This kind of life has lasted a little bit. My wife still did not know that I was aware of everything, but I could not tell her anything because I was afraid to be left without a wife. Sex was extremely rare with us, the spouse immersed herself in her studies, and tried not to dissolve into other problems. I, as usual, disappeared at work and thought, thought, thought ...
However, as I said before - someday this must come to an end, and all secrets must be revealed. Such a case of exposure has come. He came under more moronic circumstances than a couple of times before, but then he dotted all the "i". Meanwhile, another six months passed.
Lenka passed the session, otgolyala graduation. In this summer, she became more fun, has ceased to be so gloomy. The trouble was waiting for her (and me) there, from where they did not wait. And those photos played a cruel joke again. The magazine somehow inexplicably fell into the hands of the rector of Lenkin University. I learned about it from my wife (she referred to the pictures of earlier shootings, well, God be with him). This rector is quite an influential person in the city, and he managed to persuade an interesting person to meet with my wife about a certain offer. After hearing all this from Lena, I said that the meeting would take place only in my presence. The little woman, apparently, had nowhere to go. The rector and his man blackmailed her or not, I do not know, but Lena approved the meeting in my presence (what reasons could I refuse, well, of course!). While my wife was making herself an innocent sheep, I was preparing for a meeting. I was preparing phrases, thinking how to behave in the case of the next indecent sentences. I even decided to bring a pneumatic gun with me (well, at least I'll scare if anything happens). But ... all this was not useful to me.
My wife and I arrived at the venue. It was in the evening, a table in a nightclub was booked for the meeting. We felt uncomfortable, I showed with all my appearance how excited I was. I looked around in search of things exposing this office, but I didn’t find anything, and the whole thing was different. A friendly woman came to us (already at a noble age), she was well dressed. I asked the waiters to bring us a glass of some cocktail. My wife politely refused, and I drank it in a gulp, and then I relaxed a little. Feelings overwhelmed me, I was looking for a trick and did not find it at all, and it was the fact that my wife did not suspect anything about getting in the way. It was hot and uncomfortable.
The woman's name was Karina, she was slightly surprised that Lena did not come alone, but noted later that it was very good. At first she talked about her club and some other garbage, but then got down to business. Karina in the Moscow region has a large suburban possession. There is a hotel. She decided to use it for more advanced purposes, namely to make it a platform for filming a reality show.
“An Austrian friend of mine works for several good Western Internet resources,” she began her interesting story. - These resources contain video content, including online broadcast from interesting events. Rene (an Austrian friend) wants to organize a large-scale project - a reality show, and he needs a platform, and of course assistants who can implement the project. I agreed, but finding the right personnel for the project was not so easy. Several girls will come from Europe (and the participants of the reality show should be exclusively girls, we understood this immediately), but basically I have to recruit staff myself. If you, Lenochka agree, then you can not even worry about the material side of the issue: you will be taken away, returned, accommodation and food is very good, all at the expense of the organizers. There will also be entertainment, even health treatments. Everything is organized at the highest level.
- And what is the idea of a reality show? - I asked impatiently.
- The idea is rather unusual. Since only girls participate, respectively, and life in the women's circle will be monitored, there will be a clear daily routine and points that must be strictly followed. All this concerns accommodation, food, procedures, etc. Our goal is to see the ability of women to communicate with their own kind, without men, to check the capabilities of the female body, and, in general, to watch beautiful girls in a closed life.
I began to think. Karina fooled me, I couldn’t find a reason to refuse, although I was not sure.
- How will the shooting take place? - interrupted my thoughts wife.
- ABOUT! About this, Helen, you do not need to worry! Cameras will be enough everywhere, you do not need to play anything specially. Clients of Internet resources will get access to all cameras for money, they will be able to choose exactly what to watch. By the way, each participant will have a pseudonym, why should everyone know your real names. But for the participation itself it is necessary to conclude a written contract. Everything is confidential, at the end of the action contracts will turn into muculature.
I took a copy of the contract from the table and began to read. Reality show ... no older than 30 years old ... need to maintain appearance ... follow the instructions of the show organizers and hotel staff ... etc.
- Payment only after the show. It may be that the participant makes an unforgivable mistake, or violation. If after a warning this happens again, then with such a girl will have to say goodbye, she will only pay money for the journey home. Accordingly, if you want to receive the full amount of the fee, you need to live in the hotel until the end, that is, a month. We have a very good payment.
And really. For participation in the reality show was supposed to 5 thousand dollars. Could also write awards for special merit (Karina said it is at the discretion of the organizers and the jury). And the winner received proudly 20 green pieces. My wife and I have never seen such money.
- By the way, what is your name? - turned Karina to me.
- Victor - the reader finally recognized my real name.
“Victor,” she smiled, “you can also do a good job at this event.” I need men as a hotel staff, I need labor. I pay 100 thousand rubles for this month, plus a bonus for fast and high-quality work.
I fired up. Grandmas did with me (and with Lena) something incredible. I did not earn that kind of money in the service station. Rarely did I even get a hundred in 2 months. I agree, if Lena agrees to become a member of the show. Now I did not stop her. She will be a member of the women's reality show, earn big money and will be on my mind. All within my plans.
Lena ran her eyes on the contract, asked a couple more moments, looked at me (I nodded), smiled, and began to enter my details into the contract.
Perfectly! We were once again led off; what lies ahead is a nightmare. But now we did not guess anything.
During the week, Karina regularly called us, explained the organizational nuances, encouraged us and praised us in every way. I was chosen to work with the car. I had to deliver food to the hotel from the nearest settlement. Plus, I could charge more one-time activity. I understood from Karina’s words that I’ll often fail to see my spouse, as the lack of connections between men and women is important for them. In this case, I can use the services of the hotel at a time when the cameras are turned off.
The reality show is a month long. We arrived at the scene the day before the shooting. There were about 20 participants, they were told that they would come again. The organizers showed us the area, and it was quite extensive, all the buildings, somewhere that was located. The main bedroom building of the hotel was at the very bottom of the pond, from it asphalt paths went to the ascent of the hill and moved to the dining room, spa, entertainment hall. The economic zone, where I had to spend a month, was located just behind the dining room, and was surrounded by a high metal fence, so that the camera couldn’t shoot unnecessary stuff with all the desire, as someone takes the slop from the dining room, for example.
The host itself. the zone had a separate entrance and entrance, and the workers had their own sleeping quarters, worse than the project participants. But everything suited me, it’s a pity that I looked around and realized that I would rarely cross with my wife, because even we had a meal schedule at different times. Workers should not get into the frame under any circumstances. I immediately asked Karina when we could see my wife. She said that she would give her half an hour every few days, where I would be able to talk to her in the office of the organizers. This somewhat comforted me, and I began to settle down.
I lived with two more men in the big room. Both of them just came to work, both from some deaf villages. They asked me if there were any whores in the hotel. They had no idea about the project or Karina, so my reply about the fact that my wife was a participant in the project did not catch them. On the first evening, we drank home-made wine with them, and they talked about their lives, they laughed like horses, until they fell asleep drunk.
Before bed, I was lying and thinking about my little Lena. After all, I did not find out anything with her, she continued to “hide” the wildest facts of her life from me, but I did not dare to tell her myself. I intended to not talk about it with the end of the project. No, of course, I can keep silent about everything, pretend to be a happy husband and just continue to live like that. But only my spouse also departed far from me, became secretive, in constant depressions. I could not rejoice at this, and just waited for the decisive hour. And fate helped me in this itself.
In the morning we were awakened to say that the shooting starts at 10 am, and from that moment to enter the territory or leave it only with the permission of the guards. The guards, by the way, were completely rude people, they did not communicate with the workers very much. They guarded the entire facility completely, including the hotel itself, where Lena lived. At first, I wanted to make friends with one of them, it would have suddenly happened more often to see my wife, but they answered me with a sharp refusal.
In 10 shooting began. They filmed, as if the girls had just arrived, as if they were entering the gate, then they were led to the hotel, settled there. This is all I saw due to the fact that in the household. parts installed a computer with a surveillance camera, and for the territory adjacent to the gate and the host. parts can be observed from there. When the project participants were invited to the building by the pond, there was nothing more to look at. I took up my duties. On the first day I had to work in the garage, to put an old gazelle in order. By evening, I should have brought a batch of food from the city. So I was in a hurry and spent the whole day on it.
I met Lena only on the second day in the evening. She was fresh from the shower, all so beautiful and radiant. Intimate talk was not possible, as the organizers continually entered the office. It was located on the first floor of the building where the spa treatments were held, and there was also a gym there. After talking with my wife, I decided to warm up a little. From communication, I realized that they live in twos, the conditions are very decent, they feed perfectly. In the morning they have exercises, massage, fitness, they will play volleyball the other day. There is a cinema for them and a lot more rubbish. In general, not work, but rest. The only thing was to show off in front of the camera. It was impossible to be rude, to say anything obscene at all, to do any intimate things without notifying the organizers. Each of the girls had a coined name. My distance was the nickname “little fox” because of her light red hair.
Unlike my wife, I had to really work. I spent 4-5 hours a day on trips, performing at the same time the work of a porter and packer. In principle, I got used to hard work, I remembered the army, where I spent half a year in a warehouse, carrying weights every day.
Our next meeting with Lena was held on day 5. She looked good, but was very tired. She said that there were many difficult moments on this day. We talked only 20 minutes, and even then not alone. 2 women organizers sat at the computer, doing their job.
I missed my wife, because I used to see her every day, but here ... Work distracted, I got tired, ate well and slept, but without my wife I was not myself. He was sad every now and then, and gloomy thoughts with an eye to the recent past did not give rest.
I saw my wife and I again on day 9. Lena was very nervous, she shook my hand, she said she mostly misses me. I even thought about really forgetting “all her adventures,” so sincerely she said that. I haven't seen her like this for a long time. For a long time we were not allowed to talk again. This time, every 5 minutes, Karina looked into the room, and the door to the corridor was not closed, and the building guard could see us. Saying goodbye, she smacked me in the shoulder. Still, she behaved unusually.
With our further meetings, I began to notice more and more obvious signs of changes in her. Closer to the equator of the project, I personally got used to it, and even began to enjoy my work, but there were certain changes in Lenochka.
Well, I have no right to torment you anymore. Further, the story will lead from the face of my wife, as a direct participant in the reality show. Such juicy details are known only to her. I note that she told me all this after the events that will be described below:
“From the first days I learned the essence of reality shows from other participants. The fact is that this project is very specific, and the viewers who will see footage of this show on the Internet are also very strange people. The girls had to spend a month on a circle of themselves, without men and male attention, undergoing certain infringements, restrictions of various kinds. The point was to actually test the capabilities of the female body and body. The entire interest of the show was contained in the tests, which we were told about in the course. After such news I became nervous, but Karina reassured me:
- Nobody will overtake the stick, there are doctors around, and not a single girl will die.
This was somewhat consoling, especially as they treated us well. They did not give any acting lessons, they said that the audience paid for the vividness of the picture. Mounted immediately, the video fell into the network the next day. The contingent was pleasant, I met all the girls, they were different, kind and evil. The camera loved to grab moments of quarrels, it is for the viewer, so that it does not become boring. None of the participants did not know what was waiting for us.
Some details were immediately specified:
1) Calling anywhere was only allowed one minute a day in the presence of the organizers, I was personally allowed to see you.
2) It was impossible to use the Internet, it was impossible to eat food outside of the schedule, to wash and go to the toilet only with the permission of the organizers, someone was necessarily present during the bathing or needing, and the attendants (they were called staff) were exclusively women. And the most important thing is why all this was:
3) but why? - self-satisfaction was absolutely impossible! Some other violations of the rules attracted at first a reprimand, and then only expulsion from the project, and masturbation was punished immediately with expulsion.
The motives of this whole event were not clear to me, they apparently wanted to find out how the girls would behave in an almost army mode, without the possibility of getting sexual satisfaction. I was confident in myself, and even though I loved sex, and if you are not around, then I would have lived a month without him.
The conditions were generally heavenly, except that we were accompanied everywhere, and more cameras were watching us. It was necessary to smile in the camera.
The rise was at 8.00, I did not like that the camera was shooting us sleepy. Then water treatment and charging on the terrace. We ate 4 times, the food was very tasty and satisfying. During the day there were spa treatments, walks, massages, and a gym. In the evenings, once in 2 days we were shown films, the most novelties. The shooting ended at 22 o'clock, before 23 there was free time, sometimes I saw you. In the first days I did not notice anything special, the situation was normal, nothing foreshadowed trouble.
Almost none of the girls violated the rules, although a couple of times the reprimand was made. After 5 days, some changes became apparent. The staff has become more, there are guards men. For some reason they began to tell us that there are predatory animals in the local forests, and it is dangerous to run away from here. We were forbidden to wear underwear. And it played a certain role. The feeling of some nakedness led me to delight. I really wanted to see you. I realized that I was often excited, there was no such thing before. I rebelled that I could break down and want to be self-satisfied, but the thirst for money stopped me. Yes, and the cameras were everywhere, and the staff strengthened our control.It was impossible to make it imperceptibly, any attempts at least to touch once again before their genitals would be noticeable. I tolerated, but the excitement only intensified. On the 8th day of my stay here, my pussy was almost scratching, and my meetings with you so agitated my mind that it made me feel bad about this whole thing.
But I was not alone, other girls also had the same problems. And the first of us went home. She was noticed at night, when everyone had been sleeping for a long time, as she was rubbing her clit with a finger. The staff noticed her, and without letting her finish the job, they took her away somewhere. The girls who lived with her said that she had not been there all day, and the next night, after the end of the day, she was brought in to collect things to be sent home. The lights in the room were not turned on, but the girls noticed that their neighbor was sobbing constantly, as if she was crying for a long time, and the women supported her under her arms so that she would not fall.
I did not go into this story, I decided to be obedient and get my money. But my lustful pussy was talking about something else ...
The next day, I realized that this was the main test, and that all this was not easy: after dinner we were all taken to the big hall, put on chairs, and instead of the next blockbuster we turned on the groovy porn-film. With that, the scenes were selected that is necessary - a whole collection of orgasmic women who, with delicious males, gave out unrealistically exciting tumors. Among the girls in the hall went ooh-aahs, but none of us could even touch their sexual lips or breasts. All such attempts were suppressed by female staff who lashed a long pointer over all the playful hands. Close your eyes, too, it was impossible, you could get a click on the back of your head. So check for lice, I thought!
I wanted to grab my clitoris with my hands and take it so that all the juices flowed out of it. Speaking of juices, since we didn’t wear underwear, and our clothes were mostly light-colored, then soon all the girls had clothes all wetted with vaginal discharge, like that for the guards. We washed clothes several times a day, they were not enough, new ones were not brought to us. If everything was washed, we went naked, and we were forbidden to wear someone else's clothes.
We protested in the absence of cameras, but they explained to us that this was part of the show, and only show off at the gate. I myself went to dinner several times naked. Cameras stuck to me, I began to understand the interest of the Internet public to this project. Yes, I wanted to tell you everything and leave. But what kind of bad fame, and even more so, if we consider that no one will see me, except for these European viewers-drocherov, then nothing terrible. I decided to grit my teeth to endure.
I was tormented by the question of why all the girls are overcome by the same fierce desire.
And especially me! I felt like a natural nymphomaniac - I had very erotic scenes all night long, I turned around like a whirligig, but I couldn’t satisfy myself. Sometimes, when in the morning I woke up with a more or less sleepy head, it seemed to me that at night my hands gave me pleasure. But by charging I understood that this was not the case, the body demanded an orgasm. Pieces 50 orgasms! Every day was torture. After two weeks of incident, we began to run out for exercises only in small shorts, and it was impossible to close the chest (we were forbidden to touch the chest). Most of all I was infuriated by the guards who were allowed to observe the exercises and procedures. Personally, I had a desire to suck everyone, if only someone ottarabanil me as a member (here's a bitch!). But it was impossible, the guards were forbidden to pester us.By the middle of the show, 5 more girls were sent home. They all came for things at night, and according to the same scenario, before that, the day was spent in an incomprehensible where. I guessed that the day was clearly mocked at them, probably not fed, kept locked up, etc. After all, one can also make a cool show from this, so that the Europeans can enjoy sitting in front of the screens. One girl tried to escape, but she was caught, and she was the only one who spent in the "unknown" for two days, she didn’t even come for things, the women from the staff gathered her bag.sitting in front of the screens. One girl tried to escape, but she was caught, and she was the only one who spent in the "unknown" for two days, she didn’t even come for things, the women from the staff gathered her bag.sitting in front of the screens. One girl tried to escape, but she was caught, and she was the only one who spent in the "unknown" for two days, she didn’t even come for things, the women from the staff gathered her bag.
Porno showed us through the day, the films of tension grew crescendo. We looked at them completely naked, especially susceptible tied hands to the chair. Some became ill, they were taken to the bedrooms. If necessary, such a doctor examined. I kind of held on, but on the night of the 17th day, when I was ready for bed, talked to you, listened to your gorgeous sexy voice, touched your hands, from which I almost finished (oh, how I wanted it!), Two people approached me women, and said that I lay on my back on the bed. I lay down, staring blankly at them, and they pinned my arms and legs to the headboards with ropes. To my question "Why?" Explained:
- You already two nights fidgeting on the bed and rubbing pussy. So you can finish, this is unacceptable.
Vipers! I wanted to dunk them with my own hands. I only fell asleep in the morning, my body was buzzing, the bed was all wet with juices, I had another erotic dream. In the morning, the camera shot me in my position, focusing on the pussy.
To tolerate there was no more urine, we wanted to lick each other, just to get rid of such toms, but we were not left alone. Two girls all night still fell their mouths to the pussies of each other, for which they were sent home. I was also thinking about breaking down.
On day 19, someone from the staff let it slip:
Girls excite specifically, the pathogen is poured into food, and in horse dosages !!! I decided to eat less, ate half the portions, but it did not help. The pathogen was everywhere - in drinking water, in massage cream, in the actions of a masseuse, in spa treatments. It was impossible to miss anything, it was part of the show. Everything acted on me, any word, any gesture. I was thinking only about sex, only a member ...
On the 20th day, when there was still 10 days left to endure this insanity, the doctor examined us, for each of us he recorded the testimony, and told the organizers to show us films now every day, and add jumping on rubber balls to the exercises, but only for half a minute. All day he commanded us to turn on exciting music. All this is only to add a desire that I personally already vomited from the inside.
Charging and many procedures brought many of us to faint state. These are often sent under the ice shower for at least some relief. Cold water hit us in hot skin, and women from the staff tried to stream us between our legs.
Porn we watched no less than 2 hours a day. Many girls, including myself, just sobbed, sitting on chairs when watching movies.
Some girls tearfully asked the staff or the wizards to jerk them off or give them some kind of stick, whatever. Women took these by the hair and took them away somewhere. I hoped that there I could get at least some kind of discharge and in another bout of impossible desire, I shouted that I wanted an orgasm. One woman rudely grabbed my head, asked:
“Do you want me to satisfy you ?!”
- Yes, please, please! - sulking from crying, I squeezed out.
She led me to another room. I was put to a wooden post. They pulled me big clips, which put hands, and legs - it was terribly uncomfortable. They stuffed a ball in my mouth so that I could not say anything. And most importantly, it was impossible to touch the chest, clit or pussy. Then, unexpectedly for me, having lubricated the ass, the woman put an iron hook in the ass, he painfully went inside and gave some kind of incomprehensible illusion of penetration into me. The hook connected with my hair and when I moved my head, the hook pulled my tail, which did not help me at all, but only aggravated the situation. At the same time in the room, too, was a screen with a porn movie. I was like a whore chained to a post, and could not help myself. I would give my soul to the one who would fuck me now with anything. There was grease on the legs, a puddle formed on the floor,and the evening ended with an ice shower and a leash for me.
On Day 23, a week before the end of the nightmare, we were told that now nobody would go home, that everyone would wait for the reality show to end, but we would be severely punished for violations. We were waiting for a new test. Now we slept like this:
Two girls were placed on a double bed and their hands and feet were tied so that our faces were 5 centimeters from our neighbor's pussy all night long. Ahhhhh!How I dreamed to stick my lips into the vagina of the neighbor bitches! I felt the neighbor's breath in my pussy, but no one, neither she nor I, could make a pleasant one. We almost stopped sleeping.
Most of us could not control themselves, fainting became frequent. On day 26, my neighbor at the time of charging reached such a degree of excitement that she jumped onto the pole with a run, threw both arms around her and began to move quickly so that her lips would rub against the concrete. How this material could tear all her genitals, she did not think. She dug so hard into the pole that the guard could not unhook her. He stood behind her, clasping his hands, and clinging to her, which is why he only added fire. We stood and watched my neighbor finish loudly from the fact that her pussy was rubbing against a concrete support.
She was immediately taken away to where it was known, but they no longer returned to my room; in general, I only saw her later on the last day. I began to sleep alone, not smelling the crotch all night. Control over us increased. Me for my requests to fuck me with a mop, a bottle, for my tearful pleas for pleasuring me, ended up being tied to a post, they were showing a porn movie where 9 members were giving happy women holes (and: yes, Helen was aware of such pleasures ), and then sent to an ice shower. He reassured me a little. There was less than 5 days left until the end of the torture. I intended to stay, get paid and go home. But then Karina announced:
- On the last day you will find the hardest test, and the most persistent will compete for the victory in the reality show.
It was said solemnly, in the hall, the cameras filmed us, naked, drooping. Now we went naked everywhere, only you were specially dressed for you so that you would not know anything.
My vagina never closed, swollen lips plump, blushed, and any touch to them brought such sweetness that it was difficult to imagine more.
Through an intermittent sleep, I constantly asked to fuck myself, move my pelvis, as the other limbs were tied to the bed. The staff began to sneer at us. One evening before bedtime, one of the women came into my room, undressed, tied me to the bed. I hoped that she wanted to rape me, I had already longed for the start of this procedure. She sat on my face with her pussy and ordered me to lick. It was not necessary to make me, I immediately dug my lips into her hollow. The smell of the crotch stupefied me, I entered her tongue so deeply that I felt even the bitter taste of the internal juices. She caught me by the hair and began to move forward - back with a basin. She was approaching an orgasm, I waited, and when she finished in my mouth, I waited, and wanted her to at least work with my finger in my pussy afterwards. But I was wrong.When the orgasm inevitably overtook my mistress, she pulled away from me, and squatting on the bed, began to pull at her clit with her hand. She moved her hand more and more, and suddenly gave out a sweet cry. She finished, very passionately, arousing me so that between my legs everything was burning. The thermometer would have exploded if it had been inserted into my vagina. Having teased me in such a blasphemous way, the woman left, leaving me alone with my fantasies and flaming sexual organ. All night I cried without closing my eyes. I felt bad, I felt like flying members, I imagined how all the guards took turns fucking me. That night I almost died from over-excitement. ”aroused me so that between my legs everything was burning. The thermometer would have exploded if it had been inserted into my vagina. Having teased me in such a blasphemous way, the woman left, leaving me alone with my fantasies and flaming sexual organ. All night I cried without closing my eyes. I felt bad, I felt like flying members, I imagined how all the guards took turns fucking me. That night I almost died from over-excitement. ”aroused me so that between my legs everything was burning. The thermometer would have exploded if it had been inserted into my vagina. Having teased me in such a blasphemous way, the woman left, leaving me alone with my fantasies and flaming sexual organ. All night I cried without closing my eyes. I felt bad, I felt like flying members, I imagined how all the guards took turns fucking me. That night I almost died from over-excitement. ”
I interrupt my wife. I did not know all about it until the very end, the clearing came already on the very last day, when I was asked to help organize some kind of competition in the hotel. I was inspired - stayed 1 day, after which the promised salary and the way home. I saw my wife miss me — every time she told me through tears. I would have kissed her if the organizers hadn’t disturbed us. Therefore, I gladly agreed to help, especially as Karina herself asked, I began to trust her.
Karina invited me to her office, offered to drink coffee there. She told me about how we were taken home, praised for the work done, showed some pictures from the reality show ... then I do not remember anything. I apparently chopped off.
I woke up in a well-lit closed room, obviously a basement. I was tied to a pole, my hands and legs were in special clips, and a ball was inserted into my mouth. Realizing that with me, I ohrenel. I was completely naked, trying to say something, but the ball interfered. I began to shout loudly, but there was no one in the room.
After about 20 minutes, people abruptly entered the room. A couple of men with a camera and a tripod, began to adjust the lens. I wanted to ask them for help, but then I realized that I was their goal. 5 men entered the room in leather masks on their heads, looking like gas masks. Their hands were tied. I began to find out in some of them business partners in households. parts. Karina entered the room. Her costume was provocative, her boobs were sticking out of him, she held a long whip in her hand. She smiled wickedly at me.
Then she stroked my back with a whip, snapped her fingers to turn on the camera, and squeezed me on the buttocks with all my might. I roared, it was hellish pain, just unbearable. I huddled on a pole, and immediately realized that I shouldn’t fidget: my dick was strapped to the pole with some kind of small clips, so that at large amplitudes I pulled it, which added something to the tin. My thoughts were in my head, an abrasion burned in my ass.
Karina said something with a smile into the camera, saying the final part of the show, etc. Suddenly, she exclaimed loudly:
- And now the final test is waiting for the participant, nicknamed Pup, we meet!
I remembered - this was my wife's nickname. Fuck you! Is she now come here !?
True, she appeared in the room, expressing fear and bewilderment. She did not recognize me (it turns out that I had on my head the same mask as those of the men).
Karina grabbed my Lenka by the hair, put her to the camera, started telling me about her that she was a lustful bitch, pulling her clit, and so on, you need to punish her.
The little fox, my girl, exhausted, sobbing, was put on her knees and ordered to suck off all the standing men. She, by the way, immediately began to do it without a second thought, but so relish that the men were quickly excited. Lenka worked well, Karina lightly slapped her whip on the fifth point.
- Wanted a member, bitch? Get as many as five! - She spoke.
Lena sucked five peasants, and the operator shot it up close. Tomorrow, viewers will see it all in Austria and other European countries, maybe there will be such people here as well.
This time I could not help my wife even physically. I looked at all this tied to a post and did not understand why we had such a fate.
Lena was an active blowjob this time, I was even surprised with the enthusiasm she did. At one point, Karina squeezed her wife’s pussy tightly, which made her squeal, breathed out a lot and shouted:
- Yes please. Still! I beg!
Karina painfully slapped her tits, ordering to continue to do blowjob.
Even more fox continued to suck. I did not see such a blowjob, at some point it was even jealous. Lena jerked and accelerated in her movements.
The men began to cum. Karina made my faithful open her mouth wide in front of the camera, shout A-A and swallow cumshots. The members of the men, she started to Lena in the mouth itself, she brought them to the final orgasm. Lena's face was all in white mucus from sperm (I already saw it, and more than once), but for some reason it did not bother her. And when the peasants left her, she clung to Karine in the leg and begged to be fucked. Karina grabbed her hair painfully, asked if she wanted to be a whore.
- I want, I want, - Lena moaned, - I want to fuck me!
Karina smiled at her and said:
“Here is a whip for you, here is a peasant tied to a man,” she pointed to me, “pour out him 30 times as it should, then you will get what you want.” Only after each time count.
Lena snatched the whip from Karina’s hands and ran to me. I wondered if she would really beat me! But I really did not have time to think, as Lena began the execution. She with all the dope ebnula me on the back. I howled. The camera pulled up close to us, removing my cramps.
- Once! - Lena said coldly and swung, - two! - after a strong slap she continued, - three!
And so on.My own wife beat me with a whip for tearing her off like a bitch. At that moment I did not understand anything. The pain was tearing at my skin, and Karina made Lena beat harder. The whip left abrasions and scars, some were bleeding.
- Twenty! Lena took a little break, it was not easy for her to give.
Then Karina approached me and ceremonially removed the mask from my head.
When Lena saw my face, she froze, her mouth open. Karina's replica freed her from shock:
- Well what are you, little fox? We will continue, or last night again want to sleep tied to the bed?
I did not know why then, but these words took on a reassuring character for my executor, and Lena, without squeezing a word out of herself, began to slap me another ten. I screamed like a ball cut.
- thirty! - cried out my wife, knelt down, threw a whip and sobbed.
Karina lifted her hair, looked into her eyes and said to the camera:
- This is such a lustful ass, that she did not even regret her own husband, if only she would fuck her. I think she deserves fair punishment.
Lena was tied up just like me, she sobbed, begged to pour in her the same 30-ku, just to help her experience an orgasm afterwards. But the show was nearing completion, and the mockery of me and my Lena did not stop.
The peasants were given a bottle to drink some kind of liquid, and after about 10 minutes the guards and personnel led everyone into the room. Karina told them that now they can do whatever they want.
Oh, what started! Then I recalled it with some note of doubt that I saw it:
For 30 days and nights, women's bodies completely gained the upper hand over the mind, and were ready to tear to pieces anyone who could help get satisfaction. The guards were quickly left without clothes, and the women from the staff also got, some of the most crazy girls pounced on them. Everyone who kept them here for a month, plugging their mouths and not letting the excess breeze pour around the labia, stuffing with pathogens, got what they deserved. One guard stretched the girls on the floor, one put his organ in a standing position with his mouth, quickly twisting his crotch with his other hand, the other sat up, spreading his legs on the man's face, and now groaned sweetly, moving his cunt over it. Men with bound hands "loved" most of all. They were slapped with all their strength with their hands on the body, in the balls, did not allow them to escape. Women were forced to lick pussy girls in turn.In the hall reigned debauchery, tenderness and beauty of sex here was invisible. The girls enjoyed as best they could.
They were men whips, they yelled. The guards did not resist (this was part of the show). I got it too - the girls tried to untie me, but when they could not, they began to beat me with a whip on the already torn back, delivering terrible pain. I did not understand what was happening. At that moment I was in a panicked shock.
My Lena hung on a pole and sobbed for blasting. She wanted to join the tradrohrom, but the cruel organizers prepared for the show's culmination of glory. I wonder how many European drochery tomorrow will flood their monitors with sperm?
The room was getting unbearably hot. I lost consciousness from the pain and stuffiness.
I woke up in my room in the household. parts when everyone was about to leave home. The men helped me to fold things, and we went to the city in a gazelka. From there I was taken on someone's personal foreign car straight home. All the 3, 5 hours of the road I was silent, I did not understand what had happened to me. I could not take any serious action. I had no strength, I was cut off and slept a lot.
Lena was brought home after a day. She had no face, I helped her take a shower and put her to bed.
She told me everything the next day. Then I understood about the reasons for her so strange behavior in a hotel. I realized that we were rudely used. At what Lena is the third time. She told me about the fact that at the end of the execution in the basement, she was taken to another room, where Karina, “embarrassing” over her, asked the film crew to fuck Lena no longer on camera. She was fucked as it should be in all the cracks, having torn once again both the vagina and anal. Nevertheless, it was for her the most pleasant memory.
Of course, she won the reality show, and all the money was paid to her. The money was paid to me for my work, plus a small bonus “for extra work”.
The show turned out to be hyper-popular, and we watched it in Russia. Letters of praise on the e-mail came to Lena from many people, one was from her rector, one from Anna, another from Arthur. She could not experience such humiliation.
Lena moved away from me to my mother. A month later, she filed for divorce, I did not think, signed the documents. She came to pick up the remnants of things, and we saw each other for the last time.
Do I regret the divorce? Probably, not. I regret that everything turned out like this for us. We were humiliated, my Lena was glorified all over the Internet, she had the reputation of a noble whore.
I broke up with friends, and with the old work, and selling the apartment, moved to another city. About Lena, I did not hear anything else. Once 4 years later, I accidentally met her friend in Moscow, who said that Lena had married some rich uncle from abroad. She herself did not know more.
I wonder what her husband is now? Rich ... Oh, he probably met her through the Internet, I thought. Do not be surprised if she interested him solely as an object of sexual lust.
After such news, I felt sad. I lost my love by such an idiotic method. I tried to keep silent, to forget everything that was bad, but the last incident I described was the last straw.