It was about half past twelve, and people began to gather in the cafe. The festive spring mood somewhat overshadowed the upcoming summer session, but nevertheless it almost did not affect the faces. To recover, I took a cup of coffee and sat down at a free table.
Then I saw Olya, a girl from a nearby stream. We rarely communicated with her, but knew each other by sight. In memory of some meetings in the company. I noticed in passing that she had always been in the company of Mitenka, a well-known bastard and womanizer. This time, Olga, however, was sitting alone, and she was clearly not well, which is not at all surprising on Monday. I had analgin in my purse, and I approached her.
- Hello! - I said the most cheerful voice, which was capable of, - you, I see, too, after a stormy night? Maybe give something from the head?
“No, thank you,” she answered sadly, even a little bit angry, “one pill is unlikely to help me now.”
A rescue team woke up in me:
“Only no suicides and other spectacular nonsense here!” What happened?
- Come on, you are absolutely not obliged to listen to all sorts of loads - Olya was embarrassed, but she clearly wanted to share.
I just kept silent for a while, and she began her story. I did not hear anything unusual. Just Mitenka chased after another skirt - a sweet little girl Anya, a virgin known for the whole course. Apparently, Mitya attracted the role of pioneer.
“Listen, you can score on him,” I said, and unexpectedly continued, “let's get better today we will drink to all of them!” Let's arrange a bachelorette party for two!
- I don’t really know, I was going to go to the last two pairs.
Yes this is nonsense, you have now what?
It turned out that Olenka did not want to skip important lectures, but it was foolish to leave the girl in such a state, since I took it. So in about three hours we stood at the trolley bus stop and discussed our plans for the evening. It was decided to buy a couple of bottles of vermouth, three packs of juice and a box of cookies. Throughout our run, Olenka walked alongside, sparkling her already slightly cleared eyes and giving valuable advice. Unexpectedly, her attention was attracted by a stall selling erotic cassettes.
- Listen, and how do you feel about beautiful erotica? She asked.
- Well, OK K. - I said. In order to bring the girl to life, all means are good, besides, a premonition has already begun to arise in me that this will not be the case for one of us.
When we entered the door of the porch, Olya slightly touched me with her hand, no, nothing special, but something was in this touch, apparently, the energy spent on the scoundrel affected Mitenku.
There was no one at home and, settling down on the couch, I turned on the cassette and poured vermouth into glasses.
To be honest, all these cassettes didn’t excite me too much, but here, apparently, the alcohol worked, and it was really beautiful shot - just an easy erotic comedy. During the viewing, Olenka moved imperceptibly closer to me (or maybe I was to her). In general, about an hour later, my hand was on her shoulder and lightly stroked it (as part of the same program of calm, of course). Her hand, too, lay on my shoulder, but after a while she slipped to the waist. This clearly went beyond certain limits, at least beyond the framework of the soothing program.
We were very close to each other, our hair was mixed, and I felt that, it seems, now it comes to kissing:
Suddenly, Olya slightly pulled away, filled the empty glasses and offered to drink at brotherhood. I agreed, and after we drank a fragrant drink, our lips merged into a long and sweet kiss. It was very different than with a man - so gently, supple, plus some kind of unimaginable velvety skin (lucky peasants, after all). At some point I felt that Olina’s hands were already under my T-shirt, then light fingers ran down my back and unhooked the hooks of my bra, I tried to resist languidly, but Olya whispered to me: “Relax, everything is fine,” and I relaxed:
The results did not take long to wait - after three minutes we lay almost naked and kissed, forgetting everything in the world. Then her hand began to fall lower, and I felt so good that I simply could not think of anything else, but instead simply followed her example. Hands, accustomed to all kinds of massage there, felt exactly where to hold, to give pleasure. Maybe I acted not quite correctly, but both of us were already so excited:
At some point, I felt hot lips Olina very close to my chest. Immediately I felt my nipples tighten. Olya slightly licked one of them, and it was as if I was shocked by the current. I felt that I completely lost control of myself and gave way to my caress. At that moment, Olenka had already completely taken my nipple into her mouth and sucked it slightly. I felt her breasts with my hands and squeezed both her nipples slightly - she moaned slightly.
Olenka began to sink lower and lower. I thought with a strange shudder how far it would go. At that moment, Olina's lips lingered around my navel - to be honest, I was even slightly disappointed, but then they moved on. After half a minute I felt them through my panties - and I realized that they were already wet through. However, after a few seconds nothing separated us.
I closed my eyes. It was cool. Of course, in the glorious period of maturation, I dreamed of something like that, I even imagined that I could kiss my neighbor on the desk, but suppose that this would actually happen:
At some point I felt that I was no longer controlling anything at all. And when I realized that I was about to finish, Olenka suddenly began to move up.
For a while, we kissed passionately again. Then Olga began to turn slowly, and soon we found ourselves in position 69. Every touch of Olin's lips, every movement of the tongue responded in me with a sweet shiver. I could not follow her example, and at first I just slightly licked her - - Olya groaned and pressed herself more tightly. Feelings sharpened to the limit, the energy required output. My whole body was overwhelmed by a hot wave, it was ringing in my ears and it seemed that the room was spinning around the bed. This orgasm I have not had for a long time. Already poorly understanding what was happening, I slightly scratched Olya's back, and the fact that she was doing my tongue made Olenka squirm and moan with such force that I was glad that there were no parents.
Olya lightly stroked my hips, and I continued to caress her tongue, feeling how her sensations were transmitted to me, and how excited in her. The shouts and groans grew louder, and as a result, something exploded in both of us.
For a few minutes we were still lying, almost without moving. Olenka breathed hoarsely and intermittently, I could not say a word. Then I felt some awkwardness, quickly got up and went to the bathroom. The hot streams of the soul calmed and relaxed me, after a while the thoughts more or less calmed down, and life seemed quite simple and beautiful.
I was about to go out when Olya entered the bathroom. I just decided that the best thing was to relax, and therefore, instead of finding out about the relationship, I simply suggested getting into the bath, while she herself went to make tea. We also found cookies we bought, I quickly made some sandwiches. At that moment Olenka came out of the bathroom.
- Have you ever been with a girl? - Olga asked when we sat down at the table.
“You can be proud, you are the first,” I grinned.
- So how?
“It's nice to be aware of your bisexuality,” I said, and kissed her on the lips.