The fingers beat off the keyboard of the computer, forcing it to build characters into a complex logical structure. The hands seemed to be racing with the thought, and I didn’t care who won in this race. The result is important - successful and one hundred percent.

Which will change a lot. The result, which has not yet been given.

- What are you scribbling? - I hear a voice from behind.

Stas, my friend, slaps me on the back and sits next to the bench of the university audience. Looking over his shoulder at the laptop monitor.

- Yes, yes, one program, - I answer, without taking my eyes off the computer. The thought that I’m trying to hook on is slipping away again, leaving me with only the smell of disappointment. I came close to solving the puzzle that was invented by myself, but I lack the last exact stroke. Keystroke. But which ones?

“Your glasses are already foggy,” Stas smiles, imposingly lounging on a bench. “Breathe out the steam, Bill Gates.” The tape starts.

Stas does not call me "glasses", as they still did at school, does not give cuffs to underline my low growth, to put it mildly, and does not allow other peers to make fun of me. He was a tall sports guy, he was a favorite of the opposite sex and externally - my complete opposite. Stas is always dressed in fashionable things “by brands” that he could afford with his parents, looked like “macho” from all these teen magazines, was the soul of youth companies. Exemplary boyfriend for modern girls.

I couldn’t notice anything about myself. Small, frail, with glasses, I did not pretend to success with peers. The girls without a laugh, even if mentally, did not look in my direction. Stas noticed me from the beginning of the course, even when I helped him to solve his first control. He then was in a clear dead end. We became friends, he began to lead me to all kinds of get-togethers, to introduce teenagers from among the “golden youth” into his circle, and I was pulling him up for study the rest of the time. I never understood why Stas, this lucky man, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, chose a programming department to study. From the desire to conform to fashion or something else? The inclinations of the programmer in it were so-so, mediocre. Here are just ambitions above the roof.

Kolobov, a programming teacher, entered the audience. In this science at the university, he had the reputation of "second after God." In any case, at the level of our university. I slammed the lid of the laptop and the classes began. The lecture was already over, as Kolobov decided to make an announcement at last.

- Attention guys! It is very important for us.

There was silence in the audience, everyone was listening to the teacher.

- Our colleagues from the University of Texas, USA, proposed a student exchange project. They announced a tender for writing computer programs for our course. The student who invented the most interesting, in their opinion, program, will go to study in the USA for a period of six months, followed by an internship at MicroSoft. Programs provide me until the end of the month. - And Kolobov added at the end of the announcement. - Come, feel free to consult. And now everyone is free.

The audience buzzed enthusiastically. All present indulged in programming, as befits future programmers, and to win

the tender for study abroad was better than the flight into space. Students, talking, left the audience.

- Well, Vlad, flashing some of his program? - with enthusiasm Stas asked me. I was silent. I thought that I could not manage the code. The idea of ​​the last program, on which I had been working for three months, seemed unusual to me, but I wasn’t successful yet. I suddenly introduced myself in America, to Microsoft, and my heart ached from the pricks of vanity. The classes were over, we left the corps, and Stas again distracted me from thinking.

“Come to me now,” he suggested. - Today, the hut is empty, my parents have left, my company is going to. We drink beer, hang out, dance and all that.

And here Stas waved to someone. I didn’t really want to go hang out, but when I saw who was waiting for him near the university, at the level of instinct I changed my decision. At some second I understood why Stas chose programming as a career. He had everything in his life going according to a well-tuned program coordinated with himself. This program gave him everything. This lucky.

It was this guy who was supposed to choose Maya.

A month ago, Stas introduced me to his new girlfriend.

- Maya, this is Vlad. His brains are steeper than any company, - Stas introduced me.

At the time of acquaintance, I looked at her and realized that I was standing on the edge of the abyss, which I was never destined to jump over. With snow-white hair, blue eyes and a sophisticated, divinely graceful figure, Maya was similar at the same time to the leader from some MTV and to a princess from children's films. I was embarrassed when pierced with a spear through her beauty, I looked at the girl from head to toe. He glanced over the perfectly even legs in a short dress, slipped through the mounds of bulging breasts protruding from under the deep cut, and froze on her immaculate face. Maya's eyes with a slight arrogance in response went through me, and it seemed as if a computer virus had crawled into my head, clutched and began to break my usual system. Stas noticed my reaction to my lady. He smiled smugly. A girl with such a look was a match for my friend. He is used to getting the best.

And today, bright, breathing with beauty and confidence, Maya waited for Stas after classes. With him, as a supplement, I came up.

“Hello,” they hugged, and I witnessed a light kiss. “Hello, Vlad,” Maya addressed me already. She perceived me simply as a certain accessory of her boyfriend, such as AyPad, and, it seemed to me, she treated me well.

- Are you coming with us? - asked Stas.

Then my mobile phone rang. On the screen, a sweetheart photo was highlighted. Olya

- I will come late, Olga, - I answer the phone. - ... Yes, with Stas ...

- Your girlfriend? - Maya clarified when I turned off the phone. She seemed surprised at how I could have a girlfriend. - So invite her with you.

“That sister called,” I reply. Olya is already at home. I know she won't go to bed until I return. Five years older than me, she was worried about me as if I was still small. We have lived together since our mother died. And Olya in her own way was able to replace my mother.

Maya takes Stas under her arm and turns her around, and I glance briefly through her ass and legs. Mentally sigh. How nice is my friend's girlfriend.

... There were several pairs of girls and guys. The fun was already in full swing when Stas suggested:

- Let's play in the bottle. We kiss only with the opposite sex. If the guy gets on the guy, then he kisses the girl who is clockwise in the circle - the girl, respectively, the guy.

The rules are announced and the company is excited to drink it supports them. All sat around the table, Stas on the rights of instigators spun the first. I got to Tanya, and firmly, to the applause and exclamations, kissed her passionately.

“We kiss on the lips,” he announced. Nobody was against it. My heart pounded from an imaginary picture of a bottle frozen on me. I have never kissed. Send the following kisses and rotation of the bottle on the table. A vile bottle, a glass dummy, constantly avoided me, giving opportunities to other guys. I needed one kiss, only one and only one. And the bottle heard me.

Igor, a handsome student, finished kissing Maya, walking with pleasure over her lips. She opened them to him for a kiss. Stas just smiled. He was absolutely not jealous of her.

“Spin,” Igor announced, and passed the line to Maya. The girl set the bottle in motion, and I stopped as she slowed down and then stopped altogether. On Tanya.

Next to Tanya was me.

Cheers and comments from the side.

- Come on, Maya, - Stas ordered with pleasure. - Vlad today is not kissed.

As well as not kissing at all, I thought. The heart seemed to pop out of the chest. If only no one figured out how I waited for this moment. I tried to catch her eye, but Maya did not even look in my direction. She looked somewhere in the ceiling.

- We are waiting, - repeated Stas.

“I won't,” suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, Maya said. There was silence. The tipsy company digested what they heard.

- What are you? - displeased noted Stas. He frowned. - Rules are rules. Kiss, Vlad is waiting.

I felt like I was pouring lead, and my palms were sweating.

- This ...? - Maya pointed at me. She did not specify who, after swallowing the last word, but changed in the face, and I read something dismissive on him ...


“I won't,” the girl repeated with tough calm. Everyone was silent, as if someone had died in the apartment. Stas tried to pressure Maya, but I could not tolerate it anymore.

“I forgot to say ... I must go, Stas,” I said, my voice hoarse from my inner pain. Within seconds I was in the corridor, put on my shoes, Stas caught up with me and tried to stop, but I broke free and found myself outside the door. Jumping out into the street, I met spring rain. He doused me with the freshness and cold that was so necessary at that moment. I feel like a burned-out computer, useful, but not needed by anyone. Already in the late evening he returned home. I could not get the key to the door, but then it opened from the inside. Olga.

“Well, finally,” she said happily. In the lightweight dressing-gown, Olya stood on the threshold. With washed makeup and loose white hair, like Maya's, she looked beautiful. Why am I not handsome like her? We are brother and sister.

“You look like a father, and I look like a mother,” she once said. My father left us when I was little. Then he appeared at his mother's funeral, sad and stranger. I practically did not communicate with him then, and after the funeral he locked himself in a room with Olya. They talked about something for a long time, after I found out that he wanted to live with us again, but Oli’s reaction was harsh. The angry father left the apartment, and Olya managed to defend me from the placement in the boarding school. As she agreed with the social services, I understood that. But since then she raised me. She went to work early in some company, and, to the surprise of many, we had no shortage of money, at least for the most necessary. Olga also bought me my first computer. This birthday present defined my life path. I literally got sick with high-tech technologies and soon wrote my programs. He entered the university on the relevant faculty.

- Hello, Vlad, - gave an assessment to one of my Kolobov programs when I decided to show him my works. - You have a talent. Just do not throw them in vain.

On the course I was considered a promising student. But with an absolutely hopeless dream, just hopeless. Because I met Maya.

- Are you crying? - Olga asked anxiously when I entered the apartment. “A worthy girl will surely love you,” I recalled the words of my older sister.

“No, it’s raining,” I reply, trying not to see my face. Olya recognizes my mood better than any scanner.

- What happened, tell me? - she was not going to keep up with me.

It was very personal - Maya, the attitude towards the girl, and even a busy friend, and this missed kiss. But Olya was the closest person to me. To me to pour out my offense, if not to her. She always knew how to listen to me.

- You say you refused to kiss you? - With a slight smile she asked. - Do you know how to kiss?

I looked down at the wall like a little one. I felt embarrassed. I was looking for consolation from my sister, and then she drove me into another wave of paint. But suddenly Olya pushed the stool and sat very close. Closer close. I was covered with her warmth, smell, so close and dear. Her hair covered my room as she hugged me.

- Like this? - I heard. I felt, not believing myself, how her lips entered mine, and Oli's tongue, thin, sharp as an arrow, turned out to be inside. I didn’t even make a sound, so quickly she invaded my mouth and gently pulled her petal in it. The shock of the surprise of the whole situation, quickly replaced by pleasure. Sparks of excitement went through the body. Wet tongue, tender lips of the sister created the first such pleasure.

- Answer me ... - she whispers, tearing off, and I began to act. Awkwardly, but insistently he started his own tongue in her mouth, tightly clasping his lips. - Softer, Vlad ... - Olya was close, and I noticed that my sister somehow closed her eyes.

“You got it,” she said, grinning, completing the kiss in a few minutes. - Kissing on the lips - this is the first impression on the girl. Always try as it is now.

And added another phrase:

- Do not give anyone what you consider yours by right.

Is she about everything or about Maya? That was the first kiss in life. Presented to me by my sister. I noticed how her robe threw open during embraces, exposing half of her bare breasts. I did not have time to turn away, but Olya quickly straightened him, kissed me on the cheek, and went to sleep in her room. I could not sleep for a long time. Tossing and turning, Maya alternately alternated before his eyes - beautiful, but alien, and Olya - with flowing white hair. "Snow White" flashed through me. And it feels like a blow to the head, to the most important point of the brain, struck from somewhere above. The real epiphany I was waiting for. I literally jumped out of bed and grabbed a laptop in my hands ...

* * * * *

In the morning I left the office of Kolobov, when Stas caught me. After talking about this, Stas suddenly said:

- Vlad, I'm sorry to Mike for yesterday. She is generally a good girl. Only thinks about himself a lot.

Yeah, so much so that she kissed everyone except me, identifying him as a second-rate man. I said nothing, not giving Stas my impressions. After the evening with Olya, yesterday’s resentment somehow let me go. We went to the audience, there was time before the tape, and I decided to show the work to Stas. I open the laptop.

- Look.

I show the program files, I see how Stas's face freezes, becomes enthusiastic and even confused. He observes how pictures with characters begin to appear on the screen.

- Is it a computer game? - asked my friend.

- No, Stas, this is something else. A program that writes computer games.

- What are you talking about? - Stas looked amazed. - How is this possible? Not you, but the program came up with this toy?

- Exactly - I announce already solemnly.

At night, I completed the work of recent months and created a software product that in a few hours wrote my first computer game. Machine creative instead of man. I laid only the name and request. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - that was the plot invented by my program. In this game, the dwarves were supposed to save Snow White by passing various levels of obstacles. The toy is primitive for gamers, but the fact that it was written by the program was really outstanding.

- Dude, do you even understand what you came up with? - as if confirming my thoughts spoke Stas. He was delighted, but at the same time saddened at the same time. I understood why. Stas, for all his bright qualities could not do anything like that.

Two days later, Stas called me after class at the bar to have a beer. He looked serious and focused. I realized that there would be a conversation, and suggested that he not pull, get down to business.

- I am about your program, - finally, for some reason, looking around, Stas spoke. - Vlad, give it to me.

I almost fell off a chair from such an offer.

- How to give? - I said in surprise, quietly. Although the guess has already come through in the brain. It was Stas, the guy who was used to getting the best.

- Your program is a breakthrough in programming, - said Stas, already gloomy and even sad. - I must say that I, compared to you as a programmer, are nobody. Do you think I am pleased to admit it?

I was silent.

- And still ... I want to go on this damn trip to Texas, - continued Stas. “Yes, I do,” he says, already loudly. - For me, this is a chance to learn something new, break out of this country, get new opportunities.

I did not want to explain to a friend that he already has everything, and there are plenty of opportunities in this country as well. Stas was obsessed.

- This program has every chance to win a tender. I can distinguish nishtyakovu from the usual program. Please give it to me. We are friends, it is considered. And with your head you will write hundreds of these progs, ”Stas finished his monologue. I caught my eye, waiting for my reaction.

It's time to put all the points.

- No, Stas, - I answered confidently. - Friendship is friendship, but the program was too hard for me. This is the best I've written.

Stas seemed to be waiting for my refusal. He looked ready for him, and clearly prepared to get his trump cards.

- And if we agree? - He said meaningfully.

- What are you talking about? - if it is about money, then the conversation can be ended. I do not sell "Snow White", so I called the program. But Stas was more original than I could even imagine. He was aiming to splash a prog, and was ready to fire to the last bullet. He needed only one shot. Perfectly accurate. And he made it.

- You Maya WANT?

It was as if a tornado had flown into a bar, grabbed me and twisted my head.

- Are you in what sense? - I found the strength to ask me.

“Dude, in TOM itself,” Stas said with a sneer. - There can only be one meaning here. You think I do not see how you crush her?

This sudden proposal knocked me out, the thought of Maya made me shiver, and a surge of strength began at the bottom. Excitement ... I could no longer think logically. Stas achieved the main thing. He knocked my brain out, revealing feelings.

- She will not agree. Stas, this is ridiculous. Do not speed.

- Don't worry about it. I will arrange everything, - my friend said confidently. - I agree? You sleep with her, and my program.

He held out his hand to me. After shaking it, I will lose the program and the road to Texas, but I will get another, exciting and fantastic, something that keeps me awake. A girl with white hair, like my sister's, appeared in front of her eyes. Bold, but stunning beauty. And Stas was going to share it with me? Is my program really cool? I can imagine how Maya will send him when he gets to her with this theme. At least a slap in the face, but at the most ... She will reveal many new things about Stas. Bitter smile in the brain. I clap a hand mate.

“Tomorrow, after the ribbons, we stop at Mike and come to me.” Everything will happen there, - said Stas confidently. He smiled, knowing that it would be my first time. - Yes, I would dream of losing my virginity with someone like Maya. You are lucky Vlad.

... Only one person can give me advice now.

The next evening We are already in the apartment of Stas. Maya looks relaxed, as if nothing should happen, Stas is relaxed and cheerful as always, but I almost shake inside. If she went, then agreed? I clamped, at random I answer questions and do not say anything myself. Maya, in a short top and a similar short skirt, looked seductive. I force myself to look up from her long legs. Today it is more beautiful than ever. Stas put the slow music and announced.

- I need to leave, an important phone call. I am in the kitchen. - And he turned to his girlfriend. - Maya, invite Vlad to dance. Do not be bored.

He looks meaningfully at me and goes to another part of his huge apartment. Maya smiles and approaches me.

- Allow?

She lifts me from the chair. I feel her warm palms on my shoulders. With a trembling hand, I embrace an elegant thin waist, and we dance, if you can call it dancing in my performance. She is indulgent, smiles slightly, and soon the composition ends. Then Maya gently removes my glasses.

- Can?

I only find the strength to nod. She puts the glasses that have prevented her from something on the table, then wraps her shoulders around me, and her face comes close to mine. I hug her back.The lips of the girl, slightly swollen with a perfectly delineated line, open, revealing snow-white teeth, because of which I notice a thin pink tongue. All this beauty is approaching me, and I open my lips in return. We merge in a deep tender kiss, and brains do not believe that the girl kissing me is Maya. I caress her tongue with my own, and she gives in, clinging tightly to her lips. It was great. I note how the member strains below, is filled with passion and impatience. Maya can not feel it, because we stand, hugging closely. Here it has begun.

And then she abruptly pushes away, steps aside and calls loudly:

- Stas! We are done.

My friend appears from the kitchen with an expression of surprise on his face.

- So fast? Maya, what are you doing?

She stares at him blankly.

“I promised only a kiss ...” the girl says quietly.

- You are kidding? - Stas is seriously and unhappily. - I asked Vlad to be satisfied in full.

Maya turned pale, confused, bordering on disappointment, read on her face. I silently observed the situation between them from the side.

- So, - Stas said gloomily, - Well, let's talk.

He brought Maya into another room, leaving me:

- Vlad, wait while here.

Through the wall, I heard the loud voice of Stas, explaining something hard and emotionally, and, as it seemed to me, Maya's sobbing. They did not exist for a long time, and I waited aloof when they either agreed or not. Finally, the couple left the room.

- I leave you - calmly said Stas. And left again.

I looked at Maya. Her face was hot, she looked depressed. The mood of the girl passed on to me. We were silent, I did not know what to say, only caught the sound of the ticking of a wall clock. She looked somewhere in the wall, as in the evening when she refused to kiss me. But now I felt a trace of her kiss on my lips.

- Well, will you sit like that? - With irritation in her voice, she suddenly asked.

What did Stas put pressure on her? Why did she agree? I walked over to the bed where Maya was already located. What should I do next? Pictures from pornorolikov - the only thing where I could draw sexual experience, at this moment seemed to me inappropriate, and I mentally drive them away. Maya finally looked at me, and we met our eyes. In the blue of heaven, I see sadness and regret combined with determination. She is a sharp movement over the head of the topic, exposing the magnificent form of the chest. I cling to my huge brownish nipples. They seemed to call me to him. Below, everything began to rise again.

“Come to me ...” she can barely hear. I sit next to, very close. I find the courage to hug her.

“Wait,” she says, pulling away, pulling off a string of panties and laying on her back. Without taking off the skirt, but only lifting it higher to the waist, spreads her slender legs.

“Well, come on ... Take me,” Maya whispers. In her voice, impatience is heard, the desire to finish everything quickly. Maya is now, as a computer algorithm, doomed to be executed. The member in the pants is already whining, and only the unusual nature of the situation itself distracts me from his desire.

She is in front of me with her legs spread apart, and I see her shaved, open vagina for me. How beautiful she is there. I must lie down, I understand. I get up close, touch her bare breasts with my hands, absorb the exhilarating warmth. I caressed her, bend over my head and gently kiss the white neck. Awkwardly unbutton my pants pants. She closes her eyes, the member is literally screaming from torture with excitement, and I find a hole in the palm of my hand below. I run my index finger into it, deeper, Maya sighs in response and hugs me. Fingers are watered by warm moisture, and here comes what I was most afraid of.

Cock is discharged by the flow of sperm, straight into the panties. His test is over. Complete failure.

I, breathing heavily from the first orgasm I experienced, ... I am slipping away from Maya, onto the other half of the bed. Relaxation below, but resentment and anger at yourself in the soul. The first sex ended in nothing. Ready to cry. Why am I such a loser?

I lay on my side in the killed state and feel how Maya strokes my head. So did Olga, when I was sad. Maya kisses me on the cheek. Sorry. Well, at least I could get her pity.

- Why did you agree to have sex with me? - burst out of me.

“Because I'm a man,” she calmly replies. - And I want you to live.

- What are you talking about? - I ask again.

Maya rises on the bed on her elbows. Seriously says:

- Stas told me ... that you want me.

And how!

“... And what if I don't sleep with you,” she continued, “you will commit suicide.” That you have such an obsession. And Stas wants to save you, he persuaded me ... I cannot allow someone to die because of me ... Vlad, don't do anything stupid, I beg you.

I almost fell off the bed after hearing this crap from Maya. Oh, that's it. I get up on my feet, put on my glasses, fasten my fly. I do not pay attention that there is wet. I'm pissed off. Stas! ...

- And you did not understand? - I appeal to Maya.

- What should I understand, Vladik? - she puzzled answers the question.

- What is all a lie ... About suicide, all a lie. Except one.

Maya digested what she heard. Her eyes slammed to the beat of her thoughts.

- Besides what? - asked the girl.

I admire her still naked body. I didn't get it all, but now it didn't matter. There are more important things.

“Besides the fact that I love you,” I said, and left the room. Tired of keeping your feelings to yourself. Stress helped me splash it out. The little bespectacled gnome admitted to the beautiful Snow White of his love. The tale is over.

In the next room sat Stas. He was waiting for me.

- Well, baby, got yours? - I hear from him.

I looked at him with disdain.

- Why are you so? - I asked hard.

- Why?Did you not like it? - he specifies with irony.

But I do not pay attention to her.

- Why are you like this, Stas?

In the meantime, he picks up my laptop. I can not stand when they climb into it without me.

- One side of the obligation fulfilled, - announces Stas and opens the computer. - Now it's up to the second. Let me provide a pleasure calculation.

Inserts a flash drive, finds a file known to him. Starts to swing, I do not bother him. Let him choke. Behind her back, the already dressed Maya appears, observes and interprets the picture.

“I, of course, delete the file,” Stas states, making sure that “Snow White” is preserved on his flash drive. - I don’t need any extra copies as an author in a strange computer.

He gives me a laptop. My program is no longer on it. Stas looks cheerful, even solemn. Maya doesn't understand anything.

- Now satisfied? I ask coldly.

- Yeah, - smiling, nods Stas. - Like you, dude. How do you like her? - he nods towards Maya.

I go to the corridor, I wear shoes. Feel the cold of this apartment. It's time to leave her forever.

- You asked what I am? - I hear after Stas. - What did you mean?

“I meant, why are you such shit,” I answered dryly, and slamming the door, I went downstairs. In ambiguous feelings I come home. Olga is not, she is still at work. What is this work from which the sister comes late, sometimes in the morning? She didn’t have a boyfriend at the moment, she wouldn’t hide it from me. I will not go to bed until I wait for her, today I need it more than ever.

Olya comes late at night. In a black short dress, brightly made up, she looks like a real beauty. Any man would envy me. The closest woman to me. I wanted to make another girl close, but it didn't work out. Probably, except for the creation of computer programs I have nothing to succeed.

- Well? She asked sympathetically.

I told her everything. Even about your bad finish. She smiled reassuringly.

- My boy, it happens. You just got excited.

She hugs me, kisses me on the cheek. Affectionate sister reassured wounded heart, and I cling to her, buried his face in white hair. They are naturally bright, not painted, like Maya's. The smell of Olin perfume, mixed with the natural aroma of the female body, makes me drunk and makes me forget about all the troubles. The loss of a friend is compensated by the proximity of his beloved sister. Teenagers with my destiny need to be loved so much.

Here Olya kisses me again. In lips, as then. Unexpectedly, I do not resist and respond to this, already the second kiss in a day. Lips well. She goes further and runs her hands under my t-shirt, strokes my back. Goosebumps pass through the body, she presses her chest against me, warm even through a delicate dress, and I feel an excitement, the same as Maya. This is new and strange for me, I have never been excited at Olga, although I had to see her half-naked often. After all, we lived together. But now everything was happening differently, as if someone had removed, removed the barrier between us. Again, I note a serious erection. She notices her. Tears lips and whispers:

- Come on ...

We find ourselves in her bedroom. She sits down on the bed and takes off her dress. Naked body in some black panties glistens in the darkness of the room. How beautiful and erotic! No computer will create such a picture. Deep night makes the intimate foreplay more contoured, breathing heavily from arousal and note Olechkin burning eyes. She wants me! Now I get a second sexual attempt in my life.

I pull off my shirt, getting rid of pants. And glasses - the subject of ridicule in childhood, occupy a place on the table. I am naked and ready to continue. I lay down on the bed next to Olya. We hug, and she pulls me up. I catch her thoughts and take the right position. I feel as my sister pulls down my panties and takes the erect end in my hand. I am ready to moan from the touch of her hands. She was beneath me, with her legs spread apart, one arm around her torso, and the other gently, tenderly pulled my cock down towards her. He rested against the warm softness of her female body and within seconds was inside. I catch the look of her rolled eyes, and the member, engulfed in hot flesh, catches pleasure. My sister groans when I, giving in to the front, lead him deep inside.

- Yes-ah-ah ... - she whispers, and I kiss her wet lips and continue pushes. Hands excitedly stroking her breasts and ass, Olya makes oncoming movements, pushing me to a new peak of pleasure. I look down and even more looking at the sight of her hole, bursting with my end. The friction of two close bodies ... I accelerate, and I hear from her:

- Deeper, Vladik ... more ...

I squeeze out all I can, trying to please my sister, her moans give me confidence that she, like me, is well. She bites her lip when I sharply pushed the penis to the maximum of its length. I note that my moans are getting louder, and what’s happening with Maya is approaching again. The end is strained, as if a current passes through it, and the wave of the semen, being released, flows into the sister's vagina. In the eyes darkened, and the body is covered with a pleasant languor.

Olya did not let me go. Clenching even tighter, she began to make pushes from below, each confirming with a moan, turning into a scream. I, overwhelmed with pleasure, practically did not help her when she rigidly pushed into her still tense cock, squeezing me tightly with her legs. And at that moment, when the erection had already begun to fall, I felt how she froze, pressed closer to me and groaned lingeringly ... We embraced and froze both, giving each other everything that they had. Until a drop. The last drop of glass from my end when I pulled it out.

- Did you feel good? I asked as we continued to lie in bed.

“You are good,” answered Olga, smiling and smacking me on the lips. - But the next time you feel the beginning of an orgasm, pull out. And so, you learn quickly.

- What ... is that good? - again, I noticed melancholy.

“Drop the complex, Vladik,” my sister says confidently. “Soon, any girl will meet someone like you for happiness.” You are smart, talented and beautiful.

- Nice? Come on, I respond to her consolations.

- Exactly. You simply grow and develop your body more slowly than your peers. If you are tall as a father, he said that he too grew up late. - And added. - You want more?

Did I want Olya? He didn’t even answer, just pulled her naked body to himself.

“Wait,” she stops me. - Come on like this.

She suddenly leans towards me, straight to the groin. He takes the penis in his hands and brings him to his amazing mouth. Wraps his lips and begins to suck. He enters deeply, making me arch and groan from the first ever oral sex. Olya drove her lips and at the same time pulling her testicles with her fingers. His hair fell like a white rain and covered the picture. This blowjob from his sister was the best end of the night. Soon I finished, she did not let me pull it out, swallowing all the sperm.

“Now, caress me,” she asked in a excited voice. I understood what she wanted. He bent his head to his sister's legs apart, touched the tongue of her vagina shining with sputum, and went to the tubercle. Olga was groaning loudly, clasping the back of my head with her palms ... It was dawn outside the window.

... She, still naked, smoked, sitting on the windowsill - the place where often, thinking, spent minutes and even hours. As if waiting for someone at the window, I thought before. I admire her neat beautiful breasts, bulging ass. Hair, white as the heroine of my program, lost on his shoulder.

- Can you confess, Olga? ... Who was your first man?

It seemed to me interesting to ask her this question on the night when we became especially close. I did not think now about morality, that sexual contact with sisters in our midst is taboo, and everything else. I knew that I would puzzle myself this all day tomorrow in accordance with my suspiciousness. Maybe I will torment myself with this sin for the rest of my life, or maybe I will keep the bodies in my memory as the first and best pleasure. I do not know. But now my sister has become something more meaningful to me. In the end, my first woman.

- Want to know? - suddenly with a tone of excitement and even bitterness she asked. I nodded. - Well, you have the right. You are my brother. - After a pause, she continued.

- I am fourteen years old. Mom went to her grandmother and left us under the supervision of her father. That's when it happened ...

I tensed from such a preface. Really? ... The cold covers my body.

“My father then took me by force,” Olya continued in a hoarse voice. I did not see her eyes closed with long hair. “I didn’t say anything to my mother, but then it happened again, and then again ... I confessed to my mother, and she threw him out after a scandal. He wanted to return to us after her funeral, you remember, but I could not live with him.

Struck by this news, did not even know how to react to it. The awareness of the pain with which Olya lived all these years has permeated my brain. The facts from our family revealed by the sister were terrible, but so personal that I would not give them to anyone else to condemn. I could only come and hug her. She sobbed, buried my shoulder. If I could then stop my father ... I don't want to call him father anymore. I swear to myself that I will not offend anyone Olya. It's time to finally grow up.

* * * * *

The next day I left the university building alone. I tried to ignore Stas all day, and he did not come to me. Why be surprised? What he needed from me, he got. Already on the alley, I hear my name. I turn aside. Mayan!

She shone fresh and some kind of unusual beauty. Her eyes shone with something unusually noticeable, acquired just now. Kindness? Or do I want to think so?

“Forgive me, Vladik,” she said.

- This is you forgive me, - only this I found in response.

But Maya knew why she came to me.

- Last night I pressed Stas, and he told me everything. About your program and about the fact that you decided to get it ... this is the way ... You know, I no longer want to be with him. Thanks to you, I understood what kind of person he is. And I'm not on the way with him. Although I thought he loved me.

“Stas loves only himself,” I added.

- Want to walk with me? - Maya asked suddenly.

Do I want? That's the question.

... We walked until the evening, sat in a cafe, enthusiastically talking on various topics. She asks me a lot about the program, technology and so on. It turns out that we like the same movies. I note what an interesting girl she is and what an inquisitive mind hides behind a bright sexual appearance.

“You are very clever,” I receive a compliment from her when we say goodbye at her house.

I am drawn to ask if we will see each other again when she took a piece of paper from her bag and scribbled a few numbers.

- Take my phone, and as you will be free, call.

A wave of joy covers me. Is there really a long-awaited turning point in my life, and I set foot on the path towards happiness. So Olya expressed. I find that they are very similar to Maya. Of course, I was soon free for Maya. During the week we met twice more, and once, when I accompanied her home from the university, I noticed a familiar figure waiting for us at the end of the alley. Stas.

- Well, dude, spread me? - right away, without even saying hello to us, Stas began. I am not surprised at this meeting. If my former friend had more thought in programming, this meeting would have happened earlier. The next day, after he had taken Snow White from me. Stas looked evil. Still would!

“What did you shove at her?” He asked nervously. - The program self-destructed at the moment when Kolobov put it to testing.

“Troyan,” I calmly reply. - Built-in virus with a clear function.

- I see, - evil, Stas said through his teeth. - Threw me. I planted such a chick for you, and you ... You made me an idiot.

“And you are,” I said. “And Maya is not a chick to you.” Sorry to her.

- D both of you went, - Stas practically screamed. He freaked out with annoyance. The University of Texas will obviously do without it.

“Stas,” I say firmly. - I will never give up what I consider my own by right.

- And who told you to do this to me? - did not lag behind this dude.

Then I wanted to answer honestly. I will not be ashamed of the truth.

“Sister,” I said confidently.

Stas changed his face. His physiognomy broke into a bawdy little smile.

- Ah, so who? - he whined. - Sister Olya? This slut, which half the city fucked for grandmother?

What kind of nonsense does he carry about Olga? I, in turn, are already boiling with anger. For a second, I find myself close to Stas, and with all my strength I punch his face in his fist. He did not have time to dodge, and the blow, strong as far as I could, fell on his nose. But this bull did not fall, but remained standing on its feet, slapped me back, in the jaw and podhyh. I found myself on the ground. Eagerly grabbed the air, his eyes dimmed. He is strong this bastard.

“Cattle,” I heard the phrase, followed by the sound of a slap in the face. If only Maia would not give up this freak. I am trying to get up, Maya helps me, and I watch Stas, rubbing his cheek, turn around and knock back.

- Painfully? - Maya asks sympathetically, wiping my broken lip with a handkerchief.

“C'mon,” I say. - Before the wedding heals.

She smiles and kisses me on the cheek. We go further, and then she asks why I did not keep a copy of Snow White. After all, Stas erased a program in my laptop.

“Left, only not a copy, but the original,” I declare, laughing. - I immediately gave it to Kolobov, and there was a copy in the laptop. And, before that ill-fated evening, I launched a virus into it.

- That is, "Snow White" still exists? - rejoiced Maya.

- Yeah. On Monday, Kolobov appointed ... my report on it in front of the department, and yesterday the Americans wrote to him. We noted that this is ... well, cool, in general, - I say enough.

I will not brag to Maya, literally quoting a letter from the University of Texas. Still decides that I have delusions of grandeur.

“Show me her,” she asks.

- But there is a program, will you understand it?

- There is no prog, but you can play the toy she wrote. You said there were dwarves with Snow White. I love computer games, - Maya says cheerfully.

“Yes, even now,” I said. - Only she is at my house.

“Well, invite me to your house,” she instantly responded. Palms sweat after her words. I have no one at home now.

- Go.

... We are sitting in front of a computer in my apartment. (Maya plays by controlling the dwarves in the struggle to save Snow White. She reacts excitedly to failures. The point is to save the heroine, and all the dwarfs should not fall into the traps. Maya loses, and I laugh. Only one dwarf remains, the smallest of all seven, Snow White is still in captivity, and Maya is upset about stopping the game.

“I don’t want the last gnome to die,” she explains. I already know that Maya is not only beautiful, but also kind. She looks into my eyes, as if calling to her. We are alone, and silence creates an atmosphere of revelation and intimacy. I do not get lost. I am already different. Not the one that was with her in the apartment of Stas. I embrace the girl and dig into her lips. She gently, with increasing passion responds to a kiss. I pulled Maya to the couch, she does not resist, and we lie down together. I kiss her in the neck, at the same time I run my hand under the dress, feeling for her panties. Maya helps me get rid of them. Then she takes off her dress, exposing her gorgeous body. I freeze, enjoying his view, and she, with irony, mixed with excitement, asks:

- Clothes do not bother you?

I am not ashamed of my body, I instantly undress and lean on it from above. She spreads her legs, hugs me, holding me tight, as far as the girl can do. The elastic female breast pressed to me drives me crazy. Member already asked to enter the desired female body. I bring it to the cherished mink. It is already disclosed and requires filling. Slowly pushing inside. Maya screams and squeezes me even more. A narrow hole takes me, squeezing the bottom, as their property. I start pushing, gradually increasing the pace, rubbing the flesh and making Maya groan. We kiss - eagerly, as if waiting for this all my life.

And maybe this is so.

“Vladik, dear ...” I hear words that I could not count on before. I kiss her breasts, playing tongue amazing shape nipples. Hands clasped Mayin ass and pressed to the beat frictions. Our breaths merge into a single stream, into a loud groan, and I hold back so as not to end. I do not want to leave her body before she gets satisfaction.

“Lie on your back,” she asks excitedly, and we switch places. She sits on top, and I hug her hips. I watch her eyes closed while she moves me smoothly. A member is good in his girlfriend, and he is ready to continue. Maya stops, gets off of me and gets on all fours, turning his gorgeous bulging ass. I understand what she wants, and instantly I enter it from behind, clasping the balls of my ass with my hands. I make jerks with sharp movements, I notice how she likes it. The girls groans grow louder, and soon she stops, shouts, and the hot heat that sweeps over her body gives me a powerful impulse. I already knew that this is a female orgasm. Now I can let go of myself. I relax finally. Maya crawls down on her stomach, and I, without taking out my dick from the hole, are piling on top. She does not stop me, she wants me to cum. He turns to not his face, and we merge into a kiss. Languages ​​intertwined, firmly pressed her ass to himself, pushing the end as deeply as possible, and, behold, I feel the approach of the finish. Groaning, grabbing the end and pouring sperm on her ass. I see how the trickle slowly flows down from the tubercle, and note that our first sex with Maya turned out. I believe that there will be others, better or otherwise, it does not matter. It is important that we are together. She turns on her back, already satisfied with the first orgasm, gives me a grateful and, at the same time, sly smile, pulls me to her. My face dissolves into her blond hair ...

... I bring a tray of coffee when I discover Maya, who is playing at the computer again.

“I have to win,” she declares enthusiastically. Olin is wearing a robe, and I am pleased. I know that I have already played my game. Soon, Maya solemnly shouts:

- There is! The last gnome freed Snow White. I passed the first level! - And he turns to me with a question:

- Tell me, Vlad. Little gnome saved Snow White because he loved her?

“Of course,” I answer confidently. “She’s his sister.”

- Dwarf and girl - brother and sister? - Maya does not believe. - Was it like that in a fairy tale?

“Exactly,” I say cheerfully. After all, people compose fairy tales.

Then the mobile phone rang. She is.

- Yes ... I am at home, and not one ... We are waiting for you.

Short phrases in the phone to my sister. Why talk a lot to someone who understands everything? I look at my girlfriend, sprawled in a chair. How close my love is.

- Maya, in an hour Olya, my sister, will be at home. I want to introduce you.

“With pleasure,” she agrees.

I close the computer, sending Snow White and the dwarves to sleep. We with Maya are not up to sleep. I sit down next to the chair and kiss her on the lips. We will have another program before meeting our sister ...