One evening I came home from work earlier than usual. Here is what I saw in the bedroom: my beloved lay naked, with her eyes closed and headphones on her head, in the anus and mouth vibrators were inserted, and the third, she dug herself into the vagina. I was instantly excited when I saw such a picture and retreated into a dark corridor, from where I began to observe. Very soon the wife began to fight in an orgasm, much stronger than those that I had seen before. When she had finished and removed all the toys from herself, she saw me on the way to the bathroom. She was embarrassed and began to make excuses. I hugged her and said that she could tell me all her fantasies without fear.
We talked for a long time, and she admitted that she had long wanted to expand the number of partners, but did not know how to tell me about it. I shared with her that I also often thought about it. Sveta said she did not want to deceive me and do it in secret, but even with me she cannot imagine that this was happening. In general, we agreed to start working in this direction.
To protect ourselves from unnecessary conversations, we excluded our close acquaintances and friends, having stopped the choice on our neighbor, an unmarried guy of 30 years. He was visiting us, but did not know our friends. So, on the next Saturday, I invited him to us for dinner. Wife sexually dressed and waited at the table. They drank vodka and martini. An hour later, the alcohol was almost exhausted, and I said that I would go for an addition to the store. The neighbor volunteered with me, but the spouse began to show him our wedding album and he stayed. Meanwhile, I slammed the front door loudly, but stayed in the apartment. From the nursery through a large dark hall one could clearly see what was happening in the hall.
For a minute, they flipped through the album, and then the spouse’s hands stretched out his crotch. She stroked his jeans in the area of the penis and smiled, and then began to slide to the floor. This part of the view I was covered with a table with snacks, and I could only guess what was happening there. Very soon a blissful smile spread on my neighbor's face, and I realized that Sveta was beginning to suck. Immediately excited, I presented his feelings: sitting away, in one hand a glass, in the other wedding album of the owners, and the hostess sucks ... very cute. I knew what my beloved was capable of and understood that she showed the visitor all her skills, namely, she dips her cock into her throat, licks her eggs, etc. And so the wife stopped sucking, sat down on the dick and began to jump on it. Her breasts were at the level of the guest's face, and he greedily licked them. Then she took her favorite pose and became a cancer. The neighbor frantically drove her cock into her, holding his wife by the hair. I did not think that when I see all this from the side.
And then came the climax. The spouse knelt down and the guest began to cum. Again, the review was hampered by the table, but I was sure that he would let her mouth down and his wife, as always, would swallow everything. And so, Sveta gets up with a happy face, hides her bare chest and brings order to the head. I realized that it was time to return. Slamming the front door, I brought in the liquor I had bought earlier and we continued our communication. Wife shone with happiness. Neighbor also did not look embarrassed. When everyone was in good condition, I asked: how did it go? Sveta said that everything was fine and our guest is a good lover with decent dignity. My neighbor's eyes crawled on his forehead, but I answered his dumb question in time that it was planned. Now, the topic of conversation was exclusively the topic of sex. Neighbor praised the skill of his wife. I offered to move everyone to the bedroom and have threesome sex.
And here, after giving a strong confusion, the wife said that she did not want me to participate. She explained that this is exactly what turns her on, sex with strangers without me, that this is how she feels like a depraved slut cheating on her husband. For me it was not very good news, but so far I have decided to make concessions. Sveta and her neighbor got undressed and continued to chat on our matrimonial bed. I looked at this damn thing and poured myself a drink. After a while, I caught myself thinking that I really enjoyed watching someone have my wife in front of me. After the spouse received another portion of sperm in the mouth, we began to discuss further developments.
The neighbor said he wants to regularly visit the openings of Svetlana and hinted that he has many decent acquaintances who can add even more variety to our sex life. Soon the neighbor left. Sveta led me into the bedroom, became a cancer, and smiling said: now, dear, hit your wife after a neighbor. I felt jealous and excited at the same time and drove a member into a developed and wet vagina spouse. I finished pretty quickly and my wife, having tasted my sperm in my mouth, said that my tastier than the neighbor. It pleased.
Neighbor began to come every day. He was fun with his wife and I watched. A few days later, the spouse hinted that it was time to get acquainted with the friends of the neighbor. And so, on another evening, after returning from work, I did not wait for the usual meeting of my wife, but I heard her moans from the bedroom. I quietly walked into the apartment and saw how Sveta was being used by two neighbors and a guy I didn't know. I wanted to be indignant that everything started without me and my consent, but my wife’s facial expression was painfully blissful. In general, I did not interfere and decided to inspect. The guys changed places, changed poses, put his wife on her back, then on her stomach, tried to put both members in her mouth at once, in general they came off as best they could. As I understood from fragmentary phrases, the spouse did not give them in anal.
Soon Sveta was seated on her knees and alternately lowered to her face. After that, the neighbor stood next to her, pulled the member to her face, and asked his friend to take a picture on the phone. Then he put a member of the spouse in his mouth and photographed again. For some reason, my wife did not mind, and I concluded that her popularity in the role of a whore does not frighten her. Now I was able to safely enter the bedroom. Of course, I scolded my neighbor that everyone had arranged without me, but he began to justify himself, that Sveta herself had begged her to start early. Wife made a mournful face and I relented. When asked about the photo, the neighbor said that he wanted to show his friends, in the form of an advertisement for my wife. We agreed that further communication will take place with me and the guys left. Wife, as a thank you, presented me a gorgeous blowjob with a mouthful. At the same time, she sat on a large rubber phallus and I realized that one-on-one sex is no longer of interest to the spouse.
A few days later, a neighbor called me and asked me to arrange another meeting with my wife in the evening. He said that he would lead a third partner. We agreed on a time and program. When the appointed hour came, I was still busy. I started calling my wife, asking when I would be and what to do. I, realizing that I am breaking the buzz, allowed my wife to start without me, but only limited to a blowjob, as I was about to arrive. On this and agreed. When I arrived, I saw the following picture: a neighbor and two strangers sprawled naked on our sofa in the hall, dumping their members, and the spouse, kneeling, alternately sucked them. One of those present was a man in his fifties, with gray hair and copious hair on his body, and with a very thick member.
The process was interrupted by my appearance, and we became acquainted. The neighbor presented the peasant as his boss from the company where he works. We drank and the neighbor’s chief (Igor Nikolayevich) explained that he had recently found his subordinates watching my wife’s photo, who were walking around the office. It was not difficult to find out who brought them, and of course he was able to agree on his participation. Now that everyone was assembled, I was offered not to delay a pleasant moment and continue the fun. We moved into the bedroom and the wife began to serve the guests. I noticed how richly lubricated the anus was with lubricant and I realized that my wife was preparing for anal sex. By right of seniority, Igor Nikolayevich wanted to be the first to go into anal, but Sveta, referring to the greater thickness of his member, asked that another begin.
The honorary role went to a neighbor, and he entered his wife's ass with a blissful smile. Wife groaned louder, a member of the mouth is not released. When the first discomfort passed, Sveta was torn apart according to the classic version of three trunks. The sight was extremely exciting. Soon everything changed, and the second participant entered the anus, and after a while, it was Igor Nikolaevich's turn. When he started to enter, his wife's eyes widened and she asked to stop, because she was in pain. Adding lubricant did not correct the situation, however, Igor Nikolayevich did not want to retreat. He got out of clothes 300 UAH. and stretched out his wife with the words: you can tolerate it all the same, then it will not hurt. Sveta strangely looked at the money, and said quietly: well ... I was extremely surprised, there was no shortage of money in our family.
Igor Nikolayevich smiled and again fell in behind. When he entered, I saw tears in the corners of his wife's eyes. She bit her lip, then closed her eyes. Very soon the member entered completely and his master began to move. It took quite some time, and the spouse relaxed, smiled again. The guys continued to stick her cock in her mouth. Ten minutes later, the anal lover groaned and finished in the spouse's anus. I went closer and saw how a decent hole gaped in the neat anal hole of my beloved and sperm flowed from it. The owner of a big dick shook my hands and said: you have a great wife, the ass is generally super, so tight, but not for long, and laughed. The neighbor and his friend for some time put members into their spouse and ended up in her mouth. After that, the male half moved to the table, and Sveta remained to rest in the bedroom. We drank some more, and Igor Nikolayevich wondered if he could continue to visit us further, I agreed.
Since then, Igor Nikolayevich began to visit us often. He was polite and gallant, often brought gifts to his wife, however, she worked for them in full. Realizing that the spouse is interested in group sex, our new acquaintance came with his deputies from work. These were also middle-aged men who know a lot about sex. For each of their arrival, Sveta prepared herself thoroughly, as she knew that she would be used far and wide. She dressed as a prostitute, and in this dress met guests. For the piquancy of the situation, Igor Nikolayevich proposed introducing a permanent payment for the wife’s anal service, though lowering her cost to 100 UAH. Soon, the spouse no longer felt much discomfort when a fat member of our guest was wielding in her anus. Sveta sometimes began to ask her to finish in her, saying that it was so nice to feel the beating of sperm about the uterus, and the guests filled her with sperm.
On another visit, Igor Nikolayevich said that his wife was ripe for a real geg-benga. In general, he said that he has big plans for Svetlana, but first, it is best to organize a visit to the sauna, where my wife will play the role of a prostitute, and he can arrange it for the next weekend. The wife immediately caught fire with this idea and began to beg me to agree. Well, I agreed. Igor Nikolayevich did not voice the details, only said how to dress and where to come. At the appointed time, we arrived at the entertainment club "Siesta". There is a whole complex of saunas for different tastes. We were waiting in the Roman sauna. When we entered, we saw a huge round pool in the middle. Nearby there is a table, behind which sat seven half-naked men in sheets, and among them Igor Nikolayevich. He stood up to greet us and presented to those present: this is our girl of Light, and ... her guards. We were invited to the table, poured a drink. Those present eagerly looked at his spouse.
Soon one man of about sixty turned to his wife: come on, daughter, take off your clothes, it's time to work already. Embarrassed, Sveta began to take off her clothes, And Igor Nikolayevich announced that she would receive the money after serving the entire campaign. When the wife got undressed, the three of them got up from the table and headed towards a large sofa, standing in the hall inviting Svetlana to her. And the audience began. All three holes of his wife were filled with standing members, the others drank and watched. The men changed places, and now a member of the anus moved his wife in the mouth. Three more rose from the table and joined the orgy.
At the table I and Igor Nikolayevich remained. He turned to me: how do you see? in my opinion, your wife is a born cock sucker and slapped me on the shoulder. Now she combines business with pleasure. I'm going to make a real prostitute of her. Meanwhile, Sveta was allowed in a circle. She was held by her hair and literally strung her head on the limbs. Our friend warned that tomorrow the spouse will complain of pain in the genitals, and he went to torment the body of my beloved. From the heat, the mascara in her eyes began to flow and the spouse was like a real whore. I felt sorry for her. In the general noise of voices and groans, individual phrases periodically differed: don't forget about mine ... whore's working point ... take it deeper ... wider mouth ... let's swallow! ... I realized that my wife was started to be filled with sperm. Participants of the orgy began to return one by one. Judging by the conversation, I realized that everyone got what they ordered. Then they called me to take a few photos: triple penetration, with members in the mouth.
I saw sperm marks in all three holes of my wife. The last three were flat on her face and I again took a photo with my wife in the background. The wife looked tired, but pleased. Her body glistened with a mixture of sweat and men's secretions, and in the eyes there was only lust. When everyone had finished, Sveta climbed into the pool to cool her weary holes. In the meantime, satisfied customers were dumped at 500 UAH. for the services of his wife. Then she was called and handed the earned money. One man demanded a telephone for communication, voicing that in a couple of days he would need a sperm receiver for him and his friends. My wife dictated her mobile number, and almost everyone present recorded it. I realized that my wife still had a lot of work ahead.
The next day, they began to call the home phone with questions: when can I come and blow my spouse. When I asked where such information and telephone came from, they told me that they read on the Internet that my wife’s sex services had been announced. I realized that someone advertised in our place. Towards evening, the doorbell rang. On the threshold stood four middle-aged men. One of them said: we are to your wife, she accepts? I did not know what to say, and answered that I would find out now. I asked Sveta when it would end, to which she replied that soon, here she would play a little more and that was all. So let them? Yes, my wife answered and went to change clothes. Customers went and looked around. One asked: where will she serve? I led them to our bedroom. Another client said: you would add a photo of your apartment in an advertising booklet to make it clear where everything will happen. I asked what other booklet?
He handed me a magazine and said with a smile: this one. I took the magazine and saw my wife drenched in sperm and with members in the mouth. The text read: "a married prostitute will provide a full range of sexual services in the presence of her husband" Then came the quotations: Blowjob 250 UAH. swallowing sperm in addition 30 UAH. Classic sex 1 hour 500 UAH, anal additionally 300 UAH. Photo for memory with a member in the mouth 50 UAH. I was stunned. Then a wife appeared. She looked at the guests and invited them to undress. The members of them were of impressive size, and one with balls. As always, it all started with a blowjob. After Sveta was all sucked, she was put on the bed, her head was hung down and the members began to stick at the very eggs right in the throat. The spouse choked and saliva flowed down her face to the floor. I was given a camera and told to shoot what they were told. I obediently followed their instructions.
Soon, Sveta was stopped tearing her throat and took up her vagina and anus. She was planted on three members and told to approach them. Then they gave me a big wedding photo in my hands, where my wife is in a wedding dress with me, and the fourth client took a few photos to make it clear that I was her husband. It was embarrassing and exciting at the same time. Then his wife began to peck in anal. When it came to the client with the balls in the penis, the spouse began to howl in pain. Her hands were squeezed behind her back, a member was driven into her mouth, and she could only cry and howl, and the owner of the member said: endure the whore, they pay you for it. He for some time tormented his wife's anus, and then raised the penis to Sveta’s face, said that he wanted to fill her mouth, and that I would drag his penis on her with my hand. I began to refuse, but he said that the client is always right and I must obey. I wrapped my hand around his dick and began to masturbate. The balls were clearly felt under the skin of the penis. We were photographed, the client groaned and become cum.
I sent a stream of sperm into my wife's mouth, and she rolled her eyes with pleasure. When the ejaculation was over, the client told his wife not to swallow. The others liked this ending so much that they also wanted my direct participation in this matter. As a result, they approached one to the wife one by one, and I jerked them off and sent a stream in her mouth and on her face. Everyone was photographed with me. When finished last, the entire face of the spouse was in the semen. I was again told to stand with a wedding photo next to my wife and took pictures with us. Then Sveta was allowed to swallow the sperm. When customers dressed, each handed his wife 800 UAH. They said that they would put it on the Internet and we would become very “popular”. After that they left. After a couple of hours, the next doorbell rang.
When I opened the door, a fat man in an expensive suit was standing on the threshold. He said that the ad, and wants to relieve tension after a working day with a good blowjob. I led him into the hall and he sat down in my favorite chair. Immediately his wife came. The client, having examined her husband, with a careless gesture, showed her to start. Kneeling down, Sveta began to unbutton his pants, freeing a member of them, and then began to suck him. The guy turned to me and said to give him our family photo album. I obeyed and he began to leaf through it. The wife at that time demonstrated her skills and polished her lips and eggs with her lips. Soon, he told his wife to get ready, and warned him to tightly embrace the penis, since sperm could get on the pants. He began to cum and Sveta gently took his cum into her mouth and swallowed.
The customer looked at me with satisfaction and began to wear trousers. Before leaving, he gave his wife UAH 300 and said that he would go in the future. Then they called by phone and told that the wife went out in a raincoat on a naked body and served in the car. I said that without me she would not get in the car. I was told that I was allowed to go behind the wheel, and the spouse would serve the driver and passenger. Sveta undressed and threw a raincoat. They called me again and told me to go down. At the entrance stood a black minivan. The driver opened the door and let me go behind the wheel, and he and his wife climbed onto the passenger seats. Inside was another man. He told his wife to undress, and dumped their dignity. Wife bare and began to suck. In the rearview mirror, I could only see the grinning faces of customers and the head of a wife making characteristic movements.Customers alternately satisfied sniffled and gave different instructions to Svetlana: swallow more quickly, go deeper, lick your eggs, and so on.
After ten minutes, one said: I will soon, well, take it to its full length, I want to finish your throat. After that, the client clasped the head of his wife with his hands and began to fuck her in the throat with a frenzy, after which he stopped and quite groaned. I heard my wife choking on sperm that got into her throat. Immediately after that, Svetlana's head moved to the second member and the procedure was repeated. When the second client finished, the wife began to dress. The men gave her UAH 250 and said they would call in again. I got out of the car and opened the door for my wife. When she came out, the hem of his raincoat caught and exposed his wife above the belt. As evil, at the same moment, two neighbors were leaving the entrance and, of course, noticed it. It is not difficult to guess what the spouse was doing in the back seat of the car, with lipstick smeared around the mouth and in a raincoat over a naked body.Wife embarrassed and the neighbors greeted passed by. In the evening, the doorbell rang again.
On the threshold were two neighbors who today witnessed the scene with the car. One embarrassedly asked: no offense, neighbor, we understood that your wife is haggling her mouth, and she doesn’t serve us, according to the neighbor, eh? I was both ashamed and funny and pleasant. I asked my wife and she naturally answered by agreeing what to hide somewhere ... The neighbors went into the hall and sat on the sofa. Sveta came in and said hello. One of the guests turned to his wife: Svetul, do not be embarrassed, the neighborhood is a neighborhood, but work is work. My, too, would give in to prostitutes, yes the person did not leave. Everyone laughed and the tension subsided. The neighbor added, only skidochku on a neighborly make us sweetheart, you can hryvnia at 100 for a bogie? Wife nodded in response. Well, then show us your skills - the second answered and they began to unbutton his pants. Light knelt and began to work with his mouth. One she suckedThe other jerked off with a hand, then changed places.
Guests quite sniffled and groaned. The neighbor turned to me: why are you silent, that you have such a wife is an artist, now we will often visit her, and laughed. Soon the guests began alternately to finish his wife in the mouth and she certainly swallowed. Satisfied neighbors left UAH 100 for their wife and, after shaking, they left my hand.
Life went on as usual. We called and ordered his wife. In the evening, on the phone they said that we should come to the Green Grove and let the car go. When we got to the place and were left alone, four cars drove up to us. From them began to leave the guys. I counted ten people altogether. They came up to us and said that they want to tear off their spouse right here. I did not have time to answer, but my wife was already put on her knees and began to put her members in her mouth. On my objections of the type you need to decide on the list of services and payment, I was told: do not worry, for your nipple money nashkrebom. After blowjobs to all those present, she began to fuck.
Every car owner used his wife in his car and took pictures of them. The guys used all the holes of his wife. Members swung from ass to mouth and vice versa. Then Sveta was placed on her back on the hood of the car, spread her legs to the sides and told me to hold them, while they themselves alternately fucked my spouse in the vagina and anus. All this is also filmed on the camera. When customers had played enough, they put their wife on their knees and began to let her face down. After a couple of minutes, the face of his beloved was all covered with viscous sperm. The guys still clicked a couple of photos and gave me the money, at the rate of 500 UAH per person, saying that the anal was free of charge, as wholesale customers. Cars parted and we found ourselves in total darkness. I asked my wife: well, what a whore, happy? She answered softly: yes, love.
The next day, returning from work, a neighbor boy approached me at the entrance and, laughing, asked me: would you like to show your wife? I nodded and he stretched his iphone on the screen of which, my Sveta adored with two members in her mouth. The guy added: it was me who clicked at your home five minutes ago, and ran off laughing. I climbed to our floor. The door to the apartment was ajar and voices were heard from there. At the door, someone taped a piece of tape with an ad “Services of a prostitute. Neighbors 50% discount. I tore off the ad and went into the apartment and saw about fifteen men of different ages. Almost all I somehow met in our yard, there were neighbors in the entrance and the site. In the center of the hall there was an unfolded sofa on which the wife stood with cancer and orally-anally-vaginally satisfied the guests. Next was our vase,in which lay several banknotes.
Anus wife tormented yesterday's neighbor who came for a blowjob. He first saw me and announced loudly: here comes our hostess's husband! All those present turned to me and began to greet. A neighbor, without taking a member out of Sveta's ass, shook my hand and said: why didn’t you say that your wife not only sucks, is she even ashamed? in vain, you have a great mistress! My in the ass does not give me, says it hurts her, now I will come off yours! (how much does Svetka have anal 300? Hold 150, with a discount as agreed, and threw money into a vase. The neighbor working at the spouse's mouth groaning ending up in her mouth, after a second the next person filled the empty hole with his dick.
Soon the talkative neighbor began to lower his wife in the anus. When the oohs and the moans of bliss are over, he pulled out a member, and sperm flowed from Sveta's anal hole. Neighbor loudly turned to those present: the whore's anus is free! wanting? with a discount of only 150. Smiling owner of the apartment above us, replied: I am next, and began to join up to my wife. He laid her on his back, spread his legs and drove his yalda in the ass. Her head hung from the edge of the couch and blowjob lovers used it. When the next member entered the mouth at the very balls, I clearly saw how his wife's throat swelled. Neighbors behaved relaxed and at ease, drank beer, clicked us on mobile phones.
A neighbor from above, monotonously driving his device to his wife, turned to me: I often met your spouse in the elevator. She looked beautiful and always smelled of good perfume. I never thought that I could ever touch her, but now I fuck her in the ass with her husband. Thank you for this opportunity, neighbor. And he laughed ... By the way, tomorrow my wife and daughter are leaving, I will hang out with my friends at home, can I invite yours to me for an hour or two? I'm with your friends at full tearing your wife's dachshund, do not be afraid! I agreed. The guest who blasted Sveta, plentifully let it fall on her face, and another hundred fell into a vase. The next blowjob lover approached his wife and asked me: hey, well, you wipe the demise off her face, I dislike her waffle atoms like that.
I silently wiped my wife with a towel, and her mouth opened again to work. A neighbor from above, who was operating in the anus of Sveta, asked me to hold her leg and take a picture with him. He drove a member deeper in the ass spouse, put his arm around my shoulder and the three of us clicked on the memory. Soon the neighbor finished his wife and another 150 UAH fell into the vase, and the next one took his place ...