"The reality, as it seems to me, is much worse than any story about the dead, ghosts and aliens."
George Romero.
- Oh, coming.
- Does not go, but writes.
Again for my soul. On the back ran an unpleasant chill.
- Beauty-ah. Hey, touchy!
There were three of them. Three young rich idlers, pursuing me the second day. Yesterday, they waved my hands and invited me into the car. They talked vulgarity. Offered to smash up good. Like, they enjoy, and I earn. Today, one of them stood in the middle of the road and blocked my way.
“Fuck off,” I said, rather abruptly, but he grabbed my arm.
There was no one nearby, we were on a narrow deserted street. I did not like this place. It was dangerous to walk here alone, but this road shortened the way to the house and all the time I was taking a riskless risk.
- You prostitutes, perhaps, a little? - I started, but a wide palm tightly pressed to my face a handkerchief, abundantly moistened with stinking rubbish. I was firmly held, I resisted as best I could, trying to hit the attackers with a sharp pin. I held my breath as far as possible. But even the fish must breathe under water, and frantically inhaling the vapors of the sharply smelling substance with a full breast, I broke down and went limp. Before the eyes swam.
I woke up in a small room with a low ceiling. The windows were draped with thick curtains. A table, several soft chairs, the floor was covered with a fluffy carpet, in the center of which was a professional camera aimed at me on a tripod. I was lying on a wide couch without outerwear. Behind the wall were muffled voices. The head was unbearably sore, there was a cloying sweetish taste in the mouth. A few minutes later my kidnappers appeared in the doorway.
- Where I am? I asked, trying to get up.
- Where no one will look for you.
- What you need?
- Shto-oh about you nyuzhno? - one of them grimaced, - you are a fool, right? You do not want for good, will be for bad.
Three rich scumbags considered themselves masters of life.
Yesterday they drove slowly behind me on a clever SUV, and sticking their sugary faces out of the windows, they told me nasty things. Today, the villains decided to accelerate the process of convergence, and moved to action.
The nightmare has begun. They busted me, suppressing the remnants of the will to resist, and started up the carousel. Initially, persistent touches seemed vile. But at some point they suddenly became extremely desirable. Immediately six palms covered my body with caresses, and I curved towards them and pressed them to me.
- Never sucked? - quietly and sternly asked one of the rapists.
“No,” I replied breathlessly.
Then he slapped me in the face and raised his hand to his lips. I gratefully licked her tongue, feeling at the same time how hot and mighty phallus triumphantly bursts into my crotch. The second hung over the mouth and curved arc, I reached out, took. He was pulsing in my mouth, something was dripping from him, and I swallowed this nectar, working diligently with my tongue. Bliss and madness seized my essence. Now I wanted, passionately wanted it to not end. My lovers worked technically and methodically, the excitement grew and the sparks of insane passion seemed to burn through. Consciousness, I knew that waiting for me shame. But this understanding added extra charm to my feelings. Oh, and let the shame. But now I am burning in the vicious flame of violent love. I did not own myself. I wanted. Yes, let them be four. And five. I will make everyone happy at the same time and in turn. I'll die for their desires. I will become their submissive slave Scourge? I will offer now myself. One let him fuck in the mouth, and the second at this moment whips. Or so. He will squeeze my mouth, so that I do not breathe and fucks me too, until I finish.
I proposed. And received. How many times did I finish that day? What they did not get up with me. I did not even suspect that such a thing was possible. Between the buttocks and the vagina at the same time, deep. And of course, also in the mouth. Then take turns. More more. Now again with a whip. One orders to count. The head of the penis regularly beats about the bottom of the uterus, and I think aloud dutifully. For each account on the back, a thin twisted thread of natural leather descended, whistling, cutting through the air and burning the body to the bone marrow. And the waves of passion incinerated the mind. Time stopped. Literally every cell, I experienced continuous bliss in half with tearing pain. She was a whole ocean. And the ocean of passion. The exhaustion grew, and at times I fell into unconsciousness. I was revived in the face and continued. I liked it. Let tomorrow I get on all youtube. Now I’m a whore. I’m much worse. But the fate of the villain was preparing me a real surprise.
Everything comes to an end, the rapists are exhausted. They dragged me into the yard, and dragged me to a car parked near a high brick fence. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pad laid out in bright mosaic. Carved marble columns, statues in the center of a large fountain. They threw me in the back seat and drove me somewhere to the outskirts of the city. I heard it from the fragments of their conversation. The car stopped and one of the guys pushed me outside. He stood and smiled broadly. He did not feel responsible for his actions! Probably was sure that I was his toy thing. He patted me on the cheek familiarly, he thrust a folded piece of paper into my gum of torn pantyhose. The second reluctantly zagotat:
- Good girl. You will be docile, next time you will receive three times more. And you will be smart, and five times, - he said cheekily and threw a coat under my feet.
They left. My head was gradually clearing up, and I realized with horror what had happened to me. In their unambiguous hints, this was only the beginning. Loud enough, I looked around. I was sitting on a wet bench near the tram station. Nearby lay a handbag, from which nothing was lost. Cosmetic bag, wallet with three five hundred. The keys to the apartment. Putting my hand in my bosom, I pulled out a hundred dollar bill from under the gum.
“Shame, cover you, shameless,” I heard the old woman passing by.
I was a rather pitiful and depraved sight. The skirt is torn. Buttons on the blouse were missing. There was no bra. Somehow, having refueled and brought myself to a more or less tolerable view, I went back to a stop. At home, I washed off and doused with shampoo. Long. But you won't wash shame with water. I literally felt sweaty bodies rubbing against me. Slightly smeared on the face of the abrasion, I went to the police and filed a statement about the rape.
The next day I was sitting in the office of the investigator.
“So, Potyomina,” said the white-haired captain, tapping a pencil on the table, “I will tell you honestly.” Your business was hinted at putting on brakes very big people. We have calculated guys. But they repeat in chorus that everything was by mutual consent. They?
The investigator laid out on the table photos.
- They are the most. Why on the brakes?
“First, there are no witnesses to your abduction or rape.” Secondly, for some reason, immediately there were other witnesses. They claim that you voluntarily got into the car with these guys, you talked nicely, laughed and even kissed. Such is the alignment, Potyomina. I have nothing but your statement. One of the golden boys is the son of the general director of a construction company. The second is the son of an official of Gazprom. The third is the son of an influential oligarch. But I believe you. I believe that these guys have created with you, and I do not believe these fake witnesses. Your rapists claim that you provided them with sexual services voluntarily and for money. Did you take money from them?
I silently nodded, remembering about a hundred dollars, which I stuck behind the pantyhose.
- You see. Even if it comes ...
before the trial, deft attorneys in three accounts would fall apart. Will we write to Moscow?
- We will.
Having signed the documents, I went home. Near the entrance was already familiar Mercedes SUV. The rapist came slowly and slowly predicted:
- What, slut, a cart on us dashed off? Do you think I do not know? You will not prove anything. Here is the money, - he took a small bag out of his pocket, - here are a hundred wooden mowers, they are yours. And fled. You forget about us, we forget about you. You are not worth more. You - beggar, cheap. You didn't hold such grandmas in your hands. Sit and do not rock the boat. And you will throw letters at the capital, an accident will happen to you.
- Get out, cattle. And your dirty money I do not need. I will not give up my testimony. Not everything can be bought.
- As you want. And for the money you can buy everything. They are not dirty. They don't smell. Everything has its price. Hack it on your nose, the creature.
He climbed into the car and pulled away. Breaking the dashing turn under the red light, a foreign car disappeared around the bend. The traffic cop splashed with mud just shook his fist.
What is it going on. Is his majesty the dollar in this world deciding everything? It turns out that they can do anything, and no laws have been written for them? And I can not do anything to punish them to the fullest extent, put them in jail? Everything fell out of my hands. I lay for a long time, studying the chandelier on the ceiling with my empty eyes. It was enough to close my eyes for a second, as arrogant, lustful, well-fed faces floated in consciousness.
So I lay and lay, until somewhere in the depths of my soul there was a feeling of something otherworldly. The room was filled with alarming air and felt uneasy. There was a knock on the door.
A woman Valya was standing on the threshold and hesitantly trampled on.
- Tanya, measure my pressure. My digital device has become hysterical, and I do not know how to switch. I hear badly.
In her appearance something was missing. Or there was something incomprehensible to my understanding. However, without giving it any importance, I let in my neighbor and led me into the kitchen. I had to speak out, even to pour out my soul. I told and sobbed, and the woman Valya stroked my head and said:
- It's nothing, everything will be all right.
- Where is the truth in the world?
- Listen. Let go of the soul. Someday it will be cast. Just forget.
- Forget? Yes, it will last a lifetime! How do people look in their eyes? Now one road - on the panel.
- Time cures. In this world, all events are predetermined. What happened should have happened. You could have been killed, but you are alive. Take comfort in this.
- It would be better killed.
“It’s not up to us when we leave.” There is darkness and there is light. There is a god, and there is a devil. There are servants of God and minions of Satan. Dark forces are engaged in revenge. And God told you to forgive. Do you want revenge?
- They must be punished. They all get away with it because they are sons of influential people. Tomorrow they will rape someone else. They have so much fun.
- Good. But remember. There is no way back in these matters. They are not half done and nothing can be changed. You have not thrown the things in which you were raped?
- Not. I wash. Will fit still.
- Come here.
I brought a bag from the bathroom and gave it to Baba Vale.
- I'll leave now, but I will be back soon, and you sit and wait.
Appearing again, Baba Valya put the package on the floor. Her eyes glittered strangely yellowish fire. She handed me a shred.
“Burn him right now.” And the rest will be burned before sunrise in an open field. In the package are three dolls, I sewed them from your things. And three pins. But before you burn, stick pins into dolls, turn around and say, "Who spoiled me, go on the other side." Pierce each doll three times, leave pins in them, and burn them. From them will be ash. Her prikopay in the center of the ashes. Try to put all your soul into the ritual. Then you will be heard.
- Well, only I do not believe in it.
- Do as I said. After, without turning anywhere, go back home and sit quietly. Come out of the house just the next day.
The next morning, getting up after dark as Baba Valya punished, I set off to take revenge. Going behind the track far into the field, I proceeded to witchcraft. To be honest, in this, it seemed nonsense, counting game, I did not really believe. Some dolls from a children's sandbox. The pins are rusty. Did I put in the soul? Probably yes, because I needed it. At least psychologically. I did a ceremony, which for some reason seemed ridiculous and absurd to me, and with the first rays of the sun returned home. I spent the whole day in the apartment, as I was punished, hanging from corner to corner. The next morning from the news, I learned something that made my knees tremble. TV presenter impassively broadcast:
- Today, at six in the morning, Sergey Vostrikov, the son of a famous construction magnate, tragically died. Having lost control, he drove into oncoming traffic, where his SUV collided with a Scania truck. The steering SUV died on the spot. The driver of the truck was not injured. Vostrikov allegedly fell asleep at the wheel. According to preliminary data, he was driving home from a nightclub.
I sat on the edge of the couch and peered into every detail. The camera captured a wagon standing on the road and a pile of twisted scrap metal on the side of the road. This is all that remains of a luxury foreign cars. In the photo shown was a guy who owed money to me the day before yesterday, and before that he roughly and cynically raped. Now he was dead. Coincidence? Perhaps, like a child's game rite has nothing to do with it. So I calmed myself. An ordinary accident. Is it enough to break them into a cake? But by noon, like a bolt from the blue, came the next news. Making it louder, I peered into the TV.
- And now the news of the last hour. Right now data is coming in on the sudden death of the son of a high-ranking Gazprom official Ivan Nazarov. According to the preliminary version, he was poisoned. He was found unconscious in one of the rooms of a country villa belonging to his father. A medical team brought Nazarov to the hospital, where he died without regaining consciousness. A fatal dose of a potent substance and about four ppm alcohol was found in his blood.
I wandered around the room and did not find a place for myself. Actually, full tin. The tragedy in the style of "rock" with an inevitable ending. I certainly did not expect this, and the result exceeded all possible consequences a hundred points ahead. The second death of the second rapist. Now there could be no doubt. The satanic rite inexplicably worked, and I set in motion terrible otherworldly forces. They exist. They are always there. We do not see them, we do not feel them, but they are watching us. And when you call, they act. You can't bribe them, you won't stop them, you won't dismiss them from work. For them, it does not matter who you are in this world. Influential oligarch or rootless beggar. They deal with all equally. I did not believe in them. Even laughed. Now I was scared. These rites, their secret meaning is understandable only to a narrow circle of initiates, and they do not exist for fun.
They came to us from antiquity and honed over thousands of years of experience in demonic practice. I felt the hair on my head begin to move. What have I done with my revenge? From the outside, everything looked quite natural. One, strolling and swelling all night long, got behind the wheel. He could not imagine driving in compliance with the traffic rules. The second vusmert drunk on some expensive swill, mixing it with dope for a bigger buzz. But it was not by chance. Satanic evil came into motion and decided its speedy judgment. The third, the last of the rich rapists, remained alive. Late in the evening the doorbell rang. On the threshold stood a well-dressed woman of about forty and with fear looked straight into my eyes.
- So here you are, witch. Beautiful Because you and pozarilis. Did not see the trick. Your beauty is satanic. I see. Not afraid to mess with mess?
- Who are you? - I was taken aback.
- I am the mother of Anatoly Kadomtsev. Don't pretend, you know.
Only after these words, I noticed ...
as on the neck and hands of an uninvited guest, massive pendants, rings, bracelets nobly shimmer. Wow. How can you carry such amount of metal on yourself?
- I do not quite understand.
- Come on, girl. It is you in the police who can twist your brains, and tell your children terrible tales of sleep. My son is in hospital now and doctors are fighting for his life. They say the prognosis is unfavorable. Lightning developed sepsis. He cut himself and brought some infection to his blood. Doesn't it seem strange to you that an ordinary household cut could lead to such serious consequences?
- Only where am I?
- He abused you. He committed a heinous act that has no excuse. I know you revenge. I beg you to spare my boy. He will ask for forgiveness. And do not just ask. Just don't take his life. Let go. After all, he will die. I couldn't get through the curtain of darkness that you wove to him. I thought I would be stronger. But no. Every time they burn me when I try to push the spell. Your black witchcraft comes from him. You think I don't know? My mentor failed. Because I came to you. Help, I beg, stop. You've already revenged. Enough for you two young lives that you took.
With these words, she dutifully knelt down and began to kiss my hands.
Pretty business. Help, stop. I would like to know just how? I read somewhere that the doer of evil cannot do good. Stop it. Yes, I agree, damn it. That's just what I need to do?
“I ask,” continued the woman, “I will pay.” Give any price. How much do you want? I'll give it all. You have ten lives enough.
“I don't need your dirty money.” Do not touch me. Do not touch - I pushed the woman, and she fell on all fours.
Damn, I did not want. Thoughts of help flooded through my head, and belated repentance of the deed began to torment the soul. But I stood erect and with a powerful gaze threw this pitiful caterpillar. There was a change in me.
Tears of despair crept over mother’s cheeks. She lay in front of me helpless and crushed. A rich spoiled person, descending to her whims of several million a day. For some reason I wanted to step on her foot. Trample in the dirt. Smudge on the wall. Yes, her son is a cynical scumbag bathing in luxury. He was not instilled good feelings and morals. Accustomed to living for his own pleasure, he considered himself the master of everything that came to his eyes. A typical, parasitized consumer, stuffed with stolen money, which had been spawned by a very far from perfect system. Now he was on the edge, and the doctors had already pronounced their sentence.
“Sorry, I would like to help, but I don’t know how,” I finally woke up.
“Call the demon again.” He will tell you the way out. You know how to do it.
- Wait, I am now.
I went to the site and called Baba Vale.
- Who is there carrying? - I heard a familiar old voice.
- It's me, Tatiana.
- Tanya? - the door opened a little, and a sleepy face appeared in the gap that appeared, - why are you not sleeping?
- Baba Valya, help. Can you stop the rite, which began to act?
- What rite of passage? What are you talking about?
- Well, with my things, with those dolls.
- Do you have a bad dream?
“The day before yesterday, you gave me dolls that you sewed.” So I pierced them with pins.
- Holy, holy, holy. I am a devout parishioner and I go to church. The Lord is with you. Where have you been reading this stuff? Are you out of your mind, girl? What other dolls? I never sewed dolls.
- You pressure me to come to measure.
- I myself measure it. I have a good digital device.
“But you said he was messing about.”
- He is OK. What's wrong with you? I told you, sitting at the computer will not bring good to you. Stick in these instagrams for days, and then go crazy. Go to sleep.
And Baba Valya slammed the door. I turned and faced Anatoly's mother.
- You! “You will regret,” she hissed, and ran headlong down the steps.
The next morning, from the TV news, I learned that the son of an influential oligarch, Anatoly Kadomtsev, had died in the hospital from some terrible infection. Revenge happened. So who did this come in the guise of a neighbor? And this woman. She said - demon. I let the demon in? He touched me, touched me. Marked. Baba Valya always rang the doorbell. And it knocked. It was knocking. My God, I did not see in her appearance then that behind a dressing-gown there lies a slender girl camp, and not an old woman's figure. And there was an inscription on the hand. She flashed before her eyes, when that entity stroked my head.
There were three nines. Only now I understood truly - the six. But she always made notes on her hands when she went somewhere. Well, so as not to forget on the road, why go. This happened to her. Or maybe I'm going crazy? But after all the rapists, one after another, suddenly went to the next world. I don't feel sorry for them. They burn in hell. And do not just burn. Now I know. The real hell is much worse than the writing. The universe of pure chaos. The universe of absolute evil. Parallel universe. She's nearby. Entities enter our world from it. What kind? It is better not to know anyone before the deadline. Nobody came to me again, did not knock on the door, and did not bother. Baba Valya about the ceremony did not stutter. One day, plucking up courage, I went to the field and found the place where I burned the dolls. The ashes faded and for some reason, the configuration resembled a six-point. The grass on it has not sprouted. In my weekly, between the pages is a hundred dollar bill, which one of the guys then put in my pants. I do not know what to do with it. I don't know yet. But I feel the presence of something nearby. And at night I clearly hear voices. They tell me about some kind of call. That I should continue to go on. They lead me on this path, and I cannot resist. I intervened in the natural course of events, and evil spirits call me into their servants. I do not leave a choice. Rather, it was when it appeared to me as a neighbor. But I agreed to be ready for revenge. She eclipsed the mind and eyes. Now it's late, I stepped on the path of evil. After all, she said that these things are not done half.
So who is in the mirror now ?! It’s not my reflection. I see an unearthly glow in my eyes. And I am beautiful with my domineering appearance. And behind the back loom shadows from the bottomless corridors. I know. There will be a dedication. I'm cooked. With all that, this with rape and revenge was rigged. I have successfully passed a kind of test, as it is practiced before taking a prestigious job. The dark forces saw in me, revealed a sort of, subservient only to the elect. Satan needs soldiers of darkness. After all, someone encourages the same people to renounce faith in their gods. Blow up the church. To unleash war. He rules the world. The battle of good and evil is coming, and afterwards - a terrible judgment. It remains to take an oath. Do not just sell the soul, namely the oath. Now, not long to wait: the gates will open, and I will enter.
Ave Samael, Princeps Tenebrarum!
Es Diabolus Magnus senior dei lucis,
Ipsus Deus Chaosis, Pater Ater.
Ave Malchira, Princeps Vesperi,
qui MaLaCh ha- "Or ante lucem fueras
et MeLeCh ha-Ra factus es contra deum!
Ave Sol Niger, Sol Mortuorum, MaLaCh ha-MoVeTh,
IeTzeR ha-MoVeTh, MeLeCh ha-MoVeTh!
Ave Stator Vesperi, Contraversor Orienti.
Tu es Protector impurorum nefasque, Opressor divinorum.
Ave Samael, Princeps Noctis, Serpens Antiquus,
Hostis dei, Hostis generis numani, Leviathan Regenitus.
Tute es Therion regni, Pater Kain, Pater Armilii.
Tutmet es Conditor Mortis, Princeps Inferni.
Vocamus Te, advocamus Te, veni et vince!
Ya Samael, Chaskiah, Chaskiel, Sataniah, Satanael,
Vocamus Te, advocamus Te, veni et vince !!!
The plot is based on the image of Dr. William Weir from the fantastic blockbuster Paul Anderson "Through the Horizon".