We left the steam room and one of us came up with the idea that it would not be bad for a beer. Then Vasily said that, they say, no problem - now his wife will bring. We covered ourselves with towels, and he went to the door of the waiting room and asked his wife to bring beer. Literally half a minute later, warning that she was coming in, Nina came in, holding a beer in her hands. Well, we could not help but pay attention to her, because it was obvious that she was wearing only a t-shirt that was not long in size, through which it was obvious that there was nothing under it at all - large nipples were sticking out from above, and a characteristic black triangle was visible in the lower front.
When Nina left, someone threw some cue and we started each other to twitch on the subject of who had a member? Vaska podzadorilo and he said that he could do so that he will rise at all. He again approached the door and again called his wife.
Nina again entered in the same clothes and literally began to load us from the doorway so that we finish drinking beer and free the bath, to which her husband immediately said that since she entered in this form, no one can leave the bath because everyone worth it. Nina called him a jerk, but as if jokingly, she also said that she would not be able to serve everyone - everyone has their half, and then again asked: "Are you serious?" What have you seen here ?, and went up to her husband, is it worth checking with him or not, and take that one, and pick up her T-shirt. The woman twitched, lowered her T-shirt, but we all managed to see her black thickets.
Vasya took her by the waist and put her in his arms. In seconds, we all began to guess what he was doing with her. Half a minute more, and Vasya lifted Ninke's T-shirt, but she no longer resisted, but only sat down more deeply on his penis. After two minutes, he warned that he would end and ... without taking out the end, but Nina tried for some time to get pleasure already on the soft member of her husband, but alas. “What, am I not finishing today? - She asked. “If you want, you can with some of them,” said Vasily, and in order not to hurt anyone, you can take turns.
Without a loss, Nina replied: “Look, you suggested it yourself”, and then smiled and leaned over, turning her back to us. Behind between the legs, the hairs were sticking up, on which the icicle hung hanging on to her husband. The first one approached their godfather, stuck it several times and started to fuss. Nina somehow deciphered his thought and said that you can finish there, they say she could get pregnant today from her husband. Just a couple of minutes, the cum huddled, stopped, and when he took it out, it splashed right on the floor. Then I repeated the same thing, with the only difference that we ended up with her at the same time, and her husband immediately concluded: "Here, they say, whose baby will be." But the youngest friend had to almost persuade, they say, how do you get out with a sticking out member? Nina took the lead. Wiping a towel at her bottom, she sat on his hands and after a couple of minutes, he was already empty.