Stately man. Unusual life.
Evening. The twilight of a cozy room and a soft armchair by the fireplace. Outside the window, the December wind howled, zazuyuzhivaya and causing boulders of lush snow drifts of silver snow, playing with iridescent sparks in the rays of the setting sun.
- Does the son know about your life - your past?
- Yes, what are you ... Why should a son know about this? He has his own experience and his own life, Gennady Vasilyevich said in a quiet voice with a smile.
- And never had the thought to share?
- It was, but ... you know, this can happen to anyone in his youth. And thinking, he added - and not only that. Hormones, desire, passion ...
- And now?
- What now? Always want (especially remembering the good), but not always possible. Age is not the same, and yes ...
It was ... Yyy ... - even scary to remember - a long time ago, in a country where there was love, but there was no sex ... - where, as people said and thought, people lived in piety and high morality, and everything “sinful” and indecent only over the hill was in a distant country called “decaying capitalism”. It's only there that sex and debauchery, but with us - no, no! and these very ... only in cabbage or with a stork (damn it, for some).
“Why, with such sadness, didn’t the stork deliver the unwanted one?”
- What are you? Valentina Antonovna and I are all fine. Especially the boy - turned out to be stately. Prominent kid.
- Why are you sticking a stork with such sadness?
- Alimony ... But, I want to tell about the other. About the treasured. I didn’t say a word to anyone, I kept it secret about my youthful experience.
So, like in a fairy tale you can start: In a certain city, a husband and wife lived. And in time the son was born, the idiot. But he was called "blockhead" because of tenderness and love for the child of his own. In a word unkind to him as a joke and clicked with love. Grew up a tomboy and time went by. When it (time) flew: - it slowly (with laziness), and it rushed so swiftly that the relatives didn’t have time to look back, when the young fellow turned and thirteen and seventeen years old. Small, intelligent grew up - affectionate. In vicious connections, as they say, was not seen. I read all the books clever, my mother and father read it ... I even managed to plant a tree even by my youth.
As it was established in the country, it was large and distant, it was the turn of the army to assemble. That called us. We were called from different places. I am from Rostov, and he ... - Gennady paused, dropping his eyes, pulled the phone down and continued after a short pause, - and he is from Western Ukraine. Got into the training. The meeting took place, as you understand, in one platoon - after six months of service and completely by accident.
Somehow we happened to have dinner nearby. Exchanged "courtesies." Argued on technical issues. A conversation began. On many issues, our views coincided. In civilian terms, we had related professions, which brought together interests. There were questions about work, and, accordingly, interest in each other did not cool - always, what was there to talk about. At every free minute they tried to meet and chat.
My new friend was always neat and watched his appearance: clean-shaven, trimmed (however, like everyone else in the army) - he was breathed freshness and warmth. Late autumn is very damp and cold, and his body radiates warm streams of energy. I have met such people ... - from whom he is bursting with heat - that you feel in the far distance. His wide, sincere smile was fascinating and made smile back.
No longer the young narrator took a sip of coffee and continued.
We became each other's shadows. If you could not meet in the service for a whole day, it seemed - a whole eternity divided us. We always had something to talk about. And, to discuss all the topics was problematic for us. Andrew, that was the name of my colleague, was a very enthusiastic person — fully developed and competent in many areas of knowledge. Strong muscular body, with a game of muscles, forced to admire. He was heavier than me, although they were the same in height, which made Andryusha denser. We were both tall, he smiled at Gene - eighty-two. True, I was thin - like a pole and seemed taller than Andrey.
Passed a month of training in the training unit. We finished school of junior military specialists, after which I was appointed acting platoon commander and forced to teach "radio communications and the operation of radio stations of combat vehicles."
- A big man has become.
- And do not say ... A number of benefits received. The coolest thing is that I was free to move around and outside. Freedom received, smiled Gennady Alexandrovich. Andrei continued his service in the repair of technically complex electrical equipment. It happened that they met, but not as often as before. I felt great pleasure from communication as a drug addict. Feeling the warmth and his casual touch caused a strong heartbeat. Andryusha, at the same time, was covered with a blush, finding a shy smile. By the way, although he was called up from Western Ukraine, Hungarian was by nationality: he spoke Russian with a slight accent and often cursed at the “Rodian Movie” and Hungarian, which German resembled - just as clear and soldierly commanding.
Once, I decided to invite my friend to the bath. Since he had the opportunity of free movement outside the unit, he visited the bath at any time ... - when desire arises. He, only according to the charter - in the allotted time - on a bath day. I wrote a release for Andryukha ...
In spite of the fact that it was customary to undress in the bath for all and there were no female persons, I was embarrassed. Here is such a - shy by nature people - from nudity in embarrassment. I didn’t like bath rituals when there is someone else in the room: it feels like they are staring at you from all sides - appreciating and studying. I chose the time of the change of divisions - some finished and left, and new ones, they had not yet come to wash. Cool. Quiet, calm, spacious and ... no du-shi-i. No one is staring at you in the shower, and the steam room is heated - no hustle - no pushing with asses. Going into the waiting room, they began to undress. Here I first saw Andrew completely naked.
White, pubic thick red hair, a member ... slightly enlarged, as it seemed to me, a symmetrical slender and beautiful body - all in perfect harmony. Light smell of male, velvety skin, tight elastic muscles. It is the body, not the repulsive and sharp stench of sweat. This smell is inherent in everyone, but very individual.
We were merry in playfulness and mischief. The last people were leaving in the hall. Andrei looked at a comfortable shop close to showers where he could leave the soap or sit in a relaxed state. Washed dry body under running warm water. They chose basins (although there was nothing to choose from - they were all the same) and began to lather themselves, covering them with snow-white foam.
“Wash my back,” Andrei asked with a smile. I lavishly soaped a washcloth and, holding Andrei over my shoulder, began rubbing his broad back with all my strength (as if I was going to rub the hole, tearing off the dirty skin). “Uh ...” Andrew screamed. Easy! ”
Our bodies accidentally touched - sides, thighs, legs ... With each touch, I felt an unusual influx of feelings and strange (at that time) desires. My penis increased in size and began to throb from overflowing with blood. Quite by chance, he touched Andrew's buttock ... I turned red ... I was embarrassed by awkwardness and shyness. Somehow it became uncomfortable. Continuing to lather Andryusha, I went down below - between the shoulder blades, sides. We changed places and already, standing with my back to a friend, was thrilled with the joyful feeling of a child’s sensation of attention and affection for parents bathing their child. So I felt at that moment. Now he was washing my shoulders, back, waist ... His movements were confident and rhythmic. What would be more convenient for Andrei to rub my back (growing wow!) I leaned over, putting my hands on the bench next to me. Andryushka continued his enthusiastic occupation, completely simply and freely continuing the soap epic with my body. After a couple of minutes, the washcloth was already crawling over my ass, rubbing the buttocks and ...
Gena paused ... - scratched thoughtfully behind the ear, as if in confusion and confusion.
- and?
- ... scourer darted between my legs, rubbing eggs.
Andryusha was standing on my side and suddenly took my dick into my free hand, taking it along with the scrotum. I caught my breath. A light chill and shiver ran through my body.
- Are you ashamed of me? He asked cheerfully.
- Yes, no ... - I stretched out, in a bewildered and deaf voice.
Andrei freed the head from the foreskin, having zaled it completely and with light, gentle movements, continued the bathing rite already with it. I did not know where to put myself from embarrassment. I wanted to twitch, to escape and ... but the old friendship and trust stopped, especially since we were alone and no one had seen these manipulations. An incomprehensible feeling mixed with an unconscious interest in what was happening also stopped. I was very excited. My dick pulsed in such an erection that I did not see even in the early morning hours when I really wanted to pee in the toilet. Andro moved his hand to his chest, and gently sweeping over it, began to massage the nipple. My heart pounded at a frantic pace and my breathing increased. His hand, violently washing the crotch and buttocks stopped on the ass and ... I felt the pressure on the anus. I shuddered at the penetration of the middle finger of his strong and courageous hand into me.
- Do not be afraid, whispered Andryukha. - Do not like it - say.
What to say? I could not say a word from passionate excitement and dry mouth. The tongue seemed to stick to the palate. Only squeezed out of himself - "Yeah"
Andrei let me go and continued to wash, rubbing his back ... - he casually touched, rubbed and pressed his genitals to my virgin ass. I felt the tension. He felt his standing trunk, penetrating between my legs and sliding under my testicles. He felt his excitement when touching his feet. I felt ... I felt ... I felt ...
A light, kindly gentle touch to the back is slightly higher than the waist, and a low voice said: "Sit down a little more ... - do not be afraid." He passionately and impatiently introduced into me his hot body. Slippery from the abundance of foam dick, all the same hardly entered into my anal hole. A small chill beat me. It became scary and painful.
- Painfully! - I hissed in hoarse voices.
Andrei took out his penis and, after massaging his anus with his index finger, began again. Already slowly and carefully, trying not to hurt me, he introduced his “enraged horse” into my resisting hole. Once again, I felt discomfort and pain, but as soon as his head slipped through a narrow hole, Andrey quite quickly did the rest, pushing almost the entire trunk to the right place. From my chest broke a deaf moan. It was scary and a little embarrassing. There was no pain, but I did not know how to behave in such a situation.
- Well, how? - asked Andrei.
He answered hoarsely: “So-so ...” - he cursed himself in thoughts that he didn’t stop earlier, and that there’s nothing good in it (his ass was a little too hot with caustic soap). I felt a huge cock in my ass and was afraid to move.
- What is it?
- Yeah ... and you try it yourself. I thought that everything would break in an awkward movement, like with a strong constipation, and then there would even be nothing to shit.
Andrew introduced his penis deeper and deeper, spreading my legs wider (shoulder width apart), sitting between them began to produce frictions, achieving complete immersion into the abyss of the cloaca. Soap, slow cautious movements, progressive actions ... I felt his hot, even very hot and hard member. With one hand he massaged my dick and testicles, and the other, reaching out to the chest, gently stroked one or the other nipple.
The bath room was empty. In the distance, the water from an uncovered tap in one of the shower rooms roared. My excitement knew no bounds. The blood pulsed in the temples and the noise ... - the noise in the ears and head. Smooth and uniform movements of Andrew led me more and more. The amplitude of fluctuations increased. My heart was pounding, and was ready to burst out, along with the exhalations of hot air from the lungs. Andryukha, faster and faster, fucked my ass, not for a moment without removing his penis from the anus. I no longer hurt, and even somehow unusually pleasant. I felt that his body was becoming more and more ... - began to pulsate ... - the rhythm of breathing and movements began to stray and ... He finished, I thought. He finished right inside - inside my virgin state - inside me.
Soon he heard footsteps and knocks. The door flew open, and several soldiers tumbled into the bath room with grunt and talk. Apparently they lingered in their outfit. We entered was not visible because of the protruding corner of the shower stall. Andrei freed me from his embrace, carefully taking the dick out of my ass, and went under the shower. Having straightened up, as if in nothing unprecedented, I followed next, plunging into hot streams of spray, sprayed with nozzles of pipes above us. In the memory flashed the moments of what happened, repeating the whole range of sensations. I wanted more. I wanted to repeat the same thing, but with him - with Andrew. Looking into the next booth, he inquiringly whispered: “and I ...”, to which Andrey just smiled and silently nodded at the steam room.
After a couple of minutes, we plunged into the dense clubs of a couple of small rooms, upholstered in fragrant planks and hot boulders of stones in the corner, climbing onto a far shelf. Andrei squatted down, clasping my thighs, gently caressing and playing, took the head of my almost sagging pisyun in my mouth. I have never felt the kind of delight and bliss that I felt at that moment. Breathing again intercepted, the heart began to beat intensely from an intense blow job. I was shaking and there was a desire to plant the cock deeper - right up to the throat. I was in seventh heaven. Involuntary movements of the hips ... Frictions ... After a moment, filled with over-excitement of feelings and desires, I finished the guy in the mouth. My hands were trembling nervously and involuntarily stroking his shoulders and neck, pulling on wet hair of his head ... From a feeling of excitement and great pleasure, light natural intoxication and some kind of relaxation in his legs and body, he leaned back. I moaned and squirmed, my body shuddered, and the sperm rushed outward in an endless stream, filling Andrei’s mouth. And he, as if nothing had happened, continued to give me pleasure, barely holding my precious condition in his mouth, and watching me with his eyes sparkling with joy.
“How did you like it?” Said Andrei, freeing my dick and sitting next to me. Maybe even? ”In the temples with the force of the drummed blood. Gradually recovering, relaxing, I lay with my eyes closed. It was beautiful, it went through my head.
The door creaked. Two young guys entered the steam room. "How is the bath?" The park does not add up? - and pouring water on hot stones, - Wow! Now get warm. After sitting for about five minutes, we left.
All the way back silent. I analyzed what had happened and then, at night, I could not fall asleep for a long time, mentally restoring a picture of what had happened, repeating in my memory every movement, every breath, every touch. Frankly, in the ass I did not really like it. But he did not object and did not resist, did not break out and did not say anything to Andrei, because I really liked him. I even loved him (as a friend). Touch, and even such frank and confidential charmed and eclipsed my mind. I slowly plunged into the Prana of non-existence enveloped in dreams of night visions. I fell asleep and in my dreams, I again had erotic moments of meetings and pleasures, from which it was so pleasant and languid.
- and everything? What happened next - you ...
We sat for a long time by the fireplace listening to the howling of the wind, the crackling of firewood, and admiring the flashes of fire in the play of the shadow of light on the walls of the old house, enjoying the play of the senses, in the memories. Deep night has come. The coffee was cold, and it was time to go to bed, but ... I did not want to. There was a knock at the door. A stately lady entered the room in a luxurious night dressing gown. “Dear, is it time to sleep? She asked. Morning soon ... "And where is Antoshka? “He stayed with his girlfriend tonight. He said he would come back tomorrow. ” Good dear, we're on our way.