Until a certain point in my life, I did not know that I belong to this category of people too. But everything is in order. My name is Elena, I am 40 years old, my husband has died. The only son married and lives separately. We never had animals in our family, because we lived all our lives in the city, in an apartment. Where are you going to start a dog, and I'm allergic to cats.
But once, when I was already living separately, my son gave me a little puppy of an East-European shepherd dog, and he says - to my mother, grow up a friend for yourself, so that you would not be bored. I immediately liked the dog, playful dog, loves affection. And I have it, after the death of her husband, remained unclaimed, in general, more than enough. I called the dog Chuck.
Time passed, Chuck grew up. And a year later it was already a big thoroughbred dog, with a beautiful color and noble forms. My favorite, my protection and guard. Even when, sometimes men came to me, he could not stand still in order not to bark at my beau. In general, it is always obedient, here it is substituted. And soon all my cavaliers somehow disappeared from my life.
I also began to notice that there was a change with Chuck. He no longer looked like a small helpless puppy, but felt like a full owner in our apartment. Moreover, in those days when I had monthly periods, he behaved inadequately. I tried to always be close, all the while trying to stick my head between my legs. At first I did not attach any importance to this, but Chuck was still more insistent, and the periods of my “monthly” turned into a real problem, especially on the street when I was walking it. He wouldn’t want to move away from me, but he strove to get under my skirt. Honestly, by that time in my life, I hadn’t had men for a long time, and such persistent signs of attention, on the part of Chuck, caused a storm of emotions in my soul.
Once at home, when I saw Chuck licking my dick, I stood up in a daze and could not take my eyes off him. Although I saw only the head, barely peeking out of the “bag”, I could only guess about the true dimensions of his instrument, it was clear that his member was no less than a member of my late husband. And I caught myself thinking that I really wanted to see it all, touch it and :: From these thoughts, I already sank the lower abdomen, and the pants became wet. But then I still could not cross any threshold that each of us undoubtedly has.
I don’t know how long it would go on, but once, during the period, I went to take a shower and forgot to close the door to the bathroom. Having undressed, I had already decided to proceed with the immediate procedure, as if at the door, literally Chuck fell. His eyes were burning, it was obvious that he was very excited. I was naked and defenseless. Not paying attention to my protests, the commands "Fu", "Location", Chuck contrived and stuck his tongue between my legs. God, what turns out, he has a cool language. There, so long ago, no one touched me, and it was so nice that I just could do something like sit on the edge of the bath, and lean my hand on the wall. Chuck, very intently, with some manic tenacity began to lick my "pussy", trying to lick not only from the outside, but also to get deeper. Moreover, it became easier and simpler to do this, as my legs, against my will, moved apart more and more widely. I groaned. My sexual lips swelled, the entrance to the vagina opened, and now Chuck, with every movement of his tongue, touched my clitoris. After a while, I don’t know for sure what, I experienced such an orgasm, experienced a storm of feelings of such depth, which, in my opinion, I have never experienced with a single man in my former life. I had finished, and felt that warm trickles flowed down my legs, which Chuck was trying to eagerly lick. But now the touch of his tongue to my clitoris was painful. And I tried to remove him from myself. Taking Chuck by the front paws, I got up from the edge of the bath. At this point, Chuck began to carry out active movements, imitating frictions during intercourse, and something big, hot and wet began to poke my feet.
It was his gorgeous cock. Fully out of its bag, its size was slightly larger than what I assumed in my wildest predictions and fantasies.
Poor Chuck, he helplessly poked his cock into my legs, trying to satisfy himself somehow, and I decided to help him with this. I took his dick in my hand, and tried to "jerk off" him. My actions were successful, and soon Chuck had finished very rapidly and abundantly. It was evident that he was tired. He lay on his side, and I was able to thoroughly examine his instrument. He swelled at the base, and stuck out like a stake. A small trickle of sperm all shot and shot out of it. I really wanted to try to sit on it myself, but I didn’t know how Chuck would behave in this case. He is still a dog. Yet my desire overcame timidity and fear. I touched his dick with my hand. Chuck continued to lie, turning his head away from me, and he seemed completely indifferent to everything around him.
Lord, how long have I not felt a member inside me, how I want sex. To hell with the principles, I still decided. Having sat down over Chuck, I took his penis with one hand at the swollen base and, directing me to my vagina, I began to carefully sit on it. I really wanted to feel it in myself. The walls of my vagina, long forgotten about such things, seemed to stretch so much that it seemed to burst, but the feeling was not transferable. There was no question of any fictions, but even the faint stirring of such a decent “instrument” inside of me caused a storm of feelings. Oh my God, what am I doing !!! A deaf groan escaped their breasts, but all my feminine nature insisted on continuing. Shaking my hips slightly, I sat down deeper and deeper. Oh, what a pleasure it was!
But I wanted more. I took my hand off my dick, now he was sitting tight in me, and starting to “fidget” on him and caress his breasts, I think I almost lost consciousness. I finished and finished, exhausted and exhausted at the end, easily pulling Chuck's cock out of myself, collapsed on the floor next to him.
After this incident, Chuck and I often began to use this practice in our relationship. But always all our actions took place in the same way. First, Chuck licked me, then finished in my hands, then I climbed on it and finished myself. But I wanted to feel more and more in the role of a bitch under an active dog, precisely at that moment when he does not lie on his side indifferent to everything that is happening, and passionately wants to get to the top of bliss, actively working backwards. And although my "pussy" has long been accustomed to the size of his penis, I was still afraid that in a fit of passion he would try to push his knot into me and thereby hurt me. Such secret desires did not give me peace, and I realized that I would not rest until I fulfilled my most intimate fantasies.
Then one day, when, as usual, Chuck stuck his face between my legs, to lick my pussy once again, I did not allow him to do it. He offendedly stepped aside and looked at me in bewilderment. Indeed, recently he licked me there when he wanted it.
- Chakushka my, I said gently, let's do everything differently today. The dog, having heard gentle words, as if he understood that he was not rejected, but simply offered other rules of the game. When I undressed, he looked at me with such lust, just like a young lover before the first act of passion. I sat naked on the floor, my back leaning on the sofa.
- Well, come to me, today I want to taste your "handsome". Chuck came up, but again he tried to climb between my legs. I confidently pushed him away from his crotch, and rising on his knees, hugged behind his back. Affectionately saying, holding with one hand a "bag", began to gently massage it. Chuck stiffened. The member, massaged by my hand, began to grow in size and his head already appeared from the bag. I bent under his stomach and kissed her. She was hot and wet, a little tart to the taste. But I did not feel anything repulsive.
"Oh, you're my handsome, let mommy do it."
Chuck did not want to remain a bystander and began to frantically move his back towards my mouth. His cock is almost completely out of the bag.
But now I didn’t want Chuck to cum in my mouth. That's why I got on all fours, turned my back on him, and practically pulled him over by the front paws. His cock poked wildly around my ass. But I terribly wanted him to enter me. Finally, having caught his instrument with my free hand, I directed the blow right on target.
Chuck, feeling in my vagina, began to increase the pace of his movements. His member gave me an indescribable feeling. I screamed and moaned, cried and laughed with happiness. God, how great it is when you are loved!
On legs flowed. My secretions mixed with Chuck's secretions. And then I felt that the knot located at the base of his penis began to swell. But Chuck, having thrust his dick into my vagina all his length, no longer makes his backwards sweeping movements, but tries in small jerks, without taking out his dick, to reach the highest point of enjoyment. From this knot, swelling at the base of its member, constantly remained inside of me. And I felt how strongly the walls of the entrance of my vagina were strained, but I wanted to drink this cup to the bottom, and only tried to help my lover, moving my ass towards him.
And suddenly Chuck froze. I felt my vagina filled with hot sperm. He no longer moved in me, but tried to get off of me. Throwing his back leg over my back, he turned his back to me. And we, for quite a long time, stood like that, huddling backwards to each other, and his member, who was in me, shot everything and shot his sperm, which, no longer fitting into the vagina, flowed along my legs with warm streams. I never experienced such a buzz. And now I won't trade him for anything.
My friends say that I began to look younger, and my eyes are burning. And I'm just happy with my chuck. And as a lover, no one else want. And I am not ashamed of myself, and I have no regrets about anything.
Here is a story.
Already tried out with Chuck and other poses. Who is interested in writing at asal@au.ru. I will try to answer all.