Thus, I came to my city from a nearby one almost after midnight. It's amazing how I managed to squeeze in the last minibus from the station and finally get to my native quarters. Otherwise I would have to call a taxi, spending a good third of the scholarship, which I certainly could not afford.
In the native district, the lanterns burned through one. Loudly, as if from the last forces, cicadas cracked. The last week at the university was not very successful - I did not manage to retake two tests that were not closed in the summer session, and as a result, the deduction did not seem like a vague prospect.
However, I understood perfectly well that the fascination with Japanese cartoons hardly contributes to learning. But I couldn’t force myself to stick over abstracts instead of a new series with cute chants richly flavored with fan service. And now I was paying for it with a sucking feeling under the spoon and with the anticipation of a retake with the commission, which I will most likely fill up. And there is only hope for the favor of the dean ... From the second year they are dismissed in bundles, I knew that for sure.
Therefore, my mood was not so hot. And when I, in addition to everything, heard the hellish roar and screeching behind my back, the first thought was “Earthquakes were not enough!” But this was not an earthquake. When I turned to the noise, I saw something that made me doubt my own sanity.
A creature descended from nightmares stood and screamed in the middle of the street. Fanged maw, scaly paws, horns on the forehead and bright scarlet luminous pupils - one would imagine that this is a carnival costume, if the monster was not three meters tall, and did not squeeze a certain apparatus in its front limbs, the acid-green beam from which burning a hot hole in the wall of the house. Stones and pieces of overlap fell from the edges of the hole. They created the roar.
I looked dumbfounded at this horror. From the squeal, in some places passing into the ultrasound, it laid the ears and smarted teeth. The first reaction of any normal person would be to run out of there, headlong, but it seemed as if all the nerve endings had failed, I just stood rooted to the spot and watched the demon incinerate the house.
Finally, the building collapsed completely, lifting tons of dust into the air. Monster stopped screaming, turned and looked at me, raising his machine. He is about to pull the trigger and incinerate me. I could not even close my eyes, numb with horror. And at that moment salvation came.
She appeared out of nowhere, as if materialized in the air - a miniature blonde girl of eighteen, in a tartan skirt, high white socks and a blouse with a blue collar. In a few steps, clattering his heels on the asphalt pawed by the monster's paws, she reached him, stretched out her hand and folded a figure resembling the letter “V.” with her small graceful fingers. Lightning flashed from the fingertips of the girl, which struck the demon right in the stomach, closed with bony plates.
The monster staggered, its sharp marsh-green claw flew off the trigger, and he was unable to press the trigger. Turning in the direction of the girl, the demon gave a powerful roar, not at all like the screeching that he was making a minute earlier. From this roar the earth shook. A beam exploded from the socket of the apparatus and slashed along the wall with a bright, steaming strip. A second back there was a girl, but she flew in a fantastic way into the air and from there began to water the demon with fire and lightning.
Small fireballs and sparkling charges literally drowned the monster. He stopped growling and again switched to a scream, but now no longer triumphant, but desperately evil. One of the aptly launched charges knocked the device out of his clutches and he flew off in my direction. Every time when electric bunches beat on the demon's body, he shook his head in a bewildered voice, losing speed and strength more and more. Smell of ozone and burnt skin.
- What are you standing? - suddenly exclaimed the girl. She turned out to be an unusually pleasant ringing voice.
- Uh ... what to do? - I asked puzzled, looking at the girl hovering at the height of the third floor. Suddenly, I realized that the short skirt of the cute chan allows me to see the very edge of her panties.
- Grab a blaster soon! He's under your feet.
I immediately executed her order. The device was still warm and comfortable in the hands.
The girl sank down beside her.
- We need to leave before he wakes up! Rather!
- Uh ... Well, just explain ... - but I did not have time to finish the phrase - the girl grabbed my hand and lifted me into the air. And then we jerked for several blocks from the discouraged and stunned monster, who continued to growl softly and trample on the spot, waving away sparks. The city seemed to be extinct, not a single siren of the emergency services was heard, which should have already left for all this confusion.
- Why so quiet? - I asked her. We flew in complete silence, neither cicadas, nor the noise of cars, only the whistle of the wind in our ears.
She did not answer, only squeezed my hand with her palm, which she had just been making fire and lightning from the air. Meanwhile, my rescuer raised her other hand to her ear and said:
- Tinny Center, I repeat, Tinney Center - cell one hundred six fraction four hundred twenty lost. The cyclicality is erased, all the entities in the cell, except for one, are destroyed. The Destroyer is localized by me, but not for long. I'm leaving for a base for reinforcements.
Finally, we sank to the ground, against the wall of an abandoned factory far beyond the city. She waved her hand and a silvery cloud separated itself from her fingers. Then it sank into a narrow strip from the ground to the sky, faded a little and disappeared.
- What does it mean “destroyed all entities”? What did you mean? Where did all go? - I blurted out questions one by one, not hoping to get answers. Tinney, and, apparently, her name was just that, only squeezed my hand and looked at me carefully.
- What ... what's with my family? - slowing down the tone, I asked.
- They are not. Your whole world, or rather what you thought was the world - its ring is broken.
- How is it not? What other ring? What are you talking about? Yes, explain already finally! - I almost broke a scream.
- What's your name? She suddenly asked.
“Nikita ...” I said more quietly.
- I'll explain everything later, Nikita ...
Tinney paused again. She looked at me with a sad smile and snapped her fingers. From the ruins of the plant, a vehicle emerged sedately, which simultaneously resembled a flying saucer and an ultramodern aircraft.
A hatch opened in the vehicle, and a ladder crawled out of it slowly with a soft rustle. Tinney gestured for me to rise.
- You still have no other choice, understand. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Although, this is still a question, perhaps, just that, because all the other people you knew were, in fact, destroyed.
- destroyed? How can you destroy all the people without affecting the city? - I pointed to the city blocks, brightly lit streets and windows of houses.
“Well, he was also going to destroy the city.” For this he needed a blaster, - she pointed to the piece, which I continued to squeeze by the handle.
- Wait, what about the police, weapons, soldiers? Why no one defended, all just disappeared?
“Understand, everything that you were told from the school bench about the device of the world, the Universe, the cosmos - how can I put it more softly ...” she wrinkled her little forehead, choosing a word.
“All this bullshit if you just talk,” the girl continued. - The most complete with it. You think that there is a huge piece of stone flying in space among other similar pieces around an even more huge hot ball, the so-called star, right?
- Uh, well, yes. You don't want to tell me that geocentric ...
The theory was correct ?!
- They are all wrong. They are all fiction. Reality has nothing to do with this illusory picture.
- Yes, stop talking in riddles already! - I exclaimed in the hearts. - Tell me what's going on. If all this is an illusion, then what is real?
- I will not only tell you, but also show you. But for this, first go aboard the boat, - she pointed to the aircraft, hanging half a meter from the ground behind her back.
I reluctantly obeyed. Inside, the device turned out to be even more futuristic than the outside - winking lights, two chairs and an instrument panel, flowing lines and a springy floor, and all this under a steady calm consecration. Tinney went to the device, which, as it turned out, was the real food generator. She dialed the code and a second later a plate of mashed potatoes and a cutlet appeared in a special field.
- Are you hungry? Come on, you will need strength.
- And you ... you will not join? - I asked.
“My meal will be later,” the girl smiled strangely. Then I did not attach any importance to this.
I did not notice how I screwed up the whole plate and asked for supplements and compote. specifically for The device implicitly fulfilled my request. Any other person in such a situation would have completely lost his appetite, but not me - I used to seize a bad mood. When I was full, I began to worry a little less.
“Well, start talking,” I said, looking questioningly at Tinney. She looked at me carefully and said:
- Well, listen. To begin with, the population of your piece of rock is not seven billion, as you were taught. And most of the territory that you saw on the maps simply does not exist.
- But there are video, panoramic shooting of cities and so on! How is this possible?!
- In reality, there were only those people whom you saw with your own eyes, not in the video and photo, but could come and touch them. And that's not all. Video, photo and even voice on the phone is an illusion, a dream of reality, not a fake, but a dream. The world is asleep, it is dreaming, and cells like the one in which you lived are only a small percentage real, the rest is nightmares, erotic dreams, phantasmagorias. And each cell, they are also called “bubbles”, “nests”, “honeycombs” - so, each cell is a looped cast of historical material, a fragment of a chrono line containing several hundred, sometimes thousands, real personalities and seven billion shadows that exist only in imagination.
- What?! You're delusional? After all, any person has the opportunity to go to distant countries and make sure that they are completely real, to touch the buildings there, to greet the hand with the inhabitants of those places! How can you say that?
- But you yourself have been at least once in distant countries? Well, at least one? - Tinny squinted and looked at me.
- No, but ... Wait, did you say "a fragment of chronoline"? That is, time and illusion? And memory? - I began to rub my forehead, which made sweat. I wanted to pinch myself, her, break this damn table, at which we were sitting, to destroy the narcotic nonsense in which I found myself ... But immediately there came the realization that this is not nonsense, and everything that Tinney says is true. The awareness was sharp and sudden, like a fork in a skull.
- Partially. For example, your cell covers the period from January to September 2019. When September takes place, the cycle repeats, all personalities return to January and all events are scrolled anew. In other cells there are other time periods and other territories, but even according to the most optimistic calculations, if the population of all cells in the Universe is added up, there are no more than one or two million real individuals.
- And this recurrence is one hundred percent confirms the effect of deja vu ... - when it seems to you that this has already happened, everything repeats ...
- Absolutely right! - said Tinney.
- And my memory until January? She's fake, coming out. Was it nothing?
- Well, why? Not necessarily. All this could be, but in other cells. With other copies of you.
- By the way, what about free will? Every time a cycle is repeated, people are doomed to do the same thing?
- And no! And here is just the most interesting. Free will is a little of the real you have. You can go to the left, and you can go to the right - even within a very limited world, both in time and in space, but you decide every cycle anew. And each time a different decision can be made. We follow hundreds of cells that have gone through thousands of cycles. And in all cases when the person makes a decision, her choice is not determined. Sometimes a person goes to the right at a fork of two roads in 50% of cases, sometimes in 90%, but it is impossible to determine in advance where he will go in each new cycle ...
- Why?
“We don't know,” Tinney shrugged.
“What do these demons want, monsters like the one you deafened?”
- This is Destroyers. They want no cells. So that all personalities live in the real world. And in it more than hundred thousand people will not survive, resources will not be enough. Therefore, they erase cyclicality in some cells and destroy cities, soil and forests with blasters in order to process all this into building material and energy.
- Where do you get energy from? And, if they are Destroyers, then how to call you?
- us? We are called in different ways ... Rescuer, Guardian ... And as for energy, do not worry about it.
She got up from the table and went to the dashboard. Her little finger lay on the dark blue button. Suddenly the button changed its color to bright scarlet and blinked.
- Oh! - very childish exclaimed Tinney.
- What? - I asked.
- Our boat spent too much energy for the second portion of mashed potatoes and compote, I didn’t calculate ... Not even enough to take off ...
- And where to get the fuel? - I asked hastily, wiping my hands with a napkin.
- Well ... I wanted to postpone this conversation for tomorrow, when we will be far away from this cell, but, apparently, we have to say now. Destroyer soon wakes up and takes the trail ...
- What's wrong with the fuel? Do not worry already ...
- Nikita, in general ... - she suddenly blushed, came up to me and took my hands in her little hot palms.
- You just do not panic! - With this phrase, she completely knocked the ground out from under my feet.
- What the ... What is it? Why should I panic?
- Because the fuel ... Well, how can I tell you ... In general, you have the fuel! She blurted out.
- Where is it with me? I have nothing in my pockets!
- It is not in the pockets. It is inside you ...
- What?! - I exhaled. My eyes literally climbed out of orbit.
- What are you hinting at? - I added, getting up from the table and cautiously taking a step back.
- What are you, like a zombie? Eat people's brains?
“No, no,” the girl hurriedly smiled, approaching me.
- What then? Blood? You are a vampire? Do you want to suck me dry ?! - I have already tried to come up with an escape plan, but what can I do against a girl who knows how to create a fire with her fingers?
“To dry ... But not blood ...” the girl said softly.
- What then? What?! - I shouted.
“Sperm ...” Tinney said, barely audibly, already all red, like boiled cancer.
- What? Wh ... how? What for? - I whispered in shock, looking at the girl.
- You see, the only way to accumulate the energy of each cell in one place is to lay down the mechanism of resistance to the Destroyers, to use their craving for destruction. Our specialists change the cyclic mode and at the moment when the Destroyer begins to erase a cell, this mechanism starts. He collects the energy of all the destroyed individuals and dumps it into the last remaining individual. If this is a girl, then a new Keeper turns out, and if a guy, then a source of fuel for our bases, boats and, most importantly, the ability to control fire, electricity and gravity, comes out.
Is this the only way to get it? But why? Why? Who is thought up?
“I don’t know ...” Tinney said, almost crying. And where did her self-confidence, which she sparkled a few minutes ago, when she told about the structure of the real world, just got lost.
“Does that work like that?”
Tinney nodded, shaking her funny tails. Her red face was unusually sweet and innocent. I could not even believe that she said such things out loud.
- Uh ... So, this is an urgent need?
- Right now...
- Do you have a container, a jar or a cup there? How much do you need?
- No, you can not in a glass! Exclaimed Tinney.
- Why? But how then ...?
- Energy is stored only in fresh sperm, even if after the eruption only a millisecond passes, there will not be a drop of force in it, absolutely nothing. Contact with air is completely unacceptable, as with any other medium, except for a living body.
- So how to fill the boat? I have to ... What should I?
- I will fill the boat - I will just put my hand on a special panel and give the systems of the ship some of my energy. But you ... You fill me up.
- And how will I fill you up? Aah, aah, wait, wait, Tinny, I think ... But ... Is this ...
- Hush, Nikita ... - Tinny came closer to me, so that I heard her excited breathing and felt the gentle smell of girlish pheromones ... She put her finger on my lips, and then began to kneel, looking straight at me in the eyes.
Her gentle fingers deftly unbuttoned the belt and lowered the jeans down. And then the girl dropped down and panties. Before her, my dick grew up, not to say that it is very large, rather medium-sized. Tinney quietly touched him with her lips, licked her tongue. Smiled, looking at my reaction. And then she put her lovely palms on my bare ass and lightly held on the buttocks.
It was as if an electric current had pierced me, I remembered her words that the sperm should not be on the air, so I frantically pulled the girl to me by the tails and began not skillfully crawling in her tender hot mouth. Delightful gurgling sounds and gentle movements of the brisk tongue of Tinney led me to wild delight - I used to see this only on video and in cartoons, but now I felt it live.
And I was already close to my goal, when suddenly something fell on top of the boat. On the windshield went crack. I threw a glance there and saw a fairly battered, but still three-meter and clawed Destroyer. Obviously, he had already recovered from stunning and only the absence of a blaster kept him from completely annihilating the boat.
The demon began to strike the hull and the windshield, increasing the web of cracks with each blow. The lights began to blink, the alarm siren sounded.
- Tofko do not stop !! - Tinnie moaned desperately, not letting my dick out of her little mouth.
- You dofen confit in my rofik! Most likely, oblivka dolfo not stand out! - She added, increasing the amplitude of their movements. Now my cock penetrated almost into her neck.
Incredible sensations intensified by the fact that Tinney grabbed my hands and put my palms on her chest. I felt her excited nipples through the blouse, felt the wild heartbeat of a girl's heart, while the monster was rocking the ship, trying to break the resistance of the hull.
Then the demon began to jump on the glass, each time trying to paw into the center of the web of cracks. In such conditions it was extremely difficult to concentrate on the incredibly pleasant sensations of the blowjob, but I forced myself. And at the same time he changed his tactics, stopping to ram the neck of Tinney, but changing the corner and going into her mouth sideways. The penis began to ridicule the girl's cheek ridiculously - I gasped in admiration, how cute and cute she looked with the dick behind the cheek ... And then I was able to escape for a second from the Destroyer’s attempts to break the boat and finally reach the goal ...
It was fantastic - to cum right in Tinney's mouth, watching as she makes powerful swallowing movements, sobbing and sucking all the juices out of my dick.
“Ummghh, ummgg, mmgn,” my savior moaned, trying not to miss a drop.
And the next second, breathless, but happy Tinney withdrew from the member, kissed him finally, jumped up and ran to the dashboard. From her fingers, small lightning bolts jumped right into the black cube, which stood right in the center of the command room. The lights came back on again, the engines boomed. Monster dropped from the windshield a powerful force field.
- Snap on, take off! - My savior shouted to me, pointing to a chair. She herself took the pilot's seat, and, waiting for me to get settled in the next chair, put her palm on the blue button. This time it did not turn red, but only changed color to turquoise and lit up. The engines roared, the overloads pressed me into the chair ... With a happy smile, I turned my head to the left, enjoyed the view of Tinney, pressed against the chair and lost consciousness. Finally, I wondered why she was not levitating, reducing the burden on the body, but everything was already blurred in a dark red fog ...