The management decided to reinforce Sashin's career growth with training in the ability to lead people, on the company's strategy, on the ability to communicate with senior management to achieve goals, and on other important things.

It was not just training. Training in London! It is very nice when a company invests in you, seeing prospects in you. It is necessary to try doubly - not to fail, not to jump off and not to break from the thorny difficult path to the top, which you managed to jump on.

Sasha's very jealous Olya almost with tears let him go on a business trip abroad - such a prominent person (jock of good looks) and clever can make all kinds of things, and who knows. But to arrange scenes and not to let a loved one to such an important event for him, of course, is silly. You need to be happy for your man, though worry. Olya was happy and very worried, jealous.

Sasha was not going to change Ole - they just recently started a life together, quite piquant in an intimate respect, in which he was very happy with everything. Only for a moment at the airport, he thought with a smile when he saw the entrance to the pharmacy - and didn’t he buy condoms? "No, do not buy." And Sasha walked past the pharmacy.

The training was conducted by an English mulatto with the face of Rihanna, only older, thirty with a big tail. She was very effective and sexy - being practically a copy of such a star in a different way and could not be. Forms, though bigger than the world-famous singer, but it was even for the better, because there’s nothing for a woman (after all, not an actress or a singer) to look like a schoolgirl or a young pop dancer when she is forty already. The forms were, though not skinny, but with no signs of fat folds on the sides, the thighs are very harmonious roundness. The face is well-groomed, with cosmetics. Everything is very sexy.

In general, Sasha had the impression that only white women do not like makeup on her face. All the black women that Sasha had ever seen in his life, always watched his face, and did not admit the kind that whites allowed themselves. In this place, Sasha did not understand his white tribeswoman - do they really think that without cosmetics they look smarter? Well, certainly not more beautiful.

The facilitator of the training session was Angela Scott. She immediately asked everyone to be addressed by her name, and no Miss or Mrs. Scott. Although for Sasha she immediately became Rihanna.

Angel-Rihanna was a good fellow, we must pay tribute - she was very experienced both theoretical and practical, quickly created an informal, but business-like atmosphere of the training - nothing superfluous, but it seemed nothing to add. She charged everyone with her energy, showed great leadership qualities. Sasha would not be surprised if a friend turned out that Angel Scott had once served as a Marine Marine Sergeant. You cannot sleep with boredom in her classes.

“You cannot sleep with her” - a brief thought about the business conduct of the training flashed through Sasha’s head, but for some reason he clung to her and began to unwind in the other direction.

“You can't sleep with her. Wow, how would it be with her in bed? You definitely won't fall asleep all night. I wonder what she is? Surely, there is enough temperament for three whites. I wonder how everything is arranged with her? ”

Sasha began to be distracted, mentally stripping and fucking Rihanna, remembering scenes from porn films, the main participants of the scenes of which were a white man and a black beauty.

“Everything you need to focus on in the classroom. And then the tower is tortured. Another five minutes of fantasy, and the eggs will start to hurt and demand immediate action and relief. "

Sasha was well tired for the first day. For all this was only in English, of which he is far from a carrier. And the black Angelica thrashed at her cockney or some other Manchester dialect, as if she were uttering words and building sentences so that Sasha wanted to burn all the school textbooks of the English language he had ever held in his hands.

After the official part, everyone went to a nearby cafe for dinner. Sasha drank beer and quickly wanted to sleep. Rihanna was sitting far away from him, and he, driven by jealous sms from Oli, decided that was enough for today.

Before going to sleep, he chatted with Olya on the phone for a long time and fell asleep, wondering where Rihanna was now, stayed in a hotel for the night or went to some of her LeBron James, Lennox Lewis, or who has a partner in life there ...

In the morning Sasha did not go for breakfast, did not want to. I drank a “compliment from the hotel” in the form of instant coffee, grabbed a bottle of cola from the mini-bar and left my room on the seventh floor.

Angela Rihanna came out of the room opposite.

- Mornig! - Sasha was glad of an unexpected meeting.

“Monin,” Rihanna replied, turning on a formal smile for a moment, then turning it off, turning into a retired woman sergeant.

Despite her all military-looking business look, Sasha did not experience fear or embarrassment before her. On the contrary, he wanted to chat with her and even to go over it. Why? Yesterday he was good at his classes, showed sharpness, was active and not stupid. Unlike many.

“Have you been to breakfast?” - He asked, passing it into the elevator forward.

“Yes,” the artificial smile reappeared for a moment.

“I didn’t want something, only ... Only ... I just drank coffee ..." Sasha hesitated, pressing the "lobby" button, realizing that the elevator door closed behind them, but they were not going anywhere.

“Holi is sewing,” Sasha said with a smile, shaking his head and thinking: “And these people will scold Russian equipment.”

Rihanna frowned.

As a gentleman, Sasha was at the console - he pressed all the buttons of the elevator, in the hope that they would at least go somewhere.

But the elevator decided not to go anywhere this morning and what's more - not to let the prisoners out of themselves.

Sasha pressed the emergency call button, and she happily fell inside the device.

- Uat yes fak and u duin? What the hell are you doing? - Sergeant Rihanna was indignant, and, having left all who broke Sasha, nervously began to squeeze the buttons herself.

The elevator refused to obey even Rihanna.

Already, they took turns pressing the buttons two times in succession, poured into the will, but it seemed that London had died out, and in the entire capital of Great Britain there were only two living people, Sasha and Rihanna. Yes, and then stuck in the elevator.

Rihanna became very nervous and murmured "Wat A-Sheim, what a shame."

Sasha began to suspect that this strict, imperturbable, battered woman suffered a little claustrophobia.

And this incomprehensible illness to Sasha can cause unpleasant unpredictable reactions in some people. In the face of his unwitting captive neighbor, Sasha realized that she was in a faint state.

Rihanna muttered mildly:

- I want to go to the toilet…

Sasha raised his eyebrows for a moment for a moment, but immediately lowered them, so as not to confuse the poor mulatto with his look.

“Well, and a fool! Kick! Exit the hotel room with a full bladder. Well, if it is only her bladder, it requires relief, and if ... Kick, suffocate ... "

- Pi? .. - Sasha asked carefully.

“Yes,” Rihanna answered quietly, and most likely she blushed, although it was impossible to determine by the color of her face.

Sasha quickly found. He opened the coke, in two big mouthfuls he emptied two-thirds of the contents and, involuntarily burping heavily gases and mumbled "sorry", handed the bottle to the suffering woman.

It seemed that Rihanna was very unbearable. Without thinking, she grabbed the bottle, lifted her skirt and squatted pulled down pantyhose with panties.

Sasha looked at what was happening.

- Wil u fakin turn? Can you turn away? - evil asked Rihanna.

Sasha's English let him down - he translated the phrase not as “turn away”, but as “turn”.

Of course, Sasha will turn, hold and help her in trouble, will do everything she needs. Especially such a beautiful woman with whom the trouble happened, and she is about to collapse in a swoon.

He happily leaned over Rihanna, snatched the bottle from her hands and began to help him diligently - after all, try to get here again.

- Fak! I ask you to turn away! - Rihanna rolled her eyes, but she could not resist anything.

Sasha held the bottle and gently applied the neck to the little hole of her writing. He knew to what. Not the one he had been dreaming about all day yesterday to enter with his fat dick. And in a small hole a little higher. The bottleneck surrounded the exit of the urinary channel, and at the same second a powerful jet poured from it. Phew! And for men, the trickle will be thinner.

Rihanna sat there, balanced on her heels, leaning on Sashino's powerful shoulder, and wrote in a bottle of coke.

Sasha admired the mulattal genitalia depilated to zero. They were perfect in their magnificence. Chocolate skin of big lips, blue black, like a huge cut raisin, even erotically slightly wrinkled labia minora, beautiful pink head of the clitoris, and the same contrasting pink entrance to the vagina.

Rihanna pisya, filling the bottle, Sasha's dick was ready to break his pants, he constantly swallowed saliva involuntarily abundantly liberated from him.

Finally, the trickle began to weaken, Rihanna, made the last three injections, squeezing the vaginal opening in a porno way, took a deep breath and said softly:

- Everything.

She straightened, quickly wiping her vagina with a napkin, pulled on her panties with pantyhose and straightened her skirt.

Sasha twisted the cap on a full bottle, silently looking Rihanna in the eyes and continuing to struggle with his endless saliva.

Rihanna looked at the bump in Sasha’s pants and scorchingly shot her in her eyes under her brow, realizing that Sasha and especially Sasha's dick were thinking about everything that had happened.

Behind the elevator door began a noisy romp - they were already in a hurry to help. Just before the door opened, Sasha said seriously:

“Mrs. Scott, everything that has just happened will remain between us.” Do not worry. Ay promis. Ay svea.

“Senquiu,” Rihanna whispered, suddenly turning into a simple, weak, defenseless woman for a second.

Door opened.

Sasha wanted to give her compliments, but he managed only to whisper:

- You are a wonderful person.

She nodded slightly and, quickly re-entering the image of a Marine sergeant, swiftly left the elevator.

Oh, and get the same hotel staff!

Sasha came out after him, hiding a bottle of cola from prying eyes - because it was more like a color of cola with the color - and slowly went down the steps, trying not to catch up with Rihanna so that they would not shine together.


In the second day of training, Sasha was generally the best. He was active, quickly thought, not distracted, listened to the topic carefully and with interest, allowed himself to argue with the teacher Angela Scott. Although the dispute did not overdo it and did not stubborn.

Angela-Rihanna was just a bit constrained only in the first few minutes, which, except for Sasha, hardly anyone noticed, but then quickly returned to the image of a retired military man.

Sasha tried to please the training leader.

But he did not succeed.

Rihanna stubbornly, albeit in vain, avoided paying attention to her best pupil Alex. Sometimes it seemed to him that she really wanted Sasha to no longer be here, that he disappeared, fell through the ground, he was urgently called back to his country on business. But Sasha did not disappear. He was still attentive and damn smart.

By the end of the training day, Rihanna had melted slightly. And when already at the close of the day Sasha deftly joked, then not only the students, but also herself laughed. From her smile and laughter, Sasha was tickled in the stomach. “Oh, I’d blow her. There she has such beauty in her panties is hiding! ”- a thought slipped into his head.

In the evening, everyone went to dinner at the hotel cafe. Sasha did not rush to the table, and sat down last. Miraculously, this place was near "her." She did not object, did not give any emotion about this. In which, however, was well done.

“I wonder what she thinks of everything? About me. Exposure - at the height, even I can not see that she is somehow worried or confused. That would be to get into her head ... "

Angela-Rihanna saw Guinness. Sasha, too, as if by chance, ordered himself this sort of beer, not knowing how to indirectly hint to her that he was giving her signs of attention. And again, it had the opposite effect - Sasha caught a subtle, barely perceptible, irritation from the mulatto beauty. And then, in English, without saying goodbye, she disappeared, and never appeared again. Sasha was disappointed.

All the days of training were similar to each other like water droplets. Sashin fused about “making friends and getting to know each other better” with Rihanna gradually fading away - it’s not destiny.

Gradually leaving even timid and hidden attempts to drive to the leading training, he was surprised to find that he was making eyes at the Romanian Ilin. She was not so hot as a beautiful and with a far flawed figure.

Sasha decided to check if it seemed to him - he smiled a couple of times in response to her, and kept his eyes on her longer than he should have. Romanian weathered look. Moreover, on the practical part of the assignment, she sat down with him, and they quite artistically coped with the task. Clearly a spark slipped between them. She is so sure. Him? Sasha didn’t really want to develop a flirt with Romanian, realizing that the likelihood that everything will end in bed is growing rapidly, doubting whether he needs to change his Olya with anyone.

And then a miracle happened.

"Damn it, how great Alexander Sergeevich was a hundred times right - the less we love a woman, the ..." - Sasha with the naked eye could see that Rihanna was jealous. Jealous of him to Ilina. Moreover, the more Sasha communicated and smiled with the Romanian necrasure to each other, the more Rihanna was worried.

Sasha finally decided that he would not sleep with Ilina, but he decided to use her to achieve higher, black (in all senses) goals.

After dinner, with difficulty restraining the pressure of Ilina, Sasha managed to sneak away, whispering to Rihanna: "I will go to the room ..."

Rihanna started and looked meaningfully at Sasha.

And true. In an amicable way, if you figure out why she needs this information. Who knows, when one of the students goes to the room, to the street, wherever they go, at least on the East Side to tickle their nerves.

But Sasha said it intentionally. If nothing happens, then fine. And still…

Sasha rose to his room and, as a partisan, waited at the entrance door's eye.

I wonder who will come ...



No one?

“Ugh, damn it, dreaming about any nonsense,” Sasha scolded himself, thinking how funny he now looks, having built castles in the air in his head. - “I sat down myself, I imagined. How is it all on my part ... "

Sasha did not have time to finish the thought. He started, almost hitting his head against the door, his heart leaped up - Rihanna quietly approached her number, but did not enter, but turned around and thought for a while looking at Sasha’s door.

So without doing anything, she put the electronic key to the lock in her room and went in. Leaving the door ajar.

Sasha hardly waited for three minutes, praying that during this time Ilinka did not come to a halt, and went out into the corridor. He went to Rihanna’s open door and knocked quietly.

- Hello. Kamin, - Sasha heard Rihanna’s voice inviting to enter.

“Hey,” Sasha greeted him with a smile.

The mulatto was sitting relaxed in a chair and looked at Sasha as she entered with a tired look. She was wearing a skirt and a blouse. She managed to take off her panty hoses, her chocolate knees glittered beautifully in the muffled light, and the television was on some British entertainment channel.

- I noticed that the door was ajar ... I wanted to ask about the training ... - Sasha began, for something needs to be said.

- Do you even like the training? - interrupted his mulatto.

- Yes very. I, frankly, not much spoiled by training on this topic.

- And what do you like?

- A clear, correct theory, excellent practical tasks and examples from life ...

Sasha went to the window, Rihanna was left behind him.

- You have a beautiful view from the window. And then in my yard. Boring

“Well, I really didn’t have time to admire the beauty outside the window,” the mulatto replied.

“I closed the door behind me. She doesn't kick me out. Even, it seems, some relief was on the face that I had come. She does not ask why I came ... "

Sasha quietly went to Rihanna and, barely touching, kissed her cheek with his lips.

Rihanna did not react to this.

He kissed her gently on the lips.

She did not answer, but did not turn away.

- You are a very beautiful lady. And very smart. AND…

Sasha kissed her harder, biting her lips, trying to open them.

Rihanna closed her eyes and responded to a kiss.

They kissed, studying the tongue and lips of each other with their tongues and lips.

Sasha was uncomfortable hanging over a black lady sitting in the chair, but he endured it.

He put his hand on her knee, and slowly began to sneak up her thigh.

In the middle of the way, she stopped him, broke off the kiss and looked reproachfully into his eyes.

Tired of standing up, Sasha sat on the floor between her legs. She tried unsteadily to move her knees and not allow him to be so close down, but Sasha managed to stay where she wanted. She did not resist.

Sasha replaced the hand on the knee of the mulatto with his lips, now carefully kissing his way up to the goal with kisses. He began to pick up the flavor of her writing. This smell did not seem like that of white women. Sharper. And others. Although who knows, maybe it's not the color of the skin. After all, out of more than four dozen white women in his life, Sasha was never older than thirty.

He carefully pushed Rihanna's panties aside, but did not have time to see anything. Rihanna immediately closed, but said the most important thing at this moment:

- We need a shower.

- Yeah, - agreed Sasha, realizing that the point of no return is passed.

- You're the first.

- Yeah.

Carefully hiding her gorgeous figure under the hotel robe, Rihanna walked out of the bathroom and climbed under the blanket, where naked Sasha was waiting for her.

- Condoms? - wisely asked Rihanna.

“Myu,” Sasha mumbled and shook his head negatively, recalling with regret his indecision at the pharmacy at the airport in Moscow.

“Yu fakin krazy mazafaka,” Rihanna angrily scolded her short-sighted boyfriend, getting out of her robe, still hiding under a blanket.

Sasha brought down his kisses on the beautiful face and neck of the mulatto, gently moving on top of her.

- I can quickly run to the pharmacy. Or a machine gun, ”he whispered in her ear.

“But where are you going ...” - closing her eyes, lying on her back under Sasha and spreading her legs wide, Rihanna answered with a gasp.

Yes, perhaps it was too late to run for the prezics, because Sasha had already fallen into the cherished hole and started to fuck. Taken from the site Now only nuclear war could stop him.

First, quietly, but gradually increasing the volume of the sound, the mulatto began to moan. Lack of lubrication Rihanna obviously did not suffer, in her vagina it was very wet and hot as in a stove. Afraid to finish too quickly, Sasha tried to slow down, but Rihanna was against slowing down, began to wriggle in a wavelike manner under Sasha, pressing him to her, glaring at her back with his claws.

“I will finish this way ...” warned Sasha.

- Stop it, - answered the mulatto.

- In you.

“Fucking asshole,” Rihanna scolded Sasha again, glaring more claws at his back, not letting go of herself.

Cum in her stove was very nice. It seemed to Sasha that his eggs literally turn inside out, powerfully spilling the contents out of him.

“Hmm. So in nine months we can get another little tanned Englishman ... ”- a thought flashed through Sasha. - “I wonder, will she then look for me and demand alimony? ..”

When Sasha was all over, the mulatto still for some time did not let him out of his arms, passionately kissing him on the lips.

They lay on their side, Sasha bit into her large dark brown nipple, squeezing her large breast with one hand. The other hand, unfortunately, was not free - it was crushed by the head of a mulatto. Sasha left her breasts, stretched her pussy and began to smear the cocktail from sperm and female lubricant flowing from the vaginal lips, the clitoris and the anus resulting from the vagina.

No, it needs to be seen. Sasha freed his pinned hand from under Rihanna, turned and kissed her tummy. And just below. Reflecting whether he needs to kiss very low, when “there” everything is in such a state.

Rihanna came to the rescue:

“You're not going to kiss me with your ...”

She rose and retired to a shower, so that after washing herself back quickly on tiptoe, she extremely erotically swayed her perfect big breasts in time with the steps. Rihanna was no longer shy about her gorgeous body.

She did not let Sasha go to the shower, preferring to lick off all that he had left on his penis, and with pleasure to begin the blowjob.

“So-fakin fat,” she praised the thickness of Sasha's penis, sucking a little more than the head. Not deep, but still stunningly pleasant and damn beautiful in her work. Plump lips slide over the penis, a thin nose slightly bends when moving her mouth back and forth, eyes covered with pleasure with huge eyelashes.

Sasha turned around at sixty-nine. Finally, he will be able to consider everything, and not only.

Rihanna flowed contrastingly white — against the background of her black vagina — with a lubricant, Sasha at first licked her juice, and then concentrated her mouth on her clitoris, preferring to run her finger on the source of moisture. Then the second. Very carefully the third. Each additional finger required a little more time for her vagina to relax and expand.

“She herself will stop me when it is enough,” thought Sasha, plunging four fingers into her stove.

Rihanna left the blowjob, just touching his penis, breathing heavily, but did not stop Sasha. Carefully rubbed Sasha's hand, pussy swallowed her knuckles with little resistance. And then his whole palm, leaving only his thumb outside.

Rihanna moaned modestly, but did not say stop.

Sasha took out his hand, bent the first phalanges of the fingers, put his thumb inside the palm and slowly climbed into the hole again.

He looked at Rihanna’s face. With her eyes closed, she wrinkled her forehead, shifting her eyebrows in a handful, and, leaving Sashin's penis alone, played with her nipples.

Again the knuckles turned out to be the most difficult place. Sasha had to make an effort. He probably would have pushed Rihanna up if she had not helped - the mulatto moved rather abruptly down, crouching on his hand, and her pius swallowed her fist.

Sasha was stunned.

“Mmm,” the mulatto groaned.

Sasha was worried that it might have happened too sharply and painfully, but it was no longer an option to get it - the fist was completely inside, and the entrance to the vagina was tightly wrapped around the wrist.

Sasha froze, giving the pis time to get used to.

Rihanna lay on her back, her head thrown back with eyes closed, wide legs spread wide, and tearing at her nipples.

She was very good.

“Damn it, this is a woman!” Sasha mentally admired her. - “Yes, I have fists with a beer mug, but these hands are shaking two hundred and five, holding the barbell in the front plight of two hundred forty. And she almost herself sat on this fist. A woman is a dream ... ”

Sasha felt that her writing began to relax.

Rihanna reached out and touched his wrist at the entrance to herself.

"Yes, yes, the whole fist, you can be sure."

However, this was not why she touched him - gently with two fingers Rihanna prompted Sasha to move.

"Oh, that's it ... what a wise I am ..." - Sasha began light movements, fucking the mulatto with his hand.

Her pissing splashed grease, relaxed again, and Sasha added amplitude of movement and speed ...

He licked her clit, she caught him by the head and pulled him close so that he would not think of stopping cunnilingus.

He strongly fucked her fist, sucking swollen clitoris, his cock was ready to be discharged from the excitement of all that is happening. He moved his knee, prudently hiding his dick from the possible desire of Rihanna to touch his penis. I did not want to stop by her hand, and that would be instant now. Anywhere, just do not masturbate, not now with your hand ...

Rihanna moaned heavily, arched and cum strongly. Sasha felt irregular squeezing of her vagina with her wrist and fist. She again took him by the arm - that's all, now it's time to take it out ...

Sasha licked his hand from the heavy sticky discharge, and admired a large pink hole that did not hurry to close.

Allowing to admire her depraved beauty, Rihanna called him with a satisfied smile:

- Come to me. I want you right now.

Sasha's fat man fell open the abyss.

It was a bit like a fuck, Sasha's dick hung in a huge hole, trying to pull up and down, so that at least partially, at least with one flank of the penis, friction was obtained. And still it was beautiful! Absolutely new unusual sensations to have sex with a woman immediately after her own fisting. So everything is spacious. And the orgasm will not be in a hurry.

Sasha kissed her lips, neck, chest, she gently scratched his back, it would be better, of course, without a trace, and then to hide from Oli, to compose a legend where he tore himself like this

Sasha made an attempt to settle down with a member lower, but Rihanna started, having understood where he was pointing and, with a flick of her fingers, said with a smile:

- Don Ivan Sink Baut Dis, mazafaka. Don't even think about it, asshole.

"Yeah. I'm not her cat, not zaya, and mazafaka. Although, for sure, I tell her - bets - these would be my last words. Well, oh well ... Especially ... Especially since I wrote to her, well done, trained, takes a decent form, I already feel with every cell of my penis ... "

Sasha earned faster and soon finished.

Rihanna tried to force Sasha into her room, but he refused, firmly demanding that she wanted to sleep with her all night.

- But I'll just sleep, more sex will not. Tomorrow is another lesson with you idlers to spend, - she warned.

- And I'm a slacker? - asked for a compliment Sasha.

- You are not.

To which Sasha solemnly announced:

- Here you go! And in general, I agree to everything, just to stay with you.

Even just to sleep under one blanket with a beautiful mulatto was magical. Nicely. Nice to ticklish. I did not want this to be the first and last night.

Sasha woke up first at six. Quick toilet and rinsing a member, and he fell in with Rihanna on the side of the back.

“You woke me up,” like a young capricious girl, Rihanna ached.

The rear view of Rihanna was magnificent with its feminine regular curves. Especially good were the big round buttocks, with a cut in between.

And this view, and the usual morning erection pushed Sasha in tight to Rihanna.

“Shit, you don't let me sleep,” the mulatto complained, and bent her back, inviting Sasha to herself.

Five minutes later, fucked from behind, she finally woke up, began to moan and, as far as her posture on her side allowed, podmahivat.

Sasha put it on all fours and continued the work in his favorite position. Yes, and she was obviously more handy, judging by her technical movements, priests to meet.

“Fucking ass. Yes, that there ass, Ass with a capital Z. The best ass in the world! Brown. And what a stunning black anus she has, how you want to go there. But, okay, I will not. If you didn’t give it yesterday, then this morning is clearly not ready for anal joy. Still getting sick ... "

And Sasha just finished fucking in the pussy, sweetly ending deeply in the depths.

“But you can’t say that this piste is a fisting lover. Well done Rihanna ... "

Sasha went limp and walked out, and Rihanna's pussy sexually saluted with the discharge of his sperm.

Sasha quickly dressed - you need both to get together and get ready for the last (what a pity!) Day of training.

“You are an amazing woman,” Sasha was very inspired. - I do not want to part with you forever. To me…

- You have my phone and email. So ... - Seriously suggested Rihanna.

- Yeah. See you then ...