Five minutes later, three teenagers went into the apartment. Well done max - Igor praised him, he got the powder. Maxim saw that the guys brought a video camera. We will shoot porno - taking his eyes explained the novel - you love porn - with a smile, he looked at Maxim. The boy shrugged vaguely and did not answer.
The guys raised and dragged Irina into the room, laid her on the sofa. What a chick - said Dima, the third of those who came - Tits just super - unleashed a robe, he squeezed Irina's big breasts. Maxim sat in the corner silently watching what was happening. Turned on the camera and began to shoot. Pulling off a woman's robe and panties, the teenagers began to paw Irina, pull their breasts by the nipples, squeeze them with their palms, lightly slap them, making them tremble. Roma spreading his legs Irina began to penetrate the fingers into the vagina. What pussy - he admired - big, hot. While two of them were pawing Irina, the third one was filming everything on camera.
Having played enough with her body, the guys began to put Irina in various poses, continuing to shoot, pushing her labia with their hands, they were removing the vagina in close-up.
And now - Roma began to take off his clothes - it's time to fuck this bitch, fucking time is announced. Maxim watched in fascination as the naked novel was located between the divorced hips of his mother. Entering the woman, he clutching her side, began to move his pelvis. Dima with the camera approached them and filmed as a member of a teenager that appeared then disappeared into Irina's vagina. Excitement of teenagers was great, so the Roma finished in a minute. Next - he triumphantly shook off the remnants of sperm on Irina’s stomach. His place was taken by Igor. Lying on Irina, he began to furiously beat her, his hands were squeezing her boobs. How Igorek broke up - grinned rum. Yes, I fucked this bitch - shouted out to Igor - I fuck her to the fullest. His eruption is also not long in coming. That bitch, I liked it - he turned to an unfeeling woman - know our people - he slapped her on the thighs. Dimon, she is yours - Igor made the inviting hand gesture. Dima did not keep himself waiting, and now his member was immersed in the womb already filled with sperm of his friends. Damn, as the best, fuck adult chick - he said - and then these youngsters are already tired. Maxim watched his mother’s breasts twitch in time with Dima’s jolts, as her little tummy trembled. Max, you have a great mother - Dima turned his head to him - you will be her. Maxim blushed and shook his head. Well, as you know - the guys laughed.
Having fired Irina for the second time, the teenagers sat down to rest. The woman continued to be unconscious, she lay sprawled on the couch, the sperm of the boys flowed out of her bosom. Eco, we pumped it - whistled rum, rubbing the flowing liquid on the woman's thighs. We must fuck her in the mouth - suggested Igor. And to the point - Dima answered - it’s like a log, it will not suck, and what is so easy to poke - he waved his hand. Then maybe in the ass - Igor did not let up. On this proposal, the guys' eyes lit up - for sure, we fuck in the ass - Roma agreed. Maxim, you don't mind - Dima asked with a mock, going up to his mother and turning her over on his stomach. No - the boy squeezed out of himself, he understood that he had made a big mistake by agreeing, but now it was too late. Bending Irina through the armrest of the sofa, Dima fell in behind. Wait, it should be removed close up - rum flew up to him and stood over Irina and began to take pictures. Dima spreading the buttocks of a woman with his hands, put his cock to her anus. Moving slowly hips he became millimeter by millimeter to penetrate into the anus of a woman. Tight goes - he croaked - apparently she never gave in the ass. Nothing, you have to start sometime - the rum joked. Introducing a member of the whole Dima stopped for a second - fucking, great feeling - he shared with friends. Come on, move, not one - Igor hurried him - and then as he wakes up, there will be a number. Okay - Dima, clutching at Irina's wide hips, began to move her pelvis.
After Dima, Igor took possession of the woman's anus. She ought to pour some more powder - without stopping to fuck the anus, he said - otherwise she is already beginning to react. Indeed, Irina began to make quiet moans. Dima went to the kitchen and brought half a glass of water, pouring powder in there, he tried to pour liquid into the mouth. Igor came out of the woman's anus and sat her on the floor, the guys together tried to get Irina to drink. But Irina did not swallow, and all the liquid just flowed out of her mouth. Damn it, it does not work - Igor cursed - what did you give her so little - he turned to Maxim. He only shrugged. Well, we still have about fifteen minutes - after examining Irina, Igor concluded - then she will start quietly recovering. Then hurry up - the Roma knocked the woman down on the floor, rolled her onto her stomach and spread her hands over her buttocks and thrust her dick into her anus. Yarosno pushing Irina's ass on his dick, he held her shoulders. Discharged, he gave way to Igor. When Igor finished, the guys began to dress. Maxim silently looked at the body of his mother lying on the floor. He clearly saw the red ringed mother's ring of the anus from which sperm flowed out in a thin white stream, her labia swollen from a long fuck, puffy buttocks tortured by the guys.
A minute later, Maxim was already closing the front door after the guys. Returning to the room, no longer controlling himself, he sank down next to his mother and began to knead her ass, to get his fingers into her slippery holes from sperm, turning her back, he pressed his lips to her breasts. His hands fumbled over her magnificent body, he kissed her, drove her tongue, his long-time dream came true, he owned his mother. Throwing off his clothes, he lay down on his mother from above. His penis touched the hot and alluring womb, max
n She felt that her entire crotch was flooded with sperm, she was pursued by a dull aching pain in her ass. Maxim - she said - what is happening. Maxim silently looked at his mother. I ask Maxim what is going on - Irina shouted. Without a word, her son flew out of the room like a bullet, after a moment Irina heard the sound of a door slamming. After sitting for some time, Irina went to the bathroom.
Late in the evening Maxim returned home and went to his room. Irina did not dare to ask her son about what happened. She realized that she had been sexually abused by her son, that somehow she was turned off. Another thought disturbed her, it was too much sperm, whether only her son did it all, or there was someone else. Irina did not know how to behave further and decided to look at her son’s actions.
The next evening, the doorbell rang. Opening the door, Irina saw a boy of about sixteen. Hello - I said hello - this is for you, see for sure - he handed her a video tape. I was surprised by Irina. Yes, to you, just be sure to look, I will come tomorrow - having given her the tape the ladies began to go down the stairs. Having closed the door behind him, Irina stood in the corridor, twirling the cassette in her hands, and without coming to any decision, she shrugged her shoulders, carried the cassette into the room and returned to the interrupted work.
Later, she decided to still see what kind of cassette she handed her boy. Turning it on she could not tear herself away from the TV until the recording was over. On the tape there were events of yesterday evening about which Irina knew nothing and did not remember. Here, her insensitive body lying in the corridor is lifted and carried into the room, laid on the sofa, here they untie the robe and begin to play with her breasts, here is some guy pulling off her panties and fingers with her vagina. Irina looking at the screen instinctively moved her hips. Here the camera snatched her son sitting in the corner, and now she came back to her. Irina watched in horror as the three guys fucked her alternately, as they talk, laugh. This is the scene of Irina being deprived of anal virginity, teenagers are grinning at her tight ass. Inspect until the end, Irina still sat staring blankly at the extinct screen for some time. The events of the previous evening became very clear to her. Her own son had drunk her with some kind of potion and gave her friends a reproach, then after them he himself satisfied his lust, Irina remembered and so.
The anger was growing in Irina wave, breaking from the couch, she flew into her son's room. Grabbing that by the hair, she pushed him to the floor and began to slap his hand over his cheeks - brute, scum - she gave her son a sonorous slap. Maxim was already calmed by the lack of a mother’s reaction to yesterday’s was extremely surprised by the fit of her anger. Irina dragged her son to her room and turned on the video - I’m your mother's maxim, why you - she didn’t finish it, sobs rushed out of her and she sank into a chair. Maxim watched the recording without stopping; he could not believe that the guys had given a tape to his mother. Every second wave of desire rolled in the boy. Watching his buddies fucking his mother Maxim was getting more and more excited. Irina continued to fight hysterically. Maxim sat on the arm of the chair and tried to calm his mother. She continued to sob and proclaim - for what, for what. Mom, Mommy - Maxim stroked her head - calm down, you have my favorite - gradually the boy's hand slipped onto his mother's back, from there to her thigh. Well, calm down - while continuing to press the mother with one hand, Maxim began to move the second robe from the hip - quietly, quietly. Exposed his mother's hips, he began to untie the belt on his robe. Irina continued sobbing looked at his manipulations. Mommy, calm down - having untied the belt, he parted the floors of her robe exposing her breasts - everything is fine - he bent over kissed one breast - quietly - his tongue began to pull at her nipple. Son's actions so surprised Irina that she slowly began to calm down. That's good - while continuing to persuade her, Maxim began to tighten her robe from his mother's shoulders. Being stunned to the limit, Irina did not resist. Well, get up - asked Maxim mother. She obediently rose from the chair, the robe fell at her feet. Now let's remove the panties - Maxim said as gently as possible. His hands pulled the gum down.
Then Irina came to herself and got out of her stupor - what are you, Maxim - she pushed away her son and covered her chest with her hands. Mom, do not be afraid - Maxim held out his hands to her. Son, what are you doing - backing away from him, Irina spoke up. I want you, mom - the boy whispered stuttering. No, Maxim, you can't do that - Irina shook her head - what are you, this is unnatural. But Mom - Maxim protested - it already was, so it will not be worse - with these words Maxim pulled his pants and pants down. Irina looked upturned member of her son. Maxim, son, Irina's eyes were full of horror. The boy kept pushing her. Irina buried her back in the wall, there was nowhere else to go. My son - with a plea in her voice she said - I can not. And you do not look - the son answered - get up cancer and that's it. Irina was depressed, her own son offered her indecency. Maxim - she whispered. The boy was adamant. Grabbing his mother by the shoulders, he swung her back to him with a sharp movement. Bend down - he accompanied his order with a slap on the back. Irina humbly bent over. Meanwhile, the boy pulled her panties off. Lazy Arrange - sounded the voice of his son. Irina put her hands on the arm of the sofa, spread her legs wider. Bend over, stick out your ass - the son's words were like blows of a whip - that you break like a virgin. Lost woman implicitly fulfilled everything. When a member of her son entered her, tears flowed from Irina’s eyes. Biting her lips, Irina sobbed silently, while her son pulled her hands over her hips and thrust her dick into her bosom. Having finished in mother, Maxim departed from her. Irina sank to the floor, her head buried in her hands. Sobs shook her. Cry, it may feel better - Maxim cynically remarked - but remember, now I will often fuck you. After that, he left the room leaving the humiliated mother alone.