How did it all start, where is that starting point of this fall? It seems so long ago, as if half a century ago, and not a month. She sat in the stuffy office of the advertising company and corresponded with boredom and idleness through an iPhone with a friend. The working computer is a cunning sysadmin, (damn all sysadmins in the world!), Turned off access to all social networks and other entertainment resources. “It would be better if the work was made fascinating and interesting!” - it was then thought to Svetlana. Therefore, she had to spend personal funds to use new 4G technologies in order to while away the working time.
This is not to say that Svetlana was a lazy office worker. Not! She came here to work full of ideas and unrealized creative proposals. Ideas and suggestions for how to make advertising more creative and, therefore, interesting and enticing, just poured out of it. But very quickly, when she saw how the waves of her talent and inspiration break up about system management and management, which includes mainly close attention and proximity, she stopped giving her ideas to those who used them for their own advancement and receiving awards. The last straw was betrayal, but otherwise you can’t call the partner’s action in the direction, Igor, who brazenly stole her juice advertising idea. Her idea turned out to be so original that not even a week passed, and they began to show it on television, and even received orders to continue. But all the laurels and awards, Igor took for himself, who earned them just nicely smiling at her and spinning the novel. But the most terrible thing is that he did not even understand that he had betrayed her, without naming her name as the main author, ideological mastermind. She quickly forgave him, because she was in love with him for the most indifferent and they even had a wedding date scheduled.
She cried for several days in a row, not understanding how it was possible to at least just not call her name. Igor, seeing that Svetlana was experiencing, explained to her that even though she was the author of the ideas, he, he, proved its correctness, refined it, or rather did it, implemented its idea and did not let others steal it. “Favorite! Well, how could I call a new name, think for yourself. Then it will turn out that there is co-authorship, which would prevent me or you from moving up the career ladder. And so I became the head of the department and now our budget has grown with you! ”- Igor sang sweetly, but she could not understand when she gave him her permission to do so. He decided everything for her,
without even consulting and informing. When the contract and its amount were announced at the debriefing, and the Director called Igor for rewarding, and she expected to hear her name with it, it was a big blow for her to remain anonymous. As if not understanding what had happened, she looked at Igor with a dumb question, but he only smiled at her and winked, full of happiness and satisfaction from what was happening.
How she loved him, this arrogant and self-satisfied man who so calmly, without a twinge of conscience, exchanged her for a new chair. And the most important thing is that he does not understand that he acted badly. It was a blow. They lived in a place for half a year, in the same apartment, almost like a family. We lived in her apartment, she paid bills, bought groceries. And he. And he said: “We have a common budget, so let me be a piggy bank, and you will be a spender!” And it wasted, and very successfully. But somehow it turned out that she wasted her money. So never once did he give her his savings, somehow so skillfully refusing, that she even felt that she was indeed a spender. “Why do we need this dishwasher? We eat so little at home that there are two plates in the evening! In the end, you can wash one by one, if it is hard for you! ”He said so convincingly that she later ceased asking him for even general needs. He said that they would go on vacation, buy a car. And then there was talk about the wedding. They even set a date, but for some inexplicable reason, it was postponed once from once. And today, he said: “Listen! Since I am now the boss, then I will have to work hard for a year or two to prove that I was appointed for nothing, so we will postpone the wedding and leave for a year! We do not burn! The main thing is that we are good together! ”
She said that she would go to her friend, holding back tears and a nervous shiver in her body. She didn’t want him to see her feelings and not bother with questions and his soothing lectures. She wanted to run to be alone. She felt keenly that she needed to talk to herself. She called a taxi and drove to the outskirts of the city, where there was a nightclub, the only one she knew from the inside. Because even a schoolgirl made her way into it using fake photocopies of a passport. She was so young and stupid then. But how then everything was fine, how happy she was. And now, she sought to get there, hoping that in a once favorite place, a little bit of happiness would reappear in her tormented soul.
"Typhoon". The bright sign has not changed in all this time. It was evident that the owners were not particularly invested in the entourage, content with what is. All the same iron doors, the same pink color of the walls in the hall, and even the cloakroom attendant is still the same. If it upset others, then Svetlana was only glad that everything was in place. That's just in the hall sounded completely different music. Deprived of words and meaning, just a series of musical sets. "The sun is in the hands, and a wreath of stars in the sky ..." - suddenly heard from the dance hall. Svetlana started and did not believe her senses. “Hallucinations or something?” - she thought, but no, the music was clearly real. “It was difficult for me to take a step, to overcome my childhood fear ...” - the unforgettable words of the song “Virus”, under which they screamed with their girlfriends and “sabotaged” without even drinking alcohol. And only going up to the dance floor, she saw the inscription: “Today is a special evening! Disco 90's! She was so delighted that for a moment she forgot about her problem. “Poplar fluff, heat July ...” - the following composition caused shouts of joy in a small group of dancing people who were much younger than her. The same students, probably even from her home school.
She stepped aside and sat down at a free table. The people were few, apparently not very many who want to come here and remember their youth. (Especially for - She saw several more people, probably not more than a dozen, about the same age as her. She didn’t recognize anyone in them. The waitress girl ran up and asked what she wanted. “Get drunk in the trash!” - Svetlana answered and smiled in surprise The waitress explained: "I have vodka, two for a hundred, and orange juice." The girl flew away, and Svetlana continued to inspect the hall. Then she met her eyes with the lad who was staring at her.
He looks like a schoolboy by the age of 16-17, clearly dressed in a youth fashion that is not understandable and funny for her. But it was dressed somehow stylish. In any case, she did not want to smile. She thought that when he saw her glance, the boy would take his eyes away, but no, he continued to look at her, intently and even arrogantly. “Here is the brat! Pipis has not grown back yet, but already macho is building himself! ”- Svetlana cheered up. Then a waitress came up, carrying her plain order on a tray. While she laid out on the table a small cruet with vodka (“Damn, two by one hundred, these are two piles, not a mini-bar bottle !!!”), like a beer, a glass of juice and two glasses, (apparently the waitress decided that she would drinking with someone), but Svetlana was distracted from the guy, when she looked again at the place where he stood, he was no longer there. Svetlana looked for him, but did not find him in the darkened hall. She opened the decanter and poured herself the first pile. “And me?” A voice suddenly rang out.
Svetlana looked up and saw this juvenile insolent. “What ?!” - from the bastard's surprise and arrogance, Svetlana forgot all the words. “Well, you have two piles here, and you need a partner,” very calmly, as if they had known each other for two hundred years and were equal in age, the young man answered. Svetlana looked at him attentively, as if not understanding whether he was crazy or if she didn’t catch up a little. "How old are you, companion?" She smiled, replying with a question that should have put the insolent person in place and make room at her table. "Why do you care? Well, I will say that thirty, you will not believe, I will say that twenty, you will not believe the same, I will say 17, you will believe, but no matter how much you say, you will pour it anyway, you will not be able to drink alone like an alkashka! ” boyfriend than directly infuriated her. Who is he to judge her ?! A juvenile zadrot moron imagined something about himself! ”Hey, boy, didn’t it be too early for you to cheat on the girls, eh?” She hissed at him, upset that her evening, spoiled by Igor, destroyed by his complacency and selfishness, finally destroyed even by this vile representative of the same kind - an ordinary man. “You probably have something bad happened, since you are so angry. And you are not really evil, you are good and kind! I saw it right away, I liked you! ”- without being frightened of her evil hiss and offensive words, the guy answered:“ By the way, Igor is called, and how are you? ”
Svetlana laughed loudly, pouring tears from her eyes. Hysterically, for a long time. Surprise was evident on the guy's face. This time, she managed to knock off an expression of self-confidence and Buddhist calm. “Igor, thy mother, Igor!” She continued to laugh: “What a day like this today, and you are Igor!” The guy sat frowning and offended by her, got up and was about to leave as Svetlana, unexpectedly for herself, stopped him: "Yes, you stand, you moron! I'm sorry! My husband's name is Igor! ”New Igor turned around and an expression of complacency and self-confidence returned to his face:“ Ah! So you have problems with him? ”“ Yes, you pipets, what a psychic, Igor! ”She again laughed:“ Yes, can you imagine, I have problems with Igor, Igor! ”The guy calmly sat and did not give the impression that mockery prick him. "He changed you?" - Igor asked the voice of the cine psychotherapist. She wanted to say no, but then she thought about it, after all, betrayal, this is treason, only in a different version and expression. She poured vodka into the second pile and moved it to him: “He just threw me for money!” Igor took the pile and easily tossed it into his mouth, and did not even choke: “Tell me!” She also drank and wanted to ask for it boy to leave her, this time is polite, and although she was sure that this time, he would listen to her and leave, she suddenly began to tell him about his life. Vodka has just begun its action, but it suffered as if she had already drunk half a liter.
She told him everything. Starting from the first meetings and dates and ending with this trip to the club. After she finished, Igor himself poured vodka for her and himself and they drank together. A glass of juice remained untouched. “You know, your Igor reminds me of my father, really. He is the same egoistic moron, obsessed with their problems and desires. He does not see us with his mother and sister. He always says: “We are a family, we decided it’s better for us,” but it’s always only his decision, only he decides, only he is better. My mother loves him and suffers from his narcissism. He loves only himself, and allows the rest to love himself. He is always arrogant with us, always speaks as if he expounds the truth. He does not hear the word no, even when you shout him right in the face, ”- here the guy fell silent, apparently his emotions overtook him and he barely restrained them. “You don't love him?” Svetlana asked, feeling a soul mate in a guy. “Sometimes I want to kill him!” I even plan how to do it better, so as not to suspect me. I have several. But sometimes, when it is difficult and hard for me, for some reason I remember his words, which he spoke to me in childhood, when I fell and broke into blood: “You have to get up and complete the task, and then you can whine!” I will not kill him just because he taught me life, and that mom loves him. But here you are, why do you tolerate such an appeal to yourself? You are such a beautiful, adorable girl! You have a lot of fans, ready to carry you in your arms! Why do you live with him? ”
She wanted to argue that she does not have a fan club and that they are almost family, but then for some reason flower bouquets, brought by a courier, boxes of chocolates suddenly appearing on her table, casually caught by her sneaky eyes, surfaced. She suddenly realized that Igor was so much absorbed in her nature that she did not see the world around him. “But you are right, Igor, you are right. Why am I with him ?! ”- she voiced out loud her thoughts and, she wanted to pour herself another glass of vodka, but then Igor grabbed her hand and said:“ Wait! Come on, let's dance! ”She stared at him in surprise:“ Well, I’m watching you are completely insolent! Do you think I'm so drunk that I will go to shame with a young child? "" But who knows and remembers you? Listen, help me as well. I have big problems in communicating with the female sex, well, it’s impossible for me to start a relationship with anyone, everyone is running away from me, like a smelly skunk, ”Igor said almost plaintively and pleadingly. “Here I have no doubt that they are running! You are so insolent and boor that ... "- but she did not finish speaking, but got up and they went to dance together. As if by script, slow music began to play. "Oh no! This is what a day today is like this! Everything is against me! ”She thought, but she let the guy hug her waist and put her hand on her shoulder. They slowly moved to the music and she felt like a schoolgirl who for the first time was dancing a dance with a boy. So it was all from that era and time. Even this “pioneer” distance between their bodies. Apparently wanting revenge and under the influence of vodka, she decided to make fun of the guy and close the distance, clung to him with her body. Immediately, her thigh felt something hard and big.
Igor looked up at her in surprise, in which there was both fear and delight. “Is that what you have there is so hard?” She asked the guy on purpose, wanting to drive him into the paint of embarrassment. "Sorry! I always have the way I see a beautiful girl, so immediately. And I can not do anything with myself. Even on the beach! - surprisingly, Igor calmly responded to her question. There was more regret in his voice than shame. "So you go to the toilet and jerk it there, it will help!" - continued attempts to mock the guy, Svetlana. "Not. Will not help. Then he will rise again and will stand while I see you. I have already tried. He reached up to ten times until he started to get sick, but he still stood, ”the guy calmly explained, as if they were talking not about his intimate problem, but about cosmic waves and the policies of Zimbabwe. Svetlana raised her eyebrows in surprise: “Ten times ?! Yes, you are also a boaster! ”Even at the best of times, she had four times with men the most times. After that, the men eased and no matter how hard she tried to return them to battle, they could not succeed without a long break. Therefore, she always with suspicion and doubt related to the stories, "like six times a night." And now, she was absolutely sure that Igor brazenly was lying.
“Really, why should I lie to you? In Nete they say that this is age-related hypersexuality, and that later everything will pass, but I honestly have already been tortured. I cannot communicate with anyone because of this. Everything, as they see my erection, they immediately decide that I just want sex, and stop communicating, ”for some reason Igor said very convincingly. “So you have never ... had relationships and sex?” Svetlana asked, who, under the influence of alcohol, music and this unusual guy, completely forgot about her problems. “There was no relationship, but there was sex. More precisely not quite sex. This summer, I stayed with my grandmother in the village and met one girl at a wedding, and she piled me in the hayloft, but I didn’t have time to get in as I splashed. She was offended and didn’t give me one more time, she said that I was fast-fired, ”- here Svetlana heard notes of excitement and embarrassment in the guy’s voice. Well, at least something penetrates him.
Then they went to the table again. They finished the cruet, then ordered another one. The more drunk Svetlana became, the more she thought about Igor, not hers (she had completely forgotten about him), but about the boy opposite. He told her something, laughed at something, but she no longer really listened to him. She looked at his face, shoulders, arms, eyes. She thought that he was still an interesting man, impudence and self-confidence were well combined with not hefty mental abilities and physical characteristics. “How does he manage to push girls away from him ?! This is Apollo in his youth! And handsome and smart, and communicates, not like many experienced macho. Neither the mat, nor harsh words, but how it looks at me like a lion. It is immediately obvious that he wants me and will take me without asking if he notes that between my legs everything is already wet and burning. It’s still that young man, don’t put a finger in his mouth, though not experienced, but he has enough audacity to shut him up, ”thought Svetlana, completely forgetting about her office and home problems. Oh, how he looks at her. He directly devours his eyes, strips and has right on the table, for all he does not hesitate to show his desire, flaunts them like a mountaineer from Dagestan. “Maybe his family is from the Caucasus?” - the girl was looking for an explanation of Igor’s such sexual charisma.
“You don't like me?” - she suddenly heard a question from Igor. “Forgive me, what?” She asked, waking from her thoughts. “You are not listening to me, you look like you are looking at me, but as if not with me. Are you tired and do not like me? Should I leave? ”Asked the guy. Svetlana smiled. “He has not yet learned to understand the views of women, he still does not feel how excited and desire it smells,” she thought, and answered: “No, everything is fine! You are cool, and I even like it very much, I just thought about my own, about the female ”“ What is it about? ”The guy asked with interest. “We have women’s thoughts that men don’t know better and don’t even know!” Svetlana replied with a laugh, glad that the boy couldn’t read her thoughts, otherwise she would have been put on the stomach on the table and under the weak (for saving the face) her resistance, her little skirt would have been pulled up, her panties tightened and a young and strong member was inserted into her already insanely wet and hot pussy.
“I have the same man’s thoughts now, I wonder how they differ from women’s? Do you want to compare? ”- an unexpected offer came from Igor. Svetlana liked the proposed game, it was funny: “Well, let's try, only you are the first to start!” “Good. Then I will tell you one thought, and then you have your one and so on, agreed? ”- it was obvious that the guy was excited and for him it was probably the most exciting moment in life. “I look at your chest and think about how she is without clothes. I really want to see her, see! ”- the boy blurted out, quickly, as if fearing that if he spoke slowly, he would not be able to finish saying it, and, waiting for her reaction to his frankness, he fixed his piercing gaze on her. "Okay. And when I look at your face, I see how you speak and smile, think about how you are kissing, ”instead of an answer, Svetlana said, continuing to be surprised at her courage and not the news of where the swagger appeared. “I also think about it when I look at your lips, and I really want to kiss them, and I would kiss you, but I don’t dare to do it, because I'm afraid that you will get angry and drive me away, but I don’t want to to part with you! ”- without taking his eyes off to the side, another thought was expressed to Igor. “So can we check? I will find out how you are kissing, and you, if I will drive you away! ”Svetlana suggested with a laugh, confident that her voice sounded ironic and without a drop of desire. But Igor got up, walked over to her and bent down, dug his lips into her mouth, clasping her head. Svetlana did not have time, and maybe she did not want to resist this. Lips guy already caressed her lips, forgetting this feeling of unbridled desire and uncompromising passion. Her "old" Igor, (Oh, God! She herself calls him already "old"), kissed her only once, when she came to spend the night to him for the first time. In the future, the kiss became even affectionate and gentle, but mundane and ordinary. And here, in the lips and tongue, in the way the “new” Igor held her head, one could feel the real unrestrained passion and attraction.
Her head was spinning, whether from drunk, or from surging feelings, and from this, she did not immediately notice that the insolent youth, was already pawing her chest, squeezing her knolls with her palm. "Well, let! He deserved it! Let him touch, let him enjoy! This is his reward for the evening! ”- the thoughts flashed through her head floating in a waltz. But his hand is already on her hip and quickly, like a lizard, slips to her panties. "Oh no! There can not be! In the same place everything is burning and wet! ”- she grabs his hand and pushes the guy’s body away from herself:“ Oh, how dispersed! Well, to stand a youngster! ”She could hardly breathe and spoke. Igor was standing next to him, his body was shaking and his chest was heaving with every breath. Svetlana clearly saw how his pants stood out at the groin level: “Wow! What does he have there for the tool that so bulges strongly? ”She so thought about it that she kept her gaze on the young man’s trousers and did not notice that Igor managed to catch her gaze. He immediately grabbed her hand and forced her to stand up and immediately pressed himself against her, glaring again with his lips. She only had time to say: “Stop! You ... ", but after a second, she eagerly hugged Igor and responded to his caresses, rubbing his dick standing in pants with her hip. “How he wants me! Ready to break and rape right here, in public, how it burns and trembles! ”She had never felt such a desire from a man before.
That passion and lust, which burned in Igor, kindled fire in her body, causing him to tremble with lust and fear. Yes, it is precisely the fear that she will not hold back, will not be able to control herself and will surrender to him. She wanted him madly, but her education did not allow her to allow even the possibility of intercourse. After all, she is a woman of another man, albeit a conceited egoist, but she cannot deceive him. But how tightly does Igor embrace her, how his lips caress her, how persistently and impatiently his member rubs her thigh. He is actually already fucking her like a dog through the fabric of his pants, moving his hips, trying to satisfy her lust. That is, it almost already changes, it is necessary to immediately stop it, but there is no strength, no strength. And here in her thoughts she missed the moment when the hand of the young man penetrated under her skirt and lay on her slit and began to smooth the wet and hot place, enjoying the victory and the new discovery. “He found out, found out, he now understood everything!” A thought flashed through her head: “Well, let him know! Yes, I want it, but I want, I want it! But I will not give myself to him for anything !!! ”They embraced in the corner of the hall, and few could see what a couple in love was doing there. Toli whisper, toli dance. Suddenly, Svetlana caught herself thinking that she wanted to unbutton his fly and pull his cock out, touch him and caress him. She even began to lower her hand there, when suddenly she caught herself, pushed Igor away from her and quickly went to the exit.
"I have a bl. Th! What happened with me?! I bl. Th! Home! Home! ”- she quickly searched for a way out, finding him, jerked the handle and went out into the fresh night air. “How quiet is here! Easy! ”- she thought, but before she could enjoy the solitude, Igor was there. “I am escorting you, allow me!” He said as if nothing had happened. “There is a dangerous area, I’ll go to the bus stop with you ... that nothing would happen!” It was quite touching. Neither words about what happened in the club, not a word about future relationships and other nonsense, which now had no meaning. They went together, silently, each thinking about his own, but about the same thing. He thought how beautiful she was and how he wants her, wants to love and possess her body and soul. And she thought about him, about how young and hot he was, impatient and at the same time gallant. “So how?” He asked suddenly. She looked at him in surprise: “What and how?” “How do I kiss? We found out the same with you! ”He replied and laughed. She immediately answered him with her ringing laugh. This time she was really laughing, happy. He really gave her pleasure and was able to return the lost feeling, which she had almost forgotten, the feeling of a desired woman. She looked at him, her unwitting and young lover, and again she wanted to feel his hands on her body, and his lips on her lips, and that his palm was again where it was still hot and humid. “If I come home like this, then my Igor will immediately decide that I fucked with someone, but I’ll cover the whole floor at home as soon as I take off my underwear.” For some reason, she thought, and at that thought, she again laughed.
“What are you laughing at? Tell me? ”Asked Igor smilingly, for some reason in a tone that excluded the possibility of silence or deception from her side. And she answered the truth: “I imagined how I would slap the floor in the living room when I come home and take off my panties!” She herself was surprised at her courage and recklessness. What's wrong with her? How can she say such obscene things, and even a stranger? What is happening to her? She did not have time to find the answer, because Igor again pressed her to himself and dug into her lips, and so much and passionately that her legs, and so weak from the feelings she had experienced before, now completely ceased to listen and gave up, not holding her weight mistress
Nearby was a bench. Ordinary wooden bench, which is in each park or at the bus stop. How is she on time! He holding her body lowers him to the bench, and he settles down next to him, continuing to kiss and hug the girl. As soon as she is on the bench seat, his hand slips to the already familiar hot and humid place and immediately begin to smooth it, not so much for the caress, as for the sake of knowledge and study. She understood that the guy was touching a woman for the first time, and even excited there. Already she feels like the fingers of a young man are looking for a gum of panties and are trying to hook her in order to pull off this wet rag and get access to her treasure. For some reason, she remembered how her first boyfriend, on her first night, when she was trembling with fear, decided to surrender, asked her to take off her panties herself, and she, burning with shame and awkwardness of the moment, pulled them off, feeling like the last whore, as if she is offering herself to a guy. Ironically, her “old” Igor, the same when he wanted intimacy with her, demanded from her that she should go to bed naked and first excite him, and then move her legs apart and enjoy herself while he had her. And she wanted so much that they would take her, that they would undress her, that they would excite her.
And now, this young man did exactly what she had dreamed of for so long. He did not just pull off her panties, he tore off her beliefs with her, he broke down moral principles. He took her as prey. “He is probably the first who really deserved me, to whom I surrender with such desire and delight!” Thought Svetlana, and while the guy was taking off her panties, she began to unbutton his belt and pants. Igor began to breathe passionately, realizing that the girl gave him, and now he will fuck this young, beautiful and so desired body that he will finally become a real man, and with such a woman. All his energy, desire and lust materialized in his penis, which jumped out of his trousers when Svetlana pulled them down. “Oh dear, how long and fat he is! Such a goner cannot have such a member! This is a spear of some sort! ”- Svetlana was surprised at the organ she saw and immediately wanted to feel this organ inside her. She longed to feel how he moves in her, how she uses her and enjoys it.
She turned her back to Igor, dropping her legs to the ground and grabbed the back of the bench, putting her ass back. The guy understood everything pretty quickly, and now he is lifting up the hem of her skirt and discovering a field for work. She still glows with a white spot in the darkness of the park and Igor immediately attaches his hot and hard organ to it. He poked into it, trying to find the entrance. And although there is very humid and hot, but his rather thick member can not get to the right place at all and is constantly slipping. Suddenly, Svetlana feels like hot drops are falling on her ass, a lot, they start to run down her buttocks. Igor groans sweetly, but he does not stop trying to insert his stake into her cave, which is eager for penetration. Svetlana was already upset that the guy had finished, and not satisfying her lust, when suddenly, a thick and long member entered her, and so abruptly and easily that she gasped.
Once she thought how many times she had sex, but then got off. Then she began to consider orgasms, the same over time lost. But now she was ready to swear that this invasion was the most pleasant and desirable of all the dives of members in her life. How sweet and at the same time he put in sharply! Like a knife stuck into her heart. Igor began furiously hammering Svetlana, driving his instrument to the bottom, jabbing them in different directions, building up and increasing the pace. Svetlana groaned under his onslaught, and then, when he intensified the pushes and tempo, screamed at the top of her voice. She had never cried like that before. What did he do with her? Then Igor tensed again and she felt his cock twitch and the guy groaned again with satisfaction, but before she could even rest, he again continued the onslaught. The member was weakened, it became stone again and again actively yayrival it, causing convulsions and convulsions. She squeezed the laths of the bench to the pain in her fingers, her knees ached from friction, her slit responded with burning and pain, but she moaned with happiness and pleasure. Igor finished it again, then again. He finished at almost equal intervals of time, every five to seven minutes. Svetlana felt her little rivulets and her juices running down her legs, flowing into her sandals and dripping onto the sand. “Igor, dear, that's enough! I can no longer! ”- she finally prayed, when the guy began to trick her for the seventh time. "I can not! I still want you! I still do not hurt! How sick I will stop! ”- and he fucked her again, just as much, just as passionately. She did not give him the opportunity to fuck herself again, it was all very hot and aching there, she was frightened for herself.
Svetlana straightened up and grabbed the guy's cock, not letting it in herself. "Everything! Wait, wait, wait! You will kill me, bastard! ”Svetlana said with a blissful smile. “But I still want you! More! ”- Igor growled and she, in order to protect herself, began to smooth his cock with his hand, trying to give the guy pleasure in this way. She kissed Igor on the lips and smoothed his cock, moving it quickly, then slowly, with her other hand, playing with his scrotum. She never wanted to do that to anyone, and now, to her surprise, she did it with great pleasure. Drops of sperm splashed into her palm, and she continued to smooth the guy's body, as a sign of gratitude for the pleasure. He did not have time to fall asleep again began to harden, what terribly surprised Svetlana. "Still! More! ”Snarled the guy. The girl sat on the bench, as her legs no longer held the hostess. A member of the guy was right in front of her face and she was able to see this miracle of nature. Red, veined and pulsing, he demanded affection. She kissed his head. Igor groaned and immediately grabbed her head and began to poke his organ in her mouth. She let him inside, clasped her lips and began to caress him with her tongue, feeling how he was growing even more and straining, and then hot liquid splashed into her mouth. “Everything!” Said Igor, getting down tiredly on the bench: “Now everything is exactly, it hurts!” And they began to laugh together.
“Mother of God, Virgin Mary! Help me, forgive me ... Forgive my sin, my shame ... "Svetlana stood at the icon and whispered words of prayer for forgiveness. Three days have passed since that night, but her body was still trembling and shrunk in sweet convulsions when she recalled her adultery. “Old” Igor never noticed anything, and was delighted at the night return of his Svetka, even if she was drunk and strange, but she returned. And Svetlana herself, having woken up in the morning, diligently locked the sheets onto which a pool of her juices flowed along with the sperm of the “new” Igor overnight. She did not find her cowards and guessed that they had been taken by a cheeky youth and why she smiled at this. "Old" Igor was very surprised the next night when she refused him, citing the lack of desire. He tried to persuade her, but was hard sent to the sofa. So it was tonight and for the first time in their entire life together, the “old” Igor began to care for and flirt with her. He tried to lure her in every possible way and at one point she had already agreed and sighed languidly, but then pulled herself together and decided to torture her “parasite” for another week. And this afternoon, she was called to the director, where her “old” Igor bluntly said that that commercial was mostly due to her.
"Mother of God! Forgive, I sinned against my husband, I repent, I was weak in body and soul, forgive me ... "