"What is the entrance?"
"Second, apartment 19"
Having found the porch with my eyes, I tried to imagine on what floor there could be a 19th apartment and in my opinion I saw someone's shadow by the window, immediately recoiling as soon as I looked up. The intercom opened the door immediately, without first “who? “- obviously, they were waiting for me.
19 apartment was on the 5th floor. I was not mistaken, they looked at me while I was walking towards the entrance. Caused the elevator reluctantly went down to the 1st floor and I entered. Inside it was pretty shabby, like the whole Stalinist (or Brezhnev?) House. On the 5th floor, he jerked and stopped with a noise. I went out on a darkened flight of stairs, the 19th apartment was the last. In a cold sweat of excitement, he took hold of the handle - the door was not locked.
- Dim, you?
- Yes.
- I'm in the kitchen, go into the room, settle down.
I took off my shoes and entered. The apartment was ordinary, such a “grandmother’s option”, it was clear that they had not lived here all the time. As soon as I sat down on a sofa by the window, the owner of the apartment entered the room.
- I'm Zhenya. I do not live here all the time, so arrivals. How did you get there?
- Normally, by shuttle bus.
- Will you drink something?
- No thanks.
Zhenya sat opposite in a chair. It was evident that he himself, like me, was terribly nervous.
- Have you been on this forum for a long time?
- A few years.
- Met someone from there?
- Listen, everything did not work. Usually at the last moment everything went wrong.
- And do not say me too. How did you decide to come?
- I do not know. Probably just decided that he was ready.
- And how, really ready?
- I think yes.
Zhenya was an ordinary boy of 30-35. About age did not lie - this is good. I wonder if he lied about the rest.
“You said you were married,” I asked carefully.
- So it is, 5 years already.
- And how is she, not in the subject?
- Well, how to say, probably not in the subject, although she began to dream about it first. Well, and then went - gone. She called, said she would be soon, do not worry.
- Yes, I do not worry.
I cheated. In fact, only now my excitement slightly receded. I looked with my wife, something in it inspired confidence. He caught my train of thought.
- Dim, you want to go in the shower while you go until Masha is gone? I'll cook everything for now.
- Yes, ok.
- I'll give you a towel now, you will find everything you need in the bathroom.
I got up from the couch and walked toward the bathroom. Zhenya got up and, pulling a blue towel out of the closet, handed it to me. I entered the bathroom and immediately closed the latch. Hanging a towel on a hook, I looked in the mirror - there was reflected a man with insane eyes, who decided on an incredible adventure. There was no way back, and Zhenya and I understood this.
I turned on the water and quietly went to the bathroom door and listened: Zhenya spoke to someone on the phone, most likely with his wife:
“Yes, I’ve arrived already, like a normal one, it turns red strongly. Buy some water
I undressed and took a shower. The warm water was soothing. The bathroom really had everything I needed and I soaped the body. Washed and then soaped again, having carefully washed the member and ass. Turning off the water, I got out of the bathroom and wiped myself with a towel - it was frankly small and it definitely didn't work. "What to be - that can not be avoided," I thought, and just covering the member with a towel opened the door.
Zhenya was in the room. The sofa on which I had just sat was already laid out and covered.
- Yes, the towel is small, not a problem? There are no others.
- Everything is fine, it's even better.
- I agree, better - Eugene smiled. - I'm still in the shower I go, and you get settled.
I nodded. Eugene took the same size but gray towel and went into the bathroom without closing the door behind him. Sitting on the couch, I saw through the gap as he undressed and stepping into the bath, got up in the shower. Turning to the door, he could see that I was looking at him and I turned my eyes in advance.
On the bed was a laptop. I threw off the towel and moved the mouse - the screen lit up in blue and the Windows XP desktop appeared with flowers on the background. Naturally, I could not resist and, first of all, it was useful to watch what was interesting in it and rather quickly in the “downloaded” folder I found a decent collection of various kinds of porn, mostly normal.
I opened a couple of clips, but to watch them alone, in a strange apartment with a stranger in my heart was dumb and absolutely not excited. I closed all the windows and then the laptop lid.
The water in the bathroom stopped and, after a couple of minutes, Zhenya appeared completely naked in the room.
- Nothing if I'm naked? And you already threw off the towel!
- Well yes.
“Well, yes,” he agreed, “which is already shy.
His words so relaxed me that I felt something in my lower abdomen. My body was preparing to meet the unknown and he liked it.
- I watched what is in the laptop?
“No, of course,” I lied.
- Well, in vain, I specifically put it here.
Zhenya turned on the laptop. I felt that he, with his naked body, slightly touched mine and strangely, but I did not feel any disgust. Windows XP obediently loaded and appeared on the screen familiar wallpaper with flowers.
- Here is our favorite with Masha. What kind of porn do you watch?
- Yes, anything, there are no special preferences.
- And we are the same. Look, yesterday under this sex were engaged.
He turned on the clip where the two guys were pleasing the girl. First, one licked her pussy and the other fucked in her mouth and then they swapped places. It all ended with the fact that they ended up in her mouth at the same time. It was ordinary porn and my dick, even though I lay on it, did not take long to wait. Zhenya obviously watching porn with another man was also quite aroused because he, like me lying on my stomach, quite frankly put his hand under himself.
- Do you like this porn? - he asked.
- Yes, it is quite.
- Do you watch bi porno?
- Of course, I like when two guys and a girl.
- Now I turn on, I have a lot of that.
He rummaged in the familiar “downloaded” folder to me and launched an unremarkable video at first glance, where a guy and a girl were lying in 69. The girl diligently sucked the member to a guy who was completely immersed in licking her pussy. At some point, another guy entered the room, and seeing how they were having fun without him, he quietly approached a couple from the girl’s side and, having undressed, also began to suck the dick. The first guy shuddered in surprise, but the girl calmed him down and said it was my friend and everything will be fine. The video ended with the fact that the first guy was finished on the ass.
I myself did not notice how I was already masturbating with might and main to the video. Zhenya, lying very close to me, judging by the characteristic movements with his hand, did the same with his back to me.
- Do you want a video?
- How exactly?
- I'll suck you.
His frank "sucking" is so excited that I hesitated with the answer.
- How is Masha?
- It will be from minute to minute. But I always wanted to try to do it without her. You do not mind?
- Well ... No, let's try.
- Ok, turn on some video and watch.
Zhenya sank a little lower and was at my feet. I turned on the following video and - oh, a surprise - there two guys were giving each other a blowjob. Zhenya took my dick in his hand, and, very gently, slightly touching, touched his lips to him. I was stunned by lightning. It was a new, incomparable feeling. I tried not to look at Zhenya and continued staring at the laptop screen but I was unbearably good. He took my dick in his hand and began to masturbate him in his open mouth.
- Lie down on your side? - asked Zhenya in a strange deep voice.
I lay down as he was more comfortable and Zhenya, clasping my buttocks with his hands, pushed me into his mouth. He sucked my cock very well - at least, he immediately stood up to the fullest. I stopped watching porn, the background voiced what was happening on our couch, and already without embarrassment, I watched Zhenya doing me a blowjob. I was unbearably good and I could not stand it:
- I will take your dick in your mouth too?
Zhenya just smiled. I took it for cool buttocks and opened my mouth. Now, right now it should happen. That for which I have come all this way. That is why I sat for two years on this forum. His penis was getting closer to my lips, and I closed my eyes and felt a very gentle head of his penis on my lips. In my head at this moment the universe exploded. Zhenya sighed loudly and put his dick in my mouth. I kept my lips parted, it seemed to me that it would be easier, and Zhenya was moving in my mouth as a member. The pose on the side turned out to be very convenient - not stopping sucking my Eugene caressing my ass and I could not even say more precisely what was more pleasant. His finger slipped through my buttocks and felt my anus - without knowing why I instinctively bulged my ass so that it was more convenient for him and Zhenya understood everything. He put his finger to the sphincter and took my dick as deeply as possible into the mouth gently pressed. My moan escaping from my lips said everything for me - it was for this that I arrived.
- Without me, it means they started.
I recoiled in fright. Masha stood in the doorway. Eugene looked at his wife and then looked at me.
- In a second I will join you, continue.
We understood each other without words. Eugene, not taking his eyes off me, kissed the head of my penis and, opening his mouth, clasped her lips. I closed my eyes, mentally thanked heaven that Masha was the same as in the photo and again took Zhenin member in his mouth.