Just a minute ago, representatives of one of the large companies gave the go-ahead to sign an important contract, under the terms of which, his firm Suno finally rushed to the international level! However, as if under the unwritten law of meanness, all the papers related to the company seemed to have sunk into the water! They simply were not there!
Continuing to quickly sort through all sorts of folders, Francis looked around in despair at his office (a small cozy room with pale milk walls, one black leather sofa, a pair of dark leather chairs, one oak table and three windows covered in white sun-stripes) but, again did not find any signs of the necessary papers!
“Eh, they probably really wiped them ...” he finally sighed, leaning wearily into the pulp of the chair. - So you and "out" on the "level" on the "markets" ... fart unhappy! "
Stretching out on his boss's “throne,” he stared blankly at the whiteness of the ceiling — gazing at the large silver-gray eyes, which perfectly decorated his courageous broad face with a big snub nose, puffy lips and red mustache, seamlessly merging with a small growth of the same red beard .
“Eh-heh, I’ve been in forty years, but I don’t have any sense ...” Francis began to “execute” himself again ... but suddenly he beamed. - Wait a minute, old man! Or maybe these damn papers, Annabelle stuck somewhere ?! Yes, yes, Annabel! She, of course, doesn’t know what secrecy with her mind, but she knows his own business! ”With this thought, he immediately pressed the white selector button, and, bending over him, he boomed loudly:
- Annabel, urgently to me!
- Yes, sir! - right there with a reciprocal squeak of the equipment answered a pleasant female voice. - I'm already flying!
In anticipation, he, with a new erupted hope, turned his silver gaze towards the front door - and not even a minute passed before it opened and a rather tall secretary entered the office.
- Did something happen, sir? She asked him, immediately noticing the chaos reigning on the table.
“Yes, Annabelle,” Francis confirmed, in turn, not without interest, looking her up and down. - I lost some important reports related to the Phoenix company ... Did you happen to see them?
- No, sir. But, I can search ...
“Eh, Annabelle, I already so shoveled everything here ...”
“I'll try anyway, sir ...”
- Well, look for ...
She gracefully smacked the table and immediately began to stir the paper. He, watching her actions, kept looking at her. Being already a thirty-year-old lady under the meter ninety, she had a short black hair caretaker, a pretty face with a soft gaze of large dark brown eyes, a protruding twisted “eagle” nose, juicy plump lips (brightly painted dark purple lipstick) and a round, slightly prominent chin . (Porn tales) Strictly matching the office dress-code on her, she wore a leopard-colored jacket, a short black skirt and shiny black boots with high 20-centimeter heels. “But Annabel is very seductive ...” thought Francis, already lowering her gaze on her outstanding ass and incredibly long slender legs. “And how have I not fucked such a mare yet ... a dark mare smelling of sweet caramel perfume ...”
“Indeed, they are not anywhere, sir,” Annabel said after a while, also not finding the necessary reports.
“I told you ...” he just grunted, and with a burst of searing vexation, he dreamed drearily. - Eh, apparently, our contracts are covered ... Damn, take that damn!
With a face that almost expressed grief, he leaned back in his chair.
“Well, don't be so upset, sir,” Annabel said, a little perplexed, towering over him. “Perhaps there will be more ...”
However, Francis no longer listened to her, mentally surrendering to not optimistic calculations of possible losses.
- Sir, can you hear me? - the high secretary again addressed him, and, putting her hands on his shoulders, she whispered as gently as possible. “Everything will be fine, sir ... is still forming ...”
Feeling how her long fingers (with sharp manicure dark purple nails) suddenly began to gently massage her shoulders, he involuntarily distracted from her thoughts, looked at her with surprise:
“What are you doing, Annabel?”
“Massage, sir,” she said with a smile. - I used to work as a masseuse, and believe me, I know how to relax people after hard work ...
He wanted to ask something else, but ... indulged in these unobtrusive pleasures, because, under the skillful actions of her fingers, he really felt much easier - they seemed to tear off all the voltage beams of constant tension from him!
- Well, oh, well ... - only Francis praised her, even slamming her eyes with pleasure.
“I am glad that you are already well, sir,” said the long-legged secretary, still with the same smile, continuing to do an unconstrained massage.
She earned a little more intensively with her fingers, and, soon, he could only sigh sweetly: a pleasant “current” coming from her fingers, poured over his whole body and a distant echo of warmth had already aroused sexual desire.
“Annabel ...” Francis said sweetly, just melting at her touch. “How many cups did you drink today?”
“Probably not less than seven, sir,” the office eagle replied.
- And, I hope, I have never gone to the toilet?
- No, sir. I know your rules ...
- Well! As you see today, because of the lost reports, I am not in the best of feelings, and therefore I need special comfort ...
- I understand, sir. I am always ready to console you.
- Nice to hear, dear. Oh, how I missed your life-giving moisture!
As if a cat eaten sour cream, he stretched his lips in a contented smile, and sighed with relief, for “special consolation” in his office was old, piquant fun, which he resorted to in those moments when the stress of his work was simply impossible to endure. The fun is that all the secretaries were sometimes obliged to pour a “golden rain” over him — that is, to literally urinate on him! And, for all twenty years of his successful activity in business, through this “wet” business (for something, he gave generous bonuses to the basic salary!) A considerable number of girls and women voluntarily went through!
“And you have rather strong shoulders ...” At some point, Annabel noticed. - The shoulders of a real strong man ...
“True — in spite of the fact that I was in my forties, I am still strong ...” said Francis. - I am strong in everything.
- Yes, really, sir ?! - She was deliberately surprised.
“Don't you believe, Annabel?” He opened his eyes. - I have everything strong. Everything.
- Can you check, sir? - playfully winked "eagle".
“Of course, I will only be glad, Annabel ...” he smiled at her, immediately understanding the spicy hint.
A spark with dark-eyed dark eyes, the secretary, slowly spread her legs, and, dropping between them on her knees, as if unobtrusively began to stroke her palm ... the groin of his dark trousers! A place in which the mighty mound of his passion has clearly bristled!
- Well, how, Annabel? - Francis turned to her with a descending smile, already feeling a frank rush of blood in his fleshy genitals. - Now you believe?
“I feel something, sir, but I would like to see,” she joked, not stopping her friction. - And, more ... at least a little hold in your hand ...
- Oh, slybryuga! - Francis laughed, just starting from her answer. “Well, do what you want with him — today he is completely in your power ...”
Once again playfully “shooting” his eyes at him, Annabel, with the actions of her tenacious fingers, instantly unbuttoned his belt, then his fly and, having started his dark blue pants, finally exposed his peasant value - a thick pale brown sausage of the penis to a "fighting position"!) and a large scrotum of bald eggs, thickly shrouded in dark-red hair with scraps! Without hesitating for a second, she took the trunk of the penis into the tube of her fingers, moved his venous flesh a couple of times and ... immediately turned her tongue on the swollen “strawberry” of his huge head!
- Ummmm! - he immediately sighed, feeling the “end” of a completely different “current”, from which he instantly darkened in his eyes, and the “goosebumps” of bliss were poured out. - Are you clever ... Lovka, "masseuse" ... But, the secretary, as if already "getting into the taste", did not answer him - continuing to slowly lick the foreskin, she began to occasionally clasp the head with her lips, simultaneously with the sim, busily brushing another hand dark bangs running over her eyes.
“Mmmm, he knows his stuff ...” Francis cringed even harder, under the burning glides of her pale pink tongue, even curled up in a seat. “He wants to immediately take“ the bull by the horns ”... Mmmm ... No, a crooked bitch - I am not one of those who quickly finish!” Annabel, skillfully “tormenting” his head (which only blossomed from her caress with bold grayness), a little faster to massage the trunk with your hand - this time, with a certain carelessness, slightly shaking your head. Hearing the booming growling above her, she again began to effortlessly immerse his sex "bump" in the warm embrace of her violet mouth, now, with each immersion, making strong suction! This weasel acted immediately - after a minute, the massive penis in her hand finally turned to stone and stretched out all 28 centimeters, and the first colorless sweet juices of true masculine desire flowed into her mouth!
“Yes ... Oh, yes ...” Francis groaned, in swiftly overwhelming feelings, even becoming to stroke the black hair of the sucking “eagle”. “You are a clever ... Oh, my dear ... Without stopping to massage the stretched member, Annabel threw a predatory gaze at him (which seemed even more attractive), and again switched to licking, gently sweeping the head almost the entire surface of her tongue! “Damn, she still knew too much! - squinting from the strain, Francis thought, feeling the sperm in the eggs just boiling. “We need to do something ... Mmmm ... Otherwise, I’ll now be done like a layman!”
“Annabel, dear ...” - almost in a pleading tone, he loudly addressed her. - Enough to lick my head ... Go to the testicles ... They are also very tasty and appetizing ... Still, without saying a single word, the secretary immediately obeyed him - gently pushing the penis towards the stomach, again, "shooting the eyes", shamelessly wound the tip of the tongue at his weighty balls!
- Yes, like this ... oh, Annabel! - He shouted in the hearts, with new pleasant sensations, immediately feeling a certain relief. - Lick them, kiss, bite ... Come on, my dear ... Encouraged by his words, the “eagle” rested absolutely its “beak” on the penis cudgel and ... just dug into the scrotum!
"Oh my God! - Francis flinched as much as he suddenly spoke, feeling his eggs almost go to her mouth. “What ... what the hell is she doing ?!”
Not without horror, instantly reflected in his steel eyes, he looked down at the not sucking joke of a sucker, and, at some point, even mentally said goodbye to the genitals! However, Annabel, having only slightly bitten the sexual muzhik's bag, again pulled out the tongue, and, as if it was nothing at all, again led them through its venous trunk!
“Ehhhhhhhhhhhh, I think I’ll go crazy with her! Francis sighed deeply, raising his gray eyes to the ceiling. - She is not a woman, but some kind of tigress! The tigress in the "leopard" skin! ”Annabel, without paying attention to his sighs, began again gently massaging his sexual cudgel with her hand, while absorbing the sweetish head of her oozing chubby end with her mouth: she began to taste it so intensely that it instantly covered her“ swelling »Purple bloom of your washable lipstick!
“Mmmm ... mmmm ...” Francis screamed again, boiling again from all the caresses of her tongue, gently tearing the tip of a wet circle of foreskin. - Oh, Annabel ... Please stop ... I can not ... Mmmm ... Your tongue ... Annabel! With a sudden return of a feeling of nearing condition, he, not wanting to become a “profane,” resolutely put his hands on her shoulders and ... pushed her long face away from his “sausage”!
- What is sir? She asked, raising her dark gaze on him. - I did something wrong?
“On the contrary, my dear,” Francis retorted, sniffing hard at her non-stop jerking. - You, dear, too famously "drove the horses" ... I do not know who you had before, but I am not one of those who quickly finish the game ...
“Sorry, sir ... I am ready to do everything you say ...”
He involuntarily grinned — the contorted tone of the “submissive slave”, who had flown down from the puffy lips of the dark-haired office “eagle”, was in no way tied to her frank predatory lightning in the bottomless pool of the eyes - the whirlpools, which directly still continued to “suck” him with an indescribable mysterious magism.
“I want you to have a massage with your breasts now,” he grinned, and, having pulled his hands to her, began to unbutton the dark buttons of her jacket. Quickly unbuttoning them, Francis took off the secretary's “leopard skin” to the elbows, and not without pleasure looked at her opened chest - covered in dark red bra flesh, she stood out with mounts of the 2nd size.
“Not a lot ...” he continued grinning, and abruptly pulled the bra down. From this action, "lemon" Annabel immediately jumped out with pale marshmallows, vopyrivshis on the boss with large dark pink nipple cherries! Realizing what kind of “massage” he now wants, “eagle”, grabbing his small tits, gently “hugged” the rod of male love with them and began to massage him with unhurried movements.
“Yes ... like this ... oh, yes ..." Francis praised, feeling the new piquant caress. - You're smart ...
Feeling like a member nicely slides between her small, but rather velvety elastic breasts, he squeezed her lips sweetly, and once again drew the rebellious bangs off her face. She, in response to such concern, even more vigorously began to massage the genital trunk, even slightly shaking it from side to side.
“Mmmm ...” he moaned again, blinking his eyes at the ceiling. “Annabelle ...”
Strongly squeezing the crumb of the white breasts with her thumbs, the secretary solidly polished the penis with an “up-down” movement (sim, finally throwing off the jacket on the floor!), But soon moved only upward, as if trying to pull it out even more! “Even with her tits, she can’t work badly ...” Francis discovered for himself, completely forgetting about the missing reports in the blissful atmosphere. “And where did she just learn her“ massages ”...”
Already with a certain tenderness in his gaze, he again looked at the eager “eagle” (Koya, from the float of his “colorful” organ, also brought a purple tint to his boobs), and gently stroked her dark hair. Annabel, having stimulated a peasant venous club with plenty, suddenly firmly grasped its base, and ... again, with fast fan movements of the tongue, she sewed on a blown head again!
“Oh, shit! - Francis was stunned by such an unexpected "maneuver", feeling the end of the well-known sweet "sting". - Again, she is for her! Desperate lizunya! ”The secretary, perfectly hearing his renewed heavy sniff, as if nothing had happened, again tasted his moist“ strawberries ”, absorbing it with the paradise heat of a wide mouth!
For a minute, Francis, clenching his teeth and fingers, still tolerated this renewed oral caress of the office "eagle". But, with sharply revived boiling in glutinous eggs, he still pushed her away from himself, and resolutely rose from the chair.
“Enough, Annabelle ...” he said, breathing heavily in front of her with a well-polished stick. “Now I wish that you would flood me with your golden moisture ... You are not averse to peeing, dear?”
“Yes, sir,” she said with a smile, immediately casting a mischievous gaze upon him. - I have long been ready to spill on you. Holding her armpits, he helped her to rise from her knees, and, noisily, snorting into her beard with excitement, quickly took off her short skirt! He took off - exposing the magnificent couple of buttocks, the elastic bulge of which only effectively shared the dark red fabric of thin panties!
- Good, good, good! - enthusiastically boomed Francis. “You are not my secret, but a real supermodel!” Burning with a glowing glance at the well-defined contours of her magnificent labia (between which only this week lovingly entered his dick about a dozen times!), He finally began to undress himself: finally throwing off his dark trousers and blue pants, he also got rid of a dark jacket with a light shirt, and soon appeared before her in ... absolutely nude, in fact, still quite strong athletic body!
- Well, how am I still good? - asked her Francis, deliberately bulging the broad muscles of the chest (with which he beautifully sparkled the growth of red hair). - Yes, of course not like Schwarzenegger ... but, after all, it is also quite good. And Annabel?
- Yes, boss! - The secretary answered with a smile, already just throwing lightning in her eyes. - You can even give odds to many young people: both in constitution and in size ... of your manhood! Laughing loudly at the entire room of the snow-white office, he literally lay down at her tall legs on the cold flesh of a smooth marble floor and stood waiting for the main action. Annabel, having “shot” his eyes with him, pulled her panties off (instantly exposing her well-shaven groin) and, finally, proudly stood over him, towering like a revived statue of a lovely Roman patrician!
- Well, come on, dear, shmalni in me! - wildly looking to her straight into the well-known pink pussy, Francis muttered impatiently, already squeezing his own prick on the floor. - Sprinkle your streams of sacred female urine! Spray, oh my, holy mare!
All quickening movements masturbating insanely hot member, he, without closing his gray eyes, his mouth wide open, indulging in tickling the expectation of opening the desired source. And ... not without a slight laugh, Annabel first “shot” a single stream of amber urine down his cheek, and then, firing a deep sigh of relief from her faded lips, discharged whole streams into his mouth! In just a matter of seconds, her hot urine poured cheerfully on his red-bearded face and smacked her in the throat! Squinting from the striking jets, but with a snort involuntarily swallowing their spicy sour taste (strikingly similar to the taste of the slime of a raw chicken egg!), Francis poured simply insane cocktail of emotions!
- Oooh-xxx! Urrrr! - he laughed like a real lion in this most powerful burst of gushing feelings.
And, frantically absorbing all the secretary's “coffee” that he had spent the day, he began to torment the wet shaft of the penis with two hands and - suddenly, pressing his amazingly swollen head to the dark navel hole ... rhythmically scored whitening with fresh sperm! Immediately, as if by an unspoken team, Annabel (splashing out the remnants of urine!) Moved away from his flattened body!
- Ohhhh ... ohhhh! - shuddering with ecstasy, Francis sighed and continued to rub the burning end on his own navel. All of his bearded face glittered peacefully in the wet reflections, and his stomach shimmered from the large puddles of the peasant sour cream he had splashed out!
- Now are you satisfied, sir? - smiling broadly (but not without the flush of the blush of involuntary embarrassment) Annabel asked him, picking up her leopard jacket from the floor.
“Ooooooh, yes-aaa ...” he drawled deeply, smacking his sour mouth sucked by her. - Honey, you do not have urine, but magic nectar! I didn’t even expect to finish so quickly!
“To health, sir,” the red-faced eagle just laughed. “You know, my urine is always at your disposal.” If you wish, sir, I will fill a whole bottle for you tomorrow morning especially for you? Would you like to?
“I understand where you're going, Annabel,” he slyly glanced at her, not allowing her to take her panties off the floor. - You want to get even more bonuses ... Well, no, I’ve already had enough time to swallow ... And I won’t give you the panties!
- As you wish, sir. Can I get back to business?
“Of course, Annabel, now you can leave.”
Throwing a jacket over her shoulder, the described “eagle” flashed the next shine of a smile, and, gently swaying her buttocks, she loudly smacked on high heels to the door. Francis, still dragged, remained lying on the marble of the floor, with the pleasure of sniffing a snub-top switch into the fabric of her wet panties, and gently stroking the hot penis in any way. “Look, like I went on business,” he thought with a grin, when she disappeared through the door. - I know her "affairs"! With such flaming lanites, it will now lock itself in the toilet, and it will be hot to indulge its spread “pussy”! But ... what's the difference to me now ?! The main thing is that she really is a goddamned son! Sykunka-crooked! I think next month, yet not a sin will raise her salary ... "
All internally trembling, he again deeply inhaled the scent of women's panties, turned his head to the side in a baldege and ... saw the peaceful “foliage” of yellow papers lying beneath the working table - the missing “foliage” of THOSE REPORTS!
- Can not be! - Francis was amazed, immediately reaching for them. - Is the paper "Phoenix"? “Exactly - they are! - he was already inwardly elated when he raised the sacred sheets over his shining eyes. - And this means that ... my "Suno" will still come out in the "ladies"! Uraaaaa! Ah, yes Annabelle - without knowing it, “helped” me to find this lost “vein”! Yes, damn it, now I will be a real pig if I don’t raise her salary! ”
All the seething from the bubbling emotions, he, so as not to wet the expensive reports in the secretary's urine sprayed, set them aside, and again throwing her panties on his face, with an incredible feeling of bliss, lay carelessly on the cool floor of his office!