It was the middle of July, and it was unbearably hot outside.
The first year of my service in the army was coming to an end. Like all soldiers of my call. The command of the unit decided to arrange an “open door” on this occasion - to invite relatives of the soldiers and show them how we serve here. The idea itself was just wonderful. Official invitations were sent to the family so that they would have a reason to take a vacation. Those who traveled from afar were provided with a hotel room at the unit. Organized all sorts of activities and excursions. Only here the commander with his speeches tired.
However, on reflection, I realized that I was tired of the commander-in-chief, and I got tired mostly because I hear his speeches every day. But the mother is sitting and carefully listening to him. Still, the zampolit knows his business. No, of course, from my point of view, it is mainly nonsense. But this nonsense has a clear direction - to show the family that their children - grandchildren - are loved here in wonderful conditions, they are better here than in civilian life, and do not threaten anything at all. Mom, having listened to him, will surely be less worried about me. Still, the zampolit knows his business.
But finally the meeting ended. And they let us all go for a walk - both relatives and soldiers. Zampolit said: “You are given the dismissal. But only with parts. Do not go beyond the fence. ” Cunning. In the present dismissal under the statute, they could release only a third of us. And so - all. Well, okay, that part. Walk with mom, show her how we live.
And we went for a walk.
- Well, tell me how you are here. - Mom said.
- And what to tell ... the commander has already told everything. In the barracks you were in the dining room, too.
- Yes, in your barracks such an order! Do you always like that? Or did you do general cleaning for our arrival?
General cleaning, of course, was. But, in my opinion, the differences in the state of the barracks before it and after for a civilian were invisible.
- Always so! This is not a citizen to you. We have an outfit every day twice the entire barracks washes.
- Well, you are great! Get used to order here. - Mom smiled.
I smiled too, remembering how, standing at night in an attire, cursed those who invented attire.
- Do they feed you always like that too?
No, of course, our feeding was not at all like that holiday dinner, which was staged today. But why should mom know about it? Will worry. You can live on our grub - no one has yet been poisoned.
- Yes, and feed as well. So if you go to me again, don’t bring anything with you.
- What are you doing here?
- We ride tanks, we shoot from machine guns, we study charters and military equipment, we are engaged in drill training, we are ordering things, we are walking in guards and guards ... well, we have fun as we can. There is a lot to do - they don’t give bored here
For some time we walked in silence. Then my mother asked me, perhaps the most worried about her question:
- Do you have hazing?
Of course, we had hazing. As without her. The commanders knew about it, but overlooked non-statutory relations - it was easier for them to control us. But in this matter I was also lucky. Our grandfathers, although they forced us to do all kinds of work, did not hurt much. Maybe because we got such good grandfathers, and maybe because everyone knew that if grandfathers went too far and the salagi ran to the officers, no one would caress anyone for that. But I do not remember what came to that. Grandfathers even sometimes helped us. Recently, I was standing in a dress at the canteen, and our potato cleaning machine broke down. The task of cleaning potatoes was assigned to two “vegetable cutters”, one of which was me. Everyone understood that vegetable cutters could not cope with a ten-bag of potatoes without a car overnight. And then the three grandfathers, who were standing with us in their outfit, drove a whole platoon to help. Moreover, they also helped themselves. We managed for a couple of hours. I smiled:
- No, mom, that you, we have no hazing. Zampolit said it was a relic of the past. Our heads are strictly monitored, and if someone has given someone in the teeth, they immediately cut off both the one and the other from vacation. So we are all quiet.
I saw that my answer reassured mom. For some time we walked in silence again. Then I began to tell her all sorts of cool incidents from my service. She told me how things are at home. So we walked, probably a couple of hours. Then mom suggested:
- Let's go to my dorm room, sit there? And then I'm tired and hot.
We went to the hostel. The room was only a bed and a table. The floor of the painted boards was covered with shabby carpet. We sat on the bed, and my mother began to treat me to all sorts of tasty things brought from home. But after the holiday dinner, I did not want anything, and said that I would take everything with me and eat later.
The windows of my mother's room looked out on the sunny side, and, despite the open windows, it was even hotter in it than on the street. Mom unbuttoned a thin shirt, under which was only a bra:
- The heat today, just awful!
I glanced at my mother's beautiful breasts, and felt how my erection begins ...
Long before they took me to the army, I realized that I wanted my mother. Being engaged in an onanism, I imagined it. Very rarely any classmate or teacher took my mother's place in my sexual fantasies, but only for a very short time. Then I dreamed again of having sex with my own mother.
In the army, it was more difficult to masturbate - I was always afraid that colleagues would notice and laugh. We had to be satisfied less often, and the impressions of this were even brighter. At night, slowly under the blanket, running my hand over the penis, I saw my mother in front of me as if I was alive. Rather, sitting on yourself. And more correctly, jumping on my penis.
During the meeting, I did not think about sex. I did not think, even when I was alone with my mother in the room. But when she unbuttoned her shirt - I could no longer think of anything else.
Mom looked great. She was always very beautiful. High, even slightly taller than me. Curly red hair shoulder length. Naughty green eyes. Mom's figure was just perfect. Mom could not be called thin, but even more so it could not be called fat - in one place of my mother's body there was not even a hint of a single gram of excess weight. Her breasts were small, but perfect. I once again ran a glance at her, then again ... then fidgeted on the bed, trying to hide an erection.
- By the time I arrived, I was sweating all over. I thought the room was cooler - and then it's even hotter.
Mom took off her shirt completely. She was wearing this very shirt, black skirt above the knees, and sandals. In this dress she looked very sexy.
- You undress too - I see you are all wet. - She told me.
I was in no hurry, because my hebashka's tunic was remarkably hidden by a standing member.
- Undress, undress! - Mom smiled and unbuttoned the buttons on her tunic. Fearing that now mom will see and understand everything, I fell into a stupor and did not have time to figure out what to argue with her. And my mother pulled the gymnast with me. I slightly bent down and with my hand tucked into my pocket, I turned the member, pressing it against my stomach. Mom didn't notice anything.
“How muscular you have become!” She said, looking admiringly at me.
- We have physical training every day.
Mom ran a hand over my shoulders, arms.
- Great! Just like a movie hero any.
I smiled.
- And the wet is all! - Mom looked at her hand, which also became wet from sweat. - And why didn't you want to undress? I took my shirt off, but it's still unbearably hot ... perhaps I will take off my skirt too, if you don’t mind.
Naturally, I did not mind. Mom got up, took off her skirt and hung it on the back of the bed, remaining in panties and in a bra. For her, this was nothing unusual - at home she always walked like that on hot days. Yes, and on the beach, I also often saw her in such a dress. But now it increased my excitement even more. The member turned and stood a mound in trousers. I bent over so that my mother did not notice this. She got worried:
- Do you have a stomach ache? I see you become some kind of tense.
Mom gently took me by the shoulders and straightened. I blushed deeply. Mom's gaze, not reaching my belly, stopped at a huge elevation on my pants. Mom said:
- Oh, that's it ...
And turned away. Her cheeks, too, poured blush. I was afraid that she would be offended, and made an awkward attempt to calm her down:
- Mom, do not be offended please! Just ... having sex with us is a problem ...
- Yes, I'm not offended. - Mom said, hugged me and kissed my cheek. - I understand.
I also hugged her. For a while we sat in silence. My fright passed, and the excitement became even more.
And at that time I suddenly heard a quiet rhythmic creaking of springs in the next room! At first I thought it seemed to me from excitement. But the creaking did not pass - on the contrary, it became louder and more often. I remembered how one of my colleagues came to the next room with a friend who had arrived to visit him.
The plywood walls of the hostel remarkably missed the sound. Soon, from behind the wall I heard the quiet moan of a girl ...
- Some of your lucky. - Mom said.
- This is Ilyuha Zaitseva's friend arrived. - I replied.
We still sat hugging each other.
Moan repeated. Then again. Excitement pushed all my fears out of my head. I quietly asked:
- Mom, can I stroke your breasts?
Mom, slightly bowing her head, looking at me with a sidelong look and smiling, whispered in a whisper:
- Do you want me to be your girlfriend today?
- I really want, Mom!
- Good…
I put my palms on my mother's breasts and began gently stroking and kneading them through my bra. Mom did not mind. I was not ashamed of an erection. Mom patted her dick through her pants.
- Yes, you are not small.
Then she put her hands behind her back, unbuttoned her bra and took it off. She got out of bed, went to the door and locked it. She whispered:
- Take off your pants.
I took off my boots, then my pants. In his shorts sat on the bed. A thought flashed like lightning: now all my dreams will come true, now I will have sex with my own mother.
Mom sat on my lap. Hugged me. We kissed. She stroked my shoulders, hair, hands. I also started to caress my mother. Stroked her back, thighs. Then he put his hands on her breasts, he felt small hard nipples under his palms. Mom hugged me and we kissed again. Mother's tongue walked in my mouth. Through two layers of thin fabric, I felt my cock against my mother's slit. And he felt that she was wet. The kiss lasted a long time. Looking up from my lips, mom whispered:
- I like being your girlfriend.
I fidgeted on my lap, moving my pussy around my cock.
- You have such a hard member ... I so want him in myself ...
Mom's hand slipped into my panties, my mother began to gently caress my cock. I put my hand into her panties. She stood up a bit, letting me go to her secret. Mom's pussy was completely wet. Looking into each other's eyes, we caress each other for some time in the most intimate places.
Last night I had a long long jerk, dreaming about how I would see my mother today. Yes, even this morning I repeated it, locked in the toilet. And now enjoyed without fear of too quickly to finish.
Mom squeezed my dick, stroked him, gently stroked the scrotum. I caressed her nipples with one hand, and my other hand remained under her panties. At first I stroked my mother's sponge, then I felt the bump of my clitoris and gently stroked it with the tip of my finger. Mom quietly gasped and arched her back. I felt her hole and slowly put my mother's finger inside.
“A mischievous man,” she giggled, “you bring your own mother to orgasm.” And I want that at this moment your member was inside me ...
I began to panties with my mother. It was uncomfortable while she sat on my lap. Mom got up and took off her panties, remaining in front of me in some sandals. I also took off the panties.
“Come on the floor ...” Mom said softly. - And then the bed will creak.
- Come on, mom! - It seemed, with my lips I said.
Mom lay on the carpet. Turned on its side, tucked legs. Whispered:
“Do you mind settling yourself behind me?” If you are on top, I will finish too quickly ... and I want a little longer.
“Don't mind, Mom,” I replied, lying down beside me and hugging her from behind.
Mom with her hand sent a member of her vagina. I just pressed and felt my mom's sponges slowly disperse, letting me in… gently put my mother in all the way. Began to move slowly, fucking her. Then slightly accelerated movement. Mom started podmahivat me. One hand I slipped my mother between my legs and began to stroke her wet pussy, feeling like my dick comes in and out. Mom covered my palm. With my second hand, I clutched my mother's right breast.
- Ebi me as you want ... - Mom whispered. - I'll try not to moan.
I kissed her.
- Faster! Deeper! She whispered to me.
I started fucking her sharper. Warned her:
- Mom, I can not take long.
- Stop in me, do not think. - Mom answered.
Biting her lip, she was very quiet, but still moaning. I sharply and strongly drove a member into the vagina of the mother. Mom trembled at every push of mine. I wore my mother for another five minutes. She finished first. Feeling how my mother's vagina is contracting, squeezing my cock, I also could not hold back, and my sperm irrigated my mother's bosom with a hot fountain…
For some time we just lay hugging. Then my mother freed herself from my arms. A member slipped out of her. She took out a handkerchief from her purse, wiped the sperm flowing down. Sat on the bed. I sat down next to her, hugged her, kissed her. We kissed again for a long time. I got up again. Mom noticed it.
- Wow! How quickly you wanted again!
- Mom, can I ... more?
- Of course it is possible. But let's first take rest, eat.
I agreed. We just sat at the table without dressing. My mother treated me to pies, stews and other tasty things cooked at home. After sex I wanted to eat, but even more I wanted to have sex with my mother again. I did not eat much.
- Ate? - asked mom, stroking my head.
- Yes. - I replied.
And then she sat on the floor next to me and took my dick in her mouth. Now I was stroking my mother's hair, and she sucked from me. Gently squeezed a member with her lips, drove her tongue, lightly bit it ... then caressed one head, then plunged the member into her mouth to the very bottom ... it seemed like an eternity. I wanted to do it to her too. I said:
- Mama…
She released a member and turned to me:
- Yes Dear?
- Lie down on the floor, on the back.
- Good.
Mama lay down on the carpet, bent her legs at the knees and spread them. I lay down on it. She thought that I want to fuck her, and hand again on the rules of the term in itself. I moved my hips and slid easily into my mom. Moved in her. Mom hugged me, hugged me tightly and started podmahivat me. I kissed her without stopping to fuck. And then came out of it.
- What are you doing? She asked.
- Nothing. Just want to caress you just like you do me.
I kissed my mother's nipples - first one, then the other. Kissing mother's belly, went down below. I took my mother's legs, spread them wider and put them on my shoulders. Mom, looking at me, smiled and put her hand under her head. I began to tongue caress my mother's pussy. Licked her lips, drove his tongue around the clitoris, hit him, put his tongue as far as he could into his mother's hole, feeling the taste of his sperm. Mom was breathing hard, stroked my head again and gently pressed me to her. Soon a soft moan broke from her lips and Mom whispered:
- Enter me! I can not take it anymore…
I lay down on it, groped for her hole, and slammed my mother all the way. She hugged me, crossed her legs behind me. At first, I fucked my mom slowly and smoothly, then faster and sharper. Mom's vagina squished at my movements. Mom, holding me tight, whispered:
- Kiss Me! I can't help but moan!
Feeling her cum, I closed her mouth with a kiss. After that, I fucked my mom for a few more minutes - and then refilled it with my sperm.
I was still lying on my mother, and my dick was inside her when she looked at her watch and said:
- Already half past five. You gotta get ready.
- Mom, and when I come home, will you be my girlfriend?
- I will. - Mom smiled.
* * *
The open house was over, and my mother went home. I still lingered for long nights, imagining this day. Sometimes he finished several times a night. Most of all I was afraid that I would be deprived of leave for any offense. But I was not deprived of vacation. Even, on the contrary, they added two days for an exemplary service. And at the end of November I went on vacation. And there were eighteen days full of endless incest. Mom walked around the house wearing only sandals in which she came to my unit. I fucked her in various poses, in various places. I fucked my mom on the floor, on the couch, on the windowsill, on the dining table, in the bathroom, just standing near the wall and, of course, on my mother's married bed, where she used to have sex with my father. I woke up because my mother sucked my dick or put it in me. And if she was still asleep - I entered her, sleepy. In the evening I went to bed with my mother and fell asleep without removing the penis from her bosom.
After the holiday was another year of service. My mother came to me twice - and the day of the open doors was repeated for me.
Now two years have passed since I was demobilized and returned home. I'm twenty-two now, and my mother's forty. I live with my mother, as with my wife. Our relationship has become calmer, we usually have sex once a day. At the weekend - two or three times.
I found myself a girlfriend, mainly at the insistence of my mother. It seemed to mom that not having a girlfriend is not normal for a guy my age. I have been dating a girlfriend for half a year already. She knows about my relationship with her mother - I told her about it once, when, after a stormy night, she began to assert that she loved me very much and would forgive me anything. Sometimes I even sleep with both of them in the same bed, fucking them in turn. But for some reason mom doesn't like it very much.
Probably, if our relationship lasts a few more months, the girlfriend will become my wife. She and her mother both persuade me to marry, I am not in a hurry yet.
If I ever have a son, I will not only not mind that he had sex with his mother, I would even ask my wife about it. And if there is a daughter, then probably the first man she recognizes will be her dad ...