The work was not to beat a recumbent, more often - just before lunch.
They paid well, the sea is near. But there were two problems: the shortage of women and normal booze. The first problem was solved with the help of Vidic with porn and Dunka Kulakova, the second with the help of a familiar Arab pharmacist who sold us excellent medical alcohol from under the floor. We lightened this alcohol with either orange juice or cola. A mixture of three equal parts of cola, alcohol and strong coffee in general turned out to be lethal. With one glass of this pleasant drink, the brains turned away capitally, but the energy went off scale. All the company fucking energizers in cans nervously smoking in the corridor!
And so our life flowed, until, walking from the bakery, I suddenly encountered face to face with our Milka. Our Milka, and if completely - Lyudmila Petrovna Sh., Was my classmate, the soul of the student party and in general a cool girl. Cheerful, sociable, she could drink a beer, fuck and send it to the club. And so on you! Less than six months after graduation, we meet again, at the devil on horns, 5,000 kilometers from the alma mater, in the Arab village. It turned out that Milka, too, had tied herself up with a translator for a group of designers, and now, traveling with them all over the country, she settled for a couple of weeks in our hole, literally in the next five-story building.
While we were chatting in the shadow of a huge eucalyptus, I suddenly found myself trying for the first time to unwittingly try to evaluate Milka as a possible sexual partner.
It had never occurred to me before; There were many beautiful girls around, and Milka, we admit, was far from beautiful. Small, short-legged, with a big ass, frail shoulders and small tits, eyes too small, a nose with potatoes and lips and a bow like a chicken ass. However, either the joy of meeting with an old acquaintance, or a long conversation with Dunka Kulakova lowered the bar of my requests, and now Milka seemed to me quite suitable for a small fuck. Friendly, so to speak! It seemed to me that something interested-evaluating flashed in her eyes. In short, when Milka offered to visit her in the evening, have a cup of tea, I immediately agreed.
However, at home I was seized with doubts. And if on the unsightly Milka I will not rise? Shame will disappoint the girl! What to think up? It is necessary to somehow raise the sexual degree, you need to arrange ... group sex! That group was our favorite video with Kolyan.
Kolyan, an old-time translator on our contract, was one year older than me and from the first days of my stay here became my mentor and patron. It was he who introduced me to the pharmacist, taught me how not to step on scorpions and cook a sardine soup in a tomato. A handsome man, a master of sports in swimming, a joker and a foul-mouthed, Kolyan suffered greatly from the absence of a female society, and I thought that if you diluted him into group sex with Milka, then success would be ensured.
When I, without disclosing my insidious plans, offered Kolyan to go to the light of my acquaintance in the evening, he, of course, readily agreed. True, thinking about the same thing that I, Kolyan, caressed about with women's attention for life, began to ask what she looked like. I did my best, embellished the picture, calling my thick ass sturdy, small tits round, and my mouth sexy.
In short, when the sun went down, the heat subsided a little, and from the neighboring orange grove drew a sweet spirit, we grabbed a bottle of our hellish mix and a bunch of bananas, put on clean shirts and went on a visit to the lady.
Seeing two guests instead of one, Milka was surprised, but, as it seemed to me, she was not at all embarrassed and not upset. She obviously liked Kolyan immediately. Convivial she was a young lady!
We sat in chairs, at a low table, poured on the first. Milka was in short tight shorts and a loose blouse with buttons. Here these were called "sugar". I went fun trash with jokes and ambiguous hints. After the third it became quite hot. Milka began to fan herself and, as it were, mechanically to unfasten one button at a time, until she undid herself almost to the waist.
She did not seem at all embarrassed that those “round tits”, which really turned out to be round like tennis balls, with pretty pink nipples, periodically emerged outside. Seeing such a thing, we asked for permission to take off our shirts. It was received. In short, it quickly went to the “case”, but lacked a trigger mechanism. When our slaughter mix already pretty clouded our brains, I suggested an option as ancient as the world: to play cards for undressing. Milka protested: - Since you already have nothing to undress! Is it only pants! Let's do it differently! - What is it like? - And so, if you lose ... - she thought for a second - you will stay with me. - And if we win ?!
- Well then ... - again a pause - then I will ... suck on you! After all, you fucking came! And she snapped a banana with a sly look.
So, clearly and simply, quite in the Milkina manner!
The proposal was received with enthusiasm. Milka rose to fetch cards. Her full, round buttocks rolled under shorts. At that moment it seemed to me that I had not seen life more appetizing and sexual priests. Kolyanu, it seems, too.
The game did not last long. Either the card lay like that, or Milka wanted a member more than a tongue, but she turned out to be a fool. - You cheated! - pretended Milka. Then she leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes: - Well, let's have ...
After three seconds, our instantly released members were already swinging around her face. Without opening her eyes, she waggled her hands, caught my cock first, then my friend, as if she weighed them on her palms, and now her plump lips opened and accepted Kolyan’s head. Sucked Milka slowly, tastefully, not deep, but relish. My dick she gently raked her hand. A minute later, when I was already dying of envy and arousal, she changed the object and now I felt bliss from her hot mouth. It was repeated several times; Kolyan and I just groaned from forgotten pleasure, and in two hands we were tugging at pink nipples. Then Milka decisively spat out another member and with the words: - Enough with you, and then finish, and I will stay! - I got up and walked two meters to the couch, plopped down on him, on my back, scattered my arms and legs, and had time on the way to pull off my "sugar". Kolyan jumped onto the sofa behind her, burst out on his knees over Milka's face, sent his hand stubbornly sticking the member downwards and began to fuck her in the parted mouth.
I had no choice but to fit in between her spreading thighs and roughly pull off tight-fitting shorts. The bows, I must admit, were very soft and smooth, and the opening between them, the chink - neat and pink. Catching Milka under the massive ass, I sent the head to the lips shining with moisture and drove with all the dope. Milka arched, groaned with her mouth full, but then she began to pry me. It was cool! Just as I dreamed, conceiving this whole action with Kolyan. We fucked Milk together, mutually starting each other, and she, apparently, a couple of members brought a lot of pleasure. Kalyan started first, first and finished. He snarled, bubbles and streaks of semen appeared from Milka’s mouth. It so swept me up that the already sticking out member like a baton seemed to grow another couple of centimeters.
I now mercilessly dug the uterus, then violently splashed into it, and at the same second Milka, too, began to cum, jerking with her legs and shaking with her whole body.
After this first scene, I already remember very little. We drank again, ran into the shower together and separately, and again rushed to the sofa to fuck together in fancy poses. Only separate shots remained in the memory of alcohol, as in a torn movie. So I fuck Milka with cancer, and she licks Eggs and the point in front of her Kolyan. Here I am trying to poke the head of the penis in her hard little nipple, but I slide off, because the breasts are already covered with slippery sperm. Here Milka is sitting, or rather, almost lying on me, I feel a member through a thin partition, as Kolyan’s member moves in her rectum, as a piston, but they pressed me so hard that I almost can’t move myself, and this leads me into a frenzy.
In short, our gangbang lasted a long time, took a variety of forms and had an unbridled character. Finally, smitten with fatigue, against which even our “murmur” was powerless, we disconnected in a heap on the sofa, mixing arms, legs, boobs and dicks.
I woke up about two hours later. It was already getting light. The head was splitting the body ached, the member felt sick. Terribly thirsty. I freed myself, went to the kitchen, found mineral water. I pushed and drunk Kolya, got drunk myself. We carefully laid down the almost unconscious Milka, covered the sheets, put the water near and went home with trembling legs. Two hours later was to work. Lord, how to survive the coming day !?
- Well, as we gave yesterday! - I asked Kolyan already in the evening, when we had time to work, to arrange an afternoon siesta for ourselves and now enjoyed the cool beer on my balcony. - I wonder how Milka is, alive ?!
But Kolyan only looked askance at me and muttered something disapproving. However, I myself felt some unpleasant aftertaste.
In the following days, a lot of work has come on, and I have never met Milka on the street. We saw her only on the day of her departure. Their group moved to a new place. At parting, she was discreetly gracious and nothing more. To my surprise, Kolyan asked for her phone number and she gave the number. What is it for?
After Milka left, our relationship with Kolya became cooler. Two months later, his contract ended and he also left. I had half a year left.
A year later, passing through Moscow, I called one of our translators, who had also returned home. He was delighted, offered to sit, gather our company, who was on the spot. - Sasha will, and Vova. And we shall call Kolya! He recently married!
What a news!
Gathered in the evening, it began: - Do you remember?! ... The doorbell rings. The voice of the owner from the hallway: - Healthy, Kolyan. Well, introduce us! In the doorway, Kolya stood arm in arm ... with Milka. She was prettier, well dressed and made up. We greeted discreetly.
They sat a little at the far end of the table, almost did not drink and soon left. It seemed to me that the meeting with me did not bring them joy. And this instead of thanks, by and large!
And Milka is well done, of course!