“It seems like they visited Issyk-Kul, but didn’t have a normal rest,” Sanya suddenly changed the subject.
The regular congress of the jeepers was ending. With campfire gatherings, GPS orienteering competitions, jeep trials and simply mixing of local marshes, puddles and sands with large wheels of large numbers of jeeps coming from all over the former CIS. Sanya tried to take part everywhere, and in his free time he lay under the car and turned some nuts.
He still had a week off. I didn’t want to go home either, and without thinking twice, we warned the others at the next stop that we were staying here. Fortunately, there were tents, sleeping bags, and remnants of provisions.
The evening began. It was necessary to set up camp, make a fire and cook, something to eat when the thought occurred to me:
- Listen, and my friend here does not live very far. He has his own fish farm. I had him two years ago. You can even go fishing with him, and he called me to hunt.
Mickey and I studied together at the university. In fact, his name was Mirbek, but for some reason his name was Mickey. By the end of the uni, we became close friends, we talked with each other for a long time, and even went to visit each other. He started breeding carp. I did not see the whole story of his business, but I knew that he was not in trouble and was considered quite prosperous by local standards.
- This is what, in the yurt to sleep, for the yurt shit to walk and wipe with a mug? - Sanya, after moving to Russia for some reason, became disdainful of everything local.
- And in the tent you, bitch, jacuzzi! He has a normal house. And big. Two cars. His business, and indeed he does not care about local customs. Good man, let's go!
In fact, for some reason, Mirbek's students were for some reason more interesting with us - an international company. Although many students grouped along ethnic lines. Even though we were teasing him, he calmly drank fat in vodka on numerous student sobirushkahs and was not soared about what Allah would say to him. Although I do not remember at all that at least some of us, young gouges, were concerned at that time with questions of faith or traditions.
We arrived to him already dark. He was visibly pleased with the guests. In fact, hospitality, one of the immediate features of this people. I have never seen the Kirghiz twist their noses or try to show that the guests did not arrive on time. You will always be seated at the table, even if there are no frills, at least they will drink tea with a cake. For two years that we have not seen, Mirbek visibly stout. Appeared "authoritative" tummy and laziness in the movements. Otherwise, he was just as cheerful and lively.
We sat on the couch at a low Kyrgyz table. Mirbek poured koumiss and told me off that he hadn’t stopped by for a long time when she appeared. A pretty girl, not more than twenty years old, brought a dish with borzoks and dried fruits, and without a word left.
- Oh fight, you do not know! I got married that year, Mirbek replied to my dumb question.
- And that she does not sit down with us, uncomfortable somehow, we eat, and she?
- Not. She will not go. We are not allowed. If men talk, a woman does not need to sit next to. She's eating there. Do not worry.
- Come on. Do you remember how the students girls soldered? Nobody said that they were not supposed to sit with us, - I winked at Mirbek.
- Eeee, forge (enough), and! Hush talk. I'm not twenty years old now. Consider the fourth dozen exchanged. My relatives are looking at me, showing me to the children, putting me into the example. I will not tell them how we came off. Let them think that Mirbek is all so correct.
- So what are you, hit religion? Salo with vodka is not halal now? We are with you recently like in the sauna sour?
- Yeah, recently. Remember, three years have passed. Although I am in the sauna no-no ... my friend in Bishkek holds a bazaar. As I come to visit, always in the sauna clearing covers the full.
- In full? Is it like all night long with girls?
Mickey looked around conspicuously at the door and continued to the floor of the voice:
- What is like before! It is better! Earlier you persuade, feed, water the girls, they will give - they will not give it is not known. Now, as a buy, you eat, you call, they come. I do not want this, I want to say that. They will do everything. Elite, there is ...
He shouted in Kyrgyz aside and immediately the same girl came out with a bottle of vodka in her hands and glasses. True, they poured themselves.
Drunk, Mickey broke. Boasted that the business went up the hill. He told me what he managed to buy himself, about grandiose plans to build his own boarding house. When he spoke, it would be time to leave the heir, the parents buzzed all their ears, and the conversation turned again about his wife. Sana'a by then apparently bored with our chatter. He asked where the toilet, went to the car and went somewhere on the beach.
- Isn't she very young for you?
- We, the younger, the better. Children will be healthy. I took her as a girl, ”added Mickey confidentially.
- Wow. Cool. In Russian, probably, to find a girl, you have to graze from school.
- Yes, we also have all sorts. It was just luck. I didn't tell my relatives, you can. I met her in the sauna.
- How in the sauna? You prostitutes called there.
- Well, yes ... you listen. Evil, my kent. He at one time rose well, he loved to waste money. He says he has an acquaintance who can fit a virgin. Expensive, of course, a bucks thing is worth it, but then he did not care. Called. There is? There is. Brought. And she stands, shy, trembles, does not even look. And I never had a girl. I asked Ulica, he says: "Take it!". We went to the room with her, and she is afraid, burst into tears. I calm her down, she told me why she went to such a thing. There is a long story. No matter. For a whole hour they talked to her, I felt so sorry for her, and didn’t stick it out. Gave your phone. Money paid as if everything was. Then called up. Three months later she came to visit me. Then only the virgin removed. Well, then got married.
We were given a room next door to the master bedroom. Sanya and I lay on spreading mattresses and chatting in whispers. I did not want to sleep. It was evident that Sanya was jealous of Mirbek. He tried to find fault with life on the shore of the lake, far from civilization, although he himself dreamed about it even once. Then he tried to walk on his young wife, who walked up and married a loot. I tried to reason with him, saying that she generally had a whip. Sanya laughed, and declared that he should not be treated, he knew about women. And this number of members in her hands held that I didn’t have enough fingers to count them. And to sew in general in our time is not a problem. I was hooked, I rushed to protect her honor, and we even quarreled slightly because of this. Sanya stood his ground, and said that he would always distinguish a whore from an ordinary woman by her look. And she, according to Sani, looked at them at first glance like a professional prostitute.
I must say, Sanya understood the women. I never understood how, but he at any disco told us about the girls at the neighboring tables: "This one does not want this lover, this slut, this one just unwinds the loot and does not give, but this one will go with me today." He used to be wrong, but for some reason he turned out to be right. My friends and I tortured him, he shared the secrets to pay attention to the clothes, neatly styled hair, how the girl behaves if she notices that she is being watched, but the most important thing, according to him, is her look. He had a whole range of different women's views. Hungry, satisfied, disinterested, ..., ... This is what I could not understand. For me, all women's views were about the same.
- Do you want me to fuck her? You will see what kind of girl she is, tanya, - suddenly asked Sanya.
- Sanya, good, eh? Mickey is my friend. Married recently. Come on without your fucking.
- And if he puts it under me?
- Che, you fool or what? Why on earth would he put it under you?
- Come on to argue? For a hundred bucks.
- Yes, go on dick. Do not go to her.
- Che pity hundred bucks? To hell with you, on interest. I myself am interested in pulling a married monkey. I will not go to her. I answer. I will do what Mickey says. And you listen to watch, but do not interfere, while I do not stick to it. Agreed? Stupidly scientific experiment.
Brain, stupefied with alcoholic vapors, struggled to figure out what Sanya planned. But nothing came to mind.
- The main thing to her do not go. Not enough for me to destroy a family friend because of the moron, who thinks the dick.
- Come on, everything will be through. Myrki also will thank if everything goes well.
Morning greeted us with great weather. Sanya was cheerful and very helpful. From the lips, which he called Mirbek to be myrky at night, and his wife to be a monkey, not a single rude word broke. I already thought that Sanya had become sober and forgotten about our nightly conversation, but something elusive in his gestures and glances told me that some kind of game had begun. He, as promised, seemed to pay no attention to Aigul. Mirbek drove us to his fish farm, Sanya was constantly there, kept the conversation going, inserted clever buzzwords, it seemed he had been thinking all his life about breeding fish. By lunchtime, they had already found a common language with Mickey, and by evening it seemed that they had known each other all their lives.
When Sanya suggested Mirbek to take a trip to “go on talking”, that is, to come to some kind of impassable dirt in dzhiperskim slang, they seemed to me, they would forget about me at all. But Sanya told me to go back at Mirbekovsky Kruzak, but the dirt did not climb. If anything, I will pull out. Returned home dirty, tired and contented. Having eaten quickly, I decided to swim before bed. They stayed at the table, unpacking a bottle of "Little White".
Before going to bed they lay with Sanya in their beds. He told me what he managed to find out in a day. According to him, though Aigul even married a deceit and was far from a girl, they now love each other. Their sex is not very frequent, for a year of family life. Two or three times a week, Mickey usually has it once before bedtime. Sometimes it happened in the morning, but very rarely, constantly some affairs distract. Recently, most often in the same position, a woman on top. Mirbek himself turned out to be quite relaxed, but he is afraid of experimenting to frighten and repel Aigul. She also continues to play the role of a girl, so she is afraid to bring something new to the bed.
All the time while he was telling me this, there was a fussing, whispering and quiet moaning behind the wall, leaving no doubt that they are having sex there now. When the groans subsided, it was audible that they continue to talk. Sanya said with satisfaction:
- And he fell for it. I told him that they would try to present with Aigulka during sex, as if they were fucking someone else, and not each other. And comment on how they do it. Just to diversify. And then ask your spouse if she liked it more, with fantasies.
- Why do you need this?
- Do not worry, just tried to help people. I experiment, but they have a little more buzz.
We were silent. I thought Sanya was already asleep. Behind the wall, judging by the sounds, they decided to repeat.
- Wow, how they stuck! In the second round went. It will be! - Sanya whispered.
I said nothing. Just did not know what to answer. On the one hand, I didn’t like that Sanya put some psychological experiences on them. On the other hand, the husband and wife enjoyed each other. Perhaps thanks to these experiences, even more than usual.
In the morning, Sanya, meeting Mickey in the yard, patted him on the shoulder and winked conspiratorially, said:
- Erkekce (male, man), bro! I told you, hook her! Asked? Liked?
Mickey turned on me, I, having said hello, passed by so as not to embarrass him. He probably showed with a gesture that everything turned out perfectly, and said quietly:
- The second time she wanted. It was cool. She used to always shy to ask herself.
They said something else, but I was no longer heard.
Serving breakfast on the table, Aigul confusedly hid her eyes and smiled. Before lunch, we helped Mirbek feed the fish. Sanya, being alone with him, constantly said something to him, urging him. Before dinner, he took me aside:
- Do you know who Aygulka represented last night? You. In general, I need your help. Go to the second level. Before dinner, go to the shower. Aigul will bring you a towel. Your task, when she comes, lather her head and suggest that she herself hang a towel in the shower room, because you cannot see anything.
- Yes, I do not want to participate in your experiments. And we agreed not to touch her, and you are going to send it to me.
- Yes, what do you ochkuesh? I'm not going to touch her. If Mirbek himself sends it to you, ok? I have nothing to do with it? And you wash as usual. Just soap your head and turn to the front door. If you complex, cheer up slightly so that the pisyun seems bigger.
He saw that I doubted and added:
- You saw how pleased they were in the morning. Aygulka was generally glowing. Do you feel sorry if she looks at you to give her husband a fire?
I agreed. We returned to the couch, for whom Mirbek was sitting with wet hair after a shower. He himself suggested that I go to rinse after work. My last doubts disappeared.
I stood under the shower in light excitement. I could hear the men quietly talking at the table. Sanya suggested something to Mirbek. Mirbek, suddenly raising his voice, remembered that there were no more towels in his soul, and asked Aigul to carry him. Aigul tried to send Mickey with towels to me, but he cut her off, that she did not know where her towels were and in general he was busy.
I stood for a long time with my soaped head, when suddenly a light knock sounded at the unclosed door. As instructed, I said that I did not see anything so that she herself would hang a towel anywhere, I would take it later. There was a faint creak of the opening door and silence.
I kept kneading the shampoo on my head. Imagination painted a picture, as on the verge of me a young and pretty girl looking at my personal belongings. The member began to swell treacherously. I never heard the door close, but when I washed my head off, a towel hung beside me.
I do not want to describe the rest of the day, but before going to sleep, Sanya reported to me about the continuation of his experience with quite loud groans from behind the wall.
- Well done, did not disappoint. She came running from you red, but she constantly licked her lips. I do not know what you showed her there, but she definitely liked it. I hope she moans now because she represents me.
- Why did you go round the ears to Mirbek all day?
- Yes, do not worry ... all garbage. He himself does not say to his wife to be more active in bed. To even a little bit like the girls they call into the sauna. So I gave him advice on how to have a wife and not to burn himself, that he was driving a damn thing. By the way, your help is needed.
- Again, what? I do not want to shake her in front of her.
- Oh, come on! I saw you looking at her. Himself, too, do not mind prisunut, just came up with a "wife of a friend." But I still wanted to ask for something else. On the contrary, you should not be here tomorrow. You go to the city, go shopping. In the sex shop you go at the same time. Damnable take and four-thread of linen to your taste. I'll write you the size.
- Are you going to give her a damn? Generally ohrenel?
- Not. This is Mickey give. He just shy to ask you.
- And then what he himself will not take?
- Yes, we have a business here for tomorrow one thing is planned. You'll just be a little extra. I'll tell you everything later, like the spirit.
In the morning and the truth, Micah had a little worrying over breakfast and started a conversation that it would be necessary to go to the bazaar to shop, and he works in a shaft on the farm. Sanya immediately picked up that he could help Mickey, and I could go for a ride.
In the extensive list of purchases of goods from the sex shop did not appear, but Sanya once again reminded me that Mickey just hesitates to talk with me on this topic.
I returned only in the evening. At dinner, I peered into the faces, trying to see the answer in them, what exactly I could have prevented them with my presence. It seems that everyone behaved as usual and I decided to wait for the night and Sanina’s story. This time Sanya and I went for a walk at bedtime along the coast. I assumed that now they would try my purchase - a small but pretty vibrator. To which Sanya answered me, the time had not yet come and began to tell how the day had gone.
It turns out that yesterday they threw Aigulka the bait that Sanya was a professional photographer. Mickey had a darling Canon, given as a gift. But they pampered with him for a couple of days and abandoned, without having properly understood its settings. Therefore, when Aigul herself approached her husband with a question that the equipment was idle and there were almost no family photos, the two of them immediately convinced her that it would be necessary to tackle this issue and make not only family but simply beautiful photos of Aiguli. Probably every girl in the depths of the soul wants to feel like a fashion model. And if you are pretty and you are only nineteen and even more so. Therefore, Sanya spent most of the day with a camera in his hands.At first they were innocent family photos and nature photos. And when Sanya felt that Aigul began to feel fairly free to feel close to Sanya, Mickey skillfully melted to the farm. At the same time, he demanded that Mickey himself should tell his wife, so that they would not make more beautiful photos yet.
“I copied the most beautiful ones to myself,” said Sanya, taking out his cell phone.
There were a lot of photos. I looked through the pictures, and he commented on them.
- This is the kitchen she cooks. Garbage, scroll further. It is at the lake. Here you can browse for a long time. I just drove her everywhere so she relaxed.
When she stopped being shy, I took her to their bedroom. There are the coolest pictures turned out.
- Are you even up to her bra section? - I asked, looking at the smiling face of Iguli without outerwear.
- Something I? As we agreed, I did not even touch her. She undressed herself. And not only to the bra. Now you will see. I just told her that I am not a man now, but a photographer. It's like a doctor - a sexless being. And we make pictures for her beloved husband, but I would rather be lying on the beach now. When she started to be shy, he told her, just try, if she doesn’t like the picture, she will review everything and remove the extra.
- Like? See what sticking papillae, she herself started, - Sanya commented on another photo.
- And here she has finally completely thrown off the mask of the girl pripevochki. I did not even command any more when she was pushing her legs in front of me, only praised her and urged her on.
- Well, I warped in my heart during the day, otherwise I would not hold back. Saw what she shows me? Still think Mickey is her first and only?
I, looking at the photos, was in shock.
“Did she show them to Mirbek already?” - I asked.
- I leaked it to her computer, she herself should decide which ones to show and which ones to remove or hide. I taught her hidden folders to do. Probably now watching. I do not know which ones she decides to show. And I leaked these for myself. I will not show anything to him.
We're back home. We went to our room under the pre-orgasmic howls of Aiguli. I was still in some confusion. Sanya all the way back convinced me that he simply makes the spouses gradually remove the mask of stiffness in the relationship. He himself does not corrupt anyone.
- The fact that she is still a slut, I told you from the very beginning. But why are you sulking right away? So what if that slut. She is now fucking with her husband. He himself would like her to be slut in his bed. You just have to fuck her now, she will then start to figure out how to please Mickey more interestingly. Who am I doing badly? Twice a week they fucked like mice on the sly, and now every day several times, and they howl, they cannot restrain themselves.
I myself still do not understand how to treat this. On the one hand, Sanya was absolutely right. And on the other hand, I had the feeling that somehow everything should be wrong. This is a family intimate life and no one should interfere in it.
Alas, Sanya had an answer for everything. He compared himself, then with psychocaster, then with a sexologist, then with a book describing intimate relationships.
- Just you, - he said, the Internet is at hand. What is interesting to learn, read. If you need to see a doctor, you have an appointment or a psychologist. And they? Just imagine, I would not be. A year after the wedding, they almost did not fuck. Five years later - once a month. In ten or two times a year, or in general they would score. Bored all the time at the same time and in the same pose. And she will not be in another thirty years from now.
I could not find an objection to him and Sanya immediately went on the attack:
“I just don’t want you to look at me, as if I’m beating off your wife at Kent.” You yourself know that I never had problems with chicks. Let's stop building yourself, everyone will be fine. Connect, we will process the family together so that they fuck like a rabbit for a year.
- Come on. What else do you want to do?
“I don’t know, we’ll think about the situation,” Sanya answered evasively. - You do not lose the main thing, and if I begin to bend any line - connect and support me. Just with her, too, need some more work. I want her to tell us about how she lived before her husband. Just have not yet figured out what to catch her.
“So she will tell you if there was anything ...”
- You want to argue again? Let's go ahead and process it - think of something.
We fell asleep under sighs from the next room. Spouses went to a new circle.
The morning greeted us with great weather. For the first time, Sanya and I stood up before the owners. Tortured by the night marathon, they were still asleep. We, in order not to make any noise, went swimming.
About an hour later Mickey came to us sleepy:
- Good morning!There Aigul already sets the table. Let's go have breakfast.
- Send diving first for appetite. Or the wife did not leave the forces at all?
- Yes, the strength still shaft, only the press hurts.
Sanya, calmly, as if talking about the weather, asked Mirbek about yesterday's sex. Praised him, discussed
the smallest details. Mickey looked at me for a while, apparently a little embarrassed, but he was still telling. I, recalling yesterday’s Sanin Council, began to give Sanah and support the conversation. Mickey apparently realized that I was already up to date. He stopped shy and frankly began to tell:
- I just finished the second time, but she still wants. I'm not worth it. I told her then ... well, as you said then ... well, with your tongue. She liked it. She says: where did you learn? I say: imagine that it is not me, but Sasha does this when he takes pictures. She immediately moaned, grabbed my head and finished again. Then they lay, she also wanted to do with my mouth. I say: where did you learn? She laughs: when Sasha photographed, he taught. I look at her. And she: you just imagine.
- Well, how can she? - Sanya intervened.
- So-so. Professional is better.
“I must learn more,” he sneered. C'mon I'm kidding. You're my friend, I would not do that. But honestly, when presented, did you get up?
“Aha, right away,” Mirbek confessed in embarrassment.
- I told you, it is not necessary that there really was anything. Sex in the head happens. If you don’t, just turn on your fantasy and everything will be fine, ”Sanya summarized.
We all returned home. Aygulka beamed, and for the first time Mirbek offered to have breakfast together. Aigul for decency broke, but agreed under amicable persuasion. Sanya hunted stories. With her, however, all are exceptionally decent:
- Having learned about the popularity of iPhone, Aipad and Ipod, Aigul became proud of her name.
We first heard the wicked laugh of a girl. Breakfast this time dragged on longer than usual, but it all ends sometime, and we began to gather at the fish farm to help Mickey.
We all stood by the car together when Sanya cut the phone. He looked at him and said to Mirbek:
- Do you want another fantasy she will tell you? Come on, you are now on the farm, I will help her to remove the table. Then I will need to ride to the city, throw money. After I come to you.
Mirbek wondered, but agreed, and Sanya went into the house.
We drove along the road to his farm, and Mickey was silent for a long time, wondering about something. Then he cautiously asked me if Sanya could fuck his wife yesterday. I replied with conviction that I could not. Sanya is a man of his word, besides, he told me about what happened yesterday.
“He just wants your complexes to disappear, so that you don't stop being ashamed of each other,” I urged him. Therefore, it comes up with various non-standard situations.
- I've never fucked so much. My cock hurts, but I still want - Mirbek shared with me.
- Well, that's great. And Aigul you so happy walks. Smiles all the time. I think I know that Sanya again invented.
- What?
“He will now persuade Aigul to pretend as if she has been having sex and come up with a story together.” And she will tell you at night. And he himself, probably, already goes to the city.
He again was silent for a long time, not daring to start talking.
“Yesterday, when I loved Aigulu the third time, I told her:“ Let's call the boys, let them too. ” She said that it was not necessary that she only wanted me, but she immediately screamed and finished wet.
- How is it wet finished? - I asked puzzled.
- Well, she sometimes has it when she has a strong orgasm, splashes are flying out of her.
- Wow. I heard about these. This squirt is called. But they are rare, such girls. I have never come across. Lucky you.
- I know what lucky. And I love her. But I did not mean to say this. Yesterday, when I was excited, I just wanted her to be someone else besides me ... or you two ...
I could expect such a conversation from Sani, but I didn’t expect from Mickey at all. And did not know what to say:
- I mean, such a fantasy during sex? This is normal. I also often represent something, ”I said, recalling Sani’s instructions to support his line.
- Not. In fact.We are alone here, no one will see. Relatives will not know. Aigulu I will not blame. I only fear how she will behave. May hesitate to be me. But it is possible that I was not. I will not be home, and you yourself. If she wants.
His hands shook. It was evident that Mirbek is not easy to give such words.
We were already working, carrying food and scattering when a thought came to my mind:
- Let Sana call, he will go from the city, let him not go to us, but to Aigul. There, he will reconnoiter the situation, he will build bridges, - I deliberately said not “home”, but “to Aigul”, so that Mickey would understand what kind of bridges Sanya would try to bring.
- Come on. Only you tell him yourself.
I called Sanya. He did not take the pipe right away. I just started to describe the Mirbek plan from afar, as he interrupted me:
- Matured mean? I thought he would only offer tomorrow. I really thought he wanted to look. Well, that's even better. Lada, I will try. You, then, as you arrive, do not break into the house immediately. Make some noise in the yard. You never know ... And this ... give up Mickey.
Mickey picked up the phone. Something listened:
- I want ... You can ... What are the complaints? I myself suggested ... - he squeezed out of himself.
Mickey didn’t go himself all day. Everything was falling out of his hands; now and then he tried to go home. I was slowing him down, saying that Sanya will be back from the city. Let them have time to talk. But still about three hours later, after our call, we went. On the way, we went to the store, bought drinks and snacks at the table.
When they arrived, they loudly slammed the doors of the car, talked and loudly unloaded supplies.
Five minutes later, Sanya appeared and reported that Aigul was in the shower.
Mickey did not find a place for himself, but Sanya approached him and, in a businesslike manner, said that he behaved as usual and did not bother his wife with questions:
“Let her tell you what she wants.” I'll add a story to you later if she forgets something. Just do not run and do not blame her for anything. Imagine that this is just her fantasy. A lot depends on your behavior now. If you behave correctly, sex will be just awesome. And if you spoil everything, then it will close in itself or even quarrel.
The guys continued to discuss something, and I went to the house to change clothes. There I ran into Aigul coming out of the shower.
Dressed in a translucent peignoir, the girl sank, covered her nipples slightly translucent through the fabric and gracefully wagging her booty, disappeared into her bedroom.
When I left the house, they were already sitting on the couch. Sanya laid out uncomplicated snacks. Mickey poured vodka. Aigul never appeared.
- Her head hurts. I gave her a pill, let him rest, - said Sanya.
Mickey at dinner all leaned on vodka and tried to find out from
Sled as they had a day. Sanya, laughing off, constantly translated the conversation and stood his ground. Like, she herself will tell you everything. If you forget something, ask me.
It got dark quickly. Mirbek was very drunk, and Sanya was worried that he would be drunk to sort things out with his wife. But he began to feel sleepy. I brought a pillow and blanket from the house. Mickey was put to bed right on the couch.
Sanya took out his phone, opened me a folder with photos and handed me:
“Mirbek was lucky with his wife,” he said out loud, peering over my shoulder.
I looked through the photos, and he commented:
- Smart, beautiful, husband loves. All day I was told about Mickey how kind and affectionate she is.
Mirbek, already falling asleep, rather muttered something inarticulate.
“That's when I saw the snake, I was scared,” he commented on another photo.
“I tell her, don't be afraid.” Just a snake lost its mink. Now find and crawl into it.
- And then I saw that the snake was not at all terrible, she even played with her.
Mirbek quietly snuffled around, no longer responding to Sanin's story. And he went into the comments:
- Snake prodded in one mink. Twisted, turned around there.
- That will stick out a head, then back will thrust. And Aigulu got up on her knees and is considering.
- But the snake is tired of sitting in this hole, and she crawled over to look for another.
Of course, I knew that Sanya was a notable fucking terrorist, but I never expected that he would manage not only to fuck a modest Kyrgyz girl, but also to convince her to pose at the same time. And he tried to push Mirbek back, he realized that he was fast asleep and continued to tell without being embarrassed in expressions.
- When you called, I already had her tits matsal, but she still crept. And when she heard that her husband himself wanted us to credit her, she offered to take a picture of her.
- So you did not go to the city or what?
- I was going to, and then I remembered that everything can be done through the Internet, well, from their company and threw money. And then she came, we reviewed her pictures well, and spun. Come take a walk, let him sleep.
We walked to the shore of the lake, and I continued to leaf through the photos on the phone.
- So you still fucked her? - I asked, looking not the next photo. Aigul already stood on it with cancer, and Sanya attached his instrument.
- Of course.If a woman hands on a member took, she did not jump off me. Mandyonka tight, barely crammed. Oh, and she squealed in the beginning, until stretched. But then she stretched herself.
- Did you know that she ends up with a jet?
- Yeah. Mickey said.
- She poured my pants. But after such an orgasm has become. All licked, and she again stretched.
- Here it is stuck. She ends and immediately asks. He says he wants to try differently.
Sanya looked at the following photo:
- Then I tell her, I already have a dick hurts. And she: "Give me a little more." I fucked her a little bit more, then I remembered the dildo. I asked her: “Have you ever fucked with a rubber dick?” She: “No, I have never tried it”. I gave it to her and started shooting.
- She caught her when I put her vibration to the full, that she was again jetted off.
- It so excited me that I only inserted it into my mouth and immediately finished my attractive face.
She, like a good girl, immediately sucked the remains and dick licked.
The photos are over. I asked Sanya:
- Everything? There was nothing else?
- Why not? It was.These photos since the morning we did. Then I threw two more sticks to her. Right on the marital bed. Exactly before your arrival she last flooded. In the ass did not give a monkey. At first, I said that I was too big. Then, what will be dirty, if so immediately without preparation. It was then that I realized that someone had already opened her asshole to me. The fact that she and the husband did not try this input Mickey told me. I asked where and what she tried? She then realized that she had inadvertently let out a conversation. She promised to share if I did not tell my husband. Now is the time to pull her out, ask her while her husband sleeps.
We're back home. Mirbek snored on the couch.
- Pour ryumashka, you need to give her a little bit so that the language is unleashed, now I will bring it, - said Sanya.
They returned together. Aigul looked around in fright, but when she saw her sleeping husband she calmed down a bit.
“Let's celebrate it with something,” said Sanya cheerfully, handing her a glass full to the brim. - The first time my husband changed or was already?
Aigul thought about what to say when Sanya clinked with her and pushing her hand, made Aigul drink.
The girl coughed, I brought her a glass of mineral water.
“I never ...” Aigul began to say, catching her breath. But looking at the smiling Sanya, finished: - The first time.
- And before him?
Aigul, squinted at the sleeping husband and was silent.
“Let's go one by one and go for a walk,” Sanya was gracious.
He poured another glass to the brim, forced the girl to drink to the bottom, and we all went for a walk together.
Sanya vowed that nothing he had heard from Aiguli would tell her husband now. He demanded the same promise from me and, hugging the girl, said:
- Well, let's not break any more, tell me.
And Aigul, at first embarrassed, and then more and more carried away by his story began.
Aigul's story
I was already in my third year at the medical school. She studied well. We have already met many of the boys, but there were several virgins. I also did not want to rush it. Not that I was very proud. Some girls who knew the opposite laughed at me, but with whom they didn’t want, but they didn’t meet the one and only.
When I first met him, I thought it was an accident. Much later, my girlfriend told me that before our meeting he asked my girlfriends about me, where I was, what I was fond of, ... Then it seemed to me that he just drove me along the way from the hostel to the academic building.
I have seen it before. Awesome handsome guy. Came on a black jeep. Always in neat expensive clothes. He often visited us in a hostel and even met with one of my acquaintances for some time. True, she was Russian, and I am Kyrgyz. When Egor took my phone and started calling me to chat, it was even interesting for me. But when he invited me to walk to the park, it was a little embarrassing. It’s not customary for Kyrgyz girls to meet Russian guys and it seemed to me that everyone who passes by thinks that he is my boyfriend and they look at me condemningly.
He was fun, he was constantly inventing some new places where we were not yet. When I didn’t see him, I decided that when he called again I wouldn’t go with him again. But he called, all thoughts disappeared, and I again sat in his car. Another girlfriend, with whom he met earlier said that I did not meet with him. Any nasty things about him told. But I didn’t believe her, I thought she said this because she was jealous. And he always came with some small gifts, and one day he arrived in the afternoon, took me to an expensive shop. Bought me a beautiful dress. Then he drove to a beauty salon and in the evening we went to a restaurant. I was in a restaurant for the first time in my life. Everything was very beautiful, the food, however, seemed to me so-so, but the wine was very tasty and the handsome man constantly poured it. When I went to the toilet, it seemed to methat all men see me off. It was very unusual and exciting. I looked in the mirror. I have never seen myself so beautiful.
Then we danced. I looked around the hall and, probably, for the first time I was not embarrassed by the views, but was proud. I think we were the most beautiful couple. Egor was in an expensive suit, tall, gallant. After the restaurant we went to the mountains. Egor did not drink alcohol, and I was already decently drunk. He had kissed me before when they met and at parting. That day, for the first time, he really kissed me, whispered sweet words to me, admired me. I felt dizzy and didn’t even notice when he had time to put my dress on the waist.
He kissed my neck, caressed my nipples with his tongue, and his hands constantly stroked my body. I was trembling and moaning, but when his hand slipped into my panties, I was embarrassed and confessed to him that I had never had and I was still a girl. He delightedly said that he should not do this in the car like this for the first time in the mountains. He wants it to be beautiful, and I remember it for life. Probably at this moment for the first time I confessed to myself that I loved him. We sat in the car for a long time, talking and kissing. Downstairs blinked lights of the night city. It was very romantic. I accidentally ran my hand between his legs and was already cleaning when he took my hand and put my hand there. It was hard and very hot. He began to whisper to me that he could not let me go and did not know what to do. At first I did not understand what he meant, but then he explained to me,that if a man really wants a girl, but can not finish, then his eggs hurt badly and it is very harmful. In general, this evening I gave him a blowjob for the first time in my life. When he shook and his liquid splashed into my mouth, I didn’t know what to do and was afraid to get his beautiful pants dirty. I swallowed, lifted my head and saw him stretching my napkin.
“I thought about the napkin, but it’s even better,” he said, and smacked me on the cheek.
Since then, almost every one of our meetings has ended like this. He put the car somewhere in a not very busy place, spoke some kind words and took out his penis. He never offered napkins anymore and I had to swallow his sperm all the time. I was morally ready to surrender to him for a long time, but he no longer tried to get into my panties.
I was finishing school. It was necessary to pass exams and thesis. But thanks to Yegor, I learned another life. I spent some evenings with him. Started going to discos with girlfriends. Ingoda missed, very much behind in studies. Egor, when I complained to him, reassured me that I was not worried. That in our time everything can be “diluted”, and he will help. But when the final exams began, he said that he now has problems with money. I burst into tears, and he proposed to me, as he then put it, “the only way out.” Then I learned that virginity can be sold. It was terrible to hear, especially from a loved one. But he said that he did not see any other way out and convinced me that he would not love me less if for the first time this happened to me not with him. I imagined that I would have to go to bed with an old fat freak,but Yegor said that he knew a wealthy businessman. He is not at all old and even cute. He just has such a disease - he loves virgins and for this can give as much as five hundred dollars. This money was abundant enough, and to buy a diploma, and "pass" exams. In the end, he convinced me, and I agreed. And in the evening he took me to the mountains, to the same place where we had him for the first time. On the way, he would solder me with the Jaguar, knowing that I like this cocktail. When it got dark I already drank two cans and it shook me badly. Sometimes there were other cars in this place, in which loving couples were kissing, but that day we were alone. He got me out of the car and started kissing and undressing. At that moment I was weakly thinking, but when he leaned my stomach on the hood of the car and began to take off my panties, I had time to thinkthat my beloved somewhere found the money and does not want to give my virginity to another man.
There was a sound of the opened condom packaging, something slippery slipped between my buttocks and wild pain swept over me. I did not even immediately understand that his member was tearing my ass off. I cried, screamed, tried to escape, and he pressed me to the car and, without ceasing, moved my member in me, saying: “Quiet, quiet. Already everything. Quiet, quiet. "
When he finished and came out of me, I was so exhausted with my shouts and attempts to escape that I did not even immediately get up from the hood. At that moment I hated him and asked to take me back. And he explained to me all the way that he did it so that I would understand how I would feel tomorrow and was ready for it. I was silent, and he explained that I should not tolerate. That, just like today, I have to shout, cry and I can even try to fight back when he enters me. I silently got out of his car, in full confidence that I would not go with him anywhere else.
In the morning I woke up. The ass still slightly ached, but my problems have not disappeared anywhere. When the headman of our group approached me and asked if I would have a session or pass it myself. I called Egor.
In the evening I put on my makeup and put on the dress I was wearing in a restaurant with Yegor. Egor without a call appeared in my room. He forced to remove the dress, rummaged in my things, found some pretty, but old dress. Then he forced to wash off makeup.
Called somewhere. Judging by the conversation, they explained to him where to go. He took me to a house with a high fence. Going inside, I realized that this is a sauna. Four men sat inside and looked at me with interest, laughing and talking among themselves. With some relief, I thought that they were not old and Kyrgyz. One of them told Egor that the girl was good. Egor told me that he would wait for me on the street so that I would go out later.
I was shaken, and I hardly remember this first time. I remember that at first I sat with them at the table and they offered me a drink, then I stood with the guy in the shower already naked. The shower was hot and I was still shaking. When he took me to the room with the bed, I lay like a doll next to him. He kissed me, but I felt nothing. When he entered me, the pain was, but not at all as strong as yesterday with Yegor. When it was over, I noticed that the man was dragging a condom off his little dick. Only at this moment I remembered that Yegor warned me to check and only let him in a condom. Getting out of bed, I noticed a small stain of blood on the sheet. I remembered that Yegor put the pads in my purse, and was surprised by his prudence. The man who just deprived me of virginity,seemed to have lost all interest in me. He, met with joyful cries of friends, sat down next to them at the table and lit a cigarette. Some of his friends, laughing, suggested that I go with him too, but I said that Egor was waiting for me and left this house.
Egor took me home. Almost all the way, we were silent. He smacked on the cheek, landed me near the hostel. Already in my room I found in the purse five hundred dollars with new crispy pieces of paper.
A day later, Yegor reappeared. We walked with him in the park. He never asked what was happening in the sauna. I also did not start a conversation about it. Then we went on the rides with him, I almost stopped thinking about what happened. I thought it was some kind of bad dream that you just need to forget. Egor was near, was as always cheerful and courteous, only a little more thoughtful than usual. He stopped the car in front of our hostel. Hugging and kissing me, he seemed to say between times that he had another client.
He first called them customers. I said in surprise that I was no longer a girl. He answered me that he knew where it was possible to do a recovery operation cheaply, and that there were no five hundred dollars on the road. He told me to think and open the door for me.
In the morning I exchanged money, met with the warden. My parents lived quite poorly, and I had always tried to pass the session myself. And now I learned that, if you dilute all subjects at once through the dean's office, it turns out to be much cheaper than if you approach each teacher separately. There you could buy a finished thesis, which could only be given to be reprinted with your name on the title page. Everything became simple. I went to a cafe and ate, so as not to prepare food in a hostel. I went to the market and bought sweets for myself and for gifts to my parents in the village. And when she returned home she counted the remaining money. The money was melting very quickly, and I also hoped to go to the clothing market to update my wardrobe. And I called Egor.
The next evening, again took me to the sauna. Already another, not so rich. There were no customers here. Egor took it for us two. This time he was gentle, half the night we indulged in love with him, and for the first time in my life I experienced an orgasm, though not from his penis, but from oral sex. His cock was still a bit large for me, and in addition to the pleasant sensations, it was painful.
A day later, he took me to a private clinic, and an elderly woman did something inside of me. To my surprise, everything went pretty quickly and painlessly. And the next day I was again in front of the house behind a high fence. This time it was not a sauna. I was met by a European of about fifty and with a tummy. Conducted to the house. There was a beautifully laid table. We drank wine, he gallantly courted me, and I even sometimes forgot that I had to play the role of a frightened virgin. Then he led me to the bathroom, the section and we were in a huge bathtub, more like a small pool. He gently stroked me and I also wanted to caress his lifeless penis dangling in the water, but I continued to play my part. After that he took me to the bedroom, laid me on the bed. He did not turn off the light.Kissing about spreading my legs and spreading my lips began to look out for something in the depths of me. "Looking for a virgin film" - I guessed. But it looked so funny that I forgot again that I should tremble with fright. Apparently, the inspection more than satisfied him, because when he got up, his root was sticking out with an impressive stick, which he immediately began to attach to the entrance. When he squeezed into me, bursting with something deep inside, I almost did not need to portray the pain. Only at this moment I remembered that he fucks me without a condom. And he breathed like a locomotive, and time after time he rammed me with his impressive belly and stretched my insides with a member. At some point, I realized that my cries of pain had turned into cries of pleasure, and my crack was lavishly overflowing with juices. I was afraid that the old man would now understand that I was not a girl,but on the contrary, he seemed to like very much the change in my tonality.
When he finished on my stomach with three small clots of thick and yellow sperm, I realized that I almost finished under this man who was older than my father. We went down naked. The clothes remained in his bathroom. Here, alternately, my and his phone rang. He picked up the phone, talked, handed the phone to me. It was Egor, he was worried that I was not leaving for a long time and asked to confirm that everything was in order. I said that everything is fine. My grandfather picked up the phone again and asked Yegor to leave me for the whole night. They discussed something else, they gave me the phone again, and Egor just put me in front of the fact that he would pick me up in the morning.
Only now my grandfather introduced himself, that his name is Andrei Andreevich. I said my name is Venus. He put me in the bath again and, washing my body with smooth movements, said that he liked me a lot. That I am very beautiful and sensual girl. We sat at the table, drank some wine and went to bed. There was no more sex, Andrei Andreevich said that he was too old to work twice. Thinking, he added that once he did not always succeed. He hugged me, putting his hands on my chest and fell asleep.
When I came out of his house, Yegor Jeep was already standing nearby. Egor put me in the car and disappeared behind the gate, talking about something with Andrei Andreyevich. He came out very pleased. Drove me to the hostel. He took out a stack of dollars from his wallet, counted me six hundred-thousand pieces of paper, with the words: “The stolnik is on top. Award.
I remembered the words of the girlfriends, who told me that Yegor did not need me, that he would make me a prostitute. Then I did not believe them, but now I began to understand that I was no different from a prostitute. But my younger brother came to the city to enter, we went to the market with him, I bought presents for my parents and the money quickly ran out. I called Egor again.
My third client was Mirbek. My future husband. It was the only man who tried to listen to me, to understand why I decided to take this step and did not have sex with me. And I was very ashamed when I told him a story about a failed session and a sick dad who can not stand it if they expel me from school.
Then there was a Caucasian who fucked me and shouted:
- You want my dengi! On, bilyat, dengi! On! On! Now you will get even more money! On!
He turned me on his stomach and stuck his curve and wiry process in my ass.
I screamed, and with one hand he pressed my neck to the bed, while the other lashed my bottom and shouted:
- Derzhi, slut, your money! Let's work out!
When I came out of the sauna and complained to Egor he went inside. Back he came out angry. I counted seven hundred dollars, instead of the promised five hundred, and said:
- What is done is done. Here is your compensation.
I tried to rebel, for the first time he screamed at me:
- And what do you want? So he came out apologized? Do you have less ass from this? Or go to the police, write declare on him? Do you know that if you were not sewn up, was your price a two-sheet ceiling, along with an asshole? Do not like it - do not work.
Already before the hostel, he apologized that he was wrong. Broke off. We still sat in the car and chatted. He was almost affectionate, as before. But on the lips, he no longer kissed me. But he pulled out his penis and said in an everyday tone: “I was a little nervous today. It is necessary to reset the steam.
And I helped him "blow off steam", as usual, swallowing.
We already called up Mirbek from time to time and I was going to quit doing this craft. But there were two more Kyrgyz customers. They fucked me first, and then they humiliated me for dishonoring their nation by selling virginity.
Then I honestly confessed Yegor because of what I want to quit. What he offered me to find a replacement. I did not understand, and he explained to me. I had to find in the hostel among the pretty girls of three virgins and show Egor them. Then he will let me go. And so Mirbek can accidentally find out how many times I have already lost my virginity. Only now it dawned on me how Yegor found me.
It turned out to find a pretty virgin was a problem. Maybe just many shy and hid it. I found two girls from the first course by becoming friends
with them. By that time, Mirbek was already insistently inviting me to visit or he was eager to come and talk. I was afraid that he might meet Yegor here or simply find out something extra and promised to come to him soon.
During this time, Egor found another client for a virgin, and I agreed to work again. It was some kind of Chinese with a small dick, but extremely hardy. Probably about an hour, he fucked me and chatted something with a terrible accent. I was ready to take it myself in his mouth, if only he had finished faster, but I was afraid that it would be too much for a virgin.
Then Yegor said several times that Andrei Andreevich often remembers me. As a virgin, he would not pay, but he was ready to give two hundred dollars a night. And I agreed, here the truth is not only because of the money, but rather because of the best impressions of our last meeting.
And Andrei Andreevich did not disappoint. At first, like last time, there was an exquisite table. Then a huge bath of bubbling water. I had to stroke and caress him for a long time, then work with my mouth, but when his instrument began to work, I first experienced an orgasm from a member scurrying around inside. Yegor was not supposed to meet me today, so when he suggested that I stay with him overnight, I stayed. In the morning I woke up first. Andrei Andreevich was still asleep. I went to wash and returned to him under the blanket and pressed to the body. He smelled deliciously of a man and I began to get excited. And having remembered her yesterday's orgasm, she decided to make him pleasant. I stroked and licked his long dick for a long time, but he never got up, although I got a little more.
When I got out from under the blanket, he was already awake. He asked to sit on his face, I was a little ashamed, but I agreed. Later, I found out that it was called 69. He began to open my lips and, stretching the entrance with his fingers, looked inside. Probably, it very much excited it, because the member began to inflate quickly. I sat not on top of him. So I really liked it.
Now his stomach did not interfere with us, and I felt the member even better. I quickly became aroused and finished very strongly, splattering my grandfather and his bed. Then he still fucked me with cancer, but his dick seemed so even longer, and it was sick.
But when I laid it on my side, I finished my back with my back to myself.
After sex, he constantly praised me, said a bunch of compliments and that he always dreamed of a girl like me. I even began to think that he would offer me to stay with him. But closer to dinner, he said that in the evening his wife should return and he should have time to clean up.
“Don't open your mouth on someone’s pubis,” I remembered Egorkin's saying, and began to gather from this rich house to my room in a hostel.
In the evening I called Egor to tell him about the girls I met, but he didn’t pick up the phone. The next morning I found out that one girl from the dormitory in the hospital after the beatings. When she began to ask, it turned out that she, too, was one of the girls of Egor. I went to her hospital, and she told me that Egor brought her as a virgin to some gangsters, and there turned out to be a peasant who had already bought her before. First they beat her, and then they brought Egor, who was waiting for her in the car, and beat him very badly. Egor is now in hospital in serious condition.
By that time, I had already received a diploma. I rented a dorm room, changed the phone number and went to visit Mirbek, once again, restoring my virginity. My grandmother, who had already stitched me six times, was indignant:
- Plowed, plowed, and all the same ... Girl wants to be. You have not seen the edges here.
But diligently sewn, I nevertheless noted with a few drops of blood and on Mirbek's sheets.
Then the wedding was. Since then, we live together and I have not changed him.
“Until I arrived,” Sanya added with a contented smile.
Iguly’s story made a huge impression on me. All the while she was telling me, I listened and looked at my feet. Now I looked up and looked at the girl next to me. Sanya from the very beginning was right. And now he once again proved the “modesty” of Mirbek's wife with her hand under her jacket and squeezing her chest.
We turned in the direction of the house, and when there were already some two hundred meters before the house, Sanya suddenly turned to me:
- I have already finished three times today, and you do not want? Let her take in her mouth so that the eggs do not hum.
Aigul took this phrase as a team, and maybe she herself wanted, but did not know how to propose. She turned to me and began to unbutton her pants. Long abstinence and her story did their job. Less than five minutes, as I poured into her mouth. After her story, I did not even try to pull a member out of her mouth. Aigul diligently sucked the remnants, and we went further.
Mirbek, we found everything also asleep. Aigul asked for help to bring him to the bedroom. For some reason, having spoken, she now felt much more confident than in the evening. Or maybe vodka is not completely eroded.
“You’ll have to talk to him anyway, what difference sooner or later,” she said philosophically.
In the morning, they didn’t wake up again for a long time, we set the table ourselves and had breakfast, when Ayguli groaned from their room.
After waiting for them to subside, I went to their bedroom and said through the door that Sanya and I would go to the farm to visit him, and Mirbek would have a day off today. Instead, Aigul agreed.
When, after lunch, we returned home, we were met by Aigul in a very frivolous dress.
Her breasts shone through the translucent blouse, and her little shorts clung to her ass.
“The boys have arrived,” she shouted in a cheerful voice.
Mickey came out of the house. Pretending not to notice his wife’s strange attire, he greeted us, thanked for his help, and called for the table.
Aigul, wagging her booty, was already covering her and, having finished, sat opposite us, causing our excitement to be sticking out of her nipples.
What the spouses were talking about while we were gone, I never found out. But the next two days, before our departure, were very tense for our members and very rich for the holes of Ayguli.
We really did not want to leave this hospitable corner, but the holidays were over, other concerns awaited at home. We left, promising to return to them, to visit next summer.
Next year, Sani did not manage to break out to Kyrgyzstan. I, too, all summer chatted around the country and could not relax. We met with Mirbek only in the fall, when he ended up on business in Bishkek. He called for a visit and boasted that he had a son in spring. Little healthier with blond hair and blue eyes. All the Mirbek relatives were delighted with him. According to the Kirghiz legends, their ancestors, the Yenisei Kirghiz were just such tall, blue-eyed and fair-haired. Therefore, when such a child is born in a Kyrgyz family, it is considered that the child is marked with the sign of ancestors and must necessarily become an outstanding person.