:
- Then did not change my mind. - (This is me about our first swing experience.) And I get the answer:
- Once offered, and organize, I will not hang myself, but ... blame yourself.
I understood that there was no way back, I needed to “introduce”; the word, as they say, is not a sparrow at all ... I ask my wife to go to the car and give me time to "pokumekat" with Slava.
I went to the table, Slava and I were paying the bills. We leave. stories about sex As soon as he was convinced that there are no extra ears, in a low voice:
“Glory, when was the last time you were with a woman?”
He, of course, immediately went out of touch with such a completely intimate question, especially since our previous conversation did not at all suggest this question. He looks at me, slaps his eyelashes, looks classic confusion and incomprehension on his face. I calmly (aha "calmly" - the pulse is right up to 200, steam from the ears, sweat through the jacket seems to have broken) continued:
- Do you like Paul?
- Yes, that is ... not in the sense - Slava barely uttered, swallowing a large lump, which squeezed his throat and did not understand where I was leaning on the conversation.
- And I mean it in that sense. Right here and now. This will be her gift from us. Paulie has condoms, she is waiting for you in the car - he “laid out” on one spirit; these words were utterly difficult for me, not every day you decide on this ... About condoms — after how we “touched” the swing — Pauli’s condoms are always with me at my urgent request.
And Slava stands and watches; looks, stands and speaks out. He, too, see, not every day such proposals are made. His complete confusion amused me a little and my tension went away with my hand, relaxed (or it seemed to me then), I say to him with a smile:
- Glory, go in the end. Give the woman what she wants. How much to ask you. I'll stand here.
I realized that they were not joking with him and he hesitantly walked to the car. But, here's a bad luck, well, the unit does not rise in any way, as it rested at half past five, it hangs. His wife and so caress and so - all to no avail. Apparently, a nonstandard situation jammed something there in Glory.
Then I propose such a solution: go to our house and “discuss it” there. Glory already agrees with obvious relief. We are in the car, and Slava on your bike, the benefit of nothing there has fallen off. Go.
And here we are at home, for 11 o'clock at night. The children are already sleeping. We try not to make noise. We pass into the kitchen. My wife quickly laid out snacks, got brandy and wine. We drank a couple of toasts. I propose to stay for the weekend and leave on Monday. But Slava needs to be in the morning in Moscow. And then Fields, having decided everything for us and said: “Don't miss, boys” - she flew off to the bathroom. We both realized that to be sex, again adrenaline began to go off-scale. In the meantime, she puts herself in order there, and Slava and I have time to dry a couple of piles and calm down a little. Glory asks us, he wonders how we “sunk” here to such depravity. I briefly set out, without specifying names, like.
Here the bathroom is released and we immediately send Slava there, then me, my wife asks to stay there for 10-15 minutes. When I came out, I found such a picture. It is evident that cognac obviously went to the benefit: Slava lies on the bed, and Fields sat on top of him, and slightly up, then slightly down, movement of the hips, a deep breath, inhale, and again in a new way. Hands of Glory flit on the full breasts of my wife below. They are good, obviously good, but suddenly my jealousy is rising, the pressure is growing, it seems that they were not yet mentally prepared for the fact that without me they can begin. At that moment, Paul saw that I had already left the bathroom and innocently asked:
- Can I kiss him?
I bastard from the naivety of such a question. Jealousy and pressure recede. And immediately begins to increase excitement, and even some excitement. Who has not experienced - will not understand.
- Of course yes.
Glory, having heard me, I realized that I was already in the room, I started up, tried to get out from under my wife, offering me to take my rightful place. How gallantly, if this word applies at all to the situation ... I stopped him, putting my hand on my shoulder:
- Today, this share is yours, work, do not be distracted. I always have time. By the way, on a glass of brandy?
I pour glasses, but I see that he is now definitely not up to brandy. I put his shot on the bedside table at the head of the bed, and I sit in a chair at the side of the bed and start watching live porn with my wife in the lead role. My wife does not publish loud huff-moans, not her style, only sniffs softly. Her cheeks are red, rosy, already burning.
On our bed, my wife is impaled on someone else's dick, and even jumps on him, and sometimes she leans over to the ebar, snuggles, kisses him passionately, lifts herself up, then the air kiss sends me. Once even the middle finger showed. What for? And I, two meters from the bed, in the chair, my one hand strokes the trunk, the other holds a glass, and on the contrary, but the bed, my wife fuck. My wife looks at me so slyly, slyly and smiles, catches her buzz. I see that Slava is already sailing, I told him:
- Change if close to the end. Do not stop yet.
He immediately asks Paul to get down. Fields reluctantly gets up, I unroll it, tilt it and insert my stiffened member into the "garage". Oh how hot, slippery, pleasant and ... spacious. I looked at the member of Glory - it turned out to be a sickly member, in any case, rather large than me, but not such a giant with whom Fields had contact on our first evening of swing. The most it, as she then admitted to me.
- Fields, you see, did not lose with Slava - hinting at his member. She replied:
- Dim, you work there, the commentator was found.
The disposition turned out to be banal, Fields is standing at the edge of the bed, tilted with cancer, I’m at the back of her full spire amplitude, all the time, the dick falls out of Slava’s developed pussy, and right under her nose, the dick of Glory hangs out in all its glory. I am her:
- Take prezik and kiss.
No sooner said than done. I switched to a moderate rate of fucking, so that Paul was comfortable doing blowjob. And she went rocking back and forth, forward and back again.
I see that Slava is on the verge again, and he himself will soon. I come out of Paul and ask Paul to stop doing glory blowjob. Need a front. It was to look at her greedy eyes: a real tigress, she was ready to tear us apart. I pour myself and Slava on brandy, my wife - semi-sweet. Sit, talk.
Fields and Slava recall various funny stories that they experienced together. Even this, when they are naked in Slava's room twenty years ago, pawing each other in intimate places, and almost fucked, but at that moment Granny of Glory returns home, that's all, bummer - she's Polya - I'll tell your mom, that kind of slut. But mine was not confused - tell me what the problem and calmly dressed.
In the meantime, I ask Paul if she wants to try another hole, meaning to embody my long-time (and maybe her, too, but she doesn't prick) double penetration. She simply answers - “first you try, and then I”. We are laughing. The fact is that earlier we tried a couple of times anal, but due to the fact that my dick, although not so long, but fat, and Fields didn’t manage to try the back completely. We decided not to force anal. Everything has its time.
In short, we just sat down, took my soul away, I get up, carry my wife away and hint to Slava, who is sitting in a chair to continue and put on a condom, and I myself start kissing my wife, aiming her at Slava's dick. Gradually seated her on the knees of Glory, his dick gently enters my wife. I can’t see enough of it at this moment, as Paulie’s eyes are gradually rounded, and a quiet sniff begins again. Up and down, and I hold, hug, kiss her. Going down. I open her knees. The clitoris is bent forward and each time it moves forward, sways to the beat of the Slavic member. I fall there with my lips, as much as possible ..
I gently kiss you, because I know that everything is hyper-sensitive with Paulie. I feel like a foreign member bursting his wife's pussy from the inside. I pass the language up and down, a couple of times I get on someone else's member. Don't give a damn. Unreal sight, did not enjoy until the end. We are one. My wife, again on another huy, with my approval. Demolish the roof, really blows. And again I fall in love with her, for the hundredth time.
I do not know how much we were in this mode, but suddenly Fields makes a deep moan, went limp, asked for respite, sailed, orgasm. Glory stopped, me too. After a couple of minutes, the wife returned to normal. But while she does not want to go there, everything is very sensitive, she asks to wait. I tell her, they say, before the end of his mouth, and then we already have no glory, he will soon howl. The wife sat on the edge of the bed, removes the condom from the Slavic member and give her corporate blowjob to him. At this moment, suddenly, somehow by itself, arbitrarily, I, to my wife, until I realized that I said:
- Do you want to kiss then? - Sometimes we indulge in the exchange of my sperm after a blowjob, since it was even a stranger, both of us like it and specifically both blow the head off (I hear the reader triple "fi"). She shakes her head. Looks like no.
I start hugging my wife, stroking my chest, shoulders, kissing between my legs. In short, the maximum complicate her to do blowjob. For a long time this could not continue, and Slava began to finish. It seems that there was an accumulation over the evening, the jet was strong, as Fields nearly choked, but, to her credit, coped with the situation and worthily honored Slava to the end. Slava flopped into the chair, in the eyes of complete relaxation. And mine, with the words "he asked for himself," rushed to kiss me fiercely. She gave out a very passionate kiss with someone else's sperm in her mouth, almost all the sperm shoved into my mouth, then sucked back again, a part swallowed, again back; fascinated on the bed, my back, climbed, more accurately pounced from above and became furiously fucking me. Looks like some kind of valve went off. Not often did I see my wife so wound up and predatory. And swaying from above, she simply said:
- If you finish now, I will go outside and with the first person I meet ... you know yourself ...
I had to endure, so as not to end prematurely. My efforts were not in vain - Slava came to his senses and responded to my SOS, began to help me in satisfying my wife, stroking her chest, back. I kiss him near the ear, to the edge of the lips, near the nipples, but not the nipples, at the clitoris, but not the clitoris itself, there is now a volcano. Glory did not disappoint, walked around all points, especially lingered on the clitoris - it was also probably fascinated by the sight, as the clitoris protrudes during the course of the penis. In short, by double efforts, we achieved that the wife finally began to wriggle with us like an eel with an increased sniff tone. And suddenly it just fell off. That is completely disconnected. I, who had not finished yet (I never managed to finish that night), immediately everything “fell”. Everything, I thought, came, what the fuck sex, wife, beloved, it is necessary to save. Complete panic. In the kitchen, water, ammonia. We come running - and she already came to herself, lying on the bed with a blissful face, said how good it was. How I love to see her like that. We are to her, gave water. We lay down nearby and did not notice how we all fell asleep (nevertheless, at 2 o'clock in the morning it was, and we had a lot of brandy with wine).
It’s good that Fields woke up first, early in the morning, or the children of us could catch three of us naked in one bed, the door to the bedroom was wide open. They are already adults, it is not desirable for them to know about us. Uh, carried by. She woke us up, said, there is nothing to waste, I started to do blowjob, and sent Glory to the bathroom and asked her to wait there. I could not hold out for a long time, and she immediately, after swallowing my sperm, ran to the bathroom. Closed, I asked to follow if the children wake up. Somewhere in half an hour they left there satisfied, especially my wife. I wonder what they did there, but a pleasant itching on the head suggested what ... felt the growth of horns ...
When the children woke up, we already, decent ones, sat at the kitchen table, sipped tea, the wife - coffee. Unfortunately, Slava really needed to return to Moscow on Sunday in the morning. Paul and I went to see him off. Although it was already 9 am on the street, no one was there yet. I shook hands with Slava, and my wife was hot, she kissed him passionately, while she reached into her trousers with her hand, she did not let go of him for about 5 minutes. Then he jumped on his bike and drove off.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that a neighbor (dyed blonde, she is of our age) noticed us from the first floor. She waved her hand as a greeting and with an understanding smile on her face. It seems that they burned, the last chord was superfluous. A couple of days later, when I accidentally crossed with her on the landing, she simply told me that we were “well-annealed”, but asked not to burn like that anymore, because, God forbid, your grandmothers will see — count it in the Izvestia newspaper. I told my wife about this - she replied that they (the neighbor and his husband) were from “ours”, but had not told me before, since they are our good neighbors and with them “no, no”. It turns out that the neighbor school is a very close friend of Marina and saw us with her and then somehow at tea she got into conversation with my wife. That's how female intelligence works.
My wife flew like a bee for 2018. I was very grateful for such a “modest” adventure. And I love her all year, but with adult eyes I look. Somehow my spouse became more familiar to me. It seems that this is the case when the “correct” horns are exactly what is appropriate.
Then, last summer, another adventure on its one, or rather its all places bungled, but this is a topic for another story.
About Glory - I drove off, but did not forget to congratulate on March 8 a week later. Then he disappeared again, his phone stopped responding. Then again in the fall he called us and congratulated me on my birthday. I apologized that he disappeared, it turns out that that night of sex turned out to be a turning point for him - he decided to return to the former, flew to Israel, now returned with her and the children, made up. Such words of gratitude I said, something we gave him some very important lesson in life, I realized something in life and other rubbish. We tell him - live easier, do not bother. Said that flies, probably forever. But left the local phone. Sometimes we exchange SMS. Unfortunately, once again congratulating my wife in the above format will no longer work, since Slava has a new candy and bouquet period with her ex-wife. This is a long time, and we wish him happiness.
Do not believe that the above was written here, all the characters are fictional, and coincidences, if they exist, only confirm that this story is fiction. We will in any case go into failure.
Enjoy reading