My thoughts carry me many years ago to early youth. As I have already said, our family was a strong believer, so they brought us up in terrible severity. As for me, that they were keeping my elder sister in tight yoke, it’s true that this did not stop us until a certain moment when we began to understand everything. In the darkness of faith and ignorance, we lived for a very long time, because we were not spoiled, our parents did not even want to give us to the institute, but we enrolled in the correspondence department, although this was extremely difficult to do. Older sister Vera managed to enter the correspondence department in another city, so she was able to leave for the session for two whole weeks, after this trip she changed a lot, and then I followed her, but all in order.
After the winter session, Vera returned home, and I immediately noticed changes in her, although she put on her gray plain clothes for parents, I was not able to hold. The next day, in her desk, I found cigarettes and lacy underwear, which was strictly forbidden in our house. Vera began to leave the house allegedly to the store and disappear for a few hours, the parents were angry, but they could not do anything about it. She didn’t want to be frank with me either, but I soon learned everything myself. My parents were invited to go on a pilgrim trip around the region, my sister immediately refused, and I could not go, because my nose started bleeding again, and my parents were afraid to take me on a long bus ride. So we stayed with my sister at home for the whole day, and she opened for me some new facets of life.
When evening came and I quietly read a book in the bedroom, Vera came home from a walk.
- Where were you? It's nine o'clock in the evening, dark and late, I asked.
- Diana, do not nudi. I was walking, - she answered with a smile.
- Parents called, I had to lie to them that you are already asleep, and you know that I do not like to lie, - I was outraged.
- What are you so boring, relax! I was resting, maybe it's time for you to learn to relax, ”she said, coming closer to me.
At that moment I felt the smell of alcohol from her, it was the first time, and for me it was crazy, because my parents forbade us to even look at alcohol.
- Did you drink? I asked indignantly.
- Yes, I drank and brought with me another bottle to continue with you, - she said.
- I will not, what are you, it's impossible! - I was surprised.
- It is possible and very fun. Did you not get this boredom, which we live? You, too, study and see how others live happily, and they live healthy and beautiful, not like us, she began the conversation.
- Vera, what are you doing? - I asked.
- Nothing, I just realized during these two weeks that I had to live to the fullest, and not lock myself in this poorhouse here and go out. We have already for how many years, but we do not have a boyfriend, we don’t go anywhere, we don’t live at all, - Vera began to speak quickly and convincingly enough.
I actually understood everything about what she said, I myself saw that we live sad and boring, and I also wanted to have a boyfriend, but because of this upbringing, nobody looked at me. I decided not to stop Vera, but offered to go to the room and talk. Vera got a bottle of wine.
- Will you drink with me?
I did not want and wanted to try a drink and not a sip, as in communion, but more, so I agreed.
- Well, just give a little bit - I asked.
Vera only smiled in response, and then while I went to the kitchen for cups, she opened the wine and immediately poured it almost to the brim. She bought sweet wine, so I liked to drink it, so I drank my first mug very quickly. The face and body immediately caught fire, and a certain weightlessness appeared in my head, but it was not disgusting, as I was told, it was fun. Vera poured a little more and spoke again.
- You see, in two weeks I looked at everything with different eyes and realized that I wanted to have fun, this is normal. It's normal to drink, it's normal to walk in the evenings, it's normal and, by the way, it's very pleasant to talk with guys and kiss them, she smiled.
- What? - I was surprised.
- Yes, yes, kissing! I met a guy from the course, and when we sat in a cafe in the evening, I kissed him, and I liked it, I was excited, - she said, and even squirmed on the chair.
- Faith what are you saying? - I asked and blushed.
“I got aroused and wetted my panties when I kissed him, but it didn't get any further than kissing, except that he touched my chest,” the sister continued.
“You have lost your mind, as it is possible,” I was again indignant.
- Diana, you still do not know everything, I'll tell you further, - Vera moved to me.
“Remember,” Vera asked, “did you find me in the room when I stuck my hand in my panties with my head thrown backwards?”
It really did, but Vera said to me that she was just itching there and I decided that it was an allergy to new clothes.
- So it was not an allergy, and it didn’t scratch me, I stroked myself between my legs, I masturbated, only then I refused it myself, and there during the trip to the rental apartment there is no. I came all wet home and, lying in the bedroom, caressed myself and finished. And this is a fabulous pleasure, I did not experience anything better in life! - She said and smiled.
“Faith you have completely slipped, it's a sin,” I said.
- This is not a sin is a thrill! I would try it myself, how great it is, because you also want to, I know! You think I didn’t see how at night you fidgeted over the blanket, which, having folded, you pinch between your legs, - Vera laughed.
- Do not say stupid things! - I was indignant, but I understood very well what she was, although she didn’t want to admit to herself.
- From these conversations I am now excited, and what will happen from sex. I will definitely try different things, even here I am thinking of trying with the girl first, and then with the guy, ”she giggled.
- Belief you are crazy, this is too much! - I was outraged outwardly, but inside thought.
Once I saw one of my classmates's porn cards, and there one girl licked the crotch of another and, to be honest, I was as angry as I liked it, but again I drove those thoughts away.
- And you did not think that lesbians is a real way out and stay a virgin and the pleasure to get, and much better than masturbation? - Vera suddenly asked me.
- No, what are you! - I again made a perturbed look.
- Come on. And honestly, don't you like the female body? Anyway, you want to preserve your virginity before marriage? - Vera asked me again.
Either alcohol made itself felt, or I wanted to talk honestly with my sister, but I said it as it is:
- I do not know, you are right in your own way, I am really interested, I really want to try everything, but this is shameful. Someone will find out in any case, and what a shame then. Here I’m not only talking about myself, I’m talking about parents, I feel sorry for them, ”I replied.
- And if no one finds out? She asked.
“A stranger will inevitably tell someone, and there is not far to the parents,” I replied.
“It’s not necessary to do this with a stranger,” said Vera and laughed.
- I do not understand what you mean?
“I’m about us, we both don’t know anything and both want to try and both don’t want anyone to find out,” my sister said, looking slyly at me.
- This is incest - a terrible sin! - here I was outraged.
- Well, if you remember, then humanity also came from incest, I read the holy scriptures, there it is silent, but it is a fact, - Vera argued.
“It’s just a mistake in the scripture, further it is forbidden,” I protested.
- You guess that everything is a mistake there. And think for yourself, we just try, nothing terrible from this will happen. “Make up your mind, otherwise I’m already excited by only one thought,” said Vera and rubbed herself between her legs through her pants.
- I will not, so you can not my sister, - I said.
- That's exactly what my sister, we quietly try and everything, we can trust each other. Just take a look at it from the side of the game and that's it, - the sister continued to persuade me.
- I said no! - I answered sharply.
- As you want. I then simply masturbate, and you, if you want, look and learn, then you will try it yourself, ”said Vera and, rising from her chair, quickly began to take off her home clothes.
It must be said here that we have not bathed together for a long time and did not completely undress with each other, even we thought it was wrong, so now I looked at my sister for the first time in many years without clothes, and I liked it. I did not want to give the form, but with great pleasure watched her undress. When Vera took off her bodice and bare, I saw her strong, elastic, second-sized breasts with delicate pink nipples. I was shaken up with excitement, but pleasant excitement. Vera turned to face me and showed me her panties, which were really wet, forming a huge wet spot. "Here I am wet .., horror!" - She said with a smile. Looking at herself a little, my sister pulled off her panties and plopped down in a chair, spreading her legs on the armrests. She was not ashamed at all, spread her legs in front of me and, putting her hand to her crotch, began to run her fingers over the big lips. Her pussy was hairless, she was clean-shaven, which I didn’t even suspect to do to myself.
- Like? - Vera asked me.
- What? - I asked frightened.
- Shaved pussy? True, does she look better? She asked lightly and cheerfully.
“Yes, beautiful,” I said softly.
- And what a pleasant to the touch, so soft gentle, not like before. Although earlier I also liked it in my own way, the bush was so funny, - Vera laughed.
I didn’t pay attention to her laughter if she knew how I really liked the look of her pussy, so smooth with pink, medium-sized big lips and small delicate thin ones like the clitoris, barely protruding above the lips. And all this beauty was covered with brilliant thick juice, which my sister, caressing herself, skillfully smeared with her fingers. Without looking away, I looked between my sister's legs, and in the meantime she smoked and breathed deeply, and her fingers climbed between the sexual lips and began to travel through the hollow, touching the clitoris when climbing up. Now, not only did the shiver run through my body, but it also covered the fever, I even felt it bake between my legs and the juice flows into panties. "I must be losing my mind," I thought. “It’s impossible, it’s not good,” I continued to think, but soon thoughts faded into the background. The heat became so strong that I took off my T-shirt and pants on my own, remaining in my underwear. Vera did not notice this immediately, as she sat with her eyes closed. I did not understand what I was doing, everything was happening on an instinctive level, then I could not control myself. Sitting on the bed, I lay back on the wall and began to stroke myself between my legs through wet panties, and even moaned involuntarily, which forced my sister to open her eyes.
- Wow, you also decided to have fun? You did like me, was I right? She asked.
“Yes,” I said softly, burning with embarrassment.
“So let's continue together then, just get rid of everything too, I want to look at you too,” she said.
I didn’t think to refuse, I obediently, quickly unbuttoned my bra, threw it aside and just as quickly took off my flowered panties.
- But still, the hairy bush looks beautiful! You surely! - said Vera.
I was again very embarrassed, but it passed quickly, as Vera continued to stroke herself, and I hurried after her. True, everything turned out to be not as good as that of my sister, but still it was damn nice, but it was more pleasant for me to look at my sister. In the meantime, faith was faster and faster stroking herself. Putting a few fingers on her clitoris, she very quickly moved her hand in different directions and soon groaned and blushed all over. Watching her, I stopped and began to look closely at my sister, who more and more trembled and tensed, and then abruptly fell silent and squeezed her teeth. I opened my mouth and watched Verochka, who in a few seconds exhaled loudly and growled in a deep voice, and then her back arched, and her legs trembled and squeezed together.
I continued, without moving, to sit still and look at my sister. Only a minute later, Vera opened her eyes and looked at me.
- That's awesome! That was strong! - she said.
- Do you want to cum so much? - asked Vera.
“Yeah,” I answered quietly again.
“Well, then go ahead,” she said cheerfully.
I began to stroke myself, just like at the beginning. I was pleased, but somehow everything kept on the same level and did not move forward.
- What is impossible to go higher? She asked.
- Yeah, - I mumbled.
“Then let's try, as I suggested, I will help you, as lesbians do,” she said cheerfully.
“But we are sisters,” I said something intelligible for the first time in a long time.
“Then, like lesbian sisters, let's do a little lesbian incest,” said Vera, laughing.
Just a couple of seconds, and Vera crawled up on my lap. Taking me by the hips, she lowered her head between her legs. A few centimeters before my pussy, Vera stopped and smiled again.
- And you smell delicious, I like it! - she said.
Everything sank in me at that moment, it was like a mixture of fear and arousal, I even trembled. Vera smiled slightly and sank to my face. A second later, her soft lips touched my genital lips, and as if I were struck with a current, I jumped on the spot.
“Why don't you worry, just relax, I won't hurt you,” the sister said.
Trying to keep myself in hand, I sat back comfortably and closed my eyes, and it helped me. The sister’s tender lips touched my lips again, and I started again, but this time I did not move. Then her lips clasped all my face and gently licked it, warmly instantly ran all over her body, but this wave of pleasure did not have time to pass, as Vera gently released the tongue and licked the whole vagina with one motion.
- Your pussy is like mine, only you taste better! - Vera said and went to work again.
I was trembling again from her touch, but not from fear. Her hot tongue became chaotic and pleasant to run between my lips. Then I felt how the tip of her tongue moved along my virgin hole of the vagina, then went up again and touched the clitoris, making me flinch again. Everything swam before my eyes, I squeezed them even more, but the bedding feeling from me began to leave the bed from under me, or rather it seemed to me. I fell toli, toli rose in weightlessness, I was all burning with fire and the epicenter of this was my pussy, in which the tongue and lips of my sister frolicked. The intolerable frightening feeling made me not only moan, through moans and tremors I began to ask my sister to stop and even tried to push her head away from me, but I did not succeed. Vera threw back my hands and dug even more into my crotch, accelerating her efforts. I felt scared, panic seized me, I just started screaming on the bed and squeezing the coverlet with my hands, but the desire to find out what will happen next made me not break free from the hands of my sister. When Vera put her mouth around my clit and began to suck on it, I was all shackled, as if a certain spring in me squeezed all the muscles in my body, I could not even breathe, my chest squeezed. With fright, I opened my eyes and mouth, wanting to scream, but I could not, just as I could not unclench the sheets I had gripped tightly. Faith seemed to add more rhythm, it began to darken in my eyes and ... I exploded all over, if before that I was shaken up with a convulsion, then at that moment the cramps went all over my body, tickling spasms pierced me all, I could not control myself. Arms, legs and the whole body twitched and shook on its own. In the eyes completely darkened, and I screamed with fear and pleasure. Then the failure, I went to some other world with circles in front of my eyes against the backdrop of darkness and a succession of bright, indistinguishable pictures.
I woke up only because Vera loudly called me.
- Dianka! What are you, wake up! She said at the top of her voice.
“I'm here, everything is fine,” I replied sluggishly.
- Wow! I was even a little scared for you, ”said Vera, with a smile on her face.
- And what happened? - I asked.
“You finished, you had an orgasm, but it was somehow quite wild,” she answered.
- I.e? - I asked.
- You screamed, jerked, rolled on the bed, and then turned off. “I haven’t had one yet,” said Vera.
“I don’t remember anything, I’ve probably disconnected at the most interesting,” I answered, recovering myself.
- That's awesome! I want it too! - said Vera.
- I still licked you, I almost finished. There's juice in my legs flowing, - she grinned.
“I want to try too,” I said.
- What?
“I want to try to lick you,” I said, but without embarrassment.
- You did not want?
- And now I want! - I said loudly.
“I also want to, let's change places,” Vera jumped up from her knees.
My legs were still wadded, but I got up and sat down at my sister's place, and she took mine on the bed, where, by the way, it was already wet from my juice. Vera opened the legs as I did, and only she did, I immediately dug my lips into her soft shaven foil. With the very first movement I tried to completely lick her pussy in order to lick off the droplets of thick juice, and I succeeded. The taste was salty, but it felt so sweet that I licked the discharge again from the labia and swallowed it again. Between my legs, everything again began to tremble and boil, but I did not open myself from the case and again clung to my sister's vagina, trying to repeat her movements that she did to me. I don’t know if I could skillfully make cunnilingus for my sister, but I licked her very carefully. I wanted to lick it all, drink its juice, run the tongue into its narrow hole, from which the sweet drink stood out the most, and I did it. Vera soon began to cry, and then completely groaned from my movements. I licked my sister, but what is strange - she started it herself, moreover, as quickly as it was not the first time. Somewhere inside the vagina went colic, clitoris tensed. I felt all this and continued to lick the crack of Vera. Our pleasure moved forward at the same speed, and when my speed lost, and Vera, as well as for the first time, began to shudder, I put my hand between my legs and quickly rubbed my clit without tearing my sister's clitoris. Vera screamed, and I moaned, feeling that this state of weightlessness again covered me. Not paying attention to it, I continued to suck and tickle the sweet little peas of my sister. And so Verochka shrank and screamed, starting, just like me, wriggling with legs and hands on the bed and curving in convulsions. Pulling away from my sister's crotch, I raised myself with my hand, for a few seconds I also forced myself to fall into an orgasm, which was repeated almost exactly a few minutes earlier.
We woke up with my sister, but I was lying on the floor, and she hung out of bed. Having looked at each other, we laughed and fell into a slight tantrum with tears in our eyes, but these were tears of joy and pleasure. That evening, our relationship with my sister was not over, we had sex many times. First, just with a cunnilingus, and then with toys and various devices. So we got rid of the parental yoke of decency and restriction, and soon we moved from our ancestors, found ourselves guys and started a normal life. For three years now, my sister and I have not been naughty together. It began to come to me that this was incest between us, and in part I feel remorse for what we did, in spite of all the strict upbringing of parents. Although, on the other hand, this pleasant pampering did only better for us, because we were not sluts or perverts, we are normal women, although everything could be different if it were not for our lesbian incest in those young years.