My recent friend Marinka was amazing. I did not yet know her very well, but I thought that I was crazy about her beauty and character. I do not know how it happened, but that Saturday evening, when we walked with her, she led me to a gloomy area with a bad reputation. In anticipation of intimate moments with Marinka, I completely lost my sense of self-preservation and didn’t pay much attention to my surroundings until we found ourselves in a rather dark and empty public garden. Only then did I feel some danger in the air. In the middle of the square right on the bench there is a rather large group of young guys. The guys looked like real Gopnik. And although they peacefully thumped, flicking seeds, in their unkind eyes I immediately recognized that characteristic look, trying to discern from their area of me or not.
The atmosphere began to thicken when Marinka and I walked past the bench. Gopnik just ofigevali at the sight of overdressed Madame in a pair with hlyupikom (that is, me). The guys did not hesitate to stare at Marinkin's beautiful legs, almost not covered at all by her short skirt. Marinka herself seemed even excited about anticipating the phase of my inevitable showdown with the gopota on the bench. I, on the contrary, tried to merge with the surrounding space, trying not to get to the bottom of us. I almost sighed calmly after we were able to walk past that unfortunate shop without difficulty, when Marinka suddenly said to me in a loud voice: “Why are these fagots staring at me like that?
It was a fiasco. I realized that I was in trouble. This fool clearly provoked a conflict in which I most likely had the role of a whipping boy. We were surrounded by a dense ring. They must have been a man. 8. What was she thinking about? Did she decide that I would scatter them all? Or did she want to check me out?
- Who did you call fag here?
Marinka was silent and looked at my reaction.
- Take your hands off the goat! Kohl they paw me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that the guy, who was standing right in front of Marinka, lowered his palm downwards and, looking her straight in the eyes, drove the open five over her skirt, pressing her pubis. The second one, who was standing behind him, clasped her breasts with both hands and began to knead them. Two other guys grabbed her hands so that she did not twitch. The rest of the gopniks surrounded me and waited for my reaction. How will I react to such frank paws of my girlfriend?
Marinka, of course, hoped that at that moment I should flare up and rush at her offenders. However, she did not take into account at all that I was rather cowardly and absolutely not jealous. I am not jealous so much that I prefer to share a good cake with friends than to squeeze crackers alone. In porn movies, the gangbang genre was my favorite. In addition, I absolutely did not want to settle this stupid situation with Marinka, especially since she herself had created it.
Relationship with punks managed to settle pretty quickly. I am a breed of people who love and know how to negotiate, and the guys turned out to be quite adequate and not yet very boozy. While I was framing the situation with the pranks, I enjoyed the changes on Marinka’s face. I do not think that she had any special affection for me. She probably didn’t care who had sex with me today, with me or with the guy who would beat me. All that interested her was adrenaline confrontation, blood, and violence.
At the beginning of my talks, there was anger and snobish disdain on her face. She tried to arrogantly rude and command the guys holding her. When she threw her burning glances at me, a mute reproach was expressed in them. "How can you tolerate such unheard-of arrogance that your girlfriend is not ashamed right before your eyes? !!". I did not react to this view. When I shook the hand of the gopnik standing in front of me, there was no limit to her surprise. Instead of fighting each other, we peacefully agreed and the gopnik even treated me to beer from his bottle. You should have seen her confused face at that moment. She even stopped kicking and resisting, that the guys holding her hands were interpreted in their own way. They simultaneously began to run their fingers under her short skirt.
In general, when the punks and I quickly found a common language, it turned out that they personally do not need anything from me. They were only in the claim for the market of my girlfriend.
Marinka looked at me dumbfounded when I explained to her that these were normal guys and that she had so insulted them in vain. She offended them greatly, calling them fagots. But since they were celebrating the birthday of a friend at the moment, they were ready to forgive her the incident if she would drink vodka with them on brotherhood.
The arrogance and self-confidence instantly flew from Marinka's face after my words. She realized that I would not harness for her and in fact took the side of the Gopnik in the conflict caused to her. She became frightened looking at the guys
- Do not. Take your hands off. Good, I'll drink with you. Right from the neck? I can not do that. Why kiss? Right on the lips? So do what? Do not touch me there.
To be honest, I guessed what these guys want. Their undressing eyes directed at Marinka were visible from the very beginning. It flattered me and I didn’t even mind if they were staring at her like that, or maybe her petite body dressed in this challenge might be slightly halfway down.
your clothes. To some extent I probably wondered how this would end. Let her be a lesson.
After each sip of vodka from the neck, all the guys were eager to kiss Marinka passionately. For a long time they fell to her lips, fumbling at the same time with their paws in her charms. Marinka put up with shy movements trying to push the guys off of her hands. After the fifth and sixth sips, it was obvious that she was pretty drunk. Her pink cheeks glowed, and her hazy look wandered around the faces of the guys.
I went closer to her and hugged her around the waist. She, recognizing me and feeling the long-awaited deliverance, smiled drunkenly, and, embracing my neck, actually hung on me, putting her face to my chest. From her strongly smelled fumes. Good sips she did.
The guys standing nearby looked at my fucking girlfriend with lustful looks. There was some kind of incompleteness. Guys are so agitated and awaited something more. The kind of irresponsible sexual girl wound them all and pushed them to feats. I felt that if I tried to leave right now, it would provoke them to aggression.
- And who is the birthday boy? - I asked?
From the crowd stood a short pimply guy. He clearly had an erection. Stake from his sweat pants and so bristling. A strange thought occurred to me.
“Happy birthday to you, bro,” I said, and turning Marinkin's ass towards him, I began to slowly lift up her skirt, exposing her white skin. Stepping back a bit and holding her by the shoulders, I forced Marinka to bend a little forward, from which her naked butt got rounded and became even more appetizing. A guy with bulging eyes stared between her legs. I deftly lowered her white panties, revealing Marinkin's genital rose petals to the guys eyes. The girl looked at me with a puzzled look, half-drunk with a drunken look, trying to understand what it all meant.
After the word “gift”, the birthday boy quickly took off his pants and wrapped his hands around Marinkina’s strong hands. A sharp push and a loud moaning cry of a girl. I'm stroking her head. She looks at me with her blue, uncomprehending eyes. Tears flow down her cheeks. The head rhythmically moves to the beat of sharp intermittent jolts from behind. This is how I love her beautiful. I feel that I have an erection too.
The birthday boy suddenly began to work very quickly with his hips and lean hard on the girl. At the climax, he planted his penis in it for all its depth and froze. Then he pushed the berd again and issued a triumphant cry. Marinka closed her eyes and twisted her physiognomy in disgust. She was still very far from her orgasm. Gopnik just did not know that Marinka ends only from anal stimulations.
With a squish, the guy took his dick out of Marinka. Plentiful sperm flowed down her legs right on the dusty asphalt. I looked around. Gopnik all as one stood and jerked their members. I smiled and led Marinka to the ill-fated bench. Thumping and demoralized by my betrayal, she wandered dejectedly at me looking at the ground. Gopnik without a word, followed us.
I pulled my cock out of my pants and sat down on the bench. Then turning his back Marinka, dipped his fingers into her hot vagina full of her discharge mixed with gopnik's sperm. With this mixture, I smeared the entrance to her anus and, spreading her legs across the width of her shoulders, began to sit her on his penis. Her narrow anus ring tightly wrapped around my knob. I pulled her side down and she sank with a groan, allowing my penis to penetrate her to its full length. I pulled her skirt up to my belt, grabbed her under her knees and spread her legs wide apart, revealing her sex lips, slick with excitement, to numb gopniki for everyone to see. I began to rhythmically move my hips by introducing and withdrawing my penis from her anal hole. Marinka immediately groaned loudly. I did not see her face, but I knew that when I fucked her in the anal sex, she was quickly turned on and, rolling her eyes, very moaningly, the floor opened her beautiful mouth in ecstasy.
Gopnik did not need to give extra instructions. It is not every day that such a gorgeous blonde gets fucked on their bench. One of them became feet on a bench nearby and took Marinkin mouth. I saw the shadow of the other over me, and after a moment I felt his member insert Marinka into my vagina.
I, of course, had seen Marinkin before orgasm, but had never seen her finish with such insanity. Apparently the psychological stress caused by danger and adrenaline led to such an unusual violent reaction. She cursed and screamed like a madman sandwiched between two naked bodies on a bench in a public garden. Her whole body twisted frantically, while she was pounding with her hands on the sides of the gopnik hanging above her. I squeezed the nipples of her breasts with my fingers and she, shivering a little, howled from pain and buzz. Someone squatting nearby was pulling her swollen clit. I felt her rhythmic smooth muscle contractions with my dick. Gopniki looked at her sweet suffering and even more started. It was getting harder and harder for them to wait their turn. The first gopnik was practically ripped off from Marinka, when his cock was still spewing and sprinkling sperm in all directions. His place was immediately taken by someone next.
When I finished it, I was exhausted and barely crawled out from under the pile of bodies. I really wanted a beer. Marinka continued to fuck in all the cracks right here on the bench. She squirmed under the body of a guy and moaned loudly from the next orgasm.
I do not know if Marinka likes to arrange such provocations now? Since that time, our relations have somehow cooled and somewhere after half a year we broke up. I somehow have enough adrenaline without such adventures. Edge ear heard that she had got himself a guy from those same Gopnik.