He knew well, by memory, that and whoever was on the coast and in what condition was the material part that a ship or submarine might need far from the shores of the Motherland. His neighbor in the bed in the hotel is a young captain-lieutenant - navigator in the specialty, the first time participating in the verification commission was very worried because he didn’t represent the picture that could appear with the ship far away from his native shores. He was nervous, constantly asking questions, which he tried to explain to him simply and intelligibly. He was a little afraid of our admiral, and all the time he was puzzling his neighbor with questions about what the admiral might ask him. He reassured him with the answer that the admiral needed to speak only the truth, without hiding anything and not hoping for the Russian "maybe." He told him stories from past checks, where in such a situation there were cases when concealing the truth about the situation could turn into a great disaster for the ship.
That evening, only having had dinner at the hotel and coming to their room, they just started watching the “Caucasian Captive” on the screen of the country, as the hotel director of the hotel entered their room and, apologizing, said that she was ordered to place two more girls - doctors who were not in the list of reviewers before. But there was no place to accommodate these girls in the hotel, but the authorities ordered them to be placed at any cost. There was only one option. Fedor was offered to put a cot in the next room, and his partner was placed by decision of the manager. He, a forty-year-old man, didn’t care to whom he would be transferred, but Fyodor was worried until the hostess nudged at him and the boy immediately died down. She gave the key to her partner, saying that after the end of the trip she goes home, and there will be no one to disturb him. But when he and his traveling case came to her room, he saw Maria carefully covering the sofa with clean linen and, looking at him, smiling, said:
- And you, young man will sleep on this four-seater sofa. I hope you don't fall off it at night?
- Let's hope not fall. This is an airfield, not a sofa, ”he put in a corner of the case, hanging his coat and cap on a hanger, smiling a happy smile in response.
“Do not forget to take a shower before going to bed,” the administrator reminded her and left. She was a very beautiful brunette, with black as coal, eyes, thin in the waist, growing from a visitor. The only thing that surprised him was her small palms, like an eighth grade schoolgirl, but otherwise she immediately guessed her very sociable and caring character about the clients of the hotel. Soon she appeared again.
- Do you like this number? She asked, putting on her raincoat.
- Still would! There is even a phone. About the TV and do not say - he held her hand, saying goodbye. But for some reason she did not take away her hand, but patiently looked straight into his eyes, in which a very subtle question arose.
“Do not close the door for the night, the guest will come to you,” she replied, looking somewhere off into the distance, having slightly pressed and letting go of her hand.
- There is! - Comrade Head, - he straightened jokingly and put his hand to his uncovered cap on his head.
“It’s good to deal with smart people,” she answered, and then he asked her this inappropriate question:
- And who is this guest and what does she drink at night?
- This is my sister Alice. She is a copy of me. So don't be scared ... And she drinks everything, just like me ...
- So I set the table for three? - He went into a clear attack.
- It is possible for four. Your young man often smokes something in the corridor. Worried Boy?
- He is the first time on a business trip ...
- It can be seen. But let's not worry. We are peaceful people ...
“But our armored train is on the siding,” he laughed, peering into the refrigerator, where there was a bottle of champagne, konyaka and some kind of pots.
“Buy another box of chocolates,” he handed her twenty rubles.
“A good box draws more,” she grinned.
- Then here is the steward. Buy at your discretion.
“It will be fulfilled, commander,” she smiled, sending him a kiss, closing the door behind her.
As soon as she left, he ran into a restaurant at the hotel, bought a can of red caviar, sprat and goby in tomato sauce, which he loved very much. On the way, I met Fedor in the corridor, who was still smoking, looking into the darkness of the window.
- Fedya! The uniform of a white shirt without a tie, black pants and slippers, and in an hour to be with me. We are waiting for dinner with nice sovgavanskimi lady ...
- Thank you, commander! I will...
The weather was not flying, and their plane was lonely on the airfield. Only one thing was embarrassing: after breakfast, our admiral announced the meeting of the commission about readiness for work. He, the shot sparrow, knew what it was, and Fyodor was at a loss for fear of being dishonored if something seemed to the admiral to be strange or ridiculous. But the neighbor immediately assured him that, though the admiral was a dock, he was very attentive and could immediately distinguish a young but intelligent person from a cocky all-knowing one.
... girls came on time. Both were the same height, indistinguishable from each other, as if nature had molded them in the same form: the voice, the hair, the facial features were exactly the same. He recalled the words of one of the movie characters who said: “I saw miracles, but such! ...”. Even behavior patterns were indistinguishable. The neighbor did not believe his eyes. But then he remembered how Sasha Asatiani was sitting with him at the same school at the Nakhimov Naval School in Tbilisi. He was like two peas in a pod like his twin brother, born 15 minutes after him. When he often dressed up in the form of a brother and went to the exam, if at that time the older brother twisted love with a "beautiful girl," as he said. These two twins of twenty-five were exactly such twins. They even laughed or frowned equally. The guys sat down next to them, they didn’t even know who she was: younger or older, who was in charge of the hotel. The girls noticed their confusion, to which they must have become accustomed, and continued to play them in determining which of them, Maria, is the hotel director and who her sister, Alice. But after the third glass of brandy for them it was completely indifferent who of them was who, and when they went to the toilet together, the neighbor even calmed down, deciding that he was sitting next to Alice, having guessed the trick to deceive and make them laugh.
When at exactly twelve the substation switched off the main light in the premises, switching to the dull light of very weak light bulbs, they realized that their feast was over and it was time to rest. The neighbor immediately invited everyone to stay on the couch. The girls clapped their hands, and Fyodor just snorted aside as a horse, but did not protest, especially since the neighbor, as the eldest in age and position above all, and in the navy, the elder is always right and his decisions are not disputed.
They lay beside themselves naked, in which the mother gave birth, but the girls also followed their example. True, he came, as the eldest in the raid, by touch to check each of them, which my colleague suffered, without saying anything, and the girls suddenly argued which of them should be ...
check first. There was nothing special on the body of the first girl, but on the second girl in the upper part of her pussy there was a ring through the lips of the sex lips. He realized that this is the first sign that the girl has long been a woman and knows what sex is. He immediately commanded: Mary! To me! - she quickly and silently executed the command, realizing that in such a case an experienced man could not be deceived ...
Masha quickly pushed Alice to her place and took a position next to the elder. Everyone laughed, realizing how quickly he figured out the situation in which of the girls is who. He was glad in his heart that an experienced woman who knew sex was lying next to him, as her first partner in this case apparently endowed her work with a gold ring. Maria settled down on him as if she were her own husband and immediately sent his “fighter” in the right direction. stories about sex And then sing the spring of the sofa. Masha dug into his lips so that none of them gave out sounds capable of attracting the attention of unauthorized persons. Her body seemed familiar to him for a long time, therefore, after the first orgasm, he engaged in her anal sex, and she began oral sex, taking the pose 69. For some reason, the neighbors were silent. There were only fragments of whispers and almost childish laughter, which was sometimes covered with singing of springs from convulsions of a number of lying figures.
- Come on, let's cheer up your boyfriend. Let Alice lie on top of him and suck his dick, and you blow her ass. She will not refuse ...
- But what about Fedor? Psihanet after all ...
- I will lend to him and ask him to agree to group sex. First ponder me, and then Aliska. And in the end all will fall down on you and arrange a march of love on your body ...
- And what is this march? - he did not understand.
- This is when the team rapes one person in the most unsightly way, using all the methods of sexual arousal of a man ...
- I wonder ... And how is it?
“You will find out soon.” Just don't be upset if something goes wrong. This is quite a difficult event, but if it works out, it will be remembered for a lifetime, - Mary ended mysteriously.
“Is that your ring?” He whispered ironically.
- Still would! Gold marked - corrected Maria ...
They decided to take a break before the world-wide assault on their heated bodies. Lit a candle, sat down at the table. They drank up all the champagne and brandy so that there were no traces of their night feast, and again went to bed:
“The time has come to thank our boss,” said Maria quietly, “there is an offer to play a fashionable game called Crucifixion,
- And what is it? - asked Alice.
“This, baby, is done very simply, but it is remembered for a lifetime,” Maria replied.
- Is it group sex? Is not it? - Alice asked again.
- You guessed it, - confirmed Maria.
- Whom will we crucify? - asked sleepy voice Fedor.
- The most intelligent and worthy man, namely our dear and beloved second rank captain Korshunov. It is he who, thanks to his great knowledge and immense life experience, deserves this holy pleasure under the name of “Crucifixion”.
- And how should this be done? - Alice asked, already yawning.
- Like this. We put a kavtoranga on the center of the mattress on his back, Alice is laid with a haircloth right on his mouth, a work colleague takes his cock in his mouth, and I sit on the member of the crucified mother, the mother of justice, and fuck him for at least an hour. And when he gives a sign that he is already enough, everyone dismounts, they pour him the last glass of champagne mixed with cognac and give out the award ...
- Which one? - Alice asked.
- I will not perplex you in advance. He will show it to all of us himself ... - answered Maria. Well, how? Let's start?
- Forward! And just go ahead! - confirmed Fyodor, who was obviously emboldened by drunk brandy.
Soon the victim was prepared for crucifixion. Everybody fucked her that was urine. And it was impossible to count kisses and sucks. Everybody had their orgasms in turn, the women did not have time to rub themselves off, and the men forced them to lick from all sides. Within an hour this event was over. The girls ran to the bathroom to wash off, and the men sat at the table in total darkness, flashing lights of cigarettes. It was already three in the morning when Maria sternly said; "Everything! It is time for beds. Otherwise, we won't get up in the morning! - and we were the first to go to bed.
The dawn was barely lit, Maria started to work with a vacuum cleaner, and Alice sent tea for the officers' officers. But two hours passed, and she never appeared.
- What a damn woman !? - fussed Maria. - Now I will go and give her a whip for lagging behind our schedule. - Maria said angrily, and wearing a fur coat went out into the street. The officers have already shaved, getting ready for tea, and the girls have sunk into the water.
- Well, and the girls here, where these devils disappeared ?. Let's go to the restaurant. They all drink tea there now, ”said Kavtorang, tugging at Fyodor’s sleeve.
- They came, sat down, drank tea and just got ready to go out, as the waiter brought them the bill. There were crazy numbers that were not in the capital's restaurants.
- What the hell! - Fyodor also cursed, reaching into his pocket for his wallet. But it was empty. Only in the purse of the elder in the raid lay a brightly shiny copper ring and a note: “Thank you for the love”! Of course, there was no money ...