During the Christmas sales, I worked as Santa Claus at a local supermarket. In general, this year was terribly bad for me. My wife, with whom we lived for almost twenty years, went to a younger guy, I was fired to reduce staff, and for a snack, the doctor said that I had high blood pressure (I wonder why this is so?). And believe me, the last thing I dreamed about was to work as Santa - to give joy and fun to a bunch of nasty young ones. But there was nothing to choose from, I needed a job. Any. The first working day was awful. My whole body itched from a damn suit, my hair from a fake beard strove to get into my mouth, but, fortunately, I met someone who had given me a festive mood.

Her name was Sheila, a student of twenty who worked with me as a Christmas elf. Slender blonde, from the smile that in the pants for any man began spring. One glance was enough for me to fall for her, although I was good at her fathers! Sheila turned out to be a very nice girl and helped me a lot on the first day, especially when we were surrounded by a crowd of obnoxious, continuously making noises. I think that without her, my debut in the role of Santa would have been much worse.

After a long day’s work, I went to the little dressing room with Sheila without taking off my Santa suit, sat on the bench and tried to recover. The children's hubbub still stood in my ears. And then Sheila came in; tight elf suit sat on it like a glove. My eyes are so stuck to her. For the sake of decency, I tried to find a more interesting object to be observed in the locker room, but I realized that there is nothing more interesting than Sheila here! The girl had her back to me, and I thought that she would not notice my burning eyes. Obviously, I was wrong.

- What, Santa, you like an elf? - Sheila asked, starting to undress.

Her words so stunned me that I was speechless. At the same time, I could not help but note that for a girl she has a somewhat rough voice. For the first time such a thought flashed through me when we were surrounded by a crowd of children, and then I thought that noise was all to blame. But now we were alone, and I heard her very well. In the absence of a suitable word, let's say - her voice was slightly muzhikovaty. Although, in principle, I was on the drum; the only thing I wanted was to fill her up right here in the locker room. I had a strong suspicion that Sheila guessed it.

- I ask, Santa, you have a cute elf? - she turned around and stood facing me.

By this time, it remained only a bra and panties. Sheila looked damn sexy that my swift erection confirmed. However, the ability to speak to me never returned, so her repeated question also remained unanswered. Then Sheila winked at me conspiratorially, and then walked to the door of the locker room and locked it. Then, slowly shaking her hips, she went in my direction. From her gait, the dick became even harder than it was, and Santa's red pants were too narrow for him. Sheila stood right in front of me and leaned over. Her long hair touched my face, and I could barely restrain myself from a groan, feeling their delicious smell. However, when she put her hand into my pants and squeezed her cock tightly, I did not groan, but rather grunted in surprise.

“Mmm,” she cooed, grinning widely, “probably Santa thinks he has a very cute elf!”

After a bit of stroking my excited organ, Sheila let go of him, straightened up and stepped aside. Without even thinking to turn away, she put her hands behind her back and unbuttoned her bra. Pulling the straps off her shoulders, she threw it on the floor. I glared at her boobs - small and elastic; pink nipples were as hard as my dick. It seems that not only one "Santa" is! Sheila grinned again and asked:

- Santa, do you want to see anything else?

“Uh-huh,” I nodded, nibbling profusely on the beard.

Sheila's smile widened and she began to take off her panties. But I almost had a heart attack when I saw what was under them! She lowered her knees to her knees, straightened and, kneeling, waited for my reaction. Instead of a nice little slit between her legs, she had a big dick!

In fucking hit! But it was even worse, if the word is worse applied here, what caused Sheila to be even longer and fatter than my own! Two or three inches, although perhaps even more! Smooth-shaved eggs, too, were larger than mine. But most of all I was shocked by the fact that I was even more excited when I saw Sheila in all her glory!

“What, Santa, do you still think you have a cute elf?” - Sheila asked in her sexy, deep voice.

My tongue is dry, you can believe it, but I didn’t even know what to say in such a situation! However, my silence didn't seem to bother Sheila at all. She completely got rid of the panties, and then took her dick in her hand and began to masturbate him. Unable to move, I rooted to the bench and only watched as he grew bigger and bigger. When her gun was fully operational, Sheila slowly approached me. The swollen cock swayed in front of my face. Then she said:

- Do you want me to make a present, Santa?

I could only nod. Then Sheila came even closer, and the massive head touched my lips. Purely impulsively, I opened my mouth, and a member slid there. In life, the guy did not blowjob, and never intended, but Sheila was at least half a woman (in the damn attractive half!), And did not think that looked like a fag, sucking on her big candy. I tried to suck as best as possible, although my inexperience clearly made itself felt, because suddenly Sheila firmly grabbed my head and drove the whole dick into my mouth. It's amazing how I just didn’t choke when the prick rested on my throat, but it broke up in earnest and began furiously fucking my mouth. Her balls plopped about my chin covered with a fake beard, and the member easily walked "back and forth" between the lips.

“Mmm,” Sheila grumbled again, pulling at me, “I think Santa likes her present!”

She fucked me in the mouth for a few more minutes, and then abruptly pulled out the member, and turning to me with her pretty little ass, leaned over and looked at me over her shoulder.

“Lick my chink, Santa,” Sheila asked, smiling lasciviously.

I understood what she meant. Sheila asked to lick her point - "crack". It was also very different from my usual sexual practices. But I was so excited that I decided to go to the end, since I got so drunk! Clasping her hard buttocks with red gloves, I spread them wide and licked the shriveled hole. I did it the way I usually licked my woman's pussy, although I can say that Sheila's priest was much sweeter than any of the pussies my tongue had been in! Sheila clung to my ass even closer, and I clung to her more strongly.

“Oh, Santa,” she moaned, “you are so good at licking my crack!”

I would continue to please her delightful rosette, but Sheila stopped me and stood up straight. Then she turned to face me and knelt down. Sticking her soft and warm hand into my pants, Sheila pulled out my riser, looked at him, and again zasyusyukala:

- Oh, Santa, you have such a big and firm pipisk!

And then she took it in her mouth. I must say that, although, Sheila was only twenty years old, I had women much older who did blowjob twice as bad as she! Unlike women: uh: women I knew, especially my ex-wife, doing blowjob just to get her boyfriend and shut up, Sheila really loved it. With her incredibly long tongue, she worked wonders! Leaving the dick alone for a few minutes, she began to suck on my swollen eggs. Then the dick again went to her elegant mouth, but now Sheila focused on the head, podrachivaya while the trunk. I felt about to explode! And then she did one little trick, from which I almost went straight to heaven! Sheila squeezed a puffed prick with two fingers, opened a hole at the end, put the tip of the tongue in there and began to rotate them in different directions! I barely let it down at that moment, but, fortunately, I managed to hold on when Sheila was gracious and stopped tormenting me with her matchless blowjob.

- Santa, can I sit on your lap? - She asked and, without waiting for an answer, sat on my cock hard, like a stone, covered with skin!

As you probably already guessed, I had never fucked anyone in the ass, although, of course, I fantasized about it many times. And now, thanks to Sheila - a delightful elf, my dreams come true! She screwed her ass on the dick until her buttocks pressed against the pubis, and her swaying eggs touched mine. Sheila thrust nails into my thighs and began jumping up and down on her cock, our eggs splashed hard against each other, whenever she went down - a little pain and heavenly pleasure in one bottle!

- Oh, Santa, Santa, fuck me! I was such a nasty girl! Oh oh

I clung to her narrow waist, like a drowning man in a life preserver. Sheila jumped on me faster and faster, and her limp cock swayed in time with our movements. I clenched my teeth and threw back my head, feeling the sperm boil in the eggs, and I realized that I could not hold back any longer. White as Santa's beard, molofya splashed out in Sheila's ass and, filling it, dripped onto my work suit. Sheila screamed so much that I thought all the guards of the shopping center would come running into our dressing room! Finally, Sheila slipped off me. Smiling broadly, she looked at me, while the milky white sperm continued to drip from her priests.

“Santa, I have one more present for you.”

Although Sheila did not say directly what she wanted from me, I already understood. For the first time for our unusual meeting, I got up from the bench, and then lay on her stomach. Turning my head, I saw that she stood behind, lowered my red baggy red pants along with her underpants and opened wide hairy half-legs. The head of her penis rubbed against my point, and then slipped inside.

Inch by inch the big fat dick plunged into my virgin ass until it came in completely. And then Sheila started pumping me up, fucking like it was the last ass on Earth.

- Oh, Santa, - she continued to lisp with me, - what a wonderful ass you have! So narrow!

I felt that she would end soon, because her nails sank deeper and deeper into my back, fortunately, the Santa suit saved me from scratches, and the pace of fucking increased and grew. I swear, at some point, it seemed to me that the ass is now torn to shred under its pressure! I began to howl like a hurt puppy, but Sheila continued to mercilessly stretch my hole, and suddenly she squealed again and let it go. My anus was filled with thick hot sperm, but Sheila didn’t stop and ironed me until there was not a drop in her huge eggs. Finally, her dick slipped out of her ass. After lying for a minute and trying to recover, after I was fucked like the last bitch, I slowly got up and pulled on my pants, which were already stained with Sheila's sperm, and then sat back on the bench. And then he screamed in pain, only my shattered ass touched the hard wood. Sperm continued to drip from the anus and dripped down my legs.

Sheila burst out laughing at this. Taking my face in her hands, she cooed in a manner familiar to me:

- Oh, oh, does our Santochka hurt?

Rub her nose about mine, she went to the other end of the locker room, where there were lockers with clothes. She opened her own, hung up an elf suit, took out her usual clothes and began to dress. Already fully dressed, Sheila closed the locker and came back to me again, leaned over again and kissed her tight on the lips. Then she straightened and gave me another look full of lust.

“Merry Christmas, Santa,” she smiled.

- Merry Christmas, Sheila, - I tried to smile back (of course, my smile was worse than hers!)

Winking goodbye, she left. And I sat and did not know what to think about what happened between me and her. In the end, I decided not to fill my head with this and began to change clothes. Hanging up, red, sperm-stained, Santa's suit in the locker, I locked it and left the locker room. Already on the street, going to the parking lot, I thought what gift Sheila would make for me for tomorrow. Although I could not fully concentrate on pleasant thoughts. Since there was one and very significant problem.

How can I explain to my boss where all these spots come from !?