Nevertheless, the film ended, and Anya decided to find something to do. A couple of days ago she found a strange object on the mezzanine, and decided to study it more closely. She climbed into the closet, and got a package with a strange inscription Enema on one side from behind a medicine box. Going to the bathroom, she laid out the contents of the package on the washing machine. It turned out to be: a rubber bag with a blue rubber tube extending from it and a clip, two tips for the tube, one thin and long with a hole at the end, the other thick and long, slightly widening towards the end with a whole fan of holes, the second tube that the truth was different from the first in that it passed into the tip itself, a strange conical shape, expanding to one and a half inches in diameter, then tapering almost twice and ending in an almost instantaneous expansion into a rectangle made of soft rubber or plastic box with a bag on which was written something about the soap (bad girl spoke in English) and a laminated A4 sheet with pictures. Anya put the objects aside. I picked up the sheet. On one side of the sheet were pictures depicting strange actions: on the first sheet was a girl who connects the tip with the tube and bag, the second as a girl pours a bag of water and a thermometer icon showing 40C, on the third she took the bag, and emptied it the contents in the bag, and on the fifth hung the bag on the hook about head height.
It was clear that this is only the first sheet, but the second was not. “Where does the tip go?”, Thought Anya ... and turned cold - “is it really in the ... ass?”. She felt a kind of strange sensation in the abdomen, which, however, she recognized. “I have to try it,” thought the girl. She took a big tip and attached to the tube. Only now she realized that it was almost 20 cm long and 1 in diameter, and thought “could it really fit me all in?”, And nevertheless continued its actions. Anya poured water into the bag, about 3 liters was placed there and again she was frightened by the quantity, but at that moment water poured from the tube and Anya was forced to immediately close the clamp-tap. Then she took one bag, there was a white powder, which she poured into the water and then stirred. The water has acquired a milky white color. Anya climbed up and hung a big blue bellied bag on the hook from the shower. After that, she got off and caught her breath - the most interesting began. The girl took off her skirt (for trousers did not respect as a class) and a blouse, then slowly pulled off her panties and remained only in stockings and a bra, for her age she had a rather large breast size. After rinsing the bath with a shower so that it was not cold, she entered the cool enamel of the bath. “Am I really going to do this?” Thought Anya, and a faint tremor passed through her body. She lay down on the bottom of the bath and raised her legs up, and then tried to press her knees to her chest. I must say that Anya had rather feminine curvaceous forms, and looked rather seductive, especially in this position. Gathering her courage, Anya took the tip, and put it to the hole of the anus, but from the cold and feelings, the small hole squeezed, and did not let the big tip in itself.
Then the girl rightly decided that the tip should be lubricated, and took the most obvious thing for her - a bar of soap. Wet it with water and rub it tip took only a few seconds. After that, the girl, with a sinking heart, brought the tip of the tip to the anus and started pushing it inside slowly but firmly. After passing a few centimeters, the tip stopped, leaning on something, and Anya felt pressure. Turning the tip slightly, the girl felt that the pressure had disappeared and the tip slipped by itself. The feeling of a thick tip pushing the walls of her ass seemed strangely pleasant to the girl. Having typed air in her chest, Anya turned the faucet of the clamp and at first did not feel anything, but then it came, a magical feeling that they were carrying soft velvet through her insides. After not a while, the pressure began to increase, and Anya felt a slight discomfort in her stomach, and at the same time a burning sensation started from the soap in the solution and on the tip, but there Anya had to endure that amazing sensation.
After a few seconds, the discomfort was gone, and the liquid again flowed measured and calm. The burning sensation did not go away, but Anya began to feel something else compared to just aversion, her hand reached for her clitoris, but after a few seconds she turned back, because Anya considered it shameful. After some time, Anya felt no longer just pressure, but a feeling of fullness, and at that time the solution was over. Anya liked the feeling of fullness, but it was very difficult for her to hold water. And then her eyes fell on a strange item from the package, still unused. Anya took it in her hands and thought that perhaps it could also be inserted into her ass, especially since she liked the feeling. Pulling the tip out of the anus and experiencing that strange regret, the girl soaped up a strange object that she decided to call a cork. Lathering the cork, the girl once again wondered at her diameter, but, remembering how many seemingly large things turned out to be suitable, she decided to try. She brought the cork to the anus and slowly began to enter it inside. At first it was easy, but then the traffic jam widened greatly, and the girl felt pain, but continued her action. At the largest diameter, she even had tears from her eyes, but then the cork slipped and she was tightly seated and not letting a single drop out.
The girl got up and put on her panties, thinking to herself that even if someone had seen her, he would not have realized that she was under this lace piece of women's toilet, then her skirt and blouse went to the mirror. She looked "slightly pregnant" and this comparison amused her, she then knew that inside her only 3 liters of water. Anya sat down at the computer and began to climb on the Internet. Cork in the ass was sitting comfortably, without disturbing, but all the while reminding about itself. And although the girl did not climb on the porn sites, her hand reached for her clit, and without the possibility of doing something with herself, Anya finished quickly. She was very ashamed of such a "lecherous". Looking at the clock, the girl decided it was time to sleep, but since it was impossible to sleep with a burning sensation in the anus, she decided to pour out the water. Going to the toilet, Anya took off her panties and sat down on the toilet. Stretching her hand to her ass, she took the tip of the cork and began to pull lightly, but the transition of diameters was so large that the cork did not give in. Typing in the chest air, the girl tried to relax as much as possible and pulled the cork over. She had tears from her eyes, but the cork flew out and liquid spilled from her ass. After a short time, it ended, and Anya decided that everything.
But it was not there when she got out of the toilet, as the water appeared again and she had to sit down again. It took about 20 minutes, finally the liquid did not come out, but the ass did not close, and the burning inside did not stop. Anya decided that it was because of the soap and decided to wash the anus again, only without powder. In the bathroom, her eyes fell on the second tube, she did not have the opportunity to attach the tip, but she herself was like a tip, and Anya had strange suspicions in her head. She connected the second tube to the bag. She poured the bag with crystal clear water and decided to repeat the washing. The girl got into the bath and this time got cancer, she explained this to herself by wanting a faster flow of water, but in fact she was just excited by such a helpless situation. She smeared her ass with baby cream, although there was no need for it, the ass was open, and began to insert the tube. Insert it as a tip, the girl opened the tap at the very bag. The water poured quietly, and Anya tried to push the tube further.
To her surprise, she went quite lightly and walked into the anus almost half a meter. The sensation was very erotic, and Anina's hand reached again to the lower abdomen. This time she decided not to restrain herself. Time passed, the water was over, and the girl again went to the toilet, after sitting on the toilet, Anya finally poured all the water out of herself. Then she put everything in place, but one thought didn’t give her peace - her ass did not close, and she couldn’t sleep in such a state. Finally, she made the Solomonic decision - she put a soothing candle in her ass and inserted a plug in her ass without lubrication. It was painful, but then the pain passed, and Anya, with a clear conscience, went to sleep, masturbating for the next one.