One such comical incident, from which I derived my pleasure, happened somehow with a company of my acquaintances. Somehow in the winter they rested at the cottage in a big crowd, there was their man 30. Kompashka was respectable - all entirely some businessmen and businessmen. Simple modern Russian people of average level of affluence. Those. all with money, good cars, good housing. Able to live, able to work and have fun. People are fun, more or less decent, and at the same time without any special complexes, moderately relaxed, business and fun. And the dacha, where the described action took place, is also quite solid - a large country wooden house on three floors, with a large plot, in the wilderness of the forest, on the shore of some small beautiful forest lake.
I was there by chance by chance. I do not even remember what the spree was about, but everyone was in a very good mood. The program of the event was not particularly original - kebabs there, wine, music, dancing, and so on. I did not know all the participants in the evening, there were quite a few strangers to me. Therefore, I tried to behave more or less restrained, I was not particularly keen on alcohol, I didn’t give a shit when talking.
And the rest were joking and laughing to the fullest. And the jokes were sometimes “on the verge of a foul,” but no one was offended by anything, and everyone laughed out loud at the same time. Along the way, something began to poke fun at one aunt. She was still waiting for her husband, who, as I understood, was also supposed to drive up, and something had not arrived. To the questions of others “why do you need a husband”, she answered that she really wanted to swim in an ice-hole, but without him she was afraid to do it, because he is, like, very jealous, and will react negatively if she undresses here in the presence of other men. And to the question “and you go swimming in the hole in the hole,” she replied that she had long dreamed of trying it, but all of the cases did not appear.
Aunty was about 45 years old. Her name was Lisa. She looked pretty good. Although her age was visible - and the figure was somewhat plump and swollen, and her face was already somewhat wrinkled, carefully powdered, and her voice was already characteristic of her age - but for all that, the aunt was still full of strength and energy. She was very cheerful, energetic, and at the same time serious. Her view, like all manner of behavior, testified to her ability to live, to solve all problems, not to deny herself anything. She was well dressed, she had a beautiful make-up, a good hairstyle - it was obvious that she was visiting expensive hairdressing and beauty salons. Aunt kept herself with dignity, restraint, and businesslike, but she did not take offense at the jokes, she herself sharpened a lot.
As the people took more and more alcohol inside, the behavior of all the participants in the party became more and more relaxed. The laughter grew louder, the jokes sharper, all sorts of "unintentional" hugs and flirtations began. Everyone constantly went back and forth, now to the house, now to the courtyard, somewhere else. They drank, ate, smoked, danced, laughed.
Then a few people decided to still go swimming in the hole. Already, they so itch them - so far I can not understand. But someone suggested it, some agreed. Including that aunt, Lisa. They made fun of her, that she was such a solid business-looking lady, but she was afraid of her husband.
- Che is there for your husband so scary? The other woman cried drunkenly.
- Oh, she has such a mess there that anyone who sees his wife naked will be torn off her head with her hands! - answered some kind of aunt.
Lisa herself smiled at these words and nodded her head.
“That's for sure,” she said sternly. - I don’t know about the head, but something else will tear off, do not hesitate.
- Well, that's all! - some girl shouted. - Che are you now, do not fuck even on the side!
The others laughed loudly at such words, portrayed supposedly embarrassment, tried through laughter as if to urge the girl to the decency. But this all made it even funnier.
In the end, a company of 9-10 people still went to the lake. I also went with them, although almost no one from this group knew. But I was very interested in what will happen next. I felt it would be fun.
A noisy, cheeky drunken company fell out onto a frozen lake, and slowly approached the ice-hole.
- Well, Che, people, who is brave? - shouted a man, and he began to undress.
- I'm brave! - shouted some guy and, having quickly undressed, dived straight into the hole. And then he emerged, and with a loud cry and screams began to climb back onto the ice.
- Mother mother mother how cold! Oh! - he shouted in a drunken voice to the whole district.
The others laughed, and dived too, and shouted too. Someone was standing on the ice and loudly commented on everything that was happening, trying to sharpen while not always really successful. The shouts, the cries, the noise, the female screeching (especially the screeching!) - all this was carried by loud peals over the lake, over the forest, and it was probably heard tens of kilometers away. People were still coming from the house, someone was also diving, someone was watching the events with gusto, something was also speaking loudly and shouting at the same time. The original Russian fun was in full swing.
I stood a little aside, beside me, silently watched everything going on. I also had fun, it was very funny to watch these respectable people who behaved like children.
- Lizka, and why are you stopping? - loudly asked some just bathed and shaking girl. I did not immediately notice that, although Liza was the initiator of this issue, but for some reason she herself stood quietly on the ice, it did not seem to be going to swim.
“I told you, I can't do it without my husband,” she answered calmly.
- Come on! - still some woman shouted, too wet and shaking. - Che, you are afraid that there will be no one to fuck you after bathing so as not to freeze ?!
The people again began to laugh loudly and embarrassedly, and the author of this joke was not in the least embarrassed, but continued to laugh gaily, looking at Lisa. Lisa barely noticeably smirked at these words, looked merrily and with reproach at the tongue-tied girlfriend, did not answer. All kind made it clear that she is not offended by such jokes, but does not get involved in such conversations. A friend continued:
- Do not worry, look how many men around! Fuck you in full! The husband also will say thanks!
Everyone around was laughing, someone was saying “okay, enough of such conversations”, someone pretended that he did not notice anything like that. And Lisa suddenly looked around at everyone, thought about something for a couple of seconds. Then she proudly raised her head up and began to undress.
- Oh! - the people yelled, - finally!
Lisa undressed as a stripper on stage - theatrically taking off her clothes, defiantly throwing her aside. At the same time, her face retained a strictly strict dignity. Throwing off everything, she stayed in one bathing suit.
- Oh! - the people shouted again, pretending that they admired something - either its figure, or its boldness.
A proud worthy woman Lisa with an important look, as if on the runway, slowly approached the ice-hole, stopped. The people still shouted something, but she did not pay attention. She tried to show the dignity of all kinds.
It was only then that I realized that Liza was well drunk and that now something would happen. I guess. Lisa spread her arms to the side, said something quietly and jumped into the water.
The people shouted joyfully again, applauded, and Lisa immediately emerged, screamed loudly, then, opening her mouth wide, with full eyes of terror, clutched at the edge of the ice and froze in that position, swaying in the water. The people continued to laugh, shout, yell something. And Lisa, it seems, came in complete stupor from the icy water. She held the ice with one hand, swayed in the water, from which only her head protruded. And at the same time her face seemed to have turned to stone - frozen in one position. Not a trace is left of all her dignity.
- Mommies! She shouted and froze again, her mouth wide open. Looks like her breathing slowed.
- The people, pull it out, otherwise it will catch a cold! Someone shouted.
I and several other men ran up, began to pull her out. She was like an idol, all petrified, could not even bend her arms or legs. A big bra, a large and somewhat flabby chest, had fallen out of her bosom for all to see.
- Oh, look, look! - shouted her tongue girlfriends, laughing loudly. - She already exposes her boobs! Fuck wants for sure!
And laughed out loud. And Lisa was in a stupor. Still the same round eyes, she looked somewhere, mouth wide open. She began to moan, groan and groan. She did not expect that she would be so uncomfortable in the hole. Apparently, still drank a little too much.
The rest laughed, someone said jokingly that an urgently needed husband came here before she caught a cold, others said that her husband would not have time to get there.
- Do it yourself, guys! Shouted her cheeky friend. “Are you guys fucking or whatever?” Che, you can not fuck a woman, even for noble purposes? Excuse me, what the fuck?
From such words the men laughed, not knowing what to argue. I, too, laughed softly, a little fucking from such simplicity and arrogance of drunken ladies. But we were already dragging a half-naked Lisa in our arms to the side of the house. The house was a bath, and the bath was overheated.
We dragged Lisa into the bathhouse, laid on the shelves. Other men came out, and I stayed. Her friends came in, began to do some kind of massage, rub, hands and legs bend, constantly swearing at the same time.
- Okay, okay, girls, that's enough - Lisa finally found her voice. - Leave me, let me lie down quietly.
- Well, have a rest, - friends have cheerfully agreed and began to leave. - We are going. There, the young man will look after you. Young man, warm her with the warmth of your body, they told me, laughing. And left.
We stayed with Liza together in a bath. She lay on her back, half-naked, in some swimming trunks. She was still shocked. I hesitated sitting next to me. Since I was dressed, I felt hot. I began to undress.
- Lisa, are you all right? - I asked her.
“Yes,” she answered quietly. And she continued: - Horror. All nafig necessary, I will never swim in the hole again ...
I did not answer. I was already worried about other thoughts. Before me lies a half-naked woman. Albeit a middle-aged, albeit slightly plump, somewhat shabby, shabby. But something she began to seem very attractive to me. The woman is pretty by herself. And lies before me in the same swimming trunks, in some kind of shock, completely helpless. But I could not make up my mind at all - some kind of strict aunt, and a husband was said to be a jealous one. But still, desire took it up. So I was very excited by her appearance that I could not bear it any longer.
I began to squeeze with her smelting. She did not respond. This finally dispelled my doubts. I pulled off her swimming trunks, he completely undressed and climbed on it.
Oh, how nice it was to me! I didn’t think that even such sex can bring a lot of pleasure! .. Under me was a plump, loose female body, so it was nice to lie on it! And so it was nice there inside, in her cherished female hole! There for some reason it was hot, soft, wet! The main thing is that it is wet! I began to move slowly, as if slowly rocking the boat in the waves. And he did it with some strange diligence, as if, indeed, he did not perform sexual intercourse with a woman, but provided her, unfortunate, with medical assistance ...
And Lisa continued to lie, not reacting in any way. Only began to breathe in time with my movements. But in general did not move. I looked at her face, she looked somewhere in the direction with some indifferent look. But it didn't matter to me anymore. I liked what I did with her.
At some point, the door to the bathhouse opened slightly, the face of one of her friends appeared. Seeing what was happening, she exclaimed with satisfaction:
- Oh, thank God!
And it was gone, but immediately opened the door again, said loudly:
- Boy, try hard so that she does not get sick, and then her husband will beat all of her here!
Lisa grinned at these words, turning her head, said nothing. The girlfriend has disappeared. I continued. I do not remember how long it was, but for a long time. I tried so hard to stretch this pleasure, realizing, probably, that there would no longer be such a chance. It was hot in the bathhouse, and we both got sweaty. Lisa was already breathing very hard. I continued to puff, lying on her. And suddenly Lisa says:
- All right, young man finish. Thanks, it's easier for me.
And she said it in her usual strict voice. She said it so trivially, as if it was a question of some daily household work. So, she probably talks to her subordinates. Of course, I gave a little laugh at these words, but I continued to move with concentration, carefully moving my “medicine” inside and outside Lisa.
Suddenly the door opened, these two friends, excited by something, burst into the bathhouse. As if nothing had happened, it was as if there was no intimate intimacy between a man and a woman, but simply the gatherings, without paying me, who continued to diligently fuck their girlfriend, did not pay any attention, the drunken ladies began to tell her:
- Lizka, your called, said that he was going.
“Why are you,” Lisa exclaimed softly, and looked at me. - Boyfriend, finish faster.
- Yes, man, come on quickly, take a long time already to dig it, - picked up her friend.
I was surprised:
- Well, damn, you Che, girls, I can not, on request. We'll see how it goes.
- Well, let us help you. Lizka, get up cancer, it will be more convenient for him. Guy, get off her for now.
I got down from Liza, and she suddenly began to fall off the shelf with the words.
- Damn, girls, I ran, but how could he not caught me here.
- Eh, where! - I was surprised. - I did not finish ...
But Lisa had already disappeared in the door, and her friends gave up and said:
- Let him go, we will help you.
However, they could not say this, because I myself had just thought about it, and already had clothes off from one of them. She looked at me strangely, but she did not object. I quickly undressed it, tilted it, stuck it in. Began to continue. Of course, now it was not only pleasant, but also ridiculous.
A couple of minutes later he came to me - this is the sweetest moment when the whole body of a man begins to twitch in convulsions, and you get the greatest pleasure in life! I growled, twitched that I had the strength to clasp the buttocks of this relaxed and unceremonious drunk woman, and felt how plentifully poured into her ... The lady still stood for a little bit of cancer, waited for me to catch my breath. Then, too, quickly jumped off, grabbed clothes, and they both fled.
I rested, caught my breath. Then he also got dressed and went back to where the mass fun continued. Not a bad idea for Lisa - swimming in the hole. I like it.