Frankly, I didn’t have time at all, I had to run for business, but the new acquaintance insisted on meeting at lunch ... come what may, - flashed in the blond head, and I decided that the meeting would be smile Again spontaneously, again without my man) But with a pleasant young man who is ready to experiment with photos and videos in the most piquant moment smile

At the appointed place, I was a little earlier, writing something to him at the vatsapu, bored alone on the empty floor of the multi-storey parking ... Time passed, everything had to be in a hurry to plan where, and frankly, I thought to roll into the fog, considering this is a rendezvous - the first unsuccessful experience on this site, but at this very moment I received a message in which my new boy wrote that he was already on the way, decorating a plain text with an unusual photo ... I saw a big fat member sticking out of his pants, realizing what the hell For a few minutes I will try to taste it ... A crazy thought was born in my head - to start with sex, even without words, and only then to meet you smile

After 5 minutes, I’m near him, in the back seat of the car, and in my hand is hot and big ^ _ ^ And I want to swallow him, even if he almost does not fit into his mouth smile ))

After a few more minutes I’m already without a bodice, my chest is shaking to the beat, and my hands are milking this piece of pulsating flesh, I don’t want to let him out of my mouth, lick my tongue, lips, continue, and he shoots me on video, whispering all sorts of pleasant nonsense smile And now he already growls, and I feel this pulsation, knowing that he will finish now ... This time I did not move away, I do not know why. She let him shoot me in the mouth ... Actually, this is against the rules, but today is a strange day ... He also took this, in my old 5s c, of terrible quality with a front-end smile ))

It's time to think about acquiring a new device, I feel that the frames for the home archive will still be replenished, and I want to see myself as a nice little girl, and not as a set of pixels ^ _ ^

I apologize in advance for the quality of the images, and for the lack of video (in which virtually the entire clip is my close-up face with champing saliva and other attributes of a good blowjob ^ _ ^)

Maybe sometime my hands will reach to learn how to close a face in a video, however it will definitely not happen today) And today my mouth is slightly sore, not used to this size, and itching to cook something tasty for dinner ^ _ ^ I After all, economic and housewife slut smile