Only I could not first decide what to choose - I liked two of them. One name was Masha, the other - Anya. While I hesitated, I gradually communicated with them more and more. They began to invite me in the evenings to their room to play cards. We played “a couple for a couple” - me and Masha and Anya with Ira (the third girl). And we constantly lost with Masha. And the girls themselves began to joke on the theme "who is not lucky in cards, lucky in love." Probably, these jokes and determined my choice. I chose an excellent student Masha.
Then, after some time, I realized that I was wrong. The fact is that Masha, even though she was already at the age of 20, was a girl completely untouched, she never even kissed. And she was very naive and direct (and where else do such people come from in our time?). And Anya, as I later learned, was just the girl more appropriate.
In general, I began to communicate more closely with Masha. Since I myself was still quite “green”, I had little experience (I only once or twice entered into casual relationships with girls, and I still had no serious relationship with anyone), I acted very carefully and uncertainly. For some reason, I was afraid that Masha would send me. But Masha did not send me, on the contrary - she willingly agreed to walk, communicate. We walked hand in hand. Masha treated this normally, so I regarded it as her tacit consent to the “deepening” of relations. I began to act more seriously.
I once invited Masha to my room when I was alone there. I was sure that now everything will happen. But it was not there! Masha did not agree to anything, even kiss. I truly wondered:
- Why, Masha?
“You and I are not yet in love with each other,” she answered quite seriously.
“So we’re already friends,” I said. - What does love have to do with it?
- Well, I can not just. For this you need to love the guy.
In short, I realized that I had nothing to do with her. Masha was so naive that I simply had no words. According to her, she had nothing against it, just to be friends with me, she also really liked me, but she couldn’t talk about sex. Those. the maximum that could be between us is walking “hand in hand”. And this is a 20-year-old boy and girl!
But at that moment, for some reason, I did not create problems out of it. Okay, I thought, for now we’ll just be friends. But he himself, on occasion, dragged Masha into the room and tried to kiss her. Not very much, but still persistently. Masha continued to object. And while I was walking, I spoke with her only about this - I could not understand why she objected so categorically?
“Have you ever kissed at all?” - I was surprised.
“No,” she answered very simply.
- But why? - I did not calm down.
- Why do I need this? She said quite seriously.
Here is a stupid girl!
But still I got my way. Once again I climbed over to her, she sighed heavily and sadly, as if she wanted to say: “How tired you are with me!”. And she did not resist anymore. Became so very reluctant to move his lips, tightly holding them. And I, naturally, began to try to shove her tongue in there, but she no longer agreed to this. So we continued for some time - just were friends and kissed “slightly”. But then I got from her and that she opened her mouth wide with a kiss in order to let my tongue in there. And then, having tried it several times, she suddenly says to me:
- And it is very nice, it turns out!
Glory to you, my God! The girl opened America!
And Masha began kissing me with sincere pleasure. And she just began to treat me with more sympathy. As she said later, I played a very important role in her life: I changed her outlook. (She herself said so). And this “change of worldview” was that Masha suddenly realized that people are kissing in order to get mutual pleasure. And before that, she was sure that this can be done only by great love and only to make a nice guy. Oh, holy simplicity and immediacy!
This went on for several months. We have long left the dispensary. We met, walked, looked for a secluded place where you can kiss. Sometimes met at her home. But there was nothing else between us. Masha disagreed categorically about sex. And at the same time she always met me so emotionally, so sincerely rejoiced at each meeting, that in the end, it all became annoying. Masha behaved naturally like a child. I already wanted to part with her, but I didn’t dare to do it either - it would be a tragedy for her, as I thought.
But then I got tired of this whole children's game of love, I began to behave more harshly. I tell her:
- Masha, this will not work. You either agree to something, or I will look for another girl. But I also can’t do that - men are by nature so arranged that we need sex.
Masha was very embarrassed, embarrassed. She herself was uncomfortable that she was breaking me off, but she could not overcome herself in any way - as she was raised. Just holy, damn it! But after long and strong persuasion Masha finally agreed that I should sever her to the waist. I began to caress her chest, back. And this also opened America to her - it turns out that this is also very nice! But more she again did not allow anything.
And so for some time - we met, kissed, I stripped her to the waist, caressed her breasts. But nothing more. Then, nevertheless, she agreed to completely undress, But, again, only to caress, nothing more. For me, it all turned into some tedious and boring work. I myself did not understand why I need it. For a long time would have thrown her, and all the cases. But somehow I felt sorry for her.
But then Masha herself probably understood that all this is already so stupid that it can no longer continue like this. And she agreed to satisfy me with her mouth ... At first I didn’t believe it, but she really did. After the first time, she had, of course, terrible stress, she spat it out, and then sat for a long time with such a dead look that I even worried if everything was alright.
It began to happen regularly. I will never understand this, but for some reason it was easier for her to agree to oral sex than to normal sex. She protected her virginity as the most precious thing in life. We met with her for half a year, but she never agreed to enter into a regular relationship. And I really wanted it. I'm sick of it all, and in the end I broke up with her.
Fortunately, she experienced it normally. We continued to communicate like good friends. I even came to her birthday. But in my soul I was very annoyed at her. I do not understand this - as if the girl in the monastery was raised. She is already 20 years old, and keeps her virginity, like a mother. But then I realized that behind all this there is the most usual show off - Masha just wants to look so right in the age of universal depravity, she is filling her price. But this is all stupid and frivolous.
And yet I was terribly annoyed by her attitude towards learning - here she was also so correct, such an excellent student that it was not clear to me either. I also studied well, but in order to do this - always do all the tasks, to honestly learn everything - this is also over the edge. And in this matter I didn’t even hide my attitude to Masha, and on occasion I was constantly sarcastically teasing her. She was angry at this, cursing. (But even her anger and swearing were so naive and childishly harmless that it became just ridiculous to hear all this).
After some time, we again happened to be in the dispensary in one run. But I already had nothing to do with it. I found another girl there, and one evening I dragged her into my room and everything happened. Early in the morning this girl was gone. And I went to the shower, and when I went back, I saw Masha in the corridor, who was going somewhere. I said hello and asked: where are you?
“To study,” she answered simply.
- Is it so early?
- I want to learn something - something that I did not have the time before.
“Ah, yes, yes,” I grinned wickedly. It hurt her.
- Listen, you! She squealed softly, and the evil looked at me like that.
More precisely - she thought it was evil, but in fact it was so funny! Well, before that directly, funny girl! Well, naturally, like a child!
She told me something there, and I laughed and ran into my room. And she came running after me. And let's continue to curse at me, as if I feel hot or cold from this abuse! And I grabbed her face with my hands, pulled her to me and began to kiss her on the lips. For the first second, she tried to resist, but then gave up. We began to kiss, as we did before - long, hard, just swallowing each other. I taught her a lot! We kissed for a very long time, then I locked the door and pulled Masha to the bed. There I began to gradually undress and caress her, all as before. She did not resist. I undressed her, sat her on the bed, stood up to her full height in front of her and pulled her head down. Masha has begun her usual occupation.
After a few minutes, I sat down next to her. He waited for her to swallow, wipe out, lick everything from her lips. Then I say to her absolutely seriously:
- Remember, Masha: the woman’s mouth is given only for this. Well, even in order to eat. In no other cases should a woman open her mouth.
Masha, of course, was so discouraged by this impudence of mine that she simply could not say a word. And I put her on the bed and began to kiss and caress. Naked Masha lay docilely as before. Previously, we, too, everything was so - only I did not dare to proceed to the main thing without her consent. And she knew that I would not do it.
But this time I did. While Masha was high, closing her eyes, I lay on her. Without condom. She tried to twitch, looking at me in amazement, but it was too late. I have already done everything that is necessary. In general, I deprived of her virginity. After a few minutes I was lying on my back, all so pleased. Masha was sitting nearby, was silent. Probably was the type in deep shock. And I tell her, as if nothing had happened:
- I did this for a long time, yes? Excuse me, it happened. Just tonight, I fucked another girl.
I specifically said that. I really wanted to make fun of her! So I was finished off by this her holy purity that I simply could not resist. And Masha, after a long pause, made “Um!” And asked in a murdered voice:
- And with her you, too, without a condom?
“Well, yes,” I said simply.
Poor Masha is completely lost ...
- And what kind of girl? She asked.
- Who cares? - I replied. And he continued: - Ok, you excuse me - I detained you, but you also need to study! Get ready!
And he quickly began to wear it, playing a performance at the same time:
- Masha, come on quickly, you need to learn!
Shocked Masha did not know how to react to all this. And I quickly put it on and let her out of the room. After which he left. I was so funny! I did not feel any remorse. It's okay, but now the girl is at least a little bit more familiar with the harsh reality of this life. And then so immediate that it is simply impossible.