“Mowgli, my boy,” Bagheera purred, “you've become quite big.” It is time to open you the main law of the jungle, knowing that, you can leave us.
- Bagheera, when will you tell me this secret? - jumped to his feet Mowgli.
“Do not rush things,” the panther answered lazily, yawning. “First we need to gather all ours: Balu, Akela, Raksha, Kaa ...”
- Or maybe you tell him right now? - impatiently asked Mowgli. - I find it harder to endure, Bagheera! Yesterday, when I saw one banderlog get up behind the other and began to rub against it, my little Kaa became big and solid! I do not know why!
- Hm ... Mowgli, firstly, do not call your member a little Kaa, our friend python is terribly offended. Secondly, wait a bit. If you're in such a hurry, then I will bring everyone right now.
Bagheera jumped off the branch and went into the thicket. Mowgli sat on the ground a little more. Then he got up and began to walk around the trunk. Nothing helped. It was as if something was smoldering in the lower abdomen, but my friends did not go.
“I’ll quickly run to the forest boundary and come back,” he promised into the void and dashed off.
Mowgli ran very fast, but this time, driven by curiosity, he reached the edge of the forest in a matter of minutes, surpassing himself. Here he was forbidden to appear until that day, but he is already quite old and today he will be told the Law of the Jungle ... The forest did not stop, as Mowgli had thought before. The jungle was crossed by a river, behind which trees grew smaller, and in the distance there were some strange gray rocks of absolutely straight lines. Mowgli crept to the edge of the river and began to look at the other side.
At first, he did not notice anything special and was even a little upset. And then he heard someone walking toward the river on the other side. Mowgli lurking. A man came out of the bushes. Mowgli saw the man for the first time, but Balu showed him his reflection in the river and explained that he was alone in the forest, but people like him live outside it. Then Balu explained the difference between the wolf, the bear and the man. The man on the other side of the river looked like him: long hair, no hair on the body, no tail either. Only he was smaller, slimmer, not at all muscular, and strips of something bright were wound above and below him.
The man approached the river and gently touched the water with his foot. He nodded with satisfaction and, putting his hands behind his back, took off the top bright strip. Mowgli leaned forward to look at what happened to the person under it. It was a chest, seemingly like that of Mowgli himself, only huge, each the size of a coconut. Maybe a person was bitten by wild bees? But before Mowgli had time to wonder at this as it should, the next thing he saw shocked him even more. The man took off the bottom strip and under it he did not have a penis! Mowgli almost fell into the river, but quickly realized. After all, Bagheera, too, did not have him, and Raksha also, so that person was a female.
Looking closely, Mowgli realized that he was right. There was a narrow gap between the legs of a female on the other side, he examined it in detail when she squatted down to get into the river. The female entered the water and swam. She did a couple of laps along the river, each time closer and closer to Mowgli. He looked at her, noting how different she was from him. For example, her ass had more than his, he seemed resilient and strong, although all the other muscles were smaller. Her features were thinner, her face didn’t grow hair like Mowgli’s.
The female swam to the opposite shore, very close to the place where Mowgli was sitting, and went to the ground. She took her hair with her hands, twisted them and squeezed water. Then, with one movement, she threw them behind her back and at that moment saw Mowgli, who was still sitting in the bushes. She screamed in fright, took a step back, but she tripped on the root and fell on her back. Her legs spread to the sides and Mowgli noted that she had no hair there. This he did not see any of his friends. Feeling strange, Mowgli continued to look at the narrow pink slit. And then the female screamed once more, but now her gaze was directed not to Mowgli’s face, but below. He looked down to see what scared her so much and saw that his dick was standing up again, just like yesterday when he was watching the banderlogs rubbing against each other. He knew that something strange was going on with him, because this thing scared the female too.
He took a step forward to calm her down, but the female cried out once more and tried to crawl back from him. Of course, Mowgli was faster. He was beside her and began sniffing at her to show that he wants to make friends. The female fell silent, did not move any more, but looked at him with wide open eyes. Mowgli brought his face to her crotch, as did the wolves who raised him. She smelled strange, like no one from his friends. It was a delicate scent that could be felt by the very bosom of the nose, a smell that one wanted to pull in and pull in.
The female said something, but Mowgli did not understand what it was. She spoke in some strange language. Her voice trembled, but he realized that she was asking for something. He got up and gave her hand. The female cautiously took hold of her and he jerked her up, without calculating the strength and she fell on his chest. Mowgli felt that her breasts are much softer than his, and her skin is silky and warm. The female immediately jumped away from him in fear and stood up, looking at him. She paid special attention to his penis, still sticking out like a knot on a tree. He did not even think of falling off; Mowgli even became embarrassed, as if he were somehow sick.
The female again said something and moved closer to him. Mowgli did not move, expecting what she would do next. The female extended her hand, peering into his face, and touched his chest. She poked her finger, then stroked it. She said something again, but now there was no fear in her voice, Mowgli thought she was pleased now. Her hand slid down her chest, over her stomach. This behavior was strange, but Mowgli these touches were pleasant and he did not move. And the female, glancing at him still cautiously, came closer and touched the member. Mowgli's cheeks lit up. Well, she hints that he is sick, otherwise he does not see. By the way, now the lower abdomen was not just burning, but it hurt and unpleasantly pulled. He frowned back from her.
At first she opened her eyes wide again, but then laughed. So in the jungle only Mowgli was able and he was always wondering how this sound is heard from the side. It turned out pretty loud and nice. Mowgli laughed back. The female came up and again pulled her hand to his penis. She cupped his palm and looked into Mowgli’s face. He wanted to break free, but he suddenly realized that he did not want this at all. And he wants her to keep it in her hand. The female waited a bit, and then began to move her palm down the trunk. The pain in tense flesh subsided a little. How does she do it! Mowgli watched as the female leads his hand back and forth, the member becomes even more, reddens, as if about to fall off, but the tension subsides.
The lower back of Mowgli bent by itself, he moved closer to the female, suddenly feeling a desire to touch the head of her body member. The female allowed him to do this. Her thigh was tight, very smooth and warm. Touching him brought relief. But then the female suddenly squatted. Her face was just at the level of a member of Mowgli. He thought that she, too, wanted to show him his disposition, sniffing his crotch, but she suddenly wrapped her lips around his cock. Mowgli was frightened that she wanted to bite him, again made a move away from her, but could not bring himself to take a member out of her mouth. Even if she bit him, he was ready to tolerate it for the moment when her lips touched the delicate skin of his penis.
Convinced that he did not mind, the female began to move her hand along his penis, while sucking the head. Mowgli realized that those feelings that he experienced earlier are nothing compared to what he felt now. She had a wet, hot mouth, very strong lips, and her tongue curled like Kaa, wrapped around banderlog. Mowgli put his hands on the female's head and tried to push her away on her dick, but she immediately stopped sucking and said something, frowning. He was afraid that she would leave, but the female continued. Now he just kept his hands on her wet hair, without making attempts to shove a cock in her mouth burning from the strain deeper. Yes, now there was no need. Having licked Mowgli's dick well, so that the palm slid on it freely, the female began to suck so powerfully that he began to bend his knees and his mouth opened.
The female moved close to Mowgli. With her breasts, she touched his hips, stomach - knees, and she clasped his hands on his buttocks. Every inch of skin where she touched him burned with these touches. And in the crotch and at all something blazed every time her wet tongue wrapped around his throbbing member. Mowgli even began to moan, completely unable to hold back, when the female suddenly stopped sucking. She suddenly fell to the ground, as when she saw him for the first time, opened her crotch before him. Mowgli, who wanted her to continue what she had begun, impatiently offered her hand. But she raised her eyebrows, laughed, grabbed his arm and pulled at herself. He did not expect this and fell, almost crushing it. She immediately grabbed his legs and stretched his mouth to his neck, Mowgli prepared to defend himself, but instead of starting to tear his claws on his hands free from grip and try to gnaw his throat, the female suddenly started stroking his chest and slobbering his neck. It was insanely pleasant, as well as touching her with her whole body.
Now Mowgli could smell her even without leaning over her crotch. The fragrance was warm, animal, attractive. I wanted to taste what smelled so much, but the female pressed Mowgli to herself and he did not want to push her away from her. She pulled away from his neck and said something again. Mowgli looked at her, trying to understand what she wanted. She repeated, laughed, seeing his confusion, and then put her hand down, took his penis and sent it to the very slit that smelled so great.
Ass Mowgli somehow swung himself, driving the penis into the body of a female. To his surprise, he entered immediately by half. Inside she was very slippery, soft and supple. He was afraid that he was hurt and pulled out a member. The female shouted angrily and again sent his cock to herself. This time, Mowgli, nervous and cautious, pushed him to the very end with some effort. Her hole was pretty narrow, she wrapped her cock very tightly. The female bent her back and groaned. Apparently, she liked it. Mowgli emboldened and began to move. At first, his dick jumped out of the female, but he quickly got the hang of it.
After a couple of minutes, Mowgli literally dug the female's hole, feeling that if it stopped for just a second, it would explode. The female under it snarled, curved, scratched him, moaning in the whole forest. The juice flowed out of it, smearing her legs and Mowgli’s feet, it smelled simply stupid, and every time he pushed his cock into her all the way, her hole made a squalling sound, as if someone had pulled her leg out of the quagmire. And this sound was liked by Mowgli, and the way she smelled, and the way she bit her shoulder when she was especially good. Now he understood what those Banderlog did.
The female was now unrecognizable. No fright in the eyes, on the contrary, she dominated Mowgli. At some point, she hugged his neck and forced him to bend over her breasts. Not stopping to drive into her crazy hole member, he tried to understand what she wanted. Her breasts smelled of some kind of fruit and animals at the same time, but he could not figure out what exactly. He rubbed his cheek against her. Soft skin, pleasant, like the belly of Bagheera, to which he liked to lean while sleeping. But the female said something, as it seemed to Mowgli, with displeasure. Perplexed that she desires, Mowgli intuitively licked her. The female groaned with relief and relief, indicating that he was guessing. It tasted salty, there was something in her taste from coconut, which was similar in size and shape to her breasts. Mowgli immediately, as if dying of thirst, began to lick her. The nipples turned out to be the most delicious - hard, dark, when Mowgli passed through them with her tongue, the female began to tremble, and her moans became piercing. Their bodies slid against each other: from above from saliva, from below from the discharge of the female, the speed with which his penis entered her was crazy, the eyes of the female glazed, she looked at one point through the veil.
Suddenly, she held her breath, arched and became kind of hard. And then she exhaled sharply with such a scream that she deafened Mowgli. His member in her hole was very closely, ran through her cramps. From her groans, something seemed to have torn down his stomach, but without pain, but with relief, and the next moment he was stunned by the pleasure. He bent in half the same way as a female, writhing with a blissful smile under him, the member slipped out of her hole and Mowgli saw something white splashing out of him, pouring the female's opened slit. She watched with curiosity as the jets hit her body, not stopping to moan. After a few moments, this madness ended.
Mowgli fell off from hard breathing females. He was lying on the ground, and she next to him with some strange expression of pleasure on his face smeared in his crotch what he spat on it. Mowgli looked at her stupidly. Finally, she got up and went to the river, wagging her ass, went into her waist and began to wash. When she finished and turned to the shore where Mowgli lay, her eyes suddenly widened in horror, she shouted something to him, pointing behind him, rushed into the river and swam to the other shore, where, picking up her bright stripes, she disappeared into the bushes . Mowgli turned around. His friends were leaving the thicket.
“Mowgli, my boy, you were warned not to leave the forest,” Balu said reproachfully.
“This time, ss, you brought it, sir,” Kaa added.
“But you must remember the Main Law of the Jungle,” continued Bagheera.
- Probably, I should not harm other animals in the jungle? - tried to guess Mowgli.
“No,” said Akela. - This law is for animals, and you have to live among people in South Asia. The main law of the jungle for you, my boy - this is not to fuck someone who has a Kadik.
Mowgli turned around, trying to remember whether the female he had just received the Adam's apple.
“She didn’t have a Adam’s apple,” Raksha said having guessed his thoughts, “but these days it’s a great luck, Mowgli.” Now swim across the river and go to the human world. Maybe you will become an animator in some hotel, or maybe you will dance striptease for rich ladies from Europe. Just always look at the collar.