We sit in the same room with the grumbler Rocky and meek Shurik. But about these frames a little later.
So, Alex. Alex likes to turn around because he is alpha. Alpha males are easy to distinguish in the gray beta mass. It's not about physical strength, looks, or a big mind. And not even in the amount of a wallet or member. In our progressive society, everything is so messed up that more effective methods are needed to determine status.
Alpha males always argue with superiors. Is always! They a priori put themselves above others, their opinion, even obviously false, is their honor, which they will defend to the end. Alex may pretend that he agreed with the boss, but then he will do everything to prove that he was wrong. And he will make fun of him behind his back among his colleagues.
Or, for example, the name. Alex is the same Shurik as Shurik is Alex. Only if the alpha made everyone call himself Alex, then the beta - don't care. And from such and such trivialities social status is built.
Alex looks like Tom Cruise in his youth. All girls tell him about it all the time. He deliberately makes a courageous face, frowns, smiles just as if he were fake, cuts his hair, dresses like a playboy. Mimicry is the same. He learned to talk with arrangements and jokes. Of course, he never confesses to imitation and corrects all the time that Tom Cruise is like him, and not vice versa. Actually, Alex is a caricature of Tom Cruise. It’s impossible to think about it without laughter. He's like the hell out of a snuffbox - he always scares with his fake resemblance to a Hollywood actor.
Alex needs a pack, and I do not mind such a union. I like to be beta. You always feel the firm shoulder of the leader, there is always something to do. In addition, Alex constantly drives new females (6-7). He himself meets with a photo model (10), but in order not to lose his qualifications, he constantly frames the new chicks and drags them on the first and last meeting. Trolling them gives Alex great pleasure. He knows about my preferences and climbs out of his skin to prove to me that I am confused. On such double dates, he laughs all the time in a fist.
- You are a scavenger! - he says through laughter when the girls go to the restroom.
“You don't understand anything in love,” I already got used to this offensive definition that he gave me when he learned about my hobby.
- No, you are a scavenger! - With laughter, he is ready to fall from his chair.
I want to argue to him that all people are a little scavengers when they make a modest choice. Even he, meeting with the sixes-sevens, leaves himself the opportunity once to try to fall. But I'm tired of these conversations. He still does not understand anything. He is alpha.
Fashion models sleep with businessmen, politicians and celebrities for a reason. An ordinary hard worker, if he is not alpha, like Alex, will choose Manka from the next door, and not a model. Because he is a scavenger. Among the models has its own hierarchy. The businessman who sells latch bolts will take the model card easier because he is a scavenger (if he is not alpha). A beginner fashion model will agree to sleep behind the bolts, because she is a scavenger, but as soon as she unwinds, she will immediately begin to look for a better option. This is human nature, you cannot run away from it.
I do not play these games. I am disgusted with base instincts, class struggle, evolutionary nonsense. I am only interested in love. You can say I eat love. Any manifestation of it.
When a girl is tamed, when she believes that she has finally found happiness, I begin to slowly break off the relationship. Love can not be felt without pain and suffering. Love would not have been such a strong feeling without the fear of loneliness, without jealousy, without hatred for a man whom he had insanely loved a minute ago, whom in a second he is ready to forgive again and love with a new force. It is through love in a person that all the most beautiful wakes up. Love ennobles and makes a person better.
Take, for example, Katya. The day after our second meeting, when she found out that I was working in the same building, she completely revised her wardrobe. There is no more strange bag with pellets worn over his head, there are no jeans and sports sneakers. Now she dresses up for work as if she were on a holiday: a blue blouse with velies, a black skirt to the knees, a jacket, shoes, a handbag for women. And does not rush like mad through the corridors, but swims like a swan, having straightened its back and straightened its shoulders. Does not go more with the girlfriend-durinda. Truly, love works wonders with man.
She is ready to go on the first date, my pimply, bespectacled skinny princess rabbit. Alex burns with impatience, and when I present him my new passion.
On Saturday, we go on a pair date: me, baby Kate, Alex and his model girl Lera. About Leroux can say two words: stupid blonde. She does not look like anyone. Like a plastic Barbie doll, which thousands are stamped at the factory. Meeting in a year - I do not even remember.
- Oh, don't make me laugh, I'm going to describe myself now - how many times have I heard these words from her. Katya would never allow herself such a vulgarity, and the blonde model is getting away with it. Alex will love her not because she looks like a cow at every corner, but because she lives in the same coordinate system, is guided by the same life priorities as he. You always know what to expect from her. She is blonde in law. She is his main trophy, a product of the highest quality ready for consumption.
Lera looks at Katya with disgust. Desyatochka met with one. These purulent acne on Katie's face will cause gag reflex in anyone, but not in me. Therefore, girls do not communicate at all, each holding on to her boyfriend. Kate looks out all the time with caution because of my back.
We come to a restaurant, and there is nowhere to go. Table for four, all see each other well. Alex has been waiting for this moment for a week. I asked him not to troll Katya, so he just leads small talk. She is interested in what Katya is doing at work. It turns out, accounting. How interesting…
Katya was not accustomed to such attention and included feigned self-confidence — another method my girls had learned during the long years of struggle for a place in the sun. Katya speaks a little louder than usual, speaks abruptly, as at an interview, jealously ensures that she is not distorted, this is the most important thing - everyone should firmly understand: everything that she is now whispering to herself - finally and irrevocably belongs only to her , is not subject to discussion or doubt. And God forbid, to ridicule her for all for any of the above. She will be offended mortally, turn a joke on the offender, throw a scandal, hysterical, get up and leave. She is like a mine, which can easily be attacked by a failed joke. As a beggar, ready to defend his rags to the last, as well as his honor. Everyone at the table feels it, and no one, not even Alex, runs the risk of messing with Katya. The conversation quickly turns to another topic.
I take Katya home. She seems upset tonight. She didn’t imagine our first date like that. Still would. Sat, as on the exam the whole evening. Mina ticking. But she herself is to blame. I can not adapt to it. Suddenly, she begins to tell me about some boy she had met.
Oh, that's so cute! There is nothing prettier than uninvited intimate revelations with which my girls are trying to fill their value. My people believe in the curse, the crown of celibacy, they believe that the most important thing is to start, and then the guys themselves will crawl in front of them. For this, my invented a mythical first guy. This boy beautifully courted her once, and they parted without pain, but with a gentle sadness about each other. Of course, he had to leave, and then everything changed. But she has a precious experience that you can’t trade for anything. And now she is ready for a new relationship. But she is a delicate flower, requiring special, careful handling. She knows what beautiful courtship is.
Now I have no doubt: Kate never kissed in her life and not a single guy held her even by her own hand. In no case should she hint about it. There are two options: take note of everything, swallow, so to speak, and continue as if nothing had happened or ...
I include a jealous young boy who dreamed of a virgin.
Did you love him so much? Have you met for a long time? Did you have everything seriously?
She is shy, trying to calm me down.
You see, Katya, to which she lies a lie! Ah ah ah! Now I will think carefully about whether I need such a girl with the past. I finally withdraw into myself. I can not believe: I was looking for a virgin, and here it is. I'm going as gloomy as a cloud.
We come to her door, I say goodbye without kisses to the purulent cheek, and then baby Kate makes a knight's move:
- Do you want to come to me?
What did she think? Really jealous prokanal? Maybe I missed something and she really is a vicious bitch who doesn't mind having sex on the very first evening?
We climb the elevator. Painfully for a long time we are looking for keys in our purse, finally, we do not stand up and ring the doorbell!
Bah, yes it is bridegroom! On the threshold of the entire pigsty in the collection: mom-sow, dad-boar, piglets running around, another pig-old woman crawled out from somewhere - all, bulging my stunned eyes, crowded in front of the door.
Katya, happily:
- Look! I brought Piggy for procreation! And you said! - all of them, like one, except for piglets, stare at me, as if they were crazy.
“Well, go through it like this ...” grumbles an old boar.
The whole family in shock falls on a small kitchenette. They put me on a stool in the center, right under the bulb, and the interrogation begins with a passion: where they met, under what circumstances, how long ago. The fact that I am the future boar Katie, there is no doubt. They are embarrassed to ask when the wedding is, but they seem ready to discuss this issue without me, because the pigs are being cut up in the autumn ...
When everything ends, we go with Katya to her room. She wants to show me a photo album. She still hopes that I will start harassing her, and she will finally be able to show herself as a woman, and refuse to kiss an overblown young man. An ominous fire of vengeance burns in me. No mercy to self-assured virgins. I will not even touch her with my finger. She herself crawls on his knees for a kiss.
We are sitting next to the bed. This touch of our feet, for sure, excites her. Waiting for me to hug her waist. No, really!
Frustrated, she leaves the room to call. I remain alone and, by inertia, open the top drawer of the dresser by the wall.
Here they are! Black panties with a strip of lace. So I knew! Well. My revenge will be sweet. Next time you will see these panties on me.
I put them in my jeans pocket.