This diary was given to me by a familiar investigator. My artistic treatment.

06/12/99 Morning. I had breakfast. And now on the hunt. Yes, I am a hunter. As in the joke, I have two passions, the hunt and the woman, and the hunt for women. More precisely, the hunt for future women. Now you understand, I like girls, from 7 to 18 years old. You can consider me a pervert, scum or bastard. I fuck up. As the Red Mold is sung, I will go smoke this hemp, and the rest of the details I somehow have a dick. It remains to choose a place for hunting.

Well, optimally approached the Children's Park. I left the house, above me was the blue Saratov sky. The park was quiet and rather deserted.

This is what I need. Then my heart sank, I saw them. Two girls about 18 years old yes yes yes yes! What you need is a quickened heart beat, adrenaline began to be released into the bloodstream. Blood rushed to the penis and he began to rise.

Oh, what an appetizing girl ass! I wonder what color they have panties? Well, you have to pursue, but they will leave. And I'm not the hunter from whom the game can go with impunity. Yes, I will do what I left home for today. The beginning of the persecution is the most important. So as not to be crazy, I decided to hide for a while. I steal like a cat, here they are these cute girls in front. They walk as if nothing had happened, and they do not even know what fate will be prepared for them. Looked around, only two of the buds in front of them are waving. Wow !. I have already drooling drool. And now go ahead. Oops!

- Shut up bitches! I'll cut everyone up shit! Che pizdyushnya? Piss off And it is right.

Dumped to the ground both masterfully performed sweep. And now for the cause.

How I love this words can not find to describe the whole process. It was just awesome. Two young girl calves under me. Yes:. And their panties were white.

22. 06. 99 Today I have an unusual day. yes that day fascist Germany attacked the USSR. And on this day I will attack someone. Clearly the case on girls tselochek. Yes, the day will be successful at least in the horoscope.

After the last hunt there were pleasant memories. And the girls, as they recall, probably shudder. And I do not care about their experiences. Because who am I? Right scumbag. And scum can be remorse? They even have no conscience. Well, I'm all about myself, but about myself. Must go hunting. Wolf's legs are fed. Where now? I will go to the city park.

Gorky Park. It is surprising why in Sovdepiia all city parks are named after Gorky. It is not clear, and the dick with him with the name of the main thing that the chicks grazed there younger. Here I go from Chernyshevsky Street to the park. Beautiful age-old oaks delight my eyes. Well, where are you girls? girls? short skirts? comes from the nearest summer cafe. Song in the subject without pussy.

My way lies to the zoo, there usually the youngsters hang out. On the hunchbacked bridge I pass through the pond. Here and the hut on chicken legs, and there kids from 3 to 5 years old - no, it's not my client. Swans swam across the pond.

Oh, good life! From the nearest cafe came the song: "Saratov - Saratov is the port. Saratov is my little New York. Saratov - you're a seagull over the wave. Saratov is my favorite city! ”Nothing is a good song. I like. And here is the menagerie. Ops! A girl of eighteen fed a squirrel. Oh, what a scene! Worthy brush artist. Short skirt, thin legs. Everything is just as I like. Here it departs from the cell and goes towards the thickets. Mom mia! On the catcher and the beast runs. Here it comes to the bushes.

Here I am like a hawk from heaven. I piled it in the bushes.

- Shut up bitch! Tear the dick fucking!

So what is next? What happened next? Do you want to ask me, my friend, my unknown reader? Then, as usual, he began to pull her braids and lift her skirt, as well as all my victims.

Further sheets are torn out from the diary.

Father bitch found my diary and whipped me. I'm a 10 year old kid. A shame! I hid the diary well, I thought no one would find.

And the father is an investigator, in the area of ​​Shmona - a pro. Nothing, I, too, didn’t spizdil the diary from the desktop with my finger. And hid it

Now, certainly not find.

PS But the boy was wrong, the diary folder still found. And handed to me. And I, as I could, told it to you. Thanks for reading. I adore you all, my dear readers. (J)