Uncle Lyosha once again looked through the photos brought by the neighbor boy. Igorek photographed his cousin again. The girl was so good that even an inept photographer could not spoil her appearance. He was reviewing another selection of photographs that Igor brought, simultaneously pointing to mistakes and mistakes, and he was annoyed that he did not photograph. Oh, he would be able to squeeze out of this appearance much more. It is good that the “figure” is not a pity for the film.

Once again, explaining how it should be, and how it would be better, he was at forty with a tail perfectly understood that he was wasting time. When Igor was photographing his sister, he clearly forgot what to do with the camera and why. Errors were the same and repeated for the umpteenth time in a row. And while they were wandering around the surrounding forests in search of an interesting object for photographing, Igor managed to tell something about his sister, generously supplying him with information, which, in general, he was not supposed to know. There was no such day that the topic of conversation did not move on her. It was quite clear that he liked this girl and liked it, apparently, not because he likes food, drinks and music.

Girl? Uncle Lyosha pondered while flipping through the pictures in АCDSee. What the fuck is a girl? The young lady, at 19, had long been a woman and was waiting for a guy from the army. However, I didn’t even wait much - I just went to the neighboring town every weekend to part with him. He, again, every weekend got a whip and they hung out in a rented apartment. This did not fit well in Uncle Lyosha’s head. Not that he considered it abnormal, having just served for two years in a place where there were no layoffs at all, like parcels from home, he didn’t understand how to get a hive every week - the brain just didn’t work. And cell was not like many fighters now, and the Internet generally existed only in the depths of the Pentagon. And now the year "with full board" and bed with a girl on weekends. “The army is no longer the same,” Uncle Lyosha chuckled to himself.

Although ... With such external data girls and with modern connections and money ... Mountains can be turned beyond the ridge. Anya was well-tailored, though low, but curvaceous, with a typically Slavic face (though so cute that the word “attractive face” was more appropriate), brown-haired and with an incredible bust — her chic breasts were kept jerking on their own. Uncle Lesha often saw her on the street and noticed that she did not always wear a bra.

Her grandfather, Mikhail Fedorovich (and for the neighbor, then still a boy, Leshka, Uncle Misha), knew a lot about the production of brides. In the family of the men there was only he and Igor. Nastrozhav three girls and living with his mother-in-law and his wife, Uncle Misha received two granddaughters. The youngest daughter, the only apparently apparently failed lass, who worked as a teacher in a corrective class, presented him, when he was already in his old age, a grandson. Five years later, Uncle Misha died, and Igor’s mother, like her sisters, divorced her husband. Igor lived in a fully feminine family, to which his grandmother, who bitterly complained about it before the entrance, was at the same time complaining about how he was “unmarked” and “how well girls should be brought up.”

- Listen, Igor, so we will not succeed. When you photograph - you need to photograph. To admire the subject, whether it is a frog or a manhole, is not forbidden, but you need to think about the process of photography. And you do not think.

- I think !!! - Igor was indignant.

Uncle Lyosha looked at him sternly and at the same time condescendingly.

“You think about your sister, not about shutter speed and aperture.”

Igor, who was already going to answer, suddenly stopped himself, and Uncle Lyosha noticed that Igor had darkened ears - a strong tan mixed with “paint”. “Well, it would be foolish to doubt,” thought Uncle Lyosha.

- That's what. Bring her here. Let's hang the background over there - you see the strings are stretched, put down the light and you can shoot at least with hands, even with a tripod. Places are not enough, of course, but a portrait can be made on the chest - checked. We will shoot together, and I will not give you a shit. Good?

- Good! - Igorek just lit up. - And when?

- Yes, we have two limiting factors. I am at work until Saturday, and your sister, as I know, is not in the city at the weekend.

- In these will be!

- Oh how. Well, so do. Come on, straight and on Saturday - negotiate.

Speaking these words, Uncle Lyosha really thought about photography, backgrounds and setting the light, but he could not know that everything would be "not so." He always had everything in his life and it was “not so.” He was divorced and went the wrong way. Having lived with his wife for n years, he lost both her and her son. Naturally, each had weighty arguments in the reproach. It happened the way it happens with many people - word-for-word, dick postolu, then everyone was uncomfortable talking first, and then they forgot the language they understood each other. He did not want to sue and divide property - he could not take it from his son. Yes, and his wife worked for one of the best lawyers in the city, and he was a little devoted to his black makli. And this was enough to understand that the hope of meeting with his son in the future is more than deprivation of parental rights in court now. Although the court insisted and his friend lawyer and social welfare bodies. True, the first one was somehow exposed to a double approach to the situation, while the second ones explicitly stated that they would do everything possible, but the mother could simply refuse to dialogue with them. He moved to his parents, and then buried them. He did not pay for “love” on principle, relations with women were strained, and he had guests rarely. And always never. It so happened that Uncle Lyosha used to move the walls.

They came on Saturday for dinner. He hanged everything and set it up. There was not enough space for a full-fledged photo shoot, but no one was going to shoot on the cover of a thick magazine. When the guests came in, Anya was about to take off her shoes according to Russian custom, and then Uncle Lyosha realized that he had no normal slippers for guests. Feeling like his ears were on fire (the guests before that, they were usually the least interested in the presence of slippers) Uncle Lyosha suggested that she not take off her shoes and meekly turned the arrow on Igor:

- Well ... do you even introduce us!

Uncle Lyosha knew very well what her name was Anya - she grew up in his eyes. Anya also knew “Uncle Lyosha” who often sat on the bench after work and, often, was clearly drunk. She also knew that they and Igorkom often went fishing and took pictures, that he worked here in an advertising agency in Voronezh and that grandmother and aunt most likely had views on him.

- Anya. - the voice was a match for angelic appearance.

- Alexey Viktorovich. You can just Alex, you can uncle Lesha - call, how convenient it will be.

They went to an improvised photo studio and it went on as usual. Anya, not being a professional model, was in love with the light. She and Igor's pictures were arranged, and she felt that these would be better. She knew that she was beautiful and had never experienced complexes in front of the lens.

But after a few minutes, the quality of Igor’s photographs plummeted, which caused Alexei’s violent reaction. On the one hand, it was worthwhile to teach a lesson, on the other hand, Alexei himself needed an incredible effort of will, so that his own pants would not bristle. There really was no time for the photo and he understood it. Understand - understood, but gave out quite a foolish phrase:

- It's impossible! Anya, he will not be able to photograph you normally.

- Why?

- Yes, you look at him! - Alexey pointed to Igor’s trousers - He thinks with the wrong head!

Igor hesitated, his eyes downcast - to cover the protruding penis would be complete idiocy.

Anya looked at her brother and smiled.

- So what? What do you suggest?

- Well ... I do not know ... would you give him something. He buzzed all your ears.

- you what? Sdurel? He is only 18! (the condition of publication is satisfied - author’s comment)

- That's good. Big boy already. Especially since he is your cousin. His already girls before the porch right in front of all the neighbors, including your grandmother, kiss on the lips. I would have burned with shame in his age, but now it is normal. Do you want your brother to blow some classmate and cum into her? Let's arrange an erotic photo session for a start.

Uncle Lesha, not knowing what he was doing, took Anna stunned by his elbow, put his finger on the skirt belt on his back and moved the girl like a statue, putting Igor in front of him, who still stood like an idol, holding a camera in his hands and not understanding what was happening .

- Well, take a shot.

Igor nodded mechanically, raised the camera to his eyes and gently pressed the button to half. Automatics began to work, Uncle Lyosha in one motion undid the button, pulled the zipper down and pulled off her skirt, jumping out of the frame for an instant before Igor lowered the shutter. Before Igor and Anna realized what had happened, the flash worked, finally erasing the remnants of rational thinking in their heads as "in that film."

- Well, that's great! At the same time send a photo of a guy in the army. Or not. Maybe a better link? - Asked Uncle Lyosha, pushing Anna on the sofa.

After Igor took the picture, Anna scored a deep breath to express everything she was thinking about this old freak, but when she heard about the army, Pavel and the Internet letters were stuck in her throat. She tried to breathe again, but then a slight push in her chest shook her, she got entangled in a fallen skirt, slightly stepped back, stumbled on the sofa and flew backwards, lifting her legs when landing on the sofa. Alexey Viktorovich's hand threw off her skirt on the fly, another hand clasped her ankle and pulled her leg back to her head. A second later, Uncle Lyosha was standing with his feet on the sofa over Anna, with Anna’s legs up and slightly spreading them apart. The position was not the most comfortable, and Anna had nothing to do but to bend her legs and press her hips to her stomach. Alexey Viktorovich, not letting go of Anna, knelt down.

- Admire, you have a beautiful sister?

Igor stood completely stunned, stretching his arms at the seams. He had already let the camera out of his hands a long time ago and if it were not for Uncle Lyosha’s insistent advice to put a strap around his neck, he would have broken it. The view was stunning, white narrow panties of smooth matte fabric strongly stood out against the background of tanned and slender hips sister. And between them, behind a narrow strip of fabric, bulged out and denoted by a hollow that he could imagine only in the wildest fantasies. A hot wave hit the head, and my heart was pounding somewhere in the larynx and was about to jump out. Everything happened as in a dream.

- Come on, pull off her panties.

Igor, licking his dry lips, looked up at Uncle Lyosha.

- Stean-pelt, do not be afraid. It's ok.

Igor looked at his sister, but she did not look at him. But she did not resist. Turning away, she rested her gaze on Uncle Lesch’s knee and lay silent, legs up. Igor knelt before her. He was slow. So many times, in his fantasies, he imagined a naked sister, and now it was only necessary to decide to pull off her pants. But this had to be decided. He raised his hands, paused for a moment, then hesitantly took his fingers to the gum on the sides and pulled it down. Cowards were not removed. In order to remove them, it was necessary to pull them out from under Anka, and for this it was necessary to pull hard, which he was afraid to do. He pulled harder and, unexpectedly, Anka put her hands on the sofa, rested them and raised her ass. The panties tightened, Igor reached them almost to his knees with the smile of a schoolboy, who took the height on the third attempt in a physical education class. Two triangles of white fabric intercepted Uncle Lyosha and dragged them up. While he was shooting them, two plump lips forming a hollow opened up to Igor, where he split up a little, splitting into a small tubercle and a dark triangle of short hair over it all. He no longer heard what Uncle Lyosha said and did not notice that his sister was looking at him.

Thoughts in Ani's head were spinning like a mad top. But, not one of them was processed by the brain because only one was nailed to it with a hefty nail - what would happen if Pashka saw her picture on the Internet? She went to him every week, every week he was given leave to leave, every week they made love to a stupid apartment in a rented apartment, and the whole thing confidently went to the wedding. And now this. It is necessary to erase the photo and format the card, or even better just pick it up. The camera is still there, but how? Do not fight, it still does not work. Pasha will not understand ... Then she felt that someone was pulling off her panties, as Pasha always did, automatically lifted her ass and ... returned to reality. Igor pulled off her pants, and Alexey Viktorovich finally took them off. She lowered her already slightly tired feet to the floor, and remained, looking at her brother. His face shone with happiness.

Anna's feelings seemed to have split in two. On the one hand, the frustrating reality that fell on her was pressing so hard that tears were ready to splash. On the other hand, the face of a brother with eyes glowing with happiness could not but cause a smile. How much a little boy needs for happiness - I saw a pussy alive.

- Are not you ashamed? - Anna asked, lifting herself up and looking at her brother.

Igor looked at his sister, then looked between her legs again, looked up, and with a naive smile, said softly and admiringly:

- You're beautiful!

Anna leaned back on the sofa with such a look, as if a bullet hit her forehead.

- What do you like? - asked Uncle Lyosha, sitting next to Igor. He nodded.

- Come on, raise your legs.

Anna obediently raised her hips and spread them to the sides.

- Look. That is, he drove a finger on the skin of Anna - big labia. If you push them apart, then ... Anh, I feel uncomfortable. Ah-anh!

Anna with anger even slightly raised her legs and hands parted her pussy so that she herself was in pain.

Alexey explained and showed everything. And where she had a virgin pleura, explained how she breaks, and where she pisses, and where the uterus is, and why it can not be finished. Anya was very embarrassed to feel like a study tool. But at the same time, it somehow reminded her of the old courtyard “doctor” game. She looked at the face of her brother, who, having rested her gaze between her legs, listened with such concentration, as if the intelligence officer five minutes before the transfer to the rear explained how to use the new type of radio station on which his life depends. And she didn’t start to like it, but it didn’t jar.

At this moment, Alex touched the clitoris, Anna started and woke up again.

- In, I saw! I told you this is the most sensitive point. Here it is necessary to be more beautiful. Listen, buddy, come on.

Igor got up. The camera is still dangling on the neck, speaking forward with the lens, and the pants were treacherously bristling.

- Yes, I see the second lens in your pants - Uncle Lesha smiled. - Well, take it off.

- Yes, no, do not ...

- Need, Need. But somehow it turns out inconveniently - the young lady is almost naked, and we are all in pants. Take it off, I'll take it off too. And shoot the camera, until it crashed, let me put it on the table.

He took the camera off Igor's neck and turned his back on them for a couple of seconds, walking up to the table and putting the camera on him holding her lens. Putting the camera on the edge, he already took up his trouser belt, as Anna gave a voice:

- Alexey Viktorovich - not necessary.

- Ege! Why are we already on “you”? A couple of minutes ago, you called me a fool on “You”.

Anna stared at the ceiling.

- Do not worry, everything will be fine, - Alexey said gently - now we will continue. What are you standing for ?! Well, quickly undressed completely!

Igor started and began to undress as if he was in the barracks now, not Paul. A minute later he froze in indecision naked and with a crimson face.

Anna rose to look at her brother. She was curious. Not that she didn’t expect to see it, but was still surprised. No, her brother's pussy was most likely the one he was supposed to have at his age, maybe a little more, but for her, the brother was always a child, and she imagined something like that shrunken and unintelligible centimeters for three, imagine nothing so dick. Yes, still standing, almost at 12 o'clock.

- Now you - Aleksey raised Anna by the hand and walked behind her, slightly hugging her.

- No - Anna capriciously opened his arms.

- Well? Will I have to persuade you now?

Alexey began to unbutton the buttons on the blouse from above, and Anya from the bottom. In the middle, their hands met, and Aleksey removed his blouse from the laid back hands.

At the sight of her sister's tanned boobs, wrapped in a white fabric bra similar to the one from which her panties were sewn, Igor's dick tried to get up even stronger, but there was no longer any more.

Alexey undid the bra, Anya threw him in her arms, revealing her beautiful chest. Perhaps not reaching the fourth size, she was perfect in shape. Dark, against the background of white triangles from a swimsuit, nipples looked a little upwards like the peaks of the hills converging together in the middle of the chest.

Igor stood up as if spellbound, his dick twitched again, trying to get up even higher.

- Like? - Anya asked him, slightly turning in different directions.

- Yeah - Igor squeezed out.

Anna thought about it and, drawing attention to the fact that Alexey began to undress, decided to switch her attention to her brother. And in the clothes, Alexey did not look like not just Apollo, but simply fit, and Anna had no desire either to watch his striptease or to see him naked at all.

- Then you can kiss - and she put one breast slightly forward, with her hands behind her back.

Igor quickly approached, bent down as if bowing to the Japanese emperor and smacking his sister in tits.

- Not this way. Stand a little to the side, - Anya turned - and leaned a little to the side. Like this. And now take a nipple with your lips and suck a little - Anya raised her shoulder a little to make Igor more comfortable. Here, and now simultaneously lick language. So, do a little harder.

With one hand, Anya pressed her brother to her chest for a little while, and with the other she wanted to hold him behind her back, but Igor regarded the pressure on her arm as an invitation and he hugged her sister. She seemed to be breastfeeding a big baby. Suddenly Anya got excited for herself. She would have pretended that nothing had happened, but her nipples were treacherously clenched. I did not want to turn to Alexei, but while she stood like that, it only got worse.

“Let go of the guy, otherwise he'll blow up now.”

Anya dismissed Igor from herself, and they turned to Alexey. He stood with his legs apart and his hands on his hips. Anya noticed that when Igor saw him stop, his mouth barely noticeably opened.

Uncle Lyosha's member was also quite average, maybe the same as Pasha, maybe a little more, and maybe a little less. Due to the difference in physique it was difficult to compare. Personally, he did not inspire Anna. But he made a tremendous impression on Igor. What can you do? Someone else's dick alive Igor saw for the first time too. Well, what else Alexey thought not to take off his pants first.

- Come to me.

Alexey took Anya by the elbow and pulled him to himself. She was scared that he would offer her to have sex with him, but still hesitantly made a few short steps to him. Aleksey leaned over to his ear and whispered:

- Suck him.

- Who? I?! - Anya asked in a voice, looking at him with surprised eyes.

- Who? Am I something ... See, the guy is going to burst.

And with these words, he ran from top to bottom with the back of his fingers over the hardened nipple of Ani. She instantly covered her nipples with her palms, throwing a pair of lightnings down from under her brows. She stood for a moment, then turned abruptly, stepped towards her brother and knelt before him. Next came Alex.

- Now Anya will give you a blowjob. Do not be afraid. Only one condition. You can't cum in her mouth. When you feel that an orgasm is coming, you will take out and shake her chest. Even if you drop a drop in your mouth, she will feel it, which means it's too early for you to fuck. Got it?Have you ever experienced an orgasm? Finished? - Igor stood silently - Hand off?

- Igor actively negatively shook his head.

- Well, now I will teach ...

- Not! No, I know how! - at a high volume hurried to declare Igor.

- Well, that's wonderful, but it just didn’t have enough for me today. Come on - he slightly pushed Anya in the back of the head.

Anya herself was already not against it. The head, unable to cope with the flow of information, simply ceased to think in order to protect the brain and not be in an insane asylum with the hostess. And Anya herself often engaged in oral sex with Paul. Now, already rather excited, she would gladly make a blowjob to her brother, but ... under other circumstances. Alone. And now I had to decide on this too.

“Well, now I’m sucking him and this is where the doctor’s game will end,” thought Anna.

In order to comfortably reach out to her brother on her knees on the hard floor, she had to not only fall on her ass, but also spread her hips fairly wide. She opened her mouth, looking at his brother's cock. His head was almost completely hidden by the foreskin, despite the erection, and the neck formed by it was filled with leakage grease, which had already passed over the edge and flowed down the barrel almost vertical. Realizing that his brother did not take the initiative, she took his penis in his hand, slightly lowered him and bowed her head. For a moment she froze, closing her mouth and immediately took the dick in her mouth with a little movement of her head. Sensing the salty taste of the lubricant and the tender skin of a teenager in her mouth, she just flew off the coils. Pulling a member out of her mouth and looking at her brother, she realized that he did not intend to move, even if she knew how. He could not move.When his pisyun turned out to be with his sister in his mouth, he experienced a feeling of overcoming something impossible and at the same time a very pleasant, but still unfamiliar feeling that there is a gentle and warm alien body around his penis. Then she again took his penis, with her fingers took the foreskin back exposing the poured dark pink moist head and with pleasure she launched it into her mouth several times with her head. Then she stopped, hugged her brother's buttocks and pulled her to her. When his dick almost completely disappeared in his mouth, she pushed Igor back, and then repeated everything again.fingers removed the foreskin back exposing the poured dark pink moist head and with pleasure she launched it into her mouth several times with her head. Then she stopped, hugged her brother's buttocks and pulled her to her. When his dick almost completely disappeared in his mouth, she pushed Igor back, and then repeated everything again.fingers removed the foreskin back exposing the poured dark pink moist head and with pleasure she launched it into her mouth several times with her head. Then she stopped, hugged her brother's buttocks and pulled her to her. When his dick almost completely disappeared in his mouth, she pushed Igor back, and then repeated everything again.

Igor did not stop already. He, rolling his eyes, moved automatically, each time pushing the penis into her sister's mouth completely, good sizes did not cause her any special problems. Fifth push, seventh, tenth ...

- Aaaaa! - shouted Igor, took out a member from the sister's mouth and tried to pull it over her chest.

He did not succeed. The first jet hit Anya in the face. He tried to lower the jerking end down onto his chest, but it turned out to be painful and impossible, so everything else he threw out with an automatic burst from the nose to the clavicle and, breathing heavily, bent over in a half-crouch, still continuing to twitch with his penis, which jumping, squeezing out yourself last muddy drops.

While Anya came to her senses, her brother's sperm became liquid and flowed down, tickling her between the breasts and draining on the barely protruding round tummy and on to the pubis. Anna breathed almost as much as a brother, and between the thighs placed apart, a heavy oily drop treacherously fell on the laminate. Anya flowed.

She looked back at Alexei. He sat in a chair, did not try to pester her, and did not jerk off. I just sat with my legs crossed. One hand lay on the armrest, the other rested on it with an elbow, and the fingers supported the bowed head. She thought he was smiling a little and watching with interest what was happening. Naturally, he saw everything.

Suddenly he got up, lifted Anna by the shoulders, grabbed her knees, and put her on the couch, her ass on the edge.

- Did you like it? - he turned to Igor.

- Dd-a ...

- Well, now is the time to pay debts. Come here.

He sat Igor on the floor between Ani's legs.

“Now you will get her out.” You start from the bottom, and then slowly rise up to the clitoris. You will lick until she cums. And spread her lips like that with her fingers. He tilted Igor's head to the crotch, almost putting his nose into the vagina.

- Come on, bolder! - he encouraged Igor.

Igor looked at Anka with interest. The crack between the legs was now completely different. Big lips darkened and clenched, opening like shells in a river and firing small wet sponges out of pink red, and a pink clitoral bead appeared above the triangle of hair. From the vagina in the ass flowed clear liquid. Igor heard Uncle Lyosha’s voice and decided to taste the liquid with the tip of his tongue first. He leaned closer to his sister and smelled a woman. Not like always. Living in a family where there are only women by smell, like a dog, he could always say who the last one was in the room. But it was a different smell and he beckoned Igor with something.

Igor licked the liquid, the taste did not cause any negative emotions and he ran his tongue along the slits from the bottom up. My sister groaned, from which he concluded that the actions were correct and began to furiously lick Anka, sometimes guided by the instructions of Uncle Lyosha.

Anya lay on the couch, legs up and spreading her hips to the sides. With one hand, she slightly crushed her breasts, holding her nipple between her fingers, and the second she shoved Igorku into her hair and tried to guide them. She really wanted to finish now, but she could not. Igor thrashed his tongue in his pussy like crazy. At times he exhaled and, resting, moved more slowly, pleasantly leading his little tender tongue and lips between her lips, but mostly acted like a hungry vampire, apparently deciding to tear it up and suck it through her pussy.

- Yes, calm down you already! Enough!- Anya almost shouted, with an effort pushing Igor's head away from her and dropping her legs. Igor got up, wiping his face smeared with his hand.

- Rest Igor, - said uncle Lyosha - I will replace you now. That's just turn off the camera. With these words, he went to the table, took a camera from him, paused something and moved it to the sideboard, with a lens to the wall.

Anna jumped as if stung. All the excitement passed. Her already huge eyes became just like plates.

- What?! What for?- tears were heard in the voice - I already gave. Erase immediately!

- Maybe I will. But first, let's see - Alexey drove the last nail into the coffin lid.

He sat down next to Anya and took her by the throat from which a chill ran down her back and with her fell on the sofa. He pressed her head to himself and gently whispered in his ear:

- Do not worry everything will be fine. Just calm down and close your eyes.

He whispered something else, soothing her, and then took a lobe of his ear with his lips and bit her slightly. Then he kissed him gently, took him again in his mouth and began to suck a little while licked his tongue. Then he began to go down gently kissing her neck, almost barely touching Ani with her lips and tongue, which made her goose bumps.

It was inconvenient to move further, since the sofa ended, and Alexey had to break away from Ani and change seats.

- And you - he turned to Igor, sit in a chair and learn.

Igor was not against. The orgasm and the scene with the camera lifted the tension from him, the pisyun grimaced and significantly decreased in size, which caused him some embarrassment. He willingly sat down in a chair, stretched his legs and began to look.

Uncle Lesha stood over Anka and a little on all fours, sank down on his elbows and took both of her breasts in his palm. He began to gently crush Ankina’s boobs with his fingers, bent over and took one of the noticeably brightened and soft nipples in his mouth, much like Igorka taught Anya. He sucked a little, let him out of his mouth, stuck out his tongue and began to drive them around the pink circle, acting like a finger on them, then bit his teeth lightly without touching his skin with his lips so that Igor could see, pull and throw. Kissed again. Anka was lying motionless, and Uncle Lyosha did not stop stroking and kissing her boobs - one or the other.

At some point, Igor noticed that the nipples were reddening again and jerking up. Lying motionless and not showing any interest in the actions of Uncle Lyosha, Anka suddenly stretched out her hand, took him by his penis and began to cheer him up.

Uncle Lyosha pulled away from her boobs, removed her hand (he had long been ready to burst himself, and he did not need additional stimulation at all) settled between her legs, and leaning on his hands, he began kissing her between her boobs, gradually dropping to her stomach. Anya raised her hands and took Uncle Lyosha’s head with her hands, running her fingers a little into her hair. She lay silent and closed her eyes. Igor noticed that Uncle Lyosha’s dick became bigger, and the crimson head increased so that the skin on it stretched and looked like a blown-up balloon that threatened to burst. Meanwhile, he had already sunk below the navel. For some reason, Anya smiled, and at that moment he suddenly bit down on the skin below Ankin's stomach.

This she did not expect. And the fool is clear that in forty with a small man already has experience. While Alexey squeezed her boobs, she was so offended at him for today, that she mentally sent him to the dick along with his experience and lay like a log. But gradually the offended thoughts were interrupted by some pleasant sensations that it was harder for her not to pay attention to. And when, against her will, her nipples became hard again, it was already stupid to build offended herself.

Every kiss of Alexey launched a butterfly into his belly, and when he bit her, it seemed that all the tickles of the world had gotten inside, and a lightning bolt ran down his belly. She did not expect this. It was a new feeling for her that she had never experienced before. She pushed Alexey away, bent in half, and laughed.

- That's enough, I can not more!

- Lie down! - Commanding tone, but with a smile, Alexey ordered, pushed her onto the sofa, put his hands under his knees and pulled him to the edge.

Anna lifted her legs and, holding their hands by the hips, spread to the sides. Alex bent over her, kissed the red lips opened, slightly licked. Then he began kissing and stroking his tongue with all the folds that he could find, without touching the slit, but slowly approaching it. Anya, with closed eyes, ran one hand into his hair and turned her head to the side and, making a languid sound, opened her eyes. She saw her brother looking greedily at them, and smiled sweetly. At that moment, Alexei hugged her ass with his palms, thumbs spread his lips and began to caress, barely touching Ana with his tongue. Anna closed her eyes again, bit her lip and began to caress her breasts with her free hand, twirling her nipple.

Alexey suffered with all his might. He could already finish ten times, but he did not want to. He caressed Anna language not rushing to climb directly to the clitoris. I sucked on and licked the little red lips, fucked her slightly with her tongue, resting her nose on the clitoris, widening her back and widening her tongue all the way up to the clitoris, and then making the tongue hard and narrow back to the smooth side. Having licked the vagina, he began to lick the little hole a little higher and the space above it, where his tongue fluttered like a butterfly and always he slowly went up. Anna was moving all. She folded and spread her legs, hugged Alexey with them, shook her head, looking somewhere through the ceiling, raped her chest with both hands, arched her back and at the same time constantly groaned.

Igor knew how to use the Internet. But this 3D surpassed all his expectations. He did not even notice how his penis again shone in all its glory. His heart was pounding again somewhere in the larynx, and he really wanted to Anka, but somehow he could not interfere in the process.

The sister groaned, sighed and gasped, looking somewhere through the concrete slab of the ceiling and not paying any attention to her brother. Finally, Uncle Lyosha reached the clitoris, pulled him into himself and began to suck, while caressing him with his tongue. Anka froze for a second, opened her mouth wide, grabbed Uncle Lyosha with both hands behind her head and squeezed between her legs, squeezing her hips, and then, rolling her eyes, screamed

A-aa-ao-oooooh !!! Mm-mm-mm ...

Uncle Lyosha froze for a couple of seconds. He waited for Anka to calm down, and then suddenly he literally exploded. He jumped up, almost sat down on Anka's chest and shoved the overstrained cock into her open mouth. Anka nodded in satisfaction, but then she opened her eyes wide and besieged Alexei with an indignant “mock”.

It did not help. After a couple of pushes, Uncle Lyosha gasped and thrust Ana's cock in so that she began to gag reflexively.

Anka choked on sperm, with the agility of a fighter M-1 jumped out from under Uncle Lyosha, and holding her mouth with her palms bullet rushed into the bathroom.

Uncle Lyosha got up on his knees, wiped his face, and, looking at Igor, said:

“I think we also need to go to the bathroom ...”

Anna was almost lying on the sink and breathing hard, trying not to spit, sometimes she drank from the tap and rinsed her mouth. Alexey, not paying attention to her, immediately climbed into the bath, quickly soaped and washed the foam with a shower. Igor stood, not knowing what to do.

- No longer so deep - Anna straightened, wiping her face with a towel. Not made up she was no less pretty, if not more.

- Sorry, I'm not on purpose. Climb here - Alexey held out his hand. - And you too.

Alexey got out of the bath, helped Anya to get there and pushed indecisive Igor. He turned on the shower, set up warm water and poured Anya from head to toe.

- Oh, no need to wet your hair!

- Quiet! Turn to the wall and put your hands on it.

Igor watched as Aleksey took the gel from the shelf, squeezed a lot on his palm and began to soap Anka.

- No, I myself - she was suddenly terribly uncomfortable, the last time she was bathed n-eleven years ago, if not more.

- Quiet!

He continued to rub the gel, and Anka was almost completely covered with foam or a shiny gel. From the sight of the wet sister, Igor took his breath again and he sat down in the warm water.

Uncle Lyosha continued stroking his sister with his palms and she seemed to like it. Biting her lip, she closed her eyes and leaned closer to the wall, arching her back and slightly sticking out her ass. Uncle Lesha diligently rubbed the gel on Ankin's ass, rubbed it between roundish buttocks, slid his hand between his legs and suddenly stopped. Anya put one foot to the side and sat down slightly, spreading her knees, so that Uncle Lyosha’s hand would pass freely there and he began to rub it between her legs each time with a smooth movement, thrusting her hand up to her elbow. Anka, rolling her eyes and opening her mouth, languidly moaning and groaning with each movement of her hand.

- Like?

- Yes-ah-ah ... - Anna answered in a crying voice and groaned.

She really loved it. The discomfort from the fact that an adult peasant was going to bathe her was over as soon as Alexey began to slide his hands with greased shower gel over her body. He did not bathe her. He stupidly and blatantly pawed her in front of her cousin, and Anna could not even imagine that it could be so pleasant. When he began to rub her between her legs, she almost finished. Alexey's hand, having parted her lips, smoothly moved across the whole plane of Anina's girlfriend, starting from the edge of the vagina and ending with the clitoris, never actually stopped like a bow over a violin and Anna groaned on all voices. She would have finished, but Alex stopped and he climbed into the bathroom. Putting Anna on his knees in front of him, he again wet her hair, squeezed the shampoo out of her hand and began to soap her head. Anna closed her eyes and smiled blissfully.

Alexey washed her head with smooth movements and this also gave her pleasure. Kneeling in front of Alexei’s protruding dickhead, Anna first thought that he would just fuck her in the mouth, but not that she would wash her hair. She lowered her hand and began to gently pull at the clitoris. This Anna felt that Aleksey removed one hand from her head and immediately Alexey’s cock rested against her lips. She opened her mouth, letting it go inside. Alexey moved a member in Anna's mouth with his hands on soaped hair, while she shook her head with one hand while masturbating, and putting the other on Alexey’s hip and pushing him if he tried to stick further than he should. Pretty quickly he finished in her mouth, again leaving without satisfaction. Ana did not want to swallow, and she had one weakness about which no one here knew - she loved when sperm flowed through her,especially when it was flowing out of the vagina. Anna pushed the sperm out of her mouth and she ran down her chin to her chest. Already wound up, Anna looked at her brother, smiled, and squeezed her nipples.

Aleksey, meanwhile, got out of the bath and picked up a shower. He picked up Anna and began to wash off the foam and sperm. At some point, when Anna turned her back on him, he asked to bend down and sit down a bit. Anna immediately completed, but Alex did not do anything. Blissfully closing her eyes and smiling, she stood facing the wall and waited.

But Igor saw how Uncle Lesha winked at him, smiled slyly and for some reason began to unscrew the shower head from the hose. Unscrewing and reducing the pressure, he did not say a word and put one hand on Anka’s shoulder, pressing his palm and elbow down, and the other ... put Anki’s hose between the buttocks. She instantly opened her eyes and tried to straighten up, but she did not succeed.

- What are you doing something ?! Let go quickly !!! Ahhhh ...

She grabbed his arm with a hose and Alex immediately released her. She immediately arched her belly forward and squeezed her buttocks so that they became a little shriveled. At the same time, she covered her ass with her palm on top, as if this could help.

- Fuck! Fool fucking! Are you completely fucked ?! Why did you do it ?!

- From pranks - Aleksey calmly answered.

- Eblan, fuck! - Anna gave offended and awkwardly began to get out of the bath, trying not to bend over.

Alexey helped her and she also squeezed her buttocks and opened the bathroom door and seeded into the toilet.

For Igor, as well as for Anna. It was a time out. Overexcited by the sight of his sister in the bathroom, he could already finish without touching himself, and the hose episode gave him a breather. Moreover, he could not even imagine that his sister could swear so much - for him it was a shock.

- What for? - Igor asked, looking at Uncle Lesha and seriously starting to fear for his ass.

- To free up a place - Uncle Lesch grinned.

Anna was not. Igor sat down in the warm water and slowly fingering the member stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. Meanwhile, Alexei decided to shave while there was a pause.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Anna looked into the bathroom with one eye.

- Come in quickly, you'll catch a cold - Anna slowed down. - Come on, do not be afraid, I will not.

But Anna was afraid. She believed that she would no longer have an enema, but vanilla ended in bathing. Sitting on the toilet and trying to give an explanation to Alexei’s prank, she suddenly realized that the game of doctor, which she was supposed to end in minute to minute, did not seem to start. Coming out of the closet, she went not to the bathroom, but to the room where it all began. Grabbing a camera from the sideboard, Anna frantically tried to figure out someone else’s camera. Turned on her, found the view and started flipping. Photos should be deleted somehow easy. It is necessary to find this unfortunate picture and video, and how to erase them, she will understand. Reaching up to the last photos taken by Alexei, she prepared to see herself without a skirt and doing blowjob to her brother, but unexpectedly got on the first photo taken by Igor. Having decided to hurry through,She pressed the joystick in the other direction, but again fell on Alexey's pictures. Remembering the photo, she flipped through the entire memory card in a circle again.

There was no photo or video on the map.

Anya put the camera in place, picked up her panties from the floor and wiped the water drops on the camera. About something thought for a few seconds, threw panties into place and went into the bathroom. And now she stood, not daring to enter.

Alexey flung open the door, dragged Anya, covered with goose bumps and, lifting, just moved her to the bathroom.

- Now it's your turn - he stretched out the gel and shower to Igor.

He hesitantly took and looked at his cousin. Anka stood in the water, hugging herself, and looked unhappy. Catching her brother's gaze, she silently turned her back to him, rested against the wall and spread her legs. Igor started hot water and poured on his sister, then began smearing the gel on his back, not daring to touch in other places. He looked irresolutely at Uncle Lyosha, who was wiping himself with a towel.

- Work work. I'll be right back

He went out.Igor decided that he would act just like Uncle Lyosha and began soaping his sister. Anka did not resist, but she didn’t moan the same as last time. She did not expect to have fun and just allowed her brother to punch herself. In the end, why is he worse than Alexei? Sitting in the front row on such a performance and getting nothing is not fair.

Igor actually felt his sister, realizing that the second time might not be and trying not to miss a centimeter. He especially liked to knead Anky’s tight and slippery boobs from the gel. At some point, he squeezed them so tight that he pressed himself against his sister and his cock was conveniently located in the hollow between the buttocks.

Over time, hot water, soap, and inept caress brother did his job. Anka “walked away” and gradually began to get excited, and when Igor pressed herself against her, and she felt his dick on her ass, she took him in her hand, jerked him a little and sent her between her legs. In such a position as they stood, it was inconvenient to bend over, and she straightened up, having decided to stand up to the other wall, pulled her legs together, and Igor's member found herself squeezed in the window between her pussy and thighs. She liked it.

- Igor, well, move over - and podmahnula him ass.

Igor began to drive a member at Anka between his legs, and she began to moan, which he regarded as a victory. Anka put her palms on Igor’s palms and began to drive them on her own, caressing her chest and stomach. Then she transferred one hand to her chest, squeezing her nipple with her fingers, and lowered her other hand below the pubis and began to rub her clitoris with Igor's fingers.

Anka started up, and she wanted something more. If she gives Igor now, he will surely end quickly, and she will not get anything again. She pushed her brother away, stood up to the other wall, leaned over and put one foot on the edge of the tub.

- rub me there.

Igor began to rub his hand between his legs with all his strength. He did this with excessive zeal, and after a while his sister dispersed him. She decided to bathe Igor herself. Putting in the middle of the bath and ordering to expose one thigh a little, she soaped it and began to rub on it and stroke it in all places. She especially liked his ass, the more she noticed that when she ran her fingers through the anus, Igor was somehow strangely twitching. Anka stood at his side, began to drive between his buttocks with one hand, paying particular attention to the hole, and began to jerk him with the fist of the other hand.

Oleg was in seventh heaven. What Anka did was very pleasant, and even with some new sensations of what she caressed with his two hands. And indeed - his sister was jerking off to him, and yesterday he would have had to shut herself in the toilet from her.

But, despite the soap and tenderness of Ankin’s hands, contact with the skin of the palm was too noticeable, and when the head passed through Ankin’s fist, it began to break. Cum Igor could not.

At that moment Uncle Lyosha entered the bathroom.

- ABOUT! That's right ... - he threw an armful of white terry towels and a white robe on the washing machine.

Igor pulled out a member of the Ankin fist and doubled over with breaking pain.

“Well ...” Alexey squeezed Anka's chest and looked appreciatively.

- I think it will ... Sit in the bath. Not so - cross and legs apart spread wide. And you - he turned to Igor, - step over her. Like this.And now - he squeezed Anka gel on his chest - squeeze them together with your hands, but not so much. Now try to sit down a bit and insert a member between them.

Oleg attached himself to his sister and put his penis between her boobs. Igor's eyes lit up, and he immediately began to fuck his sister. Anka with one hand supported his buttock, and the second began to caress the clitoris in the water. Alexey lowered his hand into the water, put Anka's finger between his lips and began to slightly massage the entrance to the vagina.

Igor crumpled tits moaning sister, jerking off their pisyun and did not think about anything. A minute later he finished his sister in the chin, leaving her without an orgasm.

- So that's it. Get out - Alexey ordered, pouring Igor from the shower.

Igor got out on trembling legs and with a twitching member and, having received a towel, began to wipe himself.

Anya washed herself off the foam and cum, and as soon as she hung up the shower, Alexey hugged her with a huge towel and, lifting it, took it out of the bath and set it on the floor. He pressed himself to his ass, and then began to wipe it.

- Give me a towel, I'll wipe my head again - asked Anya.

- Wait, I missed here - Alex leaned over to wipe his hip, but immediately raised his head. - Yes, you flow so?

Anya looked down - her hips were wet. She touched herself, trying to figure out where the moisture came from, and realizing she suddenly wanted to end immediately. The desire was so strong that she immediately sat down a bit, clutching at the door jamb, spreading her legs, putting one on the toe, and covering her eyes, began quickly and with pleasure to rub the clitoris. At one point, she looked at the stunned men, smiled, but, without stopping, continued to rub herself again. Reddened, having closed her eyes and bit her lip lightly, Anya raped the clitoris and the fact that she did it in public, gave her a special pleasure.

Pretty quickly, she pulled her ass as if sitting on top of someone and started shouting on a high note:


And after a couple of seconds, squeezing his girlfriend with her palm and hips, she bent and began to crawl down the joint.

- woooo-mmmmm ...

For a minute she stood crooked in silence, then looked out from under the wet and darkened hair at Alexei and Igor with some kind of sly look and suddenly straightened, putting her chest forward and extending her arms back. She inhaled as if speaking at a parade and, suddenly embarrassed, said softly:

- And let's go to the room ...

If Igor didn’t even think about what he doesn’t have in the slightest way, he can’t even imagine what will happen to him at every next minute of his life and only silently surprised at the accomplished fact: “To get it !!!” the performance was surprised by the shocking performer of the role of the main character and mentally applauded the interesting “acting” work.

He handed Ana a robe, and threw a dry towel over Igor: “Get cold again.” Despite the fact that the robe was very large, and I had to roll up our sleeves, Anya felt comfortable in it and did not want to take it off. But she already knew that he would be on her only while they were going to bed and what would happen when he was not on her. On this account, she no longer harbored any illusions - now two men will fuck her into those holes which they can shove, and they are unlikely to take turns. And so that you are not accidentally crippled, you will still have to be attentive and take an active part. In addition, since today’s the day, the Anya decided to embody her fantasies whenever possible. What is worse than others? That's all that ever occurred to her in terms of sex, or has already happened today, or was to happen in the next few minutes. And so it happenedthat today it was not her fantasies and their performance for her. She wanted to recoup, but did not know how yet.

They walked into the bedroom. The sofa was rebuilt. It was obvious that some kind of blanket was put under a pair of sheets. Above there were several different pillows, a blanket and a sheet to hide, and a small towel.

Anya decided to show off a little, walked over to the sofa, untied the dressing gown belt and, slowly shaking her hips, slowly lowered the dressing gown to the waist, turned slightly around, giving the men a look of complete debauchery, smacking the air, and finally removing her dressing gown.

Alexey this joke caused a smile. Igor has an erection. While he saw the naked sister, the scrotum was overflowing instantly, it was enough for the sister to give the slightest excuse for excitement.

Anya climbed on this sofa, which more suited the name "sexodrome", threw a pillow under her head and started to get comfortable.

- You would have spread a towel ...

- Anyway, I’ll change things up for you right now - Anya pulled the towel under her ass. - Well? - she sighed, spreading her legs - Who is the first?

Igor called, he really wanted to fuck his sister for real and not to wait for his turn. Alexey did not react to this and opened the drawer in the nightstand. Igor instantly climbed onto Anka, but at that moment Uncle Lyosha stopped him.

- Eh! Jigit! Well, stop! - Igor turned around.

“You forgot something — Uncle Lyosha waved a small square bag in the air.

- You can in me, I'm on the tablets.

- Does not matter! - Aleksey threw a couple of bags onto the sheet - teach how to use and let him practice to do it in a condom, but I’ll clean it up.

Alexey began to collect scattered clothes, and Anya enthusiastically opened short courses on pulling the condom on the dick, explaining why this was and why. This led them both, however, for various reasons. Igor for the first time used the subject exclusively related to the world of adults, and Anka was interesting

try on the role of the first teacher, she has already begun to enter into the taste. The process of putting the Anka condom on liked both. In the end, Igor pulled the second condom on his own, Anka lay down, lifting, spreading her hips and, inviting, pulled Igor to her. She told me how and what is better to rely on, took him by the dick and sent him into the vagina, pulling Igor with her other hand. Alexey threw a sheet on them.

Igor's heart pounded again, he entered instantly, expecting some special and strong pleasure, but there was nothing like that. The feeling when a member got into something tender and hot was pleasant, but it disappointed Igor a little. He began to fuck his sister slowly and gradually in the penis developed a very pleasant feeling, not like when he jerked off. He wanted more and more and he began to move his ass faster. Despite the speed, latex did reduce sensitivity and this time Igor lasted longer. He ended with pleasure and pulled out a quivering member. Anya got up, showed how to remove a condom so as not to spill anything. Waving it in the air, she looked at Alexey inquiringly. He silently took it and went to the kitchen to throw it away.

When he returned, Igor was already lying on his back, and Anya was caressing his head with a tongue. When she saw Alexei, she broke away from her occupation and lay down again on the pillow, and, spreading her legs, looked expectantly at him.

- No, now it's your turn. - He looked at Igor - and you rest. Now you will kiss her slowly and gently from the chest to the lower abdomen. And, by the way, kiss him first yourself and show how, otherwise he, now, will be hickered, there will be some trouble.

Anka got up and knocked over the seated Igor on his back.

- Like this. And slowly move down. Got it?- Igor nodded. - Get up, kiss my nipple.

Anya lay down with a smile and stretched out her arms to her brother and pressed him, already on all fours, to her chest. With one hand she held his head and led the direction of movement, while the other stroked his back and thigh. In fact, pawing his cousin. At some point, she moaned - Alex, lifting her legs began to drive between the wet lips of his penis, slowly and measuredly, absolutely nowhere slowly. But Igor accepted a moan at his own expense and began to show diligence and haste.

At the same time, Anya decided to stroke her brother’s scrotum and put her hand between her legs. Realizing that Igor is now going to break into a gallop, she, without realizing and not wanting to speak, automatically squeezed the scrotum and felt that Igor’s end began to fall on his hand, and he himself moaned. "Well, that's it, now you will get it from me!" - Anya decided to ponor her brother a little.

- Do not rush! - she ordered loudly and with metal in her voice, - Come on, kiss me in the ear. Yes, not so, dummy! It sounds like ...

Each mistake was accompanied by a sharp compression of the palm and a short moan of Igor. The measure was effective, and Igor was a diligent student. Every minute he was getting better. Anka has not been ashamed of anyone for a long time decided to give free rein to emotions and moaned as not normal, which led Alexei to the brink of orgasm. But since this was not his plan yet, he had to remember that the fishing tackle was not completed and the nearest fishing was covered with exactly what he was now rubbing with a dick. In addition, he reminded himself that these innocent, in his view, sexual amusements with unreal pleasure, pull on a very real article of the Criminal Code and a very unauthorized one. After that, the dick almost fell at half past five. But then Anka pressed his palm to her, and as soon as Alexei pulled him back, pushed him into the vagina.

Alexey, without stopping, introduced a member of Anya to the very pubis. He slipped on the upper wall of the vagina and touched there something sensitive, rested in the uterus. Anya issued a drawl "mmmm ...", closing her eyes and clutching one sheet in the sheet, and the other at the eggs to her brother. Igor oyknul, grabbed his sister by the arm and, bent over in half, began to break out. Anya released him and held the sheet with both hands.

Anya received indescribable pleasure. A member of Alexei was the same as that of Pashki, probably, but unlike the fuckers of Pashki and Igor, although he stood immaculately, he was somehow softer. Not like their "plastic" from overexcitation and did not cause her pain to push against the uterus. In addition, at such an angle, he was constantly rubbing against some very sensitive area, delivering great pleasure. Yes, and Alex fucked her not as fast as they are and much longer. Heck!And how she still hasn’t thought of putting a pillow under her ass? After all, I heard ...

Alexey, holding her under the knees, gradually increased the pace. Then he grabbed her calf, raised her legs, straightened them strongly apart and began sweepingly fucking her every time getting to the uterus. In this case, the entrance to the vagina shrank pleasantly hugging a member. He podnaprygsya, and Anya, threw back her head, silently opened her mouth wide and suddenly shouted, ran her nails into Igor's thigh that was under her arm. He, not daring to prevent his sister, endured the pain of once again fucking the sight of Anka.

Uncle Lyosha, breathing heavily, finished, lowered Anka's legs and rolled off to the side, and overexcited Igor, looking at him, asked:

- Can?

“Yes, do what you want,” Uncle Lyosha answered and crashed onto his back next to Anka.

Anka quietly finished three or four times. She liked so much that she wanted more Alexei. She didn’t have quite a bit until next time. At that moment, Igoryok jumped, and also lifting her legs, looked Anka between her legs - Uncle Lyosha's sperm flowed from her vagina into her ass. This kind of glanced Igor to the limit, and he began, groaning, to fuck his sister at the speed of a rabbit. This time the sensations were brighter, and he loved to be inside his sister. When he started to finish, Anka hugged him with her legs, tried to squeeze the vagina and finished herself. Having released Igor and having taken a deep breath, she noted definitely existing advantages in sex with two men. She relaxed, squeezing her hips and squeezing out the remnants of Igor's sperm, spread her legs a little and enjoyed her draining with a smile.

- Go here - Alex called Igor, he sat down beside him. - Make a fist.

Aleksey took Igor's fist in his hand and put it to his mouth and, putting his knuckles to his lips, began to suck and lick between his fingers.

- Try it yourself so it turns out? - Igor nodded - Right now you'll be so licking her clit, only more gentle.

Anya became interested, and Aleksey pushed the rug away from the bed and pulled Igor onto him, putting him on his knees. He sat on the edge of the sofa, leaned back and put a plump pillow to the right of the head and on it another duma.

- Sit back to me - he said to Anna, nodding at the member, who held his hand upright.

Anya got up, stepping over his tight legs, began slowly and gently to descend on his dick in the face of forgotten how to blink Igorka. When she sank down on him with all his weight, Alexey pulled her back and laid her down on himself.

- Sit back comfortably, head on the pillows and slide down a little, or else it will pop up now.

When Anya stopped looking for the best position for herself, Alexey spread his legs to the sides, at the same time spreading out Ankina at the same time. Before Igor appeared the most blatant picture he had ever seen.

- Come on, join in - Uncle Lyosha raised his head and looked at him. Igor was not against lick Anka between his legs. But here ... right next to his mouth was Uncle Lyosha's dick and Igor did not know how to behave in this situation. - Come on, come on, do not be shy!

- Igor! Let me lay uncomfortable faster! What did you see new there again? - The sister also raised her head thrown back and looked at him angrily.

Igor leaned over to his sister and slowly carefully licked the top of Anina's holes, smeared with sperm and lubricant, trying not to touch Uncle Lyosha's eggs, let alone lick his dick inadvertently. It turned out like nothing, and he sat down comfortably and began to do his job more confidently, remembering how Uncle Lyosha taught him and tried to put knowledge into practice.

Realizing that things seemed to go smoothly, Alexey covered her chest with Ani as best he could, releasing the nipples between his fingers and began to fuck her from below, trying to synchronize his movements with the movements of Igor’s chin, which he periodically bumped into his scrotum. This fact somewhat disturbed Igor, but there was nowhere to go and he decided not to pay attention to him.

Anya whimpered rather loudly and immediately began to look for a more comfortable attachment of hands, and finally laid them on top of Alexey’s arms that beat her chest. I wanted to lift up my legs, but I felt that Alexei's member would jump out and lower it again. It was a bit uncomfortable - she barely reached out with her socks on the floor.

She was suddenly visited by two thoughts:

1. Interesting, but if she pushes her legs to the stomach, instead of her pussy, Igor's cock will turn out to be Alexey's dick ... That would be to make them suck each other!

This thought was driven away as impracticable.

2. I wonder what if there was a woman Alexei here? After all, nothing prevented him from inviting someone, he was not married. She tried to imagine that her clitoris was licking not by a brother-man, but by a woman.

Suddenly, she was very excited. In addition, Igor finally understood how to combine sucking an inaccessible clitoris with simultaneous licking. Anna was covered with a wave of sexual pleasure, her thoughts flew away and she began to moan groaning podmahivaya ass, exciting men with moans and completely knocking the rhythm of body movements.

Igor, as a diligent student, realized the pattern of movement of his language, which is difficult for a beginner, with the movements and moans of his sister and the movements of dick Uncle Lyosha. He was pretty tired, but he wanted his sister to finish it from his tongue. As a fact of the priority of his language over Uncle Lesha’s dick, he was going to determine, he didn’t even think. But the fact remains that he succeeded, and Anka finished with his language. Of course, Alexey skillfully put everything, and his cock in the Ankin vagina was not superfluous and did his job, like the hands that did not leave the breasts and nipples alone for a second. In general, the blame was his experience. But ... if Igor didn’t torture her sister’s clitoris so well, she wouldn’t have finished, probably.

And she came and pretty quickly.

When she again opened her mouth wide in advance and arched at Alexey with an arc, stopped for a second with a groan, screamed, she could not bear the torture and pressed her legs to her stomach, pushed out Alexey’s member, who slapped Igorka’s lips, and pressed her girlfriend with her palm and thighs, fell from Alexey to the side, loudly groaning.

Alexey immediately crawled to the back of the sofa, throwing a pillow behind his back. Igor sat on his knees with his ass on his heels and tried to digest the fact that Uncle Lyosha's dick touched his mouth, Anya lay curled up on her side, holding her hand between her legs and occasionally twitching in the remnants of an orgasm.

Anya suddenly subsided, lay for a minute and suddenly got up.

- Igor. Come here.

She sat his back to the sofa, pushing a rug under him.

- Yes, you have become quite experienced, I liked it, and I want more. You do me more? - She asked, looking into his eyes with some fucking look and took him by the member.

She leaned his neck on the edge of the couch and began to get attached to him, leaning his far knee on the edge, putting his other foot on the toe.

Igor did not want to repeat everything much - he was tired. But the sister’s ordering tone and education did not allow him to disobey. Anka tried to give in his mouth, he began to lick, but everyone was uncomfortable.

- Eh! People!- Anka pushed pubic into Igor's nose stopped. - Why is it so tormented?

- I want more! - Anya stated in a rather harsh tone. “And I want to ... fuck him.”

- Yes please! - Aleksey answered calmly. But why with such inconveniences? Let him go and climb on the bed.

Alexey nodded toward the wall. Anya got up from the face of Igor, where she had all this time been pressing his lips between her legs, climbed onto the sofa and went to the wall.

- Sit on your knees and lean on the wall with your hands, if you want - on the little bed, - Alexey nodded at the carved back of the sofa, and you want with your hands on the wall.

Anya obediently sat down, not quite understanding how this could replace her desire and generally dissatisfied with the fact that she was interrupted. Yes, what the fuck! Nothing indicated that she was not an equal member of this orgy! They want to fuck her - let them also fulfill desires.

- Spread your legs a little ... And you climb here - he turned to Igor, - lie on your back, so, and now crawl under your sister.

He raised Anka in the ass, pushed Igor, showed how to put his hands, where to rest his elbows and how to move his lips apart.

“Sit down with all the weight,” he told Anya, “everything is fine, he will hold you, and you let her go to your room and do what she says, if you come up and crawl out.”

Supported by hands, Anya slowly lowered her crotch on her brother's face and smiled rather well.

- Yyy ... - she closed her eyes, rested her forearm against the wall, and squeezed her chest with her other hand.

It was so convenient. Groaning, she turned her hand from chest to head Igorka, clutched his hair and took the initiative. She picked it up under her hands holding her heels, clutching his face into his pussy by the hair and started rubbing against him, closing her eyes. It would be possible, she would have clung to the wallpaper.

All of Igor’s attempts to free themselves were stopped by an angry shout: “Well, lie down!” And Igor could no longer understand what he should do - to lick or lie. Just in case, he did both.

Alexei is a little wind up. He stood as expected, but he could not finish the last time, however, like Igor. It required either a respite or an incentive. And besides this, Alexey noticed that Anya had already clearly begun to show dominance. In an extraordinary situation, she released something that had accumulated in the subconscious. Damn her knows how they really lived there in such a little family. But it was a plus - the young lady with her became herself, and this is gud. Unless of course this same devil in mentovku not incur tomorrow.

This time it was impossible to finish Anya and she decided to let Igor go. She got off of him, lay down on the pillow, enjoying herself like a waking cat. Alexey lay down and pulled the blanket over Anya and himself. Anka lifted the edge and nodded invited Igor wiped with a towel to herself. The two men began to paw her together, and she picked up their pretty dangling huas. At some point, Alexey freed his hand from under the blanket, turned Anna's face to himself and kissed her on the lips. She did not resist, noting to himself that he kisses, too cool. And then a thought occurred to her. She suddenly dismissed Alexey and turned to Igor.

- Listen, Igor, well kiss me - she said with some suspicion in her voice.

Alexey understood where she was going: they almost missed the fact that with all of today's experience, Igor still didn’t know how to kiss. Igor smacked his sister on the lips, Anya turned her back on Alexei and began an educational program in the field of kisses, incidentally pawing her brother. And Alexey began to check the ideality of Anina's ass and breast.

All this fuss under the blanket next to him he liked. Igor, with his mouth busy, periodically made muffled indignant sounds, and Alexey wondered what she was doing there with him. It turned him on more than if he saw it. Soon his member requested participation and Alesia stopped the young people by pulling Anka by the shoulder and turning on his back. He threw back the blanket and, pointing to the middle of the bed, ordered Igor to lie down on his back. Then he beckoned Anka with her finger, she wanted to sit on Igor, but Aleksey stopped her:

- On elbows, ass to head.

She understood everything - the marathon will now begin. She got up, as they asked, and without talking, took the brother's cock in her mouth.

Alex bent over his ear:

- Please stick out your tongue to the front teeth and each time pass it a little deeper. Good?

Anya with a cock in her mouth nodded silently. She herself was wondering how deeply she could take in her mouth and she did everything as Alexei asked. And he put it more comfortably and introduced the member into a richly oozing vagina.

Igor was once again stunned by what was happening. Uncle Lesha fucked his sister a few inches from his eyes, the view was just amazing, and Anka did him a blowjob, but now the member was moving in her mouth on another, rubbing his head against the tongue, penetrating deeper and deeper. He screamed and at that moment Uncle Lyosha stopped the whole process.

- Get up. Change places.

Getting down from Igor, Anka understood why such a complex structure was created, because you could just fuck it from both sides. Alexey will not let Igor finish and he will last for a long time. Changing the place by Igor, he obviously was slow not giving a start, and Igor's whole attitude, and even Anka, was starting to pass.

Igor fell in behind and began to fuck his sister, who felt that he was uncomfortable moving and took Alexey in his mouth. Igor looking at his sister's ass, the hole between the rounded buns and how his cock sinks into Anka’s body started again, but when he was ready to finish, Uncle Lyosha grabbed his balls by the balls and squeezed. From pain and surprise, he almost fell. He started all over again. Meanwhile, Uncle Lyosha was raping Ankin’s mouth. If Igor Anka himself had to work with his head, then Alex, lifting the pelvis, just fucked her in the mouth from the bottom, every time shoving deeper and deeper. He did this slowly, giving her the opportunity to get used and restrain her gag reflex.

So they stuck into it for a very long time, Anya could not even remember how many times they changed. In the next shift, Anna rebelled.

- Everything!I can not more! My jaw is already cramping.

- You can not and do not need. Sit on him as usual.

Anya got up from lying Igor, turned to face him, sank down and took his penis with a hand sent to herself. Alexey came in from behind and started to get attached.

- No need to go there - Anya whined, made a tearful grimace and turned on Alexey.

- So quiet!

He pressed close to her, pushed Igor out of his dick and put his dick in a richly oiled hole, moved it to them a couple of times and took it out too.

Anya stood on her knees, open-faced, and did not know what was going on, because nothing actually happened. Alexey did something, but she did not see what. Igor also wondered what was happening, because Uncle Lyosha suddenly took his dick in his hand and pressed him to his. As soon as Anya decided to look from below, what was being done there, as Alexey pulled her back inviting me to sit down. She quickly began to settle and then felt that something more rested against the vagina than the male dick.

- No, no ... DO NOT !!! She shouted, and Igor saw how wide the eyes of Anka were.

She wanted to straighten up, but Aleksey literally planted her on himself and Igor with both hands and stopped, not letting go, but without moving and giving her time to calm down.

Anya noisily inhaled her full chest and froze, numb with fear. She was sure that they had broken her. But time passed, and nothing happened. The vagina has expanded to the limit, tightly clasping two trunks, but the expected piercing pain was not. She was not there at all. She suddenly realized that inside her there are two fucks and not just inside, but in one hole. She exhaled with a groan and slightly stirred her ass, feeling completely new sensations from a very close contact and strong excitement from the fact that now she’s not just fucked two, but in one place.

Realizing that everything had returned to normal, Alexey began to lift Anya with his dick pulling off her from Igorev, then stopped.

- Igor, try to move your ass and fuck my sister.

Igor, raising himself, began to introduce the member into Anka, now he did not enter as easily as before. Anka rolled her eyes and groaned out loud - the head of the penis with an effort rubbed across the cherished point. He shoved Anka a couple of times and when he once again started uncle Lyosha suddenly began to pull out his own, and then their roles changed. Igor understood everything and they began to fuck Anka one by one, never completely taking out and getting additional pleasure from rubbing against each other.

Anya completely flew off the coils. She has just experienced some unfamiliar and long multiorgasm. She felt so good that for some reason she decided that she was happy. Why it was then, neither then nor later could not explain, and no one asked. Emotions so overwhelmed her that she moaned into sobs, and her eyes filled with tears.

On the worried face of Igor, Alexey realized that something had gone wrong and stopped and pulled Anna by the shoulder trying to turn.

- What happened?

Anka frightened looked at him with tear-stained eyes and waved her hand:

- Nothing, nothing, just do not stop!

They began again, slightly cooled down after the incident with tears. Alexey realized that nothing had broken in her, and why she’s roaring there is already her business.

After some time, Anya noticed that the guys began to increase the pace.

- All stop! I want myself!

Two cocks were inside her again. She rocked her hips as if checking it out and at the same time enjoying new sensations. And she began to move. The poured cocks were so tightly wrapped in Anya, that she thought she could feel their every vein and any unevenness. And one of them continuously rubbed the head on the most sensitive area inside. She began to move more sweepingly trying to push them deeper, and soon holding the sheet in her fists, she began to finish each time by putting herself on two cocks with some animal moan.

The first could not stand Igor and uncle Lesha, feeling the additional lubrication, was also ready to finish, but at that time Anka really twitched and jumped off. Alexey intercepted member, pulled a couple of times and finished. “There is so much sperm around,” he thought, releasing her onto Anya’s back.

Anya, still kneeling, rose from her elbows to her arms and Igor crawled out from under her. She stood so little, felt that the sperm on her back became liquid and straightened her back and forced her to run down the spine in the ass. Then she collapsed on the sofa with her face.

- There is red kvass, cold. Anyone going to be?

Everyone wanted to drink. Alex went to the kitchen, brought the dishes and two liters of kvass. Anya snapped up drinking so much that she dropped off two mugs in a row.

A second wind opened and Alexey and Igor requested continuation, but Anya refused to get up. Then Aleksey laid Igor in, and Anya ordered him to lay his head on his stomach with his cheek. She understood what he was driving at, lay on Igor as if on a pillow, took his penis with her hand, put her mouth between her lips and pressed her teeth and began to masturbate him. And Alexey, asking to bend one leg, squatted down, widely spreading his hips and began to fuck.

After a while he stopped.

- Get up - he slapped Anya on the ass. - And get into the chair legs.

While Anya was climbing there, trying not to fall (her legs were poorly obeyed), Alex walked over to the sideboard and took out a tube from the drawer.

- So.Turn to the back and take your hands for it. Now bend over, sticking your ass and sit down. Now get up on your socks.

Igor saw that while Anka did everything, Uncle Lyosha for some reason squeezed the cream out of his tube onto his penis and smeared it. "Silicone" - read Igor.

Anya took some stupid pose, not understanding how Alexey would be in such a pose to fuck - it was completely uncomfortable. In addition, standing on socks and so bending down, she absolutely could not tense and squeeze the penis vagina ... and then she understood.

- Can I do it on the sly? I have never been there again ... - she mumbled, fearfully turning on Alexei.

- Do not worry, everything will be fine. - He squeezed the cream between her buttocks, gently smeared it wider and, on reflection, put a tube to the anus and squeezed a little cream into her ass.

Igor, realizing what was the matter, jumped off the couch and ran to look. He stood from the side, looking with interest as Ankinu ​​ass smear ass. Anka wanted to ask him to turn away, but she understood the absurdity of this request. So it was preparing for the loss of anal virginity under the scrutiny of the "public".

Alexey put the member, pressed it and, taking Anya by the two hands, pressed the lower back to the bottom and, giving no opportunity to straighten, said:

- And now try so tense, as if you want to fart.

Feeling that Anya had squeezed, he smoothly, but surely with one movement, put a dick in her ass. Anya squeezed her eyes tightly, gasped, clutched at the back of the chair, and sank down on her heels. But to her surprise, it was not so painful, and, perhaps, he caused this pain to herself, not letting Aleksey in so much, or maybe everything was just too fast for the first time. Alexey stood a little unmoving and letting Anya get used to it, then moved the member inside her a little and asked him to kneel in the chair. When Anya neatly, still afraid of the pain, got up as they asked, she immediately felt how the anus squeezed her cock tightly. Aleksey began to quietly puss Anya, and she immediately began to look for a more comfortable position, all the same, her ass was bursting very hard. Once settled, she listened to her feelings. In general, there were no negative ones. Clinging to herone hand Alex caressed her breasts and nipple, and the second slowly drove on the clitoris. She felt well every movement of his trunk within herself and his foreskin.

Igor, wanting to see well and how to make sure that Anka really fucked in the ass crashed into his knees and tried to look from below between their legs. Seeing this, Uncle Lyosha told him to sit on the sofa and then lie down. He took out a member from Anka, who at the same time experienced a pleasant feeling of relief, unexpected for himself, which the person in the toilet usually experiences, and ordered her to sit on Igorka from above. Anka understood that the next marathon was about to begin.

Alexey again smeared himself with cream and, starting to smear Anka, decided to slightly stretch it with his finger. As soon as he tried to shove a finger in the ass, Anka jerked. He introduced a pair of phalanxes and immediately pulled out.

“There’s no need to twitch,” he said, wiping his finger with a napkin. Listen, sit like that, I'll bring something now.

He went into another room and a minute later returned with a long package in hieroglyphs. Opening the bag, he took out a long, thin stick of balls stuck together on the handle. Realizing that this Anka chuckled and asked in surprise:

- Why do you need it?!

- Yes, I bought it somehow drunk on Ali, pure money remained in my wallet. I wanted to give the goat one day. See, it came in handy.

Anya never used toys. While she was a virgin, she was completely satisfied with her finger. And after she considered it abnormal to use vibrators and other things, if there is a man nearby.

- Maybe better without him ...

- Do not be afraid. Do not like it - we will not. But something tells me that you still liked everything. Now I’ll just insert the battery ...

Anya thought. Indeed, in terms of just this sex she liked everything. Well, except when she was almost sick, when Alexei put her mouth too deep and unexpected. So this is an accident. She was visited by the idea that since such a “booze” had gone, then she would have to try to get pleasure from everything that she could come up with, besides what Alexey offered her.

Alexey smeared balls with cream and came up behind, ordering Anya to bend over. She clung to Igor and Alexey began to gently and slowly insert the vibrator in the ass.

Out of curiosity, Igor forgot who was sitting on him and where his member was. He so wanted to see what Uncle Lyosha was doing there with her with this device, but he could not. All he could see well was the cool Ankyne boobs and her concentrated face with closed eyes and slightly bitten lip. She constantly moved trying to find the right tilt and spread her legs more comfortably.

Alexey, slightly moving the vibrator back and forth, each time entered him a little deeper, having reached the big balls and thrusting him almost completely. At some point, the vibrator nudged Anya somewhere inside, and she immediately put her hand back. Alexey did not advance further, but began to lash out and insert a silicone stick in her ass moving to the entire marked length. Anya already liked how a vibrator entered her and every time she experienced, though specific, but pleasant sensations when Aleksey took him out. She looked expectantly at her brother.

- Are you lying something ?!

Igor clutched her tits and began podmahivat bottom. Here, on Anina's ass, a new and pleasant sensation began to spread, and, in addition, supplemented by Igorkom, at some moments his dick touched a vibrator through a thin barrier, and in these moments Anya moaned quietly. She was definitely starting to like her own surprise.

At that moment, Alexey turned on the vibrator ... Anya couldn’t convey even her feelings. In addition, the vibration gave into the vagina and Igor, feeling this slowly puffed, immediately getting a tasty click on the balls from Uncle Lyosha. Driving orgasm evaporated. Igor evil looked at Uncle Lyosha:

- It hurts the same !!!

- Do not rush. Haste is good at catching fleas and diarrhea. Always control yourself and get distracted by anything. Another hunt too.

With these words, he took out a vibrator, to the great displeasure of everyone, squeezed a portion of the cream on the head of his member, attached himself to Anina's ass and pressed. Anya grinned and squeezed the sheet in her palms.

- Take it easy. Relax and try to get tired like the first time - he spread her ass to the sides by pushing a member. Anya was hurt - a member screwed inside the anus. But she tried to fulfill the advice and Alexei’s horse-radish unexpectedly walked in easily, although at some point it became very painful, but along with the pain there was some kind of indescribably pleasant feeling. Alexey began to move slowly, but was suddenly stopped.

- Get out!

- Painfully?

- Not. Get out and log in again, just not quickly and without stopping.

Alexey took out, Anya settled down at Igor more comfortably and began to wait for Alexey. He again put a member to the hole and slowly but surely led him inside. This time everything went perfectly. She learned. She was fucked again by two and almost in one place. She clearly felt Igor and Alexey in herself. From time to time they penetrated simultaneously, losing the rhythm, but more often by turns constantly being present in it. Alexey's dick propped Igorkov, making the sensation more acute, supported by the fact of double penetration and the fact that for the first time she was fucked in the ass. Crotch bursting, sweeping wave rolling in the tailbone and lower abdomen rolled out in the pelvis. Having aroused to the limit, Anya rolled out her eyes, opened her mouth wide and started twitching in convulsions. All three ended almost simultaneously. Anya,enjoying the presence in yourself and the remnants of an orgasm, squeezed a member of Alexei and slowly raised herself releasing Igor. He instantly climbed out from under her and blissfully stretched out beside him on the bed. Then he took out Alexey, forcing him to go through a slight cramp. From the vagina flowed sperm to her great pleasure. She froze for a moment and with a blissful smile released cum from her ass.

“Sorry ... I made a puddle,” Anya said with feigned shyness, looking at Alexei.

- We'll have to punish - he supported the tone of the conversation.

- How?

- I'll think of something. So you lie, and I'll go pisyun wash my. Not enough to bring something somewhere. Don't start without me! - he went to the bathroom.

When he returned, he just changed places with Igor. Igor was already looking forward to it. The idea that he would put his pisyun in the ass in the ass excited him to the extreme and as soon as he tried to imagine how it would be, something was squeezing in his stomach.

Anya sat down on Alexei, leaned over, with one hand resting her in the chest with the other, took his cock and sent it into the vagina. Alexey admired her nipples in preparing for a pleasant rest, lying on his back, when suddenly Anka did not even have time to sit down and closed her eyes and squealed by running nails into his chest.

Igor, as soon as she leaned a little, instantly fell in behind and with all the dope drove his pins to her sister in the ass.

- Are you crazy? - Alexey sternly glanced at Igor and grabbed Anka, who came to himself with both hands, around the waist, which turned round on the bed and rushed at her brother.

- Bitch, I will kill !!!

Somehow he managed to calm her down, spread the frightened Igorka with silicone and continue the marathon. Which this time decently delayed - and the mood was interrupted, and no one had the strength. Nobody was able to finish it, everyone just enjoyed the process and Ankin’s moans - Igor was neater this time, and the size of his penis didn’t strain his sister much. After some time, all exhausted. Having a little lay down, Alexey threw a blanket over the young people and went to the kitchen. There was a bottle of wine in the fridge, and he decided to pour himself and Anka over a glass.

Anka was lying in the warm bliss. Brother under the covers pressed against her and hugged. She realized that she was falling asleep. But then I felt that Igor began to get up again.

- A-an, can I?

- What? - Anya sleepily asked without opening her eyes.

- In the ass ...

Anka groaned with displeasure.

- Do what you want, just be careful and take it into account - I do not move.

Igoryok jumped up, grabbed the tube and threw the blanket off his sister's legs. He tried to settle down, but given the sister’s passivity and lack of experience, nothing really worked out. In the end, Anya put a small pillow under the lower back and pulled her knees to her stomach.

Igorek gently inserted his dick in the ass and blissfully closed his eyes - he has not received such pleasures yet. In addition, though Anka pretended that she was sleeping, she periodically squeezed his trunk with the ring of the anus, each time squeezing a moan of pleasure from her brother. He was just on top of bliss. Every time when he lowered his eyes down, he was ready to cum from only one spectacle, and each time he had to immediately turn his gaze to the ceiling to calm down and prolong the pleasure.

At that moment, Alexey came in with glasses and a plate of cheese. Seeing Igor sulking his sister in the ass, he grunted, shook his head, put the plate on the table, sipped from the glass and was about to shove Anya, as Igor finished at that moment. Anya opened her eyes, looked at Alexei and saw the outstretched glass jumped up, snatched it from her hands and instantly drained it. She felt that a glass of cold wine was exactly what she had been dreaming about all her life.

- Still! - She said, demandingly holding out a glass.

- Are you sure? - instead of answering, she silently and categorically for the second time extended a glass to Alexey.

- Well, whatever you say, - he again went to the refrigerator.

- And me, uncle Lesh? - Igor started up.

Suddenly stopped by Igor’s arrogant arrogance, Aleksey looked puzzled over his shoulder in surprise.

- And you drink kvass!

Having drunk and rested, Aleksey decided that it was probably time to close the “shop”, although it would be possible he would leave Anka for the night.

- Well, people. Let's probably in the bath, wash and dress?

The exhausted Anka silently got up and, reeling from the wine and pain, dragged herself to the bath. She suddenly felt that her order rubbed between her legs. Alexey slapped Igor up and they moved behind her.

But the end of the action did not happen. What happened was what Alexey was afraid of. The brother and sister got stuck together in the bath, and as soon as Anya let the water out and started to wash him and Igor jumped up again. Anya, flushed with wine and hot water, stubbornly pretended that she didn’t notice anything around and she didn’t care about the men.

Suddenly, Alexei took off her slippers and went up to Anya and touched her shoulder.

“Come on over the edge.”

- What for? - Anya looked puzzled at him.

- Bend over-bend. Get on your knees in the bathroom and bend over.

Anya, who was beginning to stoop, suddenly straightened.

- You again?! - she sternly looked at Alexei frowningly.

- Yes, do not be afraid, go too far. Straight on the hands relied so. - Alexey was actively gesticulating swinging and pointing with a slipper.

Anka, who did not understand anything, was over the edge, leaned on the floor, and at that moment Alexey clamped her head between his legs. She did not have time to rebel as he punched her with a slipper on the buttock. Not much, but very sensitive. From pain and surprise, Anka shuddered. She did not have time to make an attempt to escape as she immediately received a second. Not so much from the pain as from Anka’s indignation, she was speechless - she had never been beaten in her life, and the situation was demeaning and she couldn’t escape in a slippery bath. And Alexey did not stop periodically slapping her every time he found new sites.

Igor was also speechless. For some time he looked dumbfounded at how Uncle Lyosha beat his sister on his crimson ass, then he came to his senses and decided to intervene. But at this time, Anya gasped, gasped, and suddenly for Igor whispered she closed her eyes:

- Still…

But Alexey, on the contrary, stopped and released Anya.

- Whom did I promise to punish a puddle? He asked sternly.

Anya single naked stepped over the edge of the bath, leaned on the sink and framed her ass.

- Still…

While Alexei whipped her with a slipper, she suddenly felt that the pain began to be muffled by a surge of heat. The hot wave spread over the ass, and immediately after it came a lot of excitement. She understood everything and immediately gave up resisting. And now she wanted to continue.

Alesya several more times already drove harder on the Ankina ass, then, having thrown the instrument of punishment, almost pushed her back into the bath, bent it down and set it as it saw fit. Feverishly, he grabbed the same gel and poured it between her buttocks, onto his penis, and in one motion pushed him into Anka along the scrotum. Anka threw a hand over the wall and gritted her eyes tightly:

- Aaaaaaaaa !!! Y-yes !!! YES!!! Take it out always completely! Oh, oh, oh ...

Alexey did just that, leaving the head only between the buns and not tearing it from the anus ring. Gel, water, remnants of cream and sperm have done their job. Anya completely relaxed and a member of unhindered diving in the ass each time delivering both the maximum pleasure.

She was stretched out to the clitoris, but then clearly understood that she would end without it.

Igor, on his knees, jerked off with might and main. Realizing that he was not going to tolerate his turn, he began to drive his already exhausted friend. And soon, stunned by the spectacle, he fired an anti-aircraft missile into his head, and then he plopped himself in the water on his ass - there was no strength.

Alexey still drove his stake in Ankina's ass. Despite the strongest excitement orgasm did not roll, which Anka was overjoyed. He brought her already to a frenzy. She never got such a buzz before. However, she would think about this much later, but then she could neither think nor speak - she just made inarticulate sounds, rolling her eyes half-closed and trying

cling fingers to tile. She felt that she was driving up something huge and bright and was preparing to meet an orgasm that looked like an oncoming train.

But nothing happened. Instead of rushing locomotive orgasm came a roll of thunder from a distant thunderstorm. First, small and almost imperceptible, then immediately stronger, one more stronger and in the end a roar of distant thunder from a series of growing orgasms merged into one big thunderstorm.

Anka battered like a fit. She jerked, ending almost every second and stronger, squirming and trying to stand on her feet, and Alexey continued to rhythmically pass the head through the anus ring. Finally, he finished and stopped without taking out a member, and Anka went limp and actually hung on the still-standing dick, supported by Alexei's boobs. Her legs were shaking, and her consciousness was fading. Taking out, he gently sat her in the water and patted her cheek. She looked somewhere through him, splashed water on her face and closed her eyes, leaned back trying to lie down. Igor stood up, giving his sister the opportunity to stretch their legs. He didn’t stand alone and now, rubbing his friend, perplexedly looked from his sister, who was in a state of faintness, to Uncle Lyosha, who was expecting from him either advice or some kind of support. Uncle Lyoshe himself was not that. He breathed like a locomotive,clutching at the door jamb and trying to recover.

Finally, Anya opened her eyes, looked at her brother, hopefully in the eyes of the pisyuns who were rubbing her, smiled, got up with difficulty, and sat down on her knees.

- Well, come to me.

Before she could open her mouth, Alexey stopped her.

- Wait! I will come now.

Encouraged by Igor's youthless indecision, he decided to play a trick on him. Running back into the room, he returned and, like a bunch of flowers, pulled out a vibrator from behind his back.

- Here! You wanted to fuck him! - Alexey put forward a hand with a vibrator sticking up and immediately regretted it.

Igorka had an effect which was expected - he was scared to death (however, the member did not fall). But here is Anka ... Her eyes lit up and narrowed her eyes slightly, and a terrible smile ran across her face. She immediately grabbed a vibrator, grabbed an open bottle of gel and squeezed it generously onto the balls.

- Well, now you will get it from me ...

- An, what are you ... eh? - Igor mumbled backwards.

- Quickly approached me!

- Listen, I was joking, you are already sorting through ... - Alexey tried to intervene, but Anya dismissed him.

- Come to me!

What a demon moved into her, and then she could not explain to herself. Stretching out her hand, she grabbed Igor by the scrotum and pulled her to her, grabbing his cock with his mouth and starting to suck furiously at him, wriggling and pushing the cock into her mouth with one hand pulling his brother by the buttock. After some time, Igor calmed down and began to fuck his sister in his mouth, and at that moment Anka spread Igor’s buttocks with one hand, and put the vibrator in the other…

From surprise Igor so leaned forward that he put his cock in his sister’s mouth almost entirely, almost jumped off the vibrator and tried to remove it with his hand. Anka immediately spat it out.

- Well, my hands removed! - she again inserted the vibrator into her brother, stopping only when he jerked and grimaced. - Now fuck my mouth!

Alexey waved his hand at them and went out - it was time to restore order. And Igor left alone with his sister began to perform her will slowly moving the member and then moving down, then sit down on a vibrator. The sensations were strange and completely new to him. The vibrator pressed something inside and this made a pleasant aching, the eggs shrank, and the member bulged out even harder. Uncle Lyosha was not, Igor relaxed a bit and added pace. The sensations were clearly stronger than usual, and very soon he groaned and ended up in the mouth of his sister, after which she took out a vibrator. My heart was pounding wildly, the end was bouncing, trying to squeeze something out of myself, and the head was already breaking in pain.

- Well done! - Anka swallowed sperm, which was not very much, and slapped him in the ass. - And now go home.

They rinsed and left. Alexey has already built tea and sandwiches. While ate dried, then dressed and said goodbye. Anya asked her brother to hold her - her legs obeyed badly, and the wine made itself felt a little. And Alex sat down at the computer. I connected the camera and found the desired shortcut on the desktop. RECOVER MY FILES. As a photographer still tempered on film, he really didn’t like to throw out negatives or give away to customers. Though I knew that personally he could sometime get out sideways - well, it is necessary to keep it competently.


Anya went home accompanied by her brother. She was somehow ashamed. The cheeks were growing and it seemed that every neighbor granny was poking a finger at her. In addition, Igor suddenly realized what had just happened, constantly rushed forward and looked into his eyes with a kind of idiotic smirk ...

- Anh, and next time ...

Anya instantly stopped, grabbed Igor's shirt by the sleeve, and angrily hissed:

- Do not even think!

They went on silently, but very soon they met her former classmate Anina. Anya noticed her friend from afar, and while they reached each other, she managed to think about something. Having come up, they joyfully greeted.

- Igor, you come back home. I will stay with Rethulk.

Igor nodded and evaporated.

- You are not busy? Go to the cafe with me?

Her friend's eyes glittered happily. It turned out that they had not seen the prom.

- Of course! I will gladly drink coffee with some sweets!

The cafe was located two steps away. The place could rather be called an “eatery” - the place was not the best. The audience is decently trying to go to the city center to "sit" or go out into the countryside, since the forest was all around. Ordinary visitors, usually the gop company, scared away the rest. Now there was one noisy "artel" in the hall, but the young people looked decent and were busy with beer and an argument on football. Anya persistently dragged her friend into the farthest corner past their table, although there were plenty of empty seats, and as soon as they sat down a waitress approached, just putting beer to the fans.

Anya opened the menu that lay on the table, quickly leafed through.

- Wine! This one. A bottle! - and thrust the menu to the waitress, leaving her friend to sit with her mouth open. Age in this area of ​​the city did not ask visitors.

She supported her chin with her hand, staring at her friend with a satisfied and idiotic smile, preparing herself to respond and making it clear that the answers would also be the most idiotic.

“Anya ... Did something happen?”

- Yeah! It happened! - she nodded unnaturally joyfully.

Brought wine. Anya poured on the glass, solemnly clinked glasses with her friend and after landing with a volley she poured herself a glass again. Now she was sipping from a sip, somehow slyly looking into the eyes of a friend than driving her stupor. It was noticeable that she was slightly “banging”. The conversation did not go well.

- Rit ... - she looked up - Are you a virgin?

Rita choked on wine.

- Why are you asking ?!

- Do you have a boyfriend?

“You know that no ...” she began to blush, the topic of conversation was unpleasant for her.

- How do I know how many we have not seen? Would you like to become a woman? Having sex ...

Rita did not want to. She dreamed. But she was a shy girl, with her cockroaches in her head and she had few friends - not like friends. She looked down at the bottom of the glass and babbled:

- With whom?

- With me.

Rita looked up in surprise. Knowing about Pasha, she did not understand anything.

- Anya ... I ... I ... I want to make me a woman man.

- Sure, not a problem! A woman will make you a man. And you will have sex with me first. With a man, you still will not get pleasure for the first time. Listen to me - it's better if you just get tsela, and really fuck in a few days, when they live.

After these words, Rita immediately flew off the coils. As the poet said "weak girlish brain" did not cope with the situation.

- And when?

- Yes, right now I think ...

Rita looked around ...

- And where?

- There is an option. Yes, do not be afraid - I will arrange everything. With these words, she poured the remnant of wine into her friend and pulled her hand out onto the street.


Alexey looked through the recovered files, scratched his head in the back of his head and rethought what had happened, and with the words “fucked up,” deleted them and emptied the recycle bin. At that moment the doorbell rang.

He did not wait for anyone, and whom he could wait for, he always called up on the phone beforehand. The call did not promise anything good - it was back one of his guests. They themselves will not come, and therefore they will not come alone. Well ... There’s no place to go anyway, you have to open it.

Alexey opened the door ...

On the threshold stood Anya and another girl. No one else - he even looked out the porch.

- I have all the attention.

- You can login? There is a conversation.

Having estimated that talking “conversations” in the stairwell would be far from off hand, he missed the visitor to the apartment. At the same time noting that the second girl was pushed into the apartment. He didn't understand a damn thing. Closing the door, he looked inquiringly at Anya.

- So then! It seems to me that a favor is hanging for you today. - Alexey's face expressed amazement. - Today, only your wishes fulfilled all day, and now I want my own!

- Well, what do you want?

- I want her!

- Well, I have something to do with ?!

Anya hesitated slightly.

- Nowhere. And I want you to make her a woman. And I have a lot of conditions.

At these words, Anina's friend blushed deeply and in appearance was ready to fall through the concrete. Alexei is not just “a stone from the heart fell”, but that same concrete slab.

- Sure, not a problem! Do what you want. Only without drugs and stabbing. But maybe you will introduce us first?

- This is Alexey. He is my ... good friend. And this Margarita is my classmate.

Alexey extended his hand to Rita, and she extended her hand to meet. Alexey did not shake her, as she expected, but slightly stooping, he lifted it to his lips and kissed it.

- Well, hello ... Queen.