As Katya came alone to her parents for some business. Of course, I immediately dialed my Angela and agreed to sit by the girls, and I will stay with the little one. This day came, just the day off, Katya arrived at her new crossover, took my wife and went.
The evening was already rolling by 11:00, I had already laid my son down, I hear the doors open. From the noise it is clear that in Drabadan, undressed and lay down immediately in the hall. I was about to dream, when someone’s sub and energetic music pounded from above. Katka does not want to bail, I thought. I put up with it, but it doesn’t go to sleep, although a drunken wife and a little snuffle.
I took the phone and write to my neighbor:
- Hello, Kate, can you turn it down, can't I sleep?
- it is necessary, come and do it yourself. - I was shocked at such an answer, do not take away the drunken women from arrogance and sharpness
I suffered another five minutes put on a thin sweater and sportswear, went to negotiate. She opens the door, looks at this “miracle”, she is in her short dress-sundress, with her ragged hair, jumping to the beat of music that screams on YouTube on TV. I pass, look at the table open wine candy, fruit.
- Come on in! - this drunken sweet creature looks at me and calls to the apartment.
- should I be cut down?) - I show on the TV, but my earnestness is not erased by a free smile on my face.
- I wanted to stay, but Angela is home to drink, but I have a little holiday, maybe you want with me? - grimaces, shows his tongue and gives a glass.
- I do not mind, just not long, and can I have coffee?
- Yes, let's go.
I took the remote control without permission and still turned down the volume, we went to the kitchen where the hostess began to make me coffee. Kate fluttered in the kitchen, from which her defiant outfit in all its glory showed slender legs. She then stretched up for a cup, then bent over a jar, from which not only the legs, but also the edge of the panties could be easily seen, oh what an ass she had!
She gave me coffee and got close enough to me, looks into my eyes and smiles.
- Mish, do you have such a pumped body, can I touch it?) - and stretches my fingers to my hands.
- You can - I somehow answered dryly.
She begins to stroke my muscles, squeezes, then smoothly goes to my chest, strokes it up and down. Katya drunkenly looks at me without stopping. I get at least not cleverly.
- Can I go? - not convincing, but could say. She did not answer, and continued, but I stood stupidly. From her touch in my pants, my fighter woke up.
- you have everything that is solid, big ..., not like mine. - Katya, bit her lower lip and licked her lips. I noticed that the strap was asleep and it was noticeably visible part of the chest, which greatly rose and fell from heavy breathing, in my opinion it is excited.
She already strokes and touches me with two hands everywhere, and touches the penis.
-Oh! you really are so hard and big everywhere!) - she is already ceremoniously masking my cock.
- Oh, Kate, you just kill me, I’m wound up now as not normal, what are you doing !? Not afraid? I am a man, I can do anything to create in such a state, I will take advantage of your intoxication and rape.
“I’ll fuck you now!” What should I do to shut up? - Katya let down my sweat pants, under which there were no underpants, and in front of her face dick jumped out, almost hit her on the forehead. My 18 cm handsome looked directly at her.
- Fucking, this is a member ...! she squatted on her heels and looked at me and played with them in her hand, while smiling slyly.
- If you want, I'll suck you, just stop whining! -and without my answer, immediately planted my mouth on my dick, My shaved eggs began to touch her fingers, it was bliss.
- Oh, you're a hoesoska ragged, do you want this? - I finally flew off the coils and I began podmahivat hips to meet her.
Her eyes were wide open, there was no fear or resentment at my statements, only surprise and a smile. She liked it, this Whores enjoyed it! I could not believe my eyes.
My eggs were beating on her chin on which my neighbor's spittle was drooling. Chomping and lowing sometimes mixed with a gag reflex, when I pushed the dick straight into the throat.
At some point, I let go of her head and took out a member to enjoy the picture, Katya looked at me with a mad look, rather drunk not from alcohol already, but from arousal. She again reaches for a blowjob, but I remove it by putting a finger to my lips.
- Ms, my girl, do not rush, now I have all of you to the remainder. - I lift it, turn my back to me and lean on the tabletop.
- God, Misha, enter me, I want it so, Fuck me, please!
I silently slowly lift up my dress and drag off a thin strip of strings, and I enter her current pussy, from the beginning smoothly and then abruptly and sweepingly fucking my neighbor.
Her screams could not help but hear the neighbors, she sometimes lifted herself on her toes, then trembled like convulsions, her pussy was tight, but so wet and slippery that my cock worked perfectly in her. I think the first one has an orgasm while still having a minget. I held her by the hips and had a bull like a bull, roughly hard, without any tenderness and caresses. I fucked her from behind like a feather, then let go, the member slipped out of the hole with which her discharge followed. I had to hold her right away, otherwise Katya would have fallen down, she was obviously well.
- Fuck, Misha, you just sent me to Heaven ...
- want more!?
- Oh, you still can, my head is spinning.
I completely lost my mind about the situation, tilted her by the hair to the dick, splashed them on the lips, face, beat them on the forehead and tongue, in short, did whatever I wanted. Then he put his knees on the floor, pressed his face to the tile and without letting go of his hair in his fist, began again to fuck Katya.
-Misha, more, Oh, I Love you, More, finish, Misha, Stop !! I want to drink your cum, cum in my mouth !! - it was the cry of the soul of the neighbor.
Slipping sounds from her pussy, tapping a neighbor in the straps with slapping our genitals made me growl from orgasm. I pulled out a member and sent it into my mouth, a few days of abstinence made itself felt, Katya excitedly swallowed everything that I let go.
- all Katyusha, I'll go home, okay? - as if nothing had happened, I said
- Aah, well ... So I left her in the kitchen and turned off the telly.
The next day my wife told me that she heard someone fucking. Did Katka bring anyone? to which I shrugged ...