The moment came when she, apologizing, withdrew from the company surrounding her and he barely missed this moment. She could easily go to the toilet, but Igor nevertheless carefully followed her. He moved quite silently, although he did not set himself such a goal, but when he saw that the toilet door she had passed and really began to move quietly and carefully. Oddly enough, she did not set traps, did not look out of the corners, it was easy to follow her. She went into the room of Father Oleg, the owner of the house.
the guy looked into the room. The girl stood in the twilight, lighting a small metal safe with a flashlight, which was mounted into the wall. The girl quickly found something there and closed the door back, turning the wheel of the cipher lock. She turned to Igor and he saw how she was hiding a thing like a USB flash drive in her bra. It was pointless to hide further. The guy came forward. The girl shuddered and stopped, looking at him in dismay.
- Hello - said Igor
- Yes, hello - she answered, looking at him tensely.
- I saw everything - he admitted
“I just ... took my things,” the girl said, a little uncertainly.
- This is Oleg's father's safe, he told me about him - Igor shared - How do you know the code?
There was confusion on her face
“Skip it,” she said, and filling the guy off into the corridor.
- Want me to tell him? - asked Igor
She froze. It was very pleasant to admire her slim figure. She turned sharply.
- What do you need? - demanded the girl
- you - he answered
- I do not understand - she frowned
- I want you - repeated Igor
Immediately there was a ringing click of a slap in the face, and stars poured from the guy's eyes. However, the girl did not leave, she still intensely looked at him.
- What are you fast - praised the guy
- Are you fucked? - she asked almost in a whisper - Am I what the fuck do you think?
“I think so,” he answered.
This time, she slapped a slap on the other cheek.
“Thank you,” he said, coping with the stars. “On the other side, it wouldn't be so nice.”
- Listen, I'm sorry - the girl suddenly changed her tone - Let's forget about what was here.
- Well, here's another - Igor did not agree.
- Will you tell Oleg? She asked
- Required - he confirmed
“It is of no value to him,” she said, showing the flash drive. “He will not even notice that she’s gone.”
- If I tell him, he will notice - the guy objected.
There were voices in the distance.
- Okay, let's go - she decided, and taking me by the hand dragged along the stairs to the second floor. Surprisingly, she knew everything very well here.
Igor entered her room, she closed the door and turned the lock.
- Light not to light - she warned.
He nodded in agreement
- What do you want? - she repeated her question
- Tell me what is on the flash drive - Igor asked
“It doesn't concern you,” she snapped.
- I agree - he confirmed - Then I want to fuck you.
The girl barely hit him again, but restrained herself.
- I ... I can ... suck - she said with difficulty
- Of course. And suck too. Take off your clothes - he suggested.
She measured the guy with a hateful look and began to take off her clothes. A minute later she was in her underwear, but that was not enough for me.
- Take everything off - he demanded
It seemed that she was going to cry, but she managed to restrain herself.
Naked she looked fragile and vulnerable. It seemed to the guy that he was trembling and he embraced her. She really trembled slightly, apparently with emotion.
- Do not worry, I will not hurt you - he whispered.
Down on one knee, the guy licked her clit. The girl did not respond. She seemed paralyzed with fear. He felt that I could do whatever he wanted with her.
“Spread your legs,” he demanded.
She obeyed.
He turned, leaning on his arm and began licking her labia from below. She still did not react explicitly. Rising after a couple of minutes, he approached her from behind and hugged her, and began to squeeze. For the first time, the girl showed emotions, began to breathe excitedly and squirm in his hands. Putting his hand down, he touched her pussy. She was wet. sexytales Slime mucus from his fingers, the guy began to squeeze her boobs, enjoying the quiet, obviously pent-up moans.
His cock is already up and hanging somewhere between her legs. He pulled the girl to him and began to wear her without penetration. It looked very vulgar, but the beautiful stranger did not resist his movements. A member, meanwhile, reached a working condition and he tried to enter it. Pizdenka was narrow and the girl jerked from his careless movement. Perhaps it is better to enter it in the horizontal position for the first time.
- Lie on your back - the guy ordered - And spread your legs.
The girl obediently did everything. Bending over her, he clung to her pussy. She was bitter, but if you delve into the tongue, it became pleasantly sour.
The beautiful stranger clearly liked these grooves, she began to wriggle and her breathing quickened. He licked her purposefully. First, she was indifferent, she soon began to podmahivat a little and got a full sexual intercourse, his mouth - her cunt. Emboldened, the girl threw a leg over the guy's neck and began to openly move towards his tongue. These movements became faster as her orgasm began, however, he sweated all over before the orgasm came. With a choking sound, the girl shook in ecstasy. Igor diligently continued to work the language, causing a surge of new waves of orgasm.
Returning from heaven, she even smiled, lifting her leg and letting the guy stand up.
- Liked? - he asked
- Yes - she just answered - On her face now there was such a sweet and serene expression.
- Suck me? - asked the guy
She did not immediately reply, stretching out like a child who had just been awakened.
“I feel so good,” she admitted.
- I want to fuck you - he reminded
The girl did not answer, still smiling serenely to him.
- What is your name, princess? - he asked
- Sveta - she replied, for the first time after orgasm, having looked at him intelligently.
He lay down next to her, and she turned on her side to face me.
- Do you have a boyfriend, Light?
Something flashed in her eyes.
- Yes, she answered
- Why are you here without him? - he asked
- We quarreled - admitted the girl
- Because of which?
- Well ... - she hesitated - This is a long time to explain. I asked him to help, and he ..
- I think I understand - the guy nodded - And what about the flash drive?
Her face has become tense again and this is especially attractive.
- Why do you need? She asked.
- Maybe I want to help - he improvised
- Well ... there ... documents - as if by force she said.
- What is the use of document scans? - Igor was surprised
- There are not only scans, but also ... something else - explained Sveta
- Hmm ... - I grunted - And why do you need them?
She looked at me like a hurt child and I even felt sorry for her.
- My dad ... can be put in jail - she said
- For what?
- Bribe
- And ...
what, it will help you? - he nodded to the flash drive, which lay in a handful of her things
She nodded confidently.
- If there is compromising, you could just trample this flash drive and everything - he was surprised
- There is dirt, but not on my father - the girl explained - And on another person. If I have a flash drive, it can also be compromised and then dad will be safe.
- Eh, okay - the guy decided - I will not bother you.
- Thank you - she squeezed out of herself - I am very ... grateful to you.
- You can express your gratitude by a blowjob - he suggested
“Okay, but ... you know, I have to run.” I need as fast as possible.
- Damn, I did not even finish - the guy complained.
- My dear, we will definitely meet again and I will suck you up as you like, promised Light.
Her face was so inspired that it was impossible not to believe her.
- And give me the fuck? - he doubted
- Dame - promised girl.
- Will you be my whore? - insisted Igor
“Good,” she confirmed.
- Promise - demanded the guy
- I'll be your fucking. I promise - seriously said Light.
“Okay, dictate the phone,” he agreed.
Igor thoughtfully thumbed through the electronic phone book in his smartphone. In fact, he was interested in only one phone with the name "Light". He did not even know the name of this girl, but flattered himself with the hope of finding out everything about her. It's been three days since they met. Igor decided that the term was decent enough not to look annoying. Once again, flipping through the book, he pressed his finger on her number.
“Yes,” her voice replied. Igor even trawled.
“Hello, this is Igor,” he said in a slightly hoarse voice.
There was silence
- What is Igor? - her voice finally came to life.
“A flash drive,” the guy reminded.
- Oh, it's you - her voice has become somehow more careful.
- How are you? As Father? - asked the guy
- All is well - the girl replied
- I am very happy - Igor was sincerely delighted - Can we meet?
The girl again fell silent, so that Igor even had to check if the connection was broken.
- Listen Igor, I have a boyfriend and I do not want to change him - said Sveta.
- But you promised - he was confused
“To promise is not to marry,” she answered in an indifferent voice.
- Oh, you are! - he was indignant - Then I will tell Oleg about the flash drive.
“You can tell,” she resolved. “Now it doesn't matter now.” However, I do not advise.
- Why is this? - grinned guy
- I did not tell him that you could stop me - explained Sveta - I didn’t say anything at all about you. So, I keep your secret. If you tell me, you can only harm yourself. However, do as you know.
It took Igor several seconds to think about the situation.
- And if I record a conversation? - he asked
- Well, write it down. So what? She asked
- I will tell who should be - Igor threatened
- And who needs? - asked Light - You are funny.
- Light, can you at least invite you to a cafe? Or to a restaurant?
- No, Igor, I'm sorry
- But why? - he asked
- I do not communicate with guys like you - explained the girl
- What does it mean - like me? - did not understand Igor
- With Oleg's friends - she clarified
- I am not such a friend to him, just an acquaintance - a guy tried to move out.
“This is not the case,” the girl objected. “Oleg, just like you do not belong to the circle of my communication.”
- And who then belongs to this circle of yours? - Igor was surprised - Oleg has a father, like, a serious person
- My boyfriend is the son of the governor - answered the girl
- Oh, oh, oh, how important we are - the guy snapped - What did you have to do to get behind the flash drive?
- I rescued my father, this is not his problem - explained the girl
- Well, why do you need this? - asked Igor.
- What do you understand? This is not for you to live in slums - a girl has faked it.
“Can you meet a commoner from the slums for a change?” - answered the guy
- Not. And don't call me anymore. Never - in the dynamics sounded the lights out.
- Oh, well, bitch! I had to fuck you! - Igor shouted, but the girl, of course, did not hear him.