On the first day at dinner, I met a married couple, from ... Well, it’s not so important where they come from. They were already here two days, one might say, they were old-timers compared to us. In addition, it turned out that Ilya and Marina were also diving enthusiasts, like my husband Sergey. And in general, the guys turned out to be quite companionable, and we spent with them together almost the entire time we were here - lunch, dinner, the beach, diving, shopping trips, and in the evenings we went to various entertainment events. The only place where we have not met is breakfast. Marina was a lover for a long time to sleep, although I, too, would like to lie, but since I burn quickly, I had to go to the beach in the morning and towards evening. Therefore, at breakfast we had other neighbors at the table and most often two guys, a little younger than me.
I, maybe, would not pay attention to them, but one spoke quite well in Russian with a slight accent, the second was always silent and only smiled. I wondered where they came from, there were many options. She swept away only representatives of southern Europe. As a result, stopped at the Swedes, the Germans. It was curious whether I guessed or not, but it was somehow not convenient to ask ... Our communication with them was limited to greeting and wishing a pleasant appetite.
We had a certain daily routine, which almost until the end of the holiday was almost not broken. In the morning, after breakfast, to the beach. Marina and Ilya came up a little later. When it was the thickest, we either dispersed by numbers or went out into the city. When the heat subsided - diving, then again the beach almost until sunset, and then the bar, cafe, dancing ...
Unlike them, I was not so keen on scuba diving. Although my husband attempted to attach me ... But having sunk to a small depth, I was gripped with panic, I was afraid that I would not have enough air and would pop up. I couldn’t overcome this fear, and Sergey waved his hand to me.
I went with them to the sea, swam near the boat or sunbathed on the deck. Three days later I got tired of it, and I began to stay at the hotel, spending time around the hotel pool. I swam or just reclined in a lounge chair. Sometimes I took some magazines with me that would not be so boring.
So that day, I, having freshened up in the pool, sat and looked through the magazine, when literally at the very ear I heard:
- Good day!
And although it was said it was not loud, by surprise, I started, the magazine fell out of my hands. I learned the voice, it was difficult not to recognize this accent. I turned to the voice, my breakfastmate was standing next to me and smiling. But after reading in my face what I think of him, the smile disappeared from his face, and he began to apologize and say that he did not want to scare me and asked
forgive him ...
I silently turned away and began to leaf through the magazine again. Heart in the chest from fright beating terribly. He again apologized and disappeared. Several minutes passed, I calmed down, and then he appeared again ...
- Excuse me, please! - he began again, - I didn’t think that would happen ... I just wanted to ...
- Well, - I already came to my senses, - do not do it again.
- Yes Yes. Excuse me. Allow me to treat you ...
I looked at him, he had a glass of wine in his hand, and sincere repentance was written on his face. I even felt sorry for him. I took a glass stretched out to me and took a couple of small sips. The wine was cool and tasty.
He apologized a few more times, and then somehow imperceptibly began a conversation. He said more, I sometimes inserted a couple of words. I learned a lot about him - his name is Andreas, but you can just call Andrew, that he is German, that he, with his parents, once lived on the Volga, that in the 90s they went to Germany, as he put it, to the historic homeland ...
Now I understand why he speaks Russian so well.
That he is resting here with a friend, his name is Kurt, that he understands Russian a little, but does not speak ...
Somehow unnoticed, we switched to you. I listened to him, I was amused, as he sometimes builds phrases, apparently not much practice at home, and some words he said was ridiculous. Time passed quickly ...
The next day he came again. On the third day I was waiting for him ... He came every day ...
I quickly got used to his presence, which even began to worry if he lingered.
We quickly found a common language, I liked our conversations with him, and he himself left a pleasant impression. I even had some sympathy for him.
We talked about many things, somehow it turned out that there were no taboo topics ... It was just easy and pleasant to him.
Our stay here has passed through the equator, the days were similar to one another.
And then it turned out that Marina's birthday. This event changed the order of our holiday that day. For half a day Sergey and I were looking for a gift. In the evening they invited us to a cafe.
Light dinner, dancing. Husbands drank whiskey, while Marina and I drank local red wine, so light and pleasant to the taste. And rather insidious, as it turned out later ...
Wine was drunk like juice, absolutely no alcohol was felt. We drank with Marina already decently, and the head was bright and even a slight intoxication was not felt.
My friend and I were having fun on the dance floor. Sergey and Ilya soon got tired of the dances and they, sitting down at the table, were talking about something. And Marishka and I returned to the table from time to time to catch our breath and quench our thirst. The mood was wonderful ... Besides, the drunk wine began to act on me, I felt how quickly I began to get drunk. There was some kind of euphoria ...
At some point when we were at the table, I saw Andrei and Kurt near the bar. Seeing me, Andrei waved his hand, I automatically waved back to him. To my surprise, he headed towards us.
“Allow me to invite your wife,” he said to my husband.
Sergei for moments distracted from talking with Ilya and nodded his head in agreement.
First there was a couple of quick dances, then a slow one. He hugged me around the waist, I put my hands on his shoulders, and hugging each other, we slowly moved to the music. He whispered in my ear, I listened to him and laughed. The music is over, we are back to the table.
Apparently Marina, too, was already tired of the man’s conversation, she invited Andrey to the table. To my surprise, he accepted the invitation, and, having learned that Marina's birthday, raised a toast to the birthday girl.
After sitting a bit, the three of us - me, Marina and Andrew went to dance again. When the music became slow, Andrei again invited me.
When the dance was over, we returned to our table. They drank again, got some rest, I suggested everyone go dancing. Sergey and Ilya refused, Marina, too.
We left again to dance with Andrew, and when there was a slow dance again, his hand, during the dance, slipped from the waist and lay down on my ass.
- Andrew!
- What?
He pretended not to understand.
- Arm…
- Sorry, somehow mechanically ...
After some time, everything happened again, and although he again naively made excuses that somehow it happened, he did, of course, on purpose.
Then again his hand dropped, again and again ... I stopped talking to him, and although his touches were pleasant to me and even slightly excited me, I just began to return his hand to his waist.
At the next slow dance, it all happened again ...
And at some point, I was already tired of removing his hand, I just stopped paying attention to it. There was twilight on the dance floor, nobody paid attention to us. Yes, and our table was far away and other dancers covered us.
He began to lightly stroke my ass. His stroking was so pleasant, but, nevertheless, everything has a chapel:
- Andrew, stop it!
- Is it really unpleasant for you?
His question just stunned me, I thought he would make excuses, but he ... I couldn’t even find what to say to him.
He pulled me closer and began to whisper in my ear:
- You are so beautiful, I like you so much when I saw you ...
Compliments fell one after another. His words were incoherent, but so pleasant and so exciting. His hands ... Alcohol ... My head went round ...
- Stop it, please ...
The stream of compliments continued and continued ...
And suddenly he stopped talking and started kissing me. Ear, hair, neck ... A pleasant shiver ran through the body. There was a fever in my chest ... And then I felt that something solid began to rest against my stomach. What it was, I understood perfectly.
Good lord What does he do? Has he gone mad?
- Stop it! - I have not asked, I begged him, - Do not ...
I was trembling all over with desire or from excitement or from fear or from everything at once.
He took my hand and pulled me along ... I followed him as if under hypnosis. Everything was like a fog ...
He literally dragged me somewhere ... Finally, we stopped, he pressed me to something with his back and began to kiss again ..
I did not understand - where I, with whom I ... Kisses covered my face, hair, neck. I was trembling all over ... He found my lips with his lips and dug into them. His hard cock rested against his belly again. The skin was goose bumps ...
He took my hand in his, put it on his dick sticking out of his trousers, and began to stroke his palm.
My excitement grew more and more.
He removed his hand, now I myself stroked his penis, without his help. And I enjoyed it! He made some elusive movement, the barrier between the member and the hand disappeared, and here in my hand is his hard naked member ...
He stopped kissing me, I could feel his heavy intermittent breathing through the skin of my face. I lowered my eyes down, the purple head of the penis was looking at me, she beckoned me, I could not tear my eyes away from her. I was trembling, I was not enough air.
- Honey take it! Take in your mouth!
And he lightly pressed on my shoulders. The desire and already overwhelmed me, and it was enough just a slight jolt ... I began to go down, not taking my eyes off the penis. The head began to approach the face. Here she touched her chin and buried her lips. His mouth opened slightly, letting in a member.
I sat in front of him, tightly clutching his penis in my hand, and with great pleasure I sucked and licked the head. He took my hair on the back of my head and scrubbed it into fists.
From somewhere, as if from afar, the music and voices could barely make their way. And it didn’t worry me much, on the contrary ...
I licked and sucked the head, swallowing the penis deeper and deeper. Head rested on the larynx. Andrew, literally, began to fuck me in the mouth.
It lasted not long, apparently he, like me, had a terrible excitement. Jets of sperm hit the sky, the larynx. I swallowed her. Finally, the sperm is over. He gave me to completely lick the head from the remnants of sperm.
I got up, in my head was a complete fog.
We went through the thickets of bushes and went to the alley. (Especially for - Cafe was in a couple of steps, I was already thrown into a fever. I was doing a blowjob, practically at the cafe walls! But we could be seen! From this thought, I again felt excited ...
A couple of minutes and we are at the entrance to the cafe's dance floor ...
He leaned toward me and whispered:
- You're just a miracle. When the husband falls asleep, come ...
And he is named number ...
I was still a little crazy. Uncertain gait immediately went to the toilet. I washed my face with water, began to recover a little. I rinsed my mouth.
The water refreshed me, and only now it dawned on me what had happened - I am a married woman who had just sucked off an unfamiliar guy.
I went to my husband and friends. When it came to its table, a jim-jams appeared and with each step it became stronger and stronger. The cold appeared inside, the cheeks lit up with fire, my legs became as if not mine. But to my surprise, no one even asked where I was. I just collapsed in my chair and poured myself a full glass of wine. I slowly saw him, trying not to show that something had happened. But as I did not try, Sergey realized that I was a little insane and asked:
- Len, what happened? You are all white.
I was in my thoughts and the question took me a little off guard.
- Nothing. It's okay My head was spinning a little ... I even went out into the street with fresh air to breathe ...
- Maybe we should go to our place?
- Not. I feel better.
And to my joy, he again spoke to Ilya. At that moment, I felt a tremendous relief.
So, no one noticed my absence ... It even became easy on the soul, the jim-jams disappeared. Only my heart pounded in my chest.
I sipped from a glass in small sips, and before my eyes stood a member with a purple head ... It became hot in the lower abdomen ... I wanted to and with every minute stronger ...
- Len, how are you?
My husband's question took me by surprise again.
- What?
- Can we go to our place?
I nodded silently.
I had a strange internal state. There was tremendous satisfaction, terrible, fearless and terrible excitement. Pleasure satisfaction, and fear of what we could be found. Excitement ... I just realized that I wanted sex. And she wanted so much that inside it was itchy ...
Sergei walked, slightly staggering, he drank quite well during the evening. It didn’t scare me much, I was all excited about sex.
And as soon as we crossed the threshold of the room, I dragged him into the bedroom ...