The main task of the Komsomol consists of:
... to develop and strengthen the younger generation
class approach to all phenomena of social life ...
of the charter, VLKSM.
I still hate all these party "sixes" and "sevens"! From themselves they do not represent a damn, but endowed, albeit small, but with power, and lured around the commanding trough, imitate something about themselves! Then it would not be worth anything for them to break the life of anyone ... To pervert and not give a damn to the soul ... I know ... Itself from those who fell into the meat grinder of fate ...
I was twenty, I was an active member of the Komsomol, and it is not surprising that at the next meeting I was elected to the committee of the Komsomol Institute. She straightened her shoulders, coped with her work, and that's how the most conscious, me and two others of the same “empty-headed” Komsomol, delegated to the district party conference to help. Guests to meet, the paper to lead, and yes you never know what ...
There were about forty girls like us, probably. All the work was found. Well and, of course, everything is all right, and dressed as for a holiday ... We worked there and as a “reward”, those who liked the “bosses and bonses” were invited to the final part. I did not know then that this was the place where they were called on the occasion of taking office. They planted us, five fools in the luxurious Volga, and drove us to a special charge, about forty kilometers from the city. We are proud, all of ourselves! They singled out, appreciated our work ... Fools, in short, very young fools! And on arrival we were immediately sent to the kitchen, and there the head of the dacha and the commandant gave us a whole lecture: “The Komsomol is an active assistant and reserve of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.” They fooled their heads, and then distributed them to the designated places. And even to our notice, it was brought that the territory is guarded, and it is strictly forbidden to leave the premises set aside for work, and you can leave this place only by special pass.
It turned out they brought us not to rest, but as a proven work force. Two were sent to the bathhouse, bed sheets and towels were handed out, well, bring it in and serve it. And the rest as waitresses at the dining room left. Immediately they dressed us in a uniform: nylon stockings, a short checkered skirt, with a small snow-white apron, and, well, an almost transparent blouse. On the head, something like a kokoshnik, starched, was given out. After we changed our clothes, we were taken to a make-up artist, and he brought us a marafet ... And when the guests started arriving, we met them and escorted them to the allotted places. Someone came alone, someone with ladies. In total, about twenty people gathered. It all started decently. Toasts, praise of the party, its wisdom ... But gradually, when the amount of empty tare from under the intoxicating drinks grew, the conversations became more frivolous, and occasionally we began to clap the priests covered with short skirts, stroking the legs, despite our sharp reaction ...
The people began to leave the tables, who with the ladies hurried upstairs to retire in the “rest rooms”. Some people wanted to steam in the bathhouse, and a few people just drank "on black." I was just amazed at this nativity scene. And then they called me into the kitchen, and, having shoved a tray with drinks and snacks, they sent me upstairs to the third floor, to the small hall where the special meeting was held ... And not just one, but accompanied by a “healthy nuker”. He took me in an elevator and led me to a high, beautifully decorated door. I opened the door and I entered. I immediately noticed the thickness of the door, it seems that even if people shout here, they will hardly be heard in the corridor. Especially since I entered the vestibule, and there was another door ahead. I knocked, and without waiting for an answer, I opened the second door.
The small hall was, so to speak, not a meeting room at all ... a large light room with a low coffee table with banquettes and soft poufs instead of chairs. On the table was a bottle of brandy, and a couple of glasses. As I looked around, the door closed behind me, and I heard the lock click, cutting off my way back. I looked up and saw in front a wide double door, wide open. Behind her was another room with a large, straightened bed; now they are called sexfroms. In the first room and within sight in the second room there was no one. Only somewhere was the sound of flowing water. I froze. I didn't like it at all. Putting the tray on the table, I tried to get out, but, alas, the door I entered was locked. Not knowing what to do, I walked over to the table and, standing nearby, began to look around helplessly.
Then the sound of flowing water stopped, footsteps sounded and a man came out of the bedroom, wiping his damp head. He was barefoot and dressed in a white bathrobe. He carefully looked at me, and said: “Oh, it's you - Zina! What are you standing, sit down. I'll be right there, ”and, turning, went out. I looked after him in dismay, trying to remember who he was? And suddenly I understood, the newly elected first secretary of the district party committee! I was knocked down, dressing robe! Before that, I saw him in a white shirt, with a tie and an ironed jacket. Well, of course, in pants! It was not necessary to be a visionary to understand why I am here! I squeezed my chest, but instead of my heart I pounded tam-toms. I was just scared of what was about to happen. In impotent fear, I rushed to the door, knocking on it and begging to open the door. Tears flowed down my cheeks, I sobbed. My beats and voice resounded only around the room, and I doubt that someone heard them outside.
And then I heard his voice: “And where are you, Zina, rushing? Do you think if you leave here now, you will not get into another bed? I, magnitude, and they are there, my "vassals." Better to be with me. I can give you a lot more than they! ” I turned sharply, he was already approaching me and stretching out his hand. I looked around in agony and rushed to the window. "It is armored," came after me. I changed direction and rushed into the bedroom, he, without haste, moved behind me. “What are you rushing about like a fool! Well, I won't eat you! From fuck and everything. Not a single woman has left me dissatisfied! ”He said. I jumped into the bedroom, quickly looked around. No there were no doors outside. A glass door led to a shower, and probably a toilet close by. And they opened out! Having decided to hide there, I rushed there, but I was late. He grabbed my hand as I tried to close the door. Later, I realized that even if I managed to cover her up, it would not change anything! The door was flimsy and did not have a lock, and the inner handle was just a toy.
He yanked at me, and I flew out of the closet like a cork and, slipping on the floor, fell on the bed. He immediately sat down on top of me and unscrewed his hands. I can’t move my body, I could only uselessly jerk my legs and roar. Sobbing already in full voice, I asked not to touch me and let go. He silently tried to undress me. You did not try to undress a woman lying on her stomach, with her arms wrapped back sitting on her? Given that she is also trying to resist! Theoretically, this is almost impossible to achieve! But this question can be solved more simply. He just grabbed me by the collar of his blouse and pulled him down. The fabric cracked, buttons fell down. In the same way he pulled off his skirt. Frightened and demoralized, I no longer resisted when he took off my bra and belt with panties. I understood, nobody will save me, and I am here only because he “laid eyes on me”! For some of his features, he determined that I was "caked." "It would be so long ago," he said. And then he added: “My name is Sergey. But this is if we are alone, and so Sergei Petrovich. Now get up and go to the shower wash. I'm waiting for you!". Sergey let go of my hands and stood up. He watched with interest as I pulled off the rags, and, smearing tears in my face, I was dragged into the shower like a fool, covering my shameful places with my hands.
The shower itself was good, at another time, I would appreciate it. Imported sanitary ware, a variety of shampoos and gels. He himself was in a niche, fenced from the bedroom with thick transparent glass. The door was the same glass! Going inside and turning my back to the room, I turned on the water and stood under the hot jets. Hot jets as if separated me from everything that happened in the room, washing away the traces of other people's hands and the smell of a heated man ... I was just moving away from what happened, when I literally with my skin felt the door open. Almost immediately, I was hugged by big and greedy hands. Sergei, entering the shower, pulled me to him. With my skin, I felt the heat of his body, and my hands showed impatience and desire. They began to feel, pull, crush my body, chest, ass ... I was ashamed that a foreign man does this to me. I tried to close, cover my charms ... I asked not to touch me, but ... His hot mouth found my lips, and my hand was already controlling between my legs ... With my second hand he squeezed my chest so hard that it turned white. It was painful and unpleasant for me, but there was no strength and desire to resist! He kissed my face, biting his lips and ear, and his finger stroked the entrance to the vagina, sometimes diving inside. I, petrified with my eyes closed, stood pressed against his hot body, hardly holding back trembling and fear.
He picked me up in my arms, brought it and laid me wet on the bed. I lay, closing my eyes tightly and biting my lip, spread my legs and arms loosely to my sides. His hands, like bra cups, lay on my chest, and squeezed them so that I screamed. He laughed quite and loosened his hold. Then he began to turn the nipples. Contrary to my condition, I felt that they were swollen and solid. “No ...”, I tried to protest. He covered my mouth with his hand, and the second lay down on a convulsively heaving belly. Exhaling sharply, I pulled him into me. And he put his palm down and began to pull at the pubic hairs. Grabbed them with his fingers and pulled up. A sharp pain cut the lower abdomen, and I involuntarily moved up, lifting my ass. My moan sank in his palm. Continuing his research, he parted my legs, and, having run my fingers over the back of the labia, squeezed them.
I was choking. Only now I realized that I was still not breathing. A convulsive sigh coincided with the moment when his finger penetrated my vagina. I screamed, squeezing my hips frantically. He laughed and forcefully spread them apart. I do not know what is worse: to undress in front of a stranger who is staring at you or lying like this when the same man explores your intimate places like you are a doll! Tears rolled from my eyes tightly closed, I was just afraid to open them.
Sergey made a few soft frictions in my vagina, and I heard with horror how everything sank at him during his movements. “Wet! Already flowed! ”, He stated. His finger left my hole, and crawled on, stroking the inner side of the thigh. My stomach failed and I felt how everything in me squeezed. And he spread my legs even wider and, perched, entered, but rather he burst into my bosom. I'm still young, indulged, several times, but not seriously ... There is a forty-year-old man, with a big dick, and full of lust! ...
A cry of pain, horror and powerlessness drowned in his response roar: “Yes-ah-ah-ah ...“! I felt his big and hard organ literally tearing my vagina apart! Forcing her to stretch under his mad pressure. I had the feeling that they had put a baseball bat in me and were moving it back and forth, turning my flesh outwards! I screamed and screamed until the air in my lungs ran out, and he kept walking and walking in me, causing pain and suffering. What is an orgasm? What pleasure? Pain, fear, hate! And self-pity, a simple Soviet girl who piously believed in the party and the people in it!
I have not experienced anything good. I just lay with my eyes closed and bit my lips and crying. (he used me as a puppet. Used as a simple prostitute, in all conceivable for him and not thinking for me poses. And with cancer and from the side from the back, he would put me on top ... And besides, he was drunk, and I could finish. He tormented me for almost two hours, squeezing and twisting my chest to pain, slapping my buttocks and thighs, and then forced me to suck my dick! When he brought it to his lips and ordered: "Suck ...", I just opened my mouth and I began to suck. I just wanted one thing to end. He put bruises all over my body, and my breasts were still blue for two weeks after that ... But he liked me!? ... So, he said. I don’t know, maybe Sergey, with his experience as a shepherd of souls, saw a deeply hidden damn inside me? ... Or because I was afraid, and everything in me was compressed from fear and was very narrow? ...
When he finished his execution, I lay for a long time lying in a bed damp with sweat. It was only when he poured a glass of brandy into me that I found the strength to soak on my stiff legs in the shower. And sitting there on the floor, under hot streams of water, cry out loudly and calm down ...
They drove us home in the morning. All in the same Volga. True, when leaving in the guardhouse, some type, posing as an officer of the KGB, took a subscription to disclose state secrets. And the lover who brought us here, popularly explained the policies of the Party to the people: “You will talk, and from the institute down with, add to everyone the same trouble and relatives. But you will understand everything correctly - you will not regret it. You will have the sky in the diamonds, and even with the golden stars! ”... There was one discrepancy, but then I was not up to it, but the rest is the same! They brought us, five girls, and took away only three shabby, with faces swollen with tears, eating alive!