I could not learn the credit even at the second attempt, I came to the third last attempt, for which the teacher came on her day off. I should say a few words about the teacher, her name was Svetlana Dmitrievna Olkhovskaya, but we called her simply Alder, Olga or Olya, perhaps she had known about her new name for a long time, since she was very angry with the corresponding inscription on the blackboard. By her character and principle, she was the toughest among all, she just didn’t give any marks and marks, so they didn’t like her and everyone considered her a bitch. If it were to remove this feature of hers, she could well deserve the attention and love of students, especially the male half, since she was very attractive. A woman of thirty-two with an excellent fit figure, small but elastic forms of the chest and backside, who has always been dressed in a strict but tight business skirt. Her strict style of clothes in black, combined with dark brown hair below her shoulders and looked strictly and at the same time sexually outwardly, but her character completely beat off any sympathy. But no matter what anger I had for Svetlana Dmitrievna, I didn’t need her to like her at least to pass this necessary test. So I dressed decently and came to an empty university and an empty audience early in order not to be late for her arrival.
At eleven o'clock exactly, Svetlana Dmitrievna appeared as always in strict dress, but because of the hot weather, she only wore a black flared knee-length skirt and a white blouse; she had low-heeled black shoes on her legs. When she sat next to the table on the chair, at that moment I thought not about the test, but about her beautiful slender smooth legs in these black shoes. To the surprise of her, they were very beautiful and graceful better than many of our classmates, their appearance made even my dick in the pants move.
“Well, Celine, have you even prepared this time?” - asked Olya.
- Yes, all day and all night taught! - I answered affirmatively, as far as it could only portray.
“Well, now let's check your arch abilities,” she said in an incredulous voice and opened her own folder.
Further questions fell on me, one by one. Honestly, I was really preparing, and I was even able to answer the first two questions somehow, but what went further did not fit into what I studied at home. I do not know where she got these questions from, but they were all completely unfamiliar to me, and as they say, I got into the dark forest with these questions. Every time when I could not answer, a contented and gloating grimace appeared on our Olka's face. It even seemed to me that she gets real pleasure from what is happening, from my ignorance and from her high mind. In general, over the next ten minutes I finally fell asleep.
- Well, that's all Celine. You don’t know anything, really didn’t learn anything, so you won’t get credit and I won’t give you any more attempts, ”she said in a cold, calm voice.
- I taught, I really taught and, by the way, answered the first questions, why can't I give a test? - I was indignant, although I understood that this was the end.
“I don’t know what you taught there, but you don’t know anything.” I cannot give you credit for your answers, ”Olka said in a higher tone.
- Come on, I'll come back tomorrow, or on Monday, I’ll pass for sure, - I began to beg.
- You will not hand over any Monday or any other day! - affirmatively and with a sneer she answered.
- I can not without credit, you know, I will cure from the university - I began to press pity.
- Nothing, you will serve the benefit of the state, you will become a real protector. Maybe it will be yours, ”she said.
- I do not want to join the army, not me. Maybe there is some other way to negotiate, you have small salaries, and my parents can help, ”I said, and thus went to the bank.
- You absolutely insolent Celine, I do not take bribes! All goodbye and so I did not see you here anymore! - she said terribly, bending forward to me.
“Sorry, I just don't know what to do.” I do not want to join the army, help me, please, pass, - the last time I tried to put pressure on pity, realizing, of course, that it was useless to her.
“Yeah-hh,” she drawled.
“I’ll pass, I’ll do anything, just do a test,” I continued.
- I don’t even know how to help you, you will never have the knowledge anyway. Although, there is one way, but it requires you to keep secrets, ”she said, leaning back in her chair.
- I can keep my mouth shut, I'll do everything as it should and I will not tell anyone. How much do you need? - I asked, thinking that we are talking about money.
- Do not rush. The question is not measured in how much, but in how you do what I tell you. Will you be obedient? She asked.
- Yes, of course, everything you say! - I was delighted.
- You talk a lot on pairs, which means your tongue works well. So apply it to the right thing now, ”she said and went to the door, locking the audience with a key.
- In the sense that something needs to be said or to someone? - I asked completely in incomprehension.
“Not in that sense,” she grinned.
- What then? - I asked stunned.
“It’s necessary to work with the tongue,” she said, and at the same time spread her legs to the sides, lifting her skirt, under which were very narrow white panties, at the edges of which dark hairs protruded.
- Let's decide! Either to work in the army for a few minutes or to serve in the army for a couple of years, - having said this, she got up from her chair and defiantly pulled off her panties, putting them in her bag and crouching again.
I was shocked in the first seconds, and then I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to go to the army either, and I understood that I would never be able to pass her test, I had no choice.
- So what did you decide? She asked again, but with a smile.
I did not answer verbally, but just got up from my seat and walked toward it with a slow step, as if to execution.
- I agree? - She asked.
“Yes, Svetlana Dmitrievna,” I said quietly and approached her closely.
- Well, only not Svetlana Dmitrievna. Call me, like all Olya, understand? - she asked in an orderly tone.
- Well, Olya, - I replied with an extinct desire.
I was disgusted with myself, I submitted to this bitch, this is probably the toughest payment for my negligence during the school year, but there was no way to go. Kneeling at the feet of Olka, I exhaled deeply and prepared for the “test”.
"Good girl," she said, rather, and spread her legs. Slowly lifting her skirt, Olya opened her crotch. Before my eyes, her mature, experienced crack emerged, covered with thick black hair, but not long, neatly trimmed. Olya's entire pussy was dark in color with large plump large genital lips, but her large swollen clitoris stood out most of all, strongly protruding forward, and a little below the clitoris followed long dark openwork small labia, but it was impossible to call them small. My feeling of rejection was sharply replaced by other feelings. Not once, not a single girl, before I had seen such an interesting crack, she was so large, expressive and hairy, that for some reason excited me, I even admired her. “What are you waiting for, Celine? Get down, and then the credit will end soon, ”she said in a commanding tone. I crawled closer and nestled between her legs. The first thing I felt was the smell of her crotch, he was also unusual, her hole did not smell like soap or something else, she smelled like a female pussy, but her smell was more saturated, a little bit tart, but still excited, like her look. Inhaling several times the scent, I stuck out my tongue and gently licked the edges of both sticking together labia lips. My actions were awkward and indecisive of the confusion in which this situation plunged me, but I still tried to act as cleverly as possible. He stopped and went to lick at first her large outer lips, but it was difficult to do without touching the second pair of sponges, as their length itself ran into my tongue. “Decisively, do not shirk it,” she ordered with a smirk. I exhaled deeply and went over to long and plump sponge dumplings. Walking through the outside of both lips with my tongue, I decided to clasp them together with my lips to suck, and only I did this, I heard Olka's first approving breath, it cheered me up. And I continued to suck her lips deeper into my mouth and lick them with my tongue. Running my tongue between the rich lips, I opened them and immediately felt the salty taste of the juice of this mature vagina. Thick drops spread through my tongue, and I froze for a moment, trying to taste the unfamiliar and unusual taste of the teacher's pussy. It was an unusually pleasant flavor combination, which made me act faster. Having let the lips out of my mouth, I opened them up to walk along the very bosom of a dark vagina, which was distinguished by a rich purple color. Here the taste of the juice was felt stronger and was sharper and more delicious. Licking my bosom between the lips, I felt the vagina, which opened up, beckoned me to him. I rushed into this juicy hole first with the tip of the tongue and from the very first touch, Svetlana Dmitrievna moaned softly. I hurriedly licked the entrance to this wet cave and rushed in deep with all my desire, sticking my tongue out as much as possible, and the moan became even louder and deeper, but I was fascinated not by it, but by my feelings, which were going off-scale.
For several minutes I felt all irregularities in the entrance of the vagina with my tongue, but Olka interrupted me with her hand, directing me higher. Giving up, I saw that the clitoris was twice as large and rose, looking at me with its large red pea from under a dark hood. I did not even think that the clitoris is of this size, but this size did not frighten me, but on the contrary, it got me even stronger. I rushed to him myself to tickle him from all sides with my tongue. From my quick touch, Olka started and cried out softly, and then put her hand on my head and pressed her closer to her. “Suck it!” She said, in a commanding tone. I moved away to hug the clitoris with my lips, but Svetlana Dmitrievna spoke again: "Say" Yes Olya, I will suck "and suck!". I gladly fulfilled her wish, since I already wanted to suck her clit and hear how she would moan. “Yes Olya, I will suck and lick your slit until you cum!” I said and hugged the clitoris with my lips. She apparently liked my answer, she moaned in the affirmative and began to shake my hair on my head, pressing my face to my crotch. Starting to suck the clitoris, I felt what a hard head he had, and how it pulses and swells more and more from my movements. I didn’t have to force me to do anything, I wanted to do it myself, I wanted to suck the clitoris and go over the whole gap to lick, more and more thick and tasty Olka juice, which I hurriedly did. From the whole process and from the satisfied moans of the teacher, it seemed to me that I myself now would drop into panties from excitement.
After some time of my enthusiastic efforts, I felt how Olka began to strain herself with her whole body, her legs squeezed my head and trembled along with my whole body in rare cuts, which gradually became more frequent. Sensing the approach of the teacher's orgasm, I accelerated even more, expecting a wild cry from her mouth, which I wanted to hear so much at that moment. No longer looking up from the swollen red clitoris, I took up exclusively with them and the result did not take long. Olka's groans were abruptly silenced, and she shrank all over, even the clitoris pressed a little between the lips, and then the cry that I was waiting for was heard. With a chest roar of pleasure, Olya grunted, announcing her pleasure, and at the same moment I pulled away from her clitoris to see her pleasure entirely. But I was waiting for another surprise, literally a moment after I let go of the clitoris, a powerful jet of very hot juice hit my face from the open pussy of the teacher. I do not know how to describe my feelings at that moment, surprise, confusion, pleasure and shock, I felt all this at the same time. The jet hit me in the nose and chin, spreading drops over the entire face, and I intuitively opened my mouth to catch this geyser. Feeling the salty richly tart taste of this hot drink, I swallowed it and drank it until it dried out.
I sat between Olya's legs for a minute, my whole face was wet, just like my shirt. Then I looked up and looked at the teacher, who was pretty smiling. "Well done! So you deserve credit, there would be an exam, you would have been excellent, ”she said, and moved back to stand. I also got up from my knees and, reaching for a handkerchief, began to wipe my face. “You're all wet, sit a little in the classroom to dry out, and then go home and meet again in September, you will have two more of my subjects, but I think you will pass them without any problems,” she said, then put on the pants and, adjusting the skirt out of the audience.
So I avoided the army, and after that I began to study with all my might. I would not mind again taking our credit at Olka, but for some reason she quit at the very beginning of the school year. I didn’t manage to repeat the change from her, although I remembered her pussy for a long time and I didn’t see such a juicy and delicious beauty from any woman, and I would like to.