I get up, and as I was sleeping, in my shorts I head for the toilet, pour it off in the morning. Then I go into the bathroom and carefully wash my unit: it will come in handy today. Through the dimly lit corridor, I go to my mom's room and quietly open the door.
She sleeps, dispersed in bed. Chilly legs tucked slightly apart and bent at the knees so that two knolls form under the blanket. Tears of emotion almost roll on my eyes. How I love my mom!
Our story with her began 18 years ago. In the past millennium and even in another city. We then lived in the same three-room apartment, which occupies half of a one-story house. We had a fenced yard and a small garden, my mother loved to tinker with it. She treated us to an environmentally friendly product.
We are father, mother, me and my younger brother and sister. I am the firstborn, the pride of my parents. The idler is 14 years old and round - almost - an excellent student. My parents are young - my father is 36, my mother is 34 years old. The younger ones are under my vigilant care. We were a very happy family.
It happened one night at the beginning of September, when classes at the school had just begun. It was not an autumn suffocating heat, I slept naked under a thin sheet, and all the same - it was stuffy in the nursery, I twisted and turned about anxiously and tossed about on the bed. My younger ones, on the contrary, happily snuffled in two holes - the devil himself is not a brother.
Suddenly, from the courtyard, through the thin walls of our shack, I heard some strange noise. Like someone trying to start a car. Can not be! My father left in the morning in a working car with a driver, he left ours in the yard. He worked in a large construction company, there were possible sudden business trips, and drag your own car along regional roads — dismiss ... In short, it could only be gangsters hijackers, and the mother is sleeping, I personally wished her good night.
Then I acted like a complete moron. Stretched workouts right on the bare ass, jumped into the corridor, and hastily shod cross, ran out into the yard. And what was interesting, I was going to do with the bandits: fight, strangle with my bare hands? Later it dawned on me that it would be smarter to call the police ...
Anyway, standing on the porch, I saw that the gates to the courtyard were wide open, and in the father’s white “seven” some guy was sitting and quietly warming the engine. I went to the driver's door and screamed in a different way (the bass band was just making its way):
- Come out of my father's car!
The man turned to face me and realized that this is my own dad. By the light of the dashboard, it was obvious that he was monstrously drunk. Since he began to hold senior positions in the company, I have often seen him like this. Too often.
Mom came out on the porch. In one nightgown and slippers. The light beating from the corridor illuminated her sturdy fit figure. She anxiously asked me:
- Vanya, what's going on?
“Dad is drunk and wants to leave,” I mourned somehow mournfully.
Mom went to the car.
- Sasha, do not be a fool, - she said to her father, - two in the morning already! Leave the car alone and go to sleep!
My father just shook his head. She tried to open the door, but he snapped the lock.
- Immediately come out! - almost cried Mom. From excitement her bosom walked.
Instead, the father began to turn back, almost giving my legs back to my front wheel. Mom, jumping into the middle of the courtyard, tried to block his path, but he skillfully toured her and drove away. I went to my mother. She locked the gate.
“Drunk asshole,” mum mumbled, but in the silence of the night I heard her clearly. I WAS VERY ILL.
Mom turned to me and saw in the twilight that I was just shaking. It was otkhodnyak after a powerful release of adrenaline. Mom pressed me to her, to her warm soft body and stroked my head.
- Son, what's wrong with you?
“I'm scared for dad — he's driving and completely drunk,” I complained plaintively.
- Do not worry, on the roads at night calmly, and if the traffic police stop him, then he will spend the night with them.
She didn’t mention about the third possibility - to fall asleep at the wheel and crash into a pillar - but I calmed down a little.
We returned home, carefully locked the doors. I really did not want to return to my bed, I became nervous, I wanted some kind of warmth, caress. Somehow I managed to bring this message to my mother.
- Well, we go to our room, we will talk, and you will calm down.
In the room she lay down on a wide double bed. I sat down in a chair so that my mother could face. We extinguished the chandelier and turned on the sconces on the wall. Twilight reigned in the room. Mom today, too, was hiding a sheet, but now she was thrown to the side, and I could admire the full and smooth mother's legs, her beautiful well-groomed feet. Mom was a housewife, she skillfully "led" our house and had the opportunity to carefully monitor themselves.
I was still shivering. I suffered from insomnia, then I experienced a nervous shock. Besides, the middle of the night ... In short, I was definitely in an altered state of consciousness. Mom sat on the bed, stretching her legs and clasping her knees. The hem of her nightshirts fell on the bed, and my mother's thighs were visible to me almost to the very bottom. It was difficult to look away from this "picture".
- Maybe a son, will you tell me something? - asked mom. - What book are you reading now, which is your favorite at this moment?
I was a drunken reader, in the family they laughed at me, but they supported me in every possible way. First of all, I didn’t wander the streets, and that helped my studies.
- I like books about Angelica - the Marquis of Angels, - I blurted out, and I was already distorted by an attack of fear: six months ago my mother forbade me to read these books.
Mom laughed and jokingly shook a finger at me.
- Oh, you naughty boy ... And you all was clear? There is a lot of talk about the love of men and women ...
I felt myself plummeting into some abyss. My heart sank in my chest, my palms and feet were sweating. Without a T-shirt, in the stuffy hot room I felt cold, I was shivering.
“I understood because I am still reading the Encyclopedia of the man whom you gave your father for his d-birthday ...”
Mom blinked at him for a few moments.
“Well, I have a developed baby,” she finally said, “what are you shaking? ... Come to me ...”
I sat on the bed next to her. She pulled me to her, hugged me tightly in the chest area, and I involuntarily put my hands on her waist, putting my palms on the lush thighs, which pushed the three children out into the light of day.
- Silly, I will not scold you ... I did not give you these books because I was afraid to hurt your child's psyche ...
“I'm an adult, mom,” I muttered.
She stroked my hair over a short hedgehog.
“Of course, an adult ... only a small adult ..."
Now I feel hot. Nausea passed, and I began to feel a warm wave rising up below my stomach. I knew well what she foreshadowed. I wanted to be very close to my mother, to be truthful with her until the very end ...
“Mom,” I said carefully, “can I tell you a secret? ...”
“Of course, son, you can't hide anything from your mother, otherwise I won't be able to help you ... And I want to be a very caring and generous mother ... I really love you and your brother and sister ...”
I pressed closer to my mother and hugged her hips tightly, fearing an angry reaction.
“I ... I watched those two videotapes that you and dad are hiding in the linen closet ...”
Mom started all over, squeezed me, and then slightly pushed and looked into my eyes. The paint of shame flooded my face, cheekbones drove. I lowered my eyes and saw the hem of the nightgown on my mother's full thighs, which had slightly reached the top ...
“How? ... So you were scared by what you saw? ... Stupid, stupid! ...
I shook my head.
- Not. I just ... (how embarrassing!) I could not understand why women scream and moan so much when men do IT with them? ...
- And then ... understand? - mom's voice dropped to a whisper. I began to feel tight in my pants. My stupid pussy was growing rapidly and she was brooding.
“Once ... when I watched the movie ... forgive me, mom! ... I could not resist and began to pull my pipka ... And then ... I experienced an orgasm, as it is called in the Encyclopedia ... Then I understood why the aunts in the movies scream and moan ... So THIS is easier to bear ... if you groan ...
Mom shook her head.
- My God, my God, poor my baby ... I hope you did not guess to show these films to Misha and Tanya ...
- Of course not, Mom! - I was choking indignation. “They are very small, they don’t need to know that ...”
She calmed down a bit.
- Well, well, since you have the sense enough ... I’ll reveal to you one secret ... Women during ... sex ... do not always shout, here the aunts from the TV set replay ... More often they just groan ...
“I know,” I blurted out, without thinking again, “you are moaning ...”
- WHAT? - Mom pushed me again. Her wide-open blue eyes turned into two lakes in which I could drown. - What are you talking about?…
I looked again at the hem of her nightie.
- Once I got up at night to pee and heard SOUNDS from your room. The door was loosely closed and I stopped in the middle of the corridor ... Your bed creaked very much, and you ... you moaned!
- And you spied? - asked mom, not taking her stern look away from my physiognomy.
“N-no ... I was scared ... And then my father wheezed, said“ I am finishing! ”, And the creaking stopped ... and you stopped moaning ... I ran into the room, without even writing it ...
“Typical behavior for your daddy ... I’m finishing, and even the grass doesn’t grow,” Mom breathed strangely, her eyes became shifty, elusive.
“Is that all you wanted to tell me?”
“Just one more thing, mother ... Just don't swear!” I love you very much! And therefore I say everything ...
- Well! ... Speak, do not press, how beautiful the girl is ...
- I have since done masturbation many times ...
- Masturbation.
“Well, yes ... And all the time I imagined you mom ... as if I and you ... well ...
“So now, who is guilty of the fact that your sheets have become oak from dried sperm ... I myself and your stormy imagination ... but is it really impossible to use napkins? ...
“Forgive me, mom ... I read in the encyclopedia about the Oedipus complex ...”
“And you wanted to hurt your dad?” - Anxiously asked mom.
I hugged her again passionately, like a little frightened child, I remembered that my dad was somewhere in the dark in the streets of the city ...
- No, what are you ?! - I said excitedly. - I love dad, I just ... I envied him that he could be with you, that you would allow him ... what ...
- Say what ?!
I buried my forehead on my mom's supple shoulder. In the section nightie I saw the top of her snow-white chest.
- What do you give him ...
From this shameful sweet word, which does not leave the mouth of the boys in the school toilet, my pisyun painfully whined and twitched.
Mom did not push me away again, on the contrary hugged me.
“That's the night of the discoveries,” she said in a completely non-evil voice, “first a drunk suicide at the wheel, now also a pervert son ... And I thought that our family was a role model ...”
She suddenly got out of bed and, going to the door, closed it on the constipation. Then she turned to me so abruptly that the hem of her nightie shot up, revealing divine legs to the middle of her thighs.
I sat neither alive nor dead. That is, only the organ that is bristling in my pants has survived in me. I did not know what could happen next. Completely uncharted territory for me.
“Take off your pants immediately,” Mom said firmly.
I was frightened, but complied. Pysyun stuck out like a sturdy tin soldier, and I covered him with my hands.
“Get your hands off,” said Mom.
I obeyed again. Mom came closer to the bed and looked at him for a long time.
“He is very beautiful,” said Mama, “like those of ancient Greek statues.”
I was terribly embarrassed, but I could not take my eyes off my mother's knees. They were trembling slightly.
“Now answer the question.”
I nodded dejectedly, preparing for the worst.
- If I give you, as a village woman gives in the hayloft, simply and stupidly, will you take me, your mother? Are you determined to do this?
Mom's voice was somehow hysterically raised, and even with screams. In her mind, it was clear to me, silly, that she says seriously, says scary things and demands an answer immediately. At first I was frightened, and then nodded timidly, swallowing saliva running into my mouth. My jaws were so compressed that even a little bit more and the teeth would begin to crumble. Mom lay on the bed and stretched out on a string.
- I hope you carefully watched those movies ... I will not help you ... You can attend ...
Her voice broke off. She breathed hard and fast. Chest heaving high. I knelt in front of my mother and carefully lifted the hem of her nightie. Opened magical thick hips with veins of the veins under the thin skin and lower abdomen. Mom had white underwear. In the twilight, I could see a darkening under the cloth where my mother’s legs and torso converged. I understood that it was pubic hair. Downstairs, mom was also a brunette.
- Take them off yourself, I will not help, - mom's voice was hoarse and brittle. She seemed to have trouble breathing.
I with great difficulty forced myself to take up the sides of my mother's underpants. My hands shook like a drunkard with a hangover. I pulled the pants down, and they resisted, as if alive. In the area of my mother's knees, I'm completely confused. Then he guessed to raise her legs a little up and, finally, pulled off these panties from her. I felt that in the crotch they were wet and smelled of some sourness that bewitched my sense of smell.
- Cowards - the last line of defense. You won, now you can take me!
With these words, mom spread her legs, bending slightly at the knees. I began to see her writing - framed by short black hairs, with numerous folds of lips, small and large. I almost fainted, so beating heart. Nevertheless, he found the strength to get between his mother's legs and lie down on her soft pliable belly. Mom did not move, only breathed loudly. Exactly, it will not help. Then I began awkwardly to poke into her groin. Nothing good. Then he guessed to wrap her full hips in her hands and lift her up a little. Magically, my dick slipped into her hot bowels.
Mom started all over again. This time a wave of pleasure passed along the trunk of my dick. I terribly liked this feeling, with any handjob can not be compared. I also wanted to move
inside mom back and forth, then otklyachivaya ass, then leaning forward. Our pubes faced wet mother pisya squished. I pressed my chest against her chest, rubbed against the soft fabric of her nightie and shook, shook, shook ... Mom did not scream and did not even moan. She turned her face away from me and closed her eyes tightly.
Then I looked over my shoulder and watched the magic spectacle, as my ass spins around my mother's hips. As they, moving apart, give in to his pressure, and then stretch after him, as if afraid to break their sweet bond for just a second.
I was good, soft, hot, slippery, nice. But I wanted to be even nicer, and I began to accelerate. Suddenly I felt my mother leaning forward, trying to sit deeper on my dick. She podmahivala me! The realization that my mother helps me almost drove me crazy. I began to twitch on her like crazy.
Mom gave more and more, and then she kicked her hips so that she raised us both above the bed. A mad hot pulsation began inside her writing. I could not endure this and with a cannon power threw away everything that my testicles had accumulated in five hours without a handjob.
For a couple of moments I passed out, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that my mother was looking at me and smiling with a very kind and tender smile.
- Did you like it? - Highly! Mom, you have the best pis in the world! ...
- Of course, with your experience ...
“No, I know that for sure! ...”
“How am I giving? ...”
I kissed her timidly on the lips, dark red and soft, like all of her ...
“You ... give like a goddess ... Artemis or Pallas Athena ..."
Mom smiled again.
- Strange, but your father says that I am like a log in bed.
- He does not understand anything!
I still lay on my mom, not taking out her wilted member. She was not against it, on the contrary she hugged me, holding me closer.
“Now you won’t envy your dad and wish him harm?”
- Of course not…
“Well, our adventures will remain our secret.” And all will be well. I will give you both. I have the strength, and dad would be better off not knowing.
- How will it be again? - I was surprised.
- Of course, the beauty of sex in its regularity. Why do you need to masturbate if you have a mother who loves you? How much do you want me, so much and ebi.
From this - another taboo - the words I wound up again, I felt a rapidly growing erection.
“Mom, please repeat that word,” I begged.
Mom somehow wiggled strangely, and then lifted her legs up so that her knees pressed to her chest. I grabbed it under my knees, and my triumphant trunk filled it inside to the full.
- Now fuck me, son, so that the hell was scary.
And I pooper on the assault ... How my mother would move her big soft booty under me, how she squished and chomped her pussy! I was thrown up and down. It was as if I found myself on the deck of a wooden sailboat caught in a storm. And of course he could not withstand such a pace for long. Now mom moaned distinctly, and I tried to moan with her in unison.
Sensing my final acceleration, mum mumbled:
- Stop in me, do not be afraid ...
And with a sob "Mommy, Mommy" I began to pump up her uterus with my fresh sperm.
We once again made love in the same position, and then my mother sent me to my room. Suddenly the father will return or the younger ones will wake up.
The next morning I woke up at eighteen in the morning, rested and refreshed. Sex with my mother was better than any sleeping pills. Mishka and Tanka were already at school, and I overslept. Pulling on my t-shirt and sweatpants, I washed my face and went into the kitchen. There, my mother stood at the stove and fried pancakes. I approached her from behind and in a businesslike manner, but still, with a little bit of jam, I squeezed sweet mother's ass. Mom wore only short shorts and a T-shirt.
She did not make comments to me, said only that her father had called: he spent the night with friends and immediately went to work.
We sat down for breakfast at the kitchen table by the window to the courtyard. When the pancakes were eaten and the cocoa was drunk, my mother looked at me with coquetry and said.
- Oh, you are a dormouse, I missed school ... But never mind, I'll write you a note ... And what are you going to do now?
I was already standing.
- Mom, I want to like at night ... I adore you, every second I want ...
She rose from the chair.
- Then let's go to the cot ...
I thought of something else.
- Mom, there, in one movie, a white aunt gave pussy to a black peasant right in the kitchen, she sat on the table ... Mom, well, please, I was so dreaming about this ...
She laughed.
“Well, well, just curtain the curtains.”
I got up and pulled down the curtains, separating our love idyll from the cruelties of the big world. Mom came up to me and, suddenly kneeling on her knees, let down her pants from me and spread her mouth over my upstairs penis with a swing. I gasped loudly at the sudden pleasure. After hot cocoa, her mouth was like a blast furnace. Mom began to suck violently, smacking and swallowing saliva.
She then introduced the penis to the throat, then licked the head and my almost hairless testicles. At the same time, she did not take a playful, childishly mischievous look from me. I went crazy with pleasure.
“Yum-yum,” Mom suddenly said, stopping.
- What? - I have laid ears, I did not hear her well.
Mom took a member out of her mouth and repeated:
- Like? How else do you want?
Instead of answering, I again pushed the penis into her mouth and, taking the back of my head, began to fuck hard, trying to penetrate deep into.
Mom did not resist, obediently chomping and inflating her cheeks. Then she got tired and, to take a breath, laid a member of the cheek. My head inflated it like a flux or a tennis ball. From this moment on, I did not use the word “latch” as a curse word. This proud nickname only my mother had the right to wear.
But I did not want to cum in her mouth. I lifted my mother from her knees, took off her shorts and shorts with the usual movement and sat her on the table. Mom spread her legs and raised her knees. I fell in between her lap. The height of the table was perfect. Mom hugged my lower back with her legs pressed against my buttocks, put her chin on my shoulder and focused on the sensations of how I stared at her tight, juicy, hot hole. She became mine without reserve.
Then we had two hours more fucking in all the rooms and in various poses, until my mother had to interrupt the preparation of dinner. Borscht and roast were awesome.
18 years have passed since then. Our life has changed dramatically. Father left us long ago. The millennium number has changed, we moved from the province to the Moscow region. Only our love with my mother remained unchanged. We still fuck with the passion of newlyweds sexaholic. And still lurk from Bears and Tanya, because they - both students - will not leave us alone. Yes, even a half-crazy aunt, to whom we actually moved to live.
And now, finally being left alone with my mother, I sneak into her room, pick up the blanket and greedily fall to her sweet, battered pussy. Mom crawls with her feet, but does not want to wake up in any way - after all, the first day of vacation. Well, in honor of that first time, I will take her sleepy. Why she gave me then, my mother did not confess. And it does not matter.
I climb on my mother from above, insert and fuck, the EBU, the EBU is the only woman in the world who appreciates and loves me the way I am.