Trade in the shop went well, and we lived without worries. I had everything I could wish for. However, the mother's work honored her mother above her comfort, and did not entrust the campaign to get water to anyone else.
That day was unsuccessful from the start. The time was near when they should have come for taxes. The recent storm ruined the roof, and the masters had to pay a lot to repair it. Mother went dark and angry. There were few visitors in the shop, and those who came were also angry. In the city, everyone paid fees to the governor at about the same time. As a rule, managers and housekeepers came to us to get pies for their owners. Therefore, I approached the well that evening with the nastiest mood I had ever had. Later, I remembered what happened many times and decided that I had the right to be a little bit harmful.
Some unfamiliar old grandmother fumbled around him, trying to get some water. It turned out she was bad. It seems that the old woman suffered from pain in the joints.
“I will never be old. It is better to strangle ”- I thought. She went to the bench near the house opposite, put the buckets nearby, sat down and prepared to wait.
- Daughter, can you help? - the old woman has noticed me. No one else was around.
“No,” I replied. “I'm very tired.” And I carry a baby.
It was a lie and the old woman did not believe me, but there was nothing to be done and she had to somehow get the water herself. She got drunk and filled with water the waterskin that she brought. I thought that she was not local, but just came to our city to spend the night. Traveling alone or with someone.
- Treat me, please. I really want to eat.
I quickly stuffed in my mouth the remains of a patty with cabbage, which I ate and with my mouth full answered:
- I do not have it anymore.
In fact, I had another in my belt bag, but the last one. And we both knew it.
- Yes, what is it? - grandmother lost her temper. - You have not been taught any respect! There's nothing you can do about it. But I can teach you obedience.
She wove a complex figure out of her fingers and spoke quietly in an unfamiliar language. It seemed to me that this verse. Continuing to read, the old woman took a waterskin and went back home.
“In addition, the mind survived. No, I certainly will never be old, ”I thought. And she went to the free well.
The next day, the mill manager came to visit us. His family lived in the city, but the mill was located far away. They often brought flour to the market. We constantly bought it, and then he began to regularly deliver it to us straight home, especially taking an extra bag for us.
The food for dinner was just ready, but the manager refused, because he was in a hurry to go on business. They talked to the mother about the ruler and the fees of taxes, and I went outside, waiting for dinner.
- Hello - the manager's son, Cyril, came up to me.
He liked me a long time. But he did not represent any interest, and I always stayed cold and inaccessible with him.
- Hello - I replied - Great day!
- Yes, the weather is wonderful today. What are you doing?
- I miss - I answered honestly. - I wait when you leave and you can go to lunch.
- And you do not miss. Kiss me and both of us will be fun! - he joked.
I laughed and suggested he go to kiss his horse so that she would not be bored too.
However, something was wrong. I thought I really wanted to kiss him. I want so much that there is no strength to endure. No, I was not visited by unexpected love. I treated him as always. It just felt like if I didn't kiss him now, I would die. That's how strong!
I walked over to him, frozen with surprise, took my head in my hands and kissed me on the lips. I had no experience of romantic kisses, but it turned out to be simple. After that, she walked away and decorously sat on the bench, as if nothing special had happened. He was still in the same position of extreme surprise. And I sat wondering what it was. She listened to her feelings. What happened? I was asked to do something. I did it and now felt something like satisfaction.
But why? If he hadn’t said this, I wouldn’t have kissed him for anything. Mom brought me chaste. I never came to any conclusion. Cyril called father to go further. My mother called me to dinner.
Before their next visit, nothing much happened. Unless, it is necessary to mention that I began to obey better and to do everything that my mother will say without talking. In general, I had no choice before. Mother - strict mistress. But now I had a sincere desire to carry out the orders of the mother and there was a strong satisfaction from their execution.
- What was it? - Cyril asked during the next visit. - Are you in love with me?
- Not.
- Want to kiss me again?
I thought. No, there was no such desire this time. It seems I was starting to understand something.
“No,” I replied.
Cyril was embarrassed, but he turned out to be more insistent than I expected.
“Then I will kiss you myself.”
He came up to me, hugged my waist and kissed me hard on the lips. One hand lay on top of the dress on my chest, and the other stroked her ass. Further travel her down between the legs interfered with a skirt.
“Don't tell anyone,” he walked away, breathing heavily.
When our parents left the house, we already pretended that we were having a friendly conversation about his interests in fishing. He talked about a new unusual fishing rod design, which he himself invented and made.
He came alone the next day in the evening, when I had already finished everything. Signs asked to come.
“I can't do that.” You have to tell me what's going on. Are you laughing and teasing me?
By this time I had already figured out everything and, to my horror, I discovered that the frail old woman was a witch or something like her. Cyril could not tell the whole truth in any case. But I had no choice. It was necessary to tell everything that happens, as he asked.
I told everything about the old woman and the consequences of my meeting with her.
“It can't be,” he didn't believe. - So you will do everything that I ask?
I did not answer.
- And if it is something completely impossible? - Cyril clarified.
I said nothing again.
He looked around. We stood in the yard. There was nobody around. From the window of the house we were not visible.
“Show ... me ... your ... bare ... chest," he said uncertainly as he picked up the words.
I had no choice but to unbutton my shirt from the top and pull it off my shoulders, leaving his upper body to his gaze. Opening his mouth, he looked at me for several beats of a pounding heart, but quickly pulled himself together. While nobody saw us behind this business, he asked me to get dressed properly again. This was all over, because he unexpectedly immediately left so quickly that he almost ran.
Realizing that I couldn’t get off with kisses and peepers, I prepared as best I could for everything and waited anxiously for the next meeting. It was a complicated mixed feeling of anxiety, fear, and fear of the unknown. But, I must admit, there was an expectation of something pleasant and passionate deep inside. There was no news for several days when they sent me a letter.
“Come tonight.” Father is leaving. Cyril ”- I read.
It was a day off when we were not working. On this day we cleaned the house and swam in the bath with the mother. When I dried, I put on clean clothes and said that I would go for a walk.
Cyril was alone at home. We decorously and innocently sat down to drink tea with a gingerbread, which I occasionally seized from the house. I learned that in addition to his father, he has a mother and two brothers younger than him. The whole family went to another city to sell flour at a festive fair. By what miracle he managed to stay at home, he did not answer. But I guessed that agitated young people, eager to meet with a girl who is not indifferent to them, are capable of miracles on the occasion of pretending and inventing.
“I want you to undress,” said Cyril, when he finally gathered his courage.
“Have you ever seen a girl without clothes?” - I asked.
He asked to be at the window under the rays of the setting sun, so that he could be better seen.
Since the summer was hot, I wore only a light sundress. Under it was only a petticoat. After removing everything, I was born. Cyril came closer considering me everywhere. Gently touched his chest and nipples, which had grown from his hands. He squatted down, stroked the light fluff between my trembling legs.
“That's it, I can't take it anymore,” he said suddenly. He got up, took off his pants and showed to my surprised look a very excited member.
He was much more than I imagined. From the stories of the mother, I knew the theory, but I never saw it in reality. The inhabitants of our city loved to swim in the river when it was hot. They did it without clothes, but men and women had different places for swimming. The one who tried to spy could be very seriously beaten.
Cyril had to directly explain to me what he expects. His manhood most of all seemed like a cucumber to me. And Cyril asked to suck him like an ordinary finger.
- You can suck your finger? Nothing complicated, he said.
And indeed, it was not at all difficult.
“Don't stop,” he asked.
I was hampered by abundant saliva, so I wanted to swallow right in the process of sucking. And at that very moment I felt a jet of male juice hit me from Cyril in my mouth. As I was asked, I did not stop, swallowed everything that was in my mouth. The taste seemed to me pleasant, most reminiscent of the taste of raw chicken eggs.
- Enough. Just lick it to nothing left.
When it was over, he, often breathing, pulled on his pants and sat down on a chair.
“Thank you,” he said. - You can not imagine how I was pleased. Today I don't want anything from you. Get dressed and go home before it's too late.
When I was on the threshold, he hugged me and kissed me, not at all embarrassed, right on the lips, which smelled a little more of his seed.
I answered, having met his language with my own.
“Listen to me carefully, this is very important,” said Cyril, looking straight into my eyes. - I love you. I want you to be mine and mine alone. Always do what I say. I'll take care of you. However, if someone else asks or orders, do not do it.
A few days from him there was no news. And then he and his father brought another bag of flour. I was delighted to see how happy he was to see me. But we decided not to show feelings openly, and innocently talked about the wheat harvest. This year he was supposed to be rich, and therefore farmers could lower prices due to competition. And then our costs will also be less. And pies in any year are eaten well.
“Come to the lake tomorrow morning,” he said.
- But tomorrow is a lot of work.
- Then come early.
The next day I left the house as soon as the sun came out of the forest in the east. The lake was near this forest, and nobody went there, except fishermen. The river was cleaner for swimming and drinking. I noticed from afar Cyril, who fished at dawn. He kissed me, took my hand and took me to the nearest clearing where the grass and bushes hid us, grabbing a blanket.
He said that he wanted to show how good he was last time, and he knows how to do it.
I took off all my clothes and he too. He said to lie on my blanket. He put the rolled-up clothes like a pillow under my ass. Thus, the hips were shamelessly raised, and his legs bent at the knees, he spread as wide as possible to the sides, sitting between them. Admiring the hidden girl's little place, he opened his lips wide with both hands.
“I always dreamed of seeing you like this.”
Between my sponge lips came tongue swollen with excitement.
He suddenly bent down and kissed me right there. And without stopping there, he began to lick and stroke his hands and suck on all the folds.
I was so pleased as impossible to explain. More enjoyable than ever before in life.
When he broke away from his occupation, I was dissatisfied for a moment and experienced a feeling of unlimited irreparable loss. But then he took me as a husband takes a wife, entering immediately and completely.
I was told that for the first time it was disgusting, painful, disgusting and unpleasant. Not true! I was very good. Maybe there was a sweet, pleasant pain, but I noticed only pleasure. Cyril firmly held me and moved, leaving and entering me again and again. And then he screamed, hoarsely pressed his hips against me, going as far as he could. And then somewhere inside me a festive flapper of endless happiness exploded.
So early in the morning we met many more times, though not every day. Cyril even managed to get imperceptibly to get what he needed right in my house and right in the afternoon.
He and his father brought another bag for our shop.
I washed my hands and returned to the house when Cyril intercepted me. He took my hand and quickly took me to the bathhouse. We locked ourselves in the waiting room and he immediately pulled down his pants and put his soft pussies in my palm, rapidly turning into a real rod of love from the awkward touches of my excited trembling fingers. Encouraged by the desire, the guy put me on his knees and explained that he expects action from me, which I learned at the very first meeting.
- Only quickly, for something else now is not.
I set about fulfilling the demand, and he held my head and shoved me so far that it irritated my throat unpleasantly. Well, that did not have to endure for long.
How much he was waiting for this meeting was told to me by the abundance of juice, which filled my mouth with familiar taste. Cyril demanded everything to be swallowed, because not a drop should have fallen on the new pants, which he did not take off in a hurry, but only pulled it down.
Two days later I received a letter from Cyril, in which he invited me to swim with him in a remote place on the river, where no one usually goes, because there are many good places and closer. I had to help around the house, but mamma, laughing, let me go on a date. There stood a strange tree, which, as they said, sprouted through an old rotten fallen trunk, because of this it doubled, reminding how the girl's thighs would be. A convenient sign for making appointments. I knew this place and found it easily. Cyril was not. I sat on the grass and waited, listening to the birds singing and admiring the play of the sun on the surface of the river.
He appeared, carrying the bait and smiling at me. Imagine my surprise - two young men walked with him, also with fishing rods.
“Hello,” said Cyril, he came up, hugged and kissed me. - Meet my brothers: Vyacheslav and Igor.
“I thought we were going to fish three,” said one of them.
Cyril slowly put the bait and explained his idea to everyone. As an elder brother, he must fulfill his duty and teach his brothers everything about the relationship between a man and a woman.
“Your hair in your pants has already grown,” he said, “and you know nothing, except for fictions that you have heard somewhere.” Besides, they have never seen girls without clothes.
The brothers lost the gift of speech, and Cyril continued to speak.
- My friend will show you everything. See how much you want. But remember that it is only for me. I will break the hand of anyone who touches her. All clear?
Objection from any side was not followed. And he asked me to strip.
I took off all my clothes and became face to the brothers, not covering anything. They immediately stared at the chest and below the belt. Cyril also undressed and announced:
- So! First, all march to swim!
We climbed into the lake and swam a little. The brothers drank all the time to see how I pushed the water down with my frog legs, thereby spreading them out wide.
Cyril gave me soap and told me to wash down there, facing me, so that they could see how the girls do it. Under the unbroken views of the brothers, I went ashore to the level when the water was knee-deep. Turned and made the water in the river near me soapy. Then she sat down widely, spreading her legs, and with soapy water from the river she thoroughly washed everything between her legs, spreading sponges with two fingers, not allowing wrinkles and the exit from each hole without exception. The brothers, mouth agape, came so close that they almost rested their heads on me. Between them stood Cyril, who was also not indifferent to the picture of the girl washing the secret places.
We went to the grass and Cyril began a detailed story. The brothers came to me from the front, he - from behind, took the cups of breasts in his hands. He said that they are very sensitive, especially the nipples. He moved the areolas in a circle, tickled the nipples until they hardened and told the brothers that this was a sign of arousal. Then he helped me get into an uncomfortable position. Slightly bent at the knees, legs wide apart, straight arms, too, stand on the grass. All the charms are visible to the brothers who are standing behind me and Cyril lying on his back, whose head was at the bottom opposite the point on my body, which all three of them were drilling. Cyril told about big sponges, now reddened and slightly open, and gently helped them to completely move apart with both hands. I caressed the tongue, from which I groaned and barely kept on trembling legs.
“This is the tenderest place,” he explained.
Showed a hole through which urine flows when a girl meets a little need. One of the brothers immediately asked if I could meet this need right now. I actually wanted for a long time, but it was not possible to move away into the bushes. Cyril stood up so that he wouldn’t fall on him, spread his sponges with his hands wider, and told me to do it right here, without leaving anywhere and without changing his posture. I tensed, and everything turned out easily. Under the spellbound gaze, a trickle flowed abundantly out of me onto the grass. The last drops flowed out slowly, and therefore flowed down on me. Cyril sent me to wash in the river again.
When I returned, he prepared some jar.
- You can not take the girl immediately and quickly. It is unpleasant and even painful. To give pleasure to her, you must first caress. It can be anything: words, caresses, kisses, any game. I cooked this.
He put me in the grass on the back and widely spread his legs bent at the knees. He found honey in a jar.
“When a girl is clean, she’s not dirtier there than she’s in her mouth.” And they really like it when the guys kiss there.
He poured some honey on my lips, smeared it with his hand and pressed his lips, began to lick the tasty treat mixed with the richly exuding juices of love.
I noticed how Igor took his worthy farm in his hand. And he moved the skin so that the head closed. Then he pushed everything back until she came out again. Next to the other brother did the same.
Cyril lay on the grass and put me on top. To be seen better - facing the brothers in the pose of "eagles". Showed how to enter where you need it and drove your hot instrument of love, thirsting for my innocent flesh, to the ground. By how violently the brothers moved their hands, it was clear that they could clearly see how Cyril came out of me almost to the very head, and then inserted it to the base. As if trying to pierce through again and again, again and again, again and again.
The first could not stand Igor. He was so close that his first muddy-white jet of semen hit my face, and the next - on the tummy and below. His example inspired the second brother, who was abundantly discharged in the same way. I was covered in sticky, slightly viscous viscous men's juice. Usually it would bother me. But I already struggled in the sweet agony of pleasure, firmly held by the thighs of Cyril, finally pierced me the last time and poured inside.
Once again, without stupidity, we quickly washed away all traces of love and found a sunny place on the grass to lie down and dry off. The brothers found a lot of questions. Cyril answered as he could, or asked me to answer. For example, as I told in detail about the lunar days of girls. And that even on ordinary days you need to wash. And much, much more, which usually they will not tell.