For about two years after the events described in the first story, Marina and I met as a couple and kept our relationship secret from all. This is an indescribable, grand feeling of real happiness, when next to you is a girl who you love and who loves and feels you very well.
During all this time, we talked about many things, allowed ourselves a lot, experienced a lot. But we never talked about the fact that we are still relatives ...
Once we had sex in the fitting room. It was winter, Marina measure jeans and various blouses. We already talked about sex in unusual places, and she was attracted by this idea. And at one moment I noticed that we are out of sight of people who were in the store. I brought a few more things to Marinka and went in by myself.
She just took off her jeans and remained in one red lingerie. I came up behind, hugged her waist and kissed her shoulder. Then in the neck, she, smiling, understood what I had in mind. I wanted to caress her. I kissed her lips, went down, caressed the lip between the breasts with my lips ...
He ran his hand down the abdomen, knelt down and pushed her panties aside. She threw a leg over my shoulder, and I pressed my lips to her juicy pussy, tongue twirling my clit. I did not even have time to get scared and think that at that moment someone might come. Marinka barely restrained groans, grabbing my hair, but I still did not let up.
Having played enough, I got up, and unfolded my beloved from me, putting on her coat (just in case, I thought). He took out a member of his pants, tried on and sharply inserted into her pussy. I already felt overexcitement, apparently, the situation played a role. When the peak came, I slightly accelerated the pace and even slapped her ass a couple of times, gently running my hand over her face. Then he turned her around again, and she squatted down to gather all my seed in her mouth. When I came out of the fitting room, I almost ran into one of the vendors and managed to notice her condemning smile.
Not at the right time, in the first year of the institute, I fell into the hospital with appendicitis. Just ended the test session, and propped up the exams. Marina also needed to prepare for exams, only graduation school. She even decided to miss her last call to stay with me, although I persuaded her to go to school. Due to the fact that my mother worked, Marinka was definitely more time with me than anyone else. Moreover, I lived in a suburb of Moscow, and she was in the most white-stone.
It is good that I was able to quickly recover from the effects of the operation and managed to prepare well for the exams. Marina, too, was preparing and handing over. Naturally, we barely saw her at that time,
somewhere about a month. Of course, they called each other, and of course, secretly.) But I still missed her.
And once, when all the sessions had already died down successfully, we met. First of all, I took her hands and kissed them, then hugged her and did not let go for a long time. We went to our favorite park, the weather was wonderful. I gave her a chain with a pendant with our initials. And I seemed to give her a reason, because the initials were similar. Marishka for some reason was sad that evening and started talking about our kindred ties, that everything that happens between us is not entirely correct, and whether we have a future. And I, greatly missed her, did not want to lead this conversation. “We are so good together! I don't want to change anything. ” Marina did not argue. Apparently in vain ...
Somewhere in early August, my uncle, Marinkin's father, drove us. And I accidentally heard in their conversation with my mother that Marina flew to study in London the next day. It was as if I had been hit on the head with an ax Only five minutes later I called and said that I would come to her. When she arrived, she said that we could not talk at her house, because her mother had returned a little earlier than she had planned.
As luck came the rain, but I didn’t care. I wanted to find out. Marina didn’t understand much about what happened to me, but, possibly anticipating, agreed to take a walk. As soon as we got out and walked around the corner, I pounced on her with the words:
“You were going to tell me that you were leaving for London, or would you have sent a telegram from there?” Well, what are you silent?
- I'm sorry, I was scared and embarrassed. I was afraid you wouldn't understand me. There are more prospects in terms of study, and then work, and ...
- BUT… ! So you want to say that you are leaving forever ?! Not saying goodbye, nothing more?
At that moment, I wanted the raindrops to be her tears, I wanted to see that at least she was going through. But the shower washed away everything, and I was on edge and continued:
- And that's why you talked about our relationship then? I wanted to write everything off for it and quietly disperse, right? Or maybe you just got scared and decided to run away !? Why did you choose London?
- But this is the Royal College, one of the best in the world! You know how I feel about my education and possible career! - Marina involuntarily switched to a scream.
- And what about me, how are we? I can’t be happy without you ... I came closer to her.
But Marinka left herself:
- Yes, we will not be! We are brother and sister, how do you not think about this?! ... Her voice faltered. “I love you very much, but understand, you want to be happy, and I also want to, and practically the whole range of happiness is in the family. And I will not be able to give it to you, unfortunately ... After all, all this is wrong. "
I did not know what to say to her. A lump in his throat ...
“You should have told me that you're flying to another country.” Yes, and it is not known when you will return and whether you will return ...
- I'll definitely be coming for the holidays ...
- Ahah ... Well, yes, that is necessary ... I still do not think that without you I will have happiness, I'm sorry. Although ... Now I doubt it. So go better ...
I turned around and left, barely hearing through the rain, as Marina asks for forgiveness.
You know, before, when I used to watch melodramas or dramas, I always thought and asked myself: how can love, separation or some other feelings cause physical pain. After all, they do not beat, do not shoot, there is not something material that hurts you. And I thought that with me, unfortunately or fortunately, this will not happen. But that evening I felt pain. As if she crept in unnoticed and gently pierced the heart with a knife. The most unpleasant was that I was angry with Marinka, but I shouldn’t have been.
And I never really cried in my conscious life, and then the tears themselves flowed. After all, by and large she was right. But she was my greatest happiness, I did not want to lose this feeling. I became unbearable, anger through tears began to prop up, but I could not even scream, because my mother was at home.
When the mountain stream of tears and emotions dried up, and the mind began to prevail, I suddenly remembered a book I had read once - “The Art of Love”, and the words that love is, above all, work. I thought about how hard Marina was also, and I realized that I had no right to be angry with her, that I had to do everything for her happiness and comfort, because I loved her. Besides, I didn't want to part with her like that.
But the next day it was still hard to get together and go to the airport to accompany her. You think that, as if you are going to some kind of painful operation, and at the same time, you understand how silly it is. And the legs still do not go. Well, mom and sister were nearby, I had to go.
Marina and her father were waiting for us after checking in for the flight, there was little time. After Mom and Dasha said goodbye to Marina, it was my turn.
I allowed myself to take her a little bit to the side. I held my beloved by the hand and looked down at my feet, trying to collect my thoughts. I really wanted to just cry, but then I saw Marishin's eyes. There were tears in them, and I was briefly paralyzed. The whole airport with people disappeared, the sounds muffled. Only her beautiful eyes remained ...
Only by an effort of will could I return to reality. And do not allow myself tears. I do not know why, probably, it would be easier for Marina, or that our parents would not think about anything like that. Looking into her eyes, I asked for her forgiveness. Then he gently hugged her and whispered: “We are all right with you and everything will be fine. And I will always love you. ” In response, she kissed me on the cheek, as usual, slightly grabbed the hair on the back of her head, and whispered ... I once again hugged her tightly, and she, with a sad smile, left.