- Mom, was your first dad?
- Well, of course? expensive.
- And it was before the wedding, or after?
- Why is it that you are interested in this?
- Well, you always taught me that a girl should have only one man in life and all that ... And Mark, in recent times often hints, well, I thought, we will all the same be together, so what's the difference now or after the wedding
- experiencing a strong desire?
- Well yes. I can not help myself. All the time I want to cuddle up to him, and tickles below.
- This is natural, but you know him for only half a year, besides, both are young. How do you know how your fate? Will you then regret having surrendered to the hormones?
- But what should I do? mom?
Tears poured from my already grown-up daughter's eyes, I pressed her to me, as I always did.
“I think we'll go to the store tomorrow and take you some kind of“ toy ”to make it easier to endure.
My daughter looked at me in surprise, then hugged me tightly and whispered:
- You're the best, mom!
Already in the evening I looked at the night landscape of our city and recalled that the very first time ...
It all started at 18, my body every day brought me all the new surprises, and the hormones were raging, I did not understand myself. There was no one to share, no one could explain. Feeding myself with romantic stories, I so eagerly wished for caress, tenderness, protection, as in all these fairy tales. A volcano raged inside me, hot lava boiled, strange dreams dreamed. My parents were very strict, which made my situation worse.
In those days, my cousin lived with us. He was 5 years older, but that didn’t stop us from having fun playing in childhood, so we had good relations. It all started with the fact that at times I threw myself on his neck from behind, if they were alone and watched the film leaning his head on his shoulders, he treated everything quite calmly. I didn’t know that tenderness and thirst were rushing away from me ... Often, we watched football at night (or rather dad and he watched, and I looked blankly at the TV), I sat on purpose, sometimes my father went to bed early and I playfully approached him take a closer look at the game, etc.
Once upon a time ... We sat together, muffling the TV and turning off the light. What then found me, I have no idea. Everything happened absolutely at the level of my subconscious.
“Help me get something in the kitchen.”
- Come on.
I took his hands pulled. As soon as we entered the kitchen, I suddenly clung to him and kissed ... My first kiss in my life! He first was taken aback
but then he squeezed my waist passionately and kissed me back. The kiss was somehow “slobbering,” we did not penetrate each other with tongues, but only tightly pressed each other’s lips. An extraordinary heat swept through my body, I was sweating all over, my head was spinning, my legs became like cotton. I wanted a kiss to last forever. He pressed me closer to him, stroking his back. Oh! His breathing faltered, I heard the sound of his heart beating. But when we heard the noise, we recoiled, and again sat down at the TV. My heart pounded quickly. I still could not recover my breath. We both looked at the screen.
- Well ... I sleep
- Aha
Almost until the morning, the heat in the whole body and soul, hundreds of thoughts, the sound of the heart in my ears prevented me from falling asleep. From that day it all began. I would call our relationship "dumb love." We never talked about it, about love, feelings, did not make promises ... In conversations, we were all the same, but our bodies changed. Almost every night, after a shower, I wore my pajamas on my naked body and on top a long robe (well, what my parents would suspect) and watched movies, football, whatever, until the moment my father went to sleep. Then she clung to him, he immediately hugged my waist, I bowed my head to his shoulder. As soon as he directed his lips to him, he passionately dug into them, and his head was spinning again, the fever engulfed his whole body, his heart pounded wildly. I wanted so much that he would take off my robe, penetrated under his pajamas and caressed, caressed, caressed! I pressed my breasts against him, so I wanted him to squeeze them! Slightly arranged legs, feeling there, at the bottom of some languor, also wanting passionate caresses. But he never did this, in general, he did only what I “allowed him”, and I could not dare to pull his hands to my clothes. He even began to kiss his neck when once I set them up for him. Oh! I was wondering: does every girl's neck have such a sensitive part? Probably everyone knows this incredible, I would say "airy" feeling, when wet lips, tongue, tickling breath relate to this area. Fortunately, he was very careful and did not set aside hickeys on me, and his lips were swollen by morning.
Every day I went to the institute as if on wings, and eagerly returned back. In the afternoon, if we were alone in the room, he came up to me and gently hugged me from the back, including my shoulders in a vice, pressed my head to my neck, and lightly kissed my cheek. It was the only thing he did, without my “signal.” And again, all without words, but these moments were so beautiful! At this time, I imagined us as a married couple, and my cheeks were burning with a bright blush. And when he let me go, I still felt his warmth for a long time.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, we never stayed alone at home, my mother worked only until lunchtime. Somewhere after 5 months on one of the nights, I finally decided, and directed his hand to my breasts ... At first, he just gently and gently lightly stroked them. My, still small breasts, were easily placed on his palm. When he did that, it seemed that my very soul was on his hands, and he gently laughed at her. With each night, his kiss and hug became more passionate, his chest squeezed more and more, but still gently and tenderly. A month later, he opened my dressing gown, and caressed me through the thin fabric of pajamas, it seemed to me that I don’t have any clothes on, and I felt his incredibly hot skin. Everywhere he touched, as if the fire had flared up, she was afraid that the fabric would light up.
I was sitting, my knees were set apart, my robe lay on the ground, I threw back my head and breathed heavily. He seemed to have changed, and today he forgot about caution. He passionately kissed me, now on the lips, now on the neck, and now, for the first time, he caressed my ear with the tip of the tongue. Oh my God!!! No, the neck, the body, even the breasts cannot be compared with this sensation ... Hot breath, a nimble tongue, it all doused with such an incomprehensible, sweetest, tickling wave, began somewhere in the back of the head, then went down as if in a vertebra and sternum, whirling, tickling all nearby organs were going to a raging, rainbow-colored hurricane in the lower abdomen. Before that, I always restrained moans, biting my lips or covered with his kiss, but today ...
- Ah ...!
He stopped abruptly, and kissing me on the lips, put a robe back on me. Then I pressed my waist and I put my head on his chest, stunned by the beating of our hearts, came to myself and thought, what am I doing? Even tears flowed down my cheeks, I did fall asleep. In the morning I woke up in my bed. Before that, I also suffered from internal struggle, but since that day this internal struggle has become almost unbearable. But in the end, I was only a girl living with feelings and dreams, and although I knew the norms of morality and all that ... but I still could not help myself. I dreamed again and again to feel all this, taking a shower, I sometimes imagined how he comes in and ...
At night, he was again careful, and did not go so far anymore. After 2 weeks, the parents had a wedding anniversary, and they went to a restaurant. We were alone for the first time. My brother then lay in his house, for half an hour I first walked around the house, not knowing what to do, on the one hand I wanted it so much ... but on the other ... it was wrong. As a result, driven by my feelings, I ended up in his room. He did not sleep, sat at the table and did his homework. I know, he noticed me, but he also continued to write something. Interestingly in that moment, his heart just beating? I have to leave before it's too late. But, the naughty legs stepped toward him, and his arms hugged his neck. It was summer, and I was wearing a thin T-shirt and the same lightly wide pants made of light fabric, I took off my bra half an hour ago. So I immediately felt his incredibly hot skin.
He made a strange sound and abruptly picked me up and carried me to the bed. Here it is, this moment ...
He laid me on his back, constantly kissing, he ascended over me. I passionately, no longer restraining myself, answered him. My arms were wrapped around his neck, and the body was so enjoying the weight of his body that I relaxed completely. He began to caress my ears, and again these sensations ... Light moans broke out. His hot breath, these waves ...
One hand caressed my back, another stomach, and went higher. It seemed to me that I was absolutely naked and literally felt his skin. When his hot hand, having covered my breasts, shrank, and he began to caress my nipples with his fingers, it seemed to me that my whole body was in flames, my moans became louder. He already caressed my neck, then kissed him again, his ears again ... but his kiss did not pass below the neck. Then he hugged me and sharply turned over, and now I was on it, he began to caress me by the hips and spread my legs. With my flower, I felt something firm, resisting through the clothes on me. Driven by either instinct, or something else, I began to fondle a flower about him, trying to press harder. He groaned.
His hands grabbed my buttocks, leaving burning imprints, pushed them apart and at the same time pressed harder. I rubbed on his hardness faster and stronger, moving his hands, but our lips did not open for a second. I wanted to squeeze him into myself, caressing him more strongly. When he touched certain places, some strange waves pierced my body. It was as if I was in another world, as if my body and soul “closed the mind in another room.” How long did this go on? A few minutes? Much longer? Then he squeezed my buttocks extremely hard, pressed me against him with all his strength, it was already a little painful, and let out a loud exhale. I felt his shudder, then he loosened his grip and I lay down on the side, putting my head on his chest. The body was burning, demanding something else, but a lump came to my throat, I wanted to cry, it felt like something lonely, scary. Even warm hands gently stroking me did not soothe. He was breathing a little, closing his eyes, his face looked calm, but at the same time, I was confident about something inside him too. I secretly looked at that place, there was a dark speck of wet fabric. Later I will understand what it was. She closed her eyes, stopping tears. And now what i can do? This is all wrong. His smell, which until this day seemed so beautiful, now seemed unpleasant. We must leave, but I just shrank and was afraid to move. The body was still languishing, somewhere inside my second self, I said:
- Calm down, all is well. Nothing has happened. You yourself wanted it, it's so nice, you need it, it’s natural, you are a girl, and he is a man ...
I diligently drove away these thoughts, and pretended to be asleep. He picked me up and carried me to my bed, covered me, and kissed me on the cheek. From that day I didn’t watch TV at night, although it was a bit hard, but the preparation for admission helped me well, and the session began with him. In general, this was another month. He finished his studies and went to his place. No words of goodbye, explanations, nothing. Just hugged me before getting into the car.
Frankly, I missed, I would like to receive from him sms or something like that. In the same year, my parents gave me a laptop, and now I could go to any sites. Of course, first of all I got to watch porn. I did not like it, I wanted to look at it so much, but when I saw it I didn’t understand what was so attractive about it? I liked the quality hentai, beautiful erotic pictures more. In general, if you looked at my story, then 85% of the sites were enlightened with sex and erotica. 5% social networks, and the rest lessons.
I tried to satisfy myself with my fingers, but I didn’t feel anything about what they were writing about. Vibro masseur came to the rescue. I moved my legs apart, put her to the pubis and closed my eyes to blink ... Often I imagined different situations, changed clothes, even put pieces of ice on hard nipples.
I turned 21, they said that I was beautiful. I often looked at myself in the mirror. Long, wavy black hair, slim figure, thin waist. The breasts did not increase much, but I liked their beautiful form, fullness. Large halo of pink papillae. My hips are a little wide, big but tight ass (why I never wore short T-shirts or narrow skirts) But most of all I liked my calves, I had to walk a lot, because of this they were like athletes, but the natural fullness of the legs gave them a special femininity. My face sometimes seemed beautiful to me, sometimes ugly. Big, brown eyes, with thick eyelashes. Plump lips, in the lines of which is hidden secretive sensitivity. But I could not stand my, as it seemed to me, big nose and face shape.
My head was packed with numerous information about sex, relationships, but I did not let the guys to myself (partly because I was waiting for my only one, partly because of my upbringing), giving all my time to study. In addition, my parents were, say, “of a purely Eastern character,” and there could be no talk of any status of a “boyfriend girl”. We only have the status of "bride and groom" smoothly turning into the status of "husband and wife" Fortunately, the parents gave me a choice, and so far I have refused to attend.
My brother was found a daughter-in-law, and so we drove to their wedding in another city. There was turmoil, bustle, so that my brother and I almost did not speak. My heart was beating furiously every time next to him, I just wanted to talk about everything. Here are 5 days before the wedding, everyone decided to go out of town for a day to rest. I had an exam after 10 days, so I stayed at home to get ready. My brother had a bachelor party that day, so she should have been left alone. So everyone left, and closed the door and sat down at the book.
After 40 minutes the bell rang.
- Brother? Forgot something?
- No, one friend has a wife in a maternity hospital today, so they decided to move everything for tomorrow.
My hands shook a little, I went into the room to read. Of course, nothing came to mind.
- Can?
My brother sat down next to me.
- Why didn't you go with everyone?
- I have an exam soon
- Clear
We sat in silence, what then found me? Maybe I just wanted to talk to someone about what I’m most interested in, who I trust.
- And how many times have you seen her?
I sat with my knees under me, bowing my head slightly. He looked at me in surprise.
- A couple of times
- Do you like her?
- Well, she is a good girl, will be a good wife. Raised, grew up in a respected family.
- And do you love her?
He fell silent, thought a little.
- I tried to find myself someone, met with many, but did not work. And my parents really wanted to marry me, they found that one and then another. I kind of liked her, so I agreed. Tired of living a bachelor life, I am, after all, a man. Yes, and mom needs a helper in the house.
- I would like everything to be fine with you, and you were happy in marriage.
He looked at me, I smiled. He had an unusual look.
- And you so grew, the last time we saw
His voice flinched, he looked down
“I wanted to talk, you know, I ...”
Anything but let it not speak
“How many times have you made love?”
Then, I must have gone astray, but honestly, I sincerely wanted to help him. All this ... time, I was very grateful to him, having learned more about men and women, I understood how nobly he treated me. He did not reject me, no matter what it hurt, just starting to live the heart, and at the same time, it cost me an incredible effort to restrain myself, he did not allow us anything that could ruin my life. After all, for all the time he had never even divided me, did not use me, did only what I myself had “requested.” He only gave me what I needed so much, caresses, men's warmth and strength. Who knows, maybe if it were not for him, a less noble person would have turned my head and ...?
He looked at me dumbfounded, as if to say, it seemed to me?
- Come on, we are both adults, and besides, you and I are close. And I study as a psychologist, I need practice, and we can help each other.
Just a couple of minutes, and he spoke.
- Well, 4-5 times, with prostitutes. Then he stopped when one of my friends caught infection.
- Hmm ... It turns out love you have not had but just sex?
Well, it went on, I turned into a soul, heart, body, without particles of mind.
- Come on, I'll show you something. You will need to conquer her body, soul, and heart, and then she will be a beautiful wife and make you happy.
I pulled him into their future bedroom with my wife, sat down on a new mattress covered with oilcloth.
- Now imagine that I am she. Now we will develop an algorithm of actions.
- Listen to me ...
- Tell me the erogenous zones of the girl?
- Well, ears, neck and lower
- So, you leave these zones for later. To begin, you will need to open her heart and soul. For first ...
And I gave him the full instructions for my first perfect wedding night of revealing the soul and heart.
- I'll try?
- Aha
I kind of said it was simple, but my whole body trembled. He touched my cheeks with his fingertips, gently held them, then hugged my face, looking into my eyes. His thumbs gently stroked my lips, lightly pressing under them. My heart beat so that it seemed to fly out of my chest.
- You are very beautiful, you have such a tender skin. And the lips are so sweet and alluring ...
As evidence, he pulled me close, kissed me lightly. Now the tips of his fingers, barely touching, caressed me behind the ears, then went down below, in a circular motion caressed my neck. My lips were moistened, my breath quickened. Feeling like a breeze walks over the skin, goes inside and lets my soul into the great expanses.
He brought his lips to his neck, deliberately exhaled the hot air and said right under his ear.
- You smell just amazing!
He inhaled my scent, the tips of his fingers snuck into his hands, still barely touching, causing a nervous shiver slowly turning into excitement. He reached my fingers, and gently caressed every bone and joint. He pulled both hands to himself, passionately kissing the palm of the wrist. One of his hands caressed my back, and even through the clothes I felt him, the wind walking over me made me so light. His lips continuously kissing, went up the arm, leaving the now hot breeze that swirled, tickling me. Here he reached the shoulders and slightly pulling off the collar of the dress, he kissed me passionately in the supraclavicular fossa. He kissed for a long time, slightly sucking, doused with hot breath, causing a huge hurricane.
I did the same with the second hand, and I did not notice how the fingertips began to caress my legs, from the bottom to the top. His lips wandered around my neck, going over the ears, then my lips, my ears again, I groaned. He slightly opened his knees, and the breeze was already walking on the inside of his thighs.
- You like it?
- Dddaaa ...
Then he dug into my lips, nibbling and. The tips of the fingers disappeared, and now the hundreds of whirlwinds of the winds merged together, filling me up all over, making me incredibly sensitive. Clasping my calves, he began to move upwards, lifting the dress higher and higher, my skin was burning like a flame from his hands, now the hot lava moved along the top of the skin. His hands are already on my knees, then higher, as soon as his hand touched my bare thighs, the lava hissed, rapidly making its way into the lower abdomen
“Ah ... what are you doing, stop, I didn't say that.”
Now my legs are so bare that my soaked white panties are visible. I tried to push him away from myself, but he sharply lifted my legs, and I found myself lying on my back, pressed by his weight. He threw my legs back on his back, I felt his hard cock. Grabbing my hands and kissing passionately again, he whispered:
- You have done so much for me, let me thank. I want to give you pleasure, do not be afraid, I will not enter you, just relax and get high.
I did not have to persuade for a long time, I was so excited, the lava mixed with the hurricane in the lower abdomen, played with such emptiness that it seemed to me that if he stopped, then I would die. He penetrated my mouth with his tongue, madly wandered into them in it. It was unusual, my lips did not know what to do, but I wanted more. I grabbed his tongue and began to suck on him. Apparently, taking it as a consent, he let go of my hands, and went down to my feet.
He kissed the inner side of my thighs, moving higher, I was waiting impatiently for his lips to touch her ... but he passed by and started kissing my stomach, simultaneously dragging the dress higher. Everywhere after his lips there was a mixture of lava with a hurricane, further increasing the tickling void at the bottom. Here he has already pulled my dress over my head, kissing and licking a hollow of the breasts. I turned into a lump of sensuality, a weightless, inexhaustible thirst caresses. When he took off my bra, my hard nipples met him with a challenge, I was a little embarrassed, and covered my hand.
He pushed my hands away kissing, looked at his chest for a minute, then eagerly dug into the nipple.
- Ah!
From the lightning that had pierced me, I curved my back, grabbed his hair and squeezed him more tightly. I wanted him to suck them harder, bite them, draw them in. When he began to caress my bleeding flower, the second lightning pierced me, I squeezed his hands with my legs and only wanted to shout: "Stronger!"
She herself did not notice how she took off his T-shirt, enjoying her naked body with bliss. As he began to take off his pants with his feet, so that when he, playing with my breasts, again fell on my breasts, a completely relieved, trembling member rested against my little flower. The void inside me began to throb, feeling it so close. Still kissing, he suddenly dramatically pulled my panties and they broke. I shuddered.
- Do not be afraid…
He suddenly went down to my legs and parted them wide apart, lifted me behind the ass and came close to my shell tightly, doused with hot breath ... When up to the tense, blood-filled petals touched his tongue, hundreds of lightning pierced my body.
- Ah!
What an incomprehensible feeling. If I die and resurrect at the same time. He continued to lick my bud, touching all the folds. I was all languishing, lava, storm, lightning all mixed up. I curled my back, tore all the oilcloth around, trying to grab onto it, as if I was falling into the deep. The moans grew louder, and when he touched my little pearl, the moans turned into screams, I clamped my legs with my legs, gasped, and a hand pressed down on his head. Now he has paid all attention to her, all the feelings are so high that I didn’t notice how I started to scream even louder.
- Hey ...
He stopped, and fell to my lips. I could feel my salty-sweet taste on his lips, his body was tense and slightly trembling, the head of his pulsating member pressed on my wet petals, from which the emptiness unbearably ached, reaching for his head. I can no longer, now this emptiness will fill me all. I folded my legs on his back, and moved a basin towards his trunk.
- Log in ...
Brother's muscles tightened even more, I felt him clenched his fists, he stopped breathing.
- no
He whispered heavily ... on an exhalation and with a quiet roar bit my neck. This bite pierced me like a dagger, completely killing all the remnants of the mind. I screamed, clung to him with all my strength, glaring my nails in the back.
- Forgive me…
He hugged me tightly, lifted me up, and then with one sharp movement entered me. For a moment it was painful, then the emptiness inside disappeared, another feeling of fullness, integrity, complete, blissful happiness appeared. He began to move slowly, and with each of his movements, lava, storm, lightning turned into a rainbow, light clouds, waterfalls ... While moving, he touched some point inside where waves of incredible bliss flew.
I groaned to the beat, his accelerating movements, screaming when he went very deep. When he started moving too fast, he had to cover me with a kiss, I screamed so loudly. A little more and everything in me scattered into hundreds of small fragments. My first real orgasm in my life hit me with a powerful blast. I felt my contracting muscles squeezing his penis in a vice. His trunk throbbed, he groaned and relaxed fell over his back, laying me on myself. For a couple of minutes we breathed deeply, recovering myself, I lay on it, full of happiness, bliss and flight. Her legs were shaking, and her whole body sometimes shook sharply, as if emitting the last drops of an explosion.
- Coldly?
I shook my head negatively, the last cuts ran through my body, and he hugged me tightly. We lay wet with sweat, with loud beating hearts. His relaxed member, pubic hair was in the blood. A warm stream of our juices flowed down my hips onto my hips. I quietly cried, not from sadness, but from happiness, let later I may, I regret, but now I am happy. So, neither more nor a word, we both plunged into a blissful sleep.
I woke up from the sound of the bell, I wanted to run, but his strong hands stopped me.
- This is a phone, calm down, it's only been 3 hours.
It was a little awkward to lie with him, but the body still retained "happiness."
- I'm marrying you.
- Not.
- What? I must now marry you.
- No, that was, that was. But we cannot marry. We are relatives.
- So what? We have married cousins and sisters.
- What about the children? Or would you like them to suffer because we could not overcome ourselves. And imagine what rumors will go when you suddenly cancel the wedding and marry me? It's out of the question.
- And now, what will you do? You think I can live peacefully, knowing what I’ve done.
- It's my fault, I started everything.
- No, I'm also to blame.
- And then I transfer to another country, we will quickly forget everything.
I got out of his arms and ran to the bathroom. He tried to reach me for a long time, in the end, I was able to talk him out of it. The night after his wedding, I cried when I imagined what was happening in the marital bed, my heart literally split into pieces.
In the same year, in spite of persuasion and even the threat of my father, I nevertheless transferred, everything began to be forgotten little by little, I made friends, life went on as usual. But I still didn’t let the guys in, either a wound in my heart or something else.
A year later, she moved from the hostel to a rented apartment. One evening the doorbell rang, I opened and froze on the threshold in surprise.
Behind the door was my brother!
- Hi, come on in.
An awkward pause, talk about nothing. Pause again.
- I love you! And I can not live without you, I decided everything. And now you can not dissuade me. Then I was a fool to let you go, but I will not make this mistake anymore.
What was my poor heart to do? Love is not given to reason and logic. All this time I missed him, everything fought in me for so long, and I finally gave up. As if in a fog, we reached out to each other, merged lips. Like a starving wolf, he sat me down on the table. A moment and no clothes. There was no tenderness in caresses, only passion, mad desire. Our kiss looked more like bites, our hands clenched so tightly that there were bruises everywhere. He took me right on the table, roughly, sharply. We were like two lumps of mad passion and desire ...
Already in the morning, I learned that he divorced six months ago. Before arriving I talked with our parents, and they agreed to marry. What worked hard, and already bought not a big apartment here. We got married, adopted our girls. And now everything is just fine.
- What is my love thinking about?
Even after so many years, his arms did not become familiar, each time giving in to the gamut of feelings.
- Yes, so, about our "first wedding night"
- Let's go to the bedroom, remind me, otherwise I forgot.