I woke up when the numbers on the clock showed 4 o'clock. NDA ... It would not be bad to do the cleaning in her three-room apartment, otherwise it was Friday and there was confusion all around. In general, while I was cleaning, evening came quietly.

Today was a very fun lesson - the test of new developments in the field of intimate toys. Our laboratory was located on the ground floor, or rather, in the basement of the house where I live, but nevertheless, there was always a cozy and good repair.

Having finished cleaning up, I left the apartment, locked it up and went down to the laboratory. There was already waiting for me Katka, my girlfriend. She was a pretty girl with a very nice figure.

I met her at the university, and now she helps me in testing new inventions.

- Hi, Katyun! You're already here? - Going to her and hugging, I kissed her.

- Hi, my love! Yes, I just came. - cheerfully said Kate and kissed me back.

- Now let's start testing new inventions! - I said with a spark of enthusiasm.

- Mmmmm ... And what exactly, these inventions? - in the voice of Kati felt a note of exhaustion from interest.

- You will see! - I answered maliciously.

We passed into the spacious hall-room. In the far corner, three touch screens stood very close to each other - computers, a lot of all kinds of equipment, a wardrobe, a table with various cones and substances in them stood closer to the center, and a large, soft leather sofa was located at the very entrance to the room. Katka immediately plopped down on him.

I walked over to the closet and pulled out something similar to a flesh-colored jumpsuit. Then I took one pill from the table and swallowed it. After that, I began to gradually take off my clothes.

- Ltd! It will be interesting - Katka said almost laughing

“Wait a bit,” I said, trying to cope with the zipper on my pants.

After 2 minutes I was completely naked. After that, I started to wear this jumpsuit.

At first, he looked like a blown-up doll from a sex shop, but after a few minutes my body began to gradually take on a sexy female shape. In the end, in front of Kate there was a naked, slim, woman with an appetizing ass and breasts of the 3rd size. Katya started to wind up a bit.

- Well, like it? - I said, not in a feminine voice.

- Wow !!! You are cool !!! I want you!!! - almost shouted Katya. “Only in a voice you didn’t come out,” she said laughing.

“This is fixable,” I replied, and walked over to the table, opened the drawer, took from there something like
gum and stuck to his palate.

- And now, my dear, Catherine? - I already said in a soft female voice.

- And now, I just love it! - it was clear that Katya was already wound up and wielded one hand between her legs.

- So, let's play! We will change roles, more precisely sexes - I said with a grin.

Going to the same closet, I pulled out another jumpsuit with characteristic male “bulges”, took a pill from the table and gave it to Katie.

- On, swallow a pill, completely undress and get into a suit. All other transformations will make a suit and a tablet.

Five minutes and in the room there were two bare bodies - one very sexy lady and one very prominent and sexy man.

- Cach, say something! - I said Katka.

- Enough mockery! - the man answered with an almost squeaky female voice.

- Ahhhhhhh !! - I could not refrain from laughing! - Here. Hold this voice configurator and stick it to your palate - I gave Kate almost the same “cud” that I took for myself.

“Thank you,” said Katya, already in a hoarse bass.

- Now let's go walk to the shop. Only condition: You play the role of a slave, and I - the role of the mistress. Okay?

- Okay! - answered Katya

“But first I need to get dressed.” In something challenging and sexy! - Go and bring me black latex leggings with an almost imperceptible zipper between the legs, gel, black shoes with high heels, and a mini dress. - All this you will find in the next room. “Wear jeans, a t-shirt, and shoes.” By the way, do not wear shorts.

- Yes, Mistress! - Katya was starting to enter the role.

- And quickly! - I accentuated.

When she returned, she was already dressed in what she was told.

I sat on the sofa, told her to dress me, before this she anointed me with gel. In ten minutes everything was ready.

“So shall we go, my lady?” - asked Kate.

- No, I have prepared another surprise. - I answered and smiled.

- Here is my newest development - I went to the same table and took from it an object remotely resembling a dildo. He was quite thick, about 7 centimeters in diameter and 18 in length.

Lifting the mini dress, I undid the leggings between my legs and began to gradually introduce this object until only a head of 4-5 centimeters in size was visible.

- Here you go. Now I have a good tool for you! If you make mistakes, it will increase in length and width so that it can tear your ass to pieces - I said in a tender female voice, and without fully fastening the zipper on the leggings and dropping the dress, I hid this “surprise”.

- Come on.

- Yes, my lady - Katya answered.

The sun had already set for the horizon and the time was slowly but surely approaching midnight. There were no people in the store. Entering the store, I immediately sternly said - open the door for me and take the basket!

Katka, in the guise of a peasant, did everything without talking. I walked slowly slamming my heels against the tile floor. Katka followed me.

- So, take everything that is written in this list - I gave Kate a piece of paper - plus whipped cream - I commanded - and take that cake, and that bottle of wine.

“Yes, my lady,” Katya answered in the same voice.

Going to the checkout, I noticed that she was thinking about something and just stood there and waited, although there was no people at the checkout.

- What are the brakes? Long time not punished? - Strictly I said.

Katya silently began to transfer products to the cashier.

After paying the cashier money, Katya took the packages and began putting the products there. In the meantime, I went to the exit. Reaching the door I commanded - open!

But Katie had both hands full of bags.

- I cant! - said Kate

- You can do anything! Open the door for me, right now, not whipping is waiting for you at home.

- Yes, my lady - Katya answered and somehow opened the door for me.

When we entered the house I said:

- Now we will rise to me.

“Yes, my lady,” was answered.

Having opened the apartment and having given the command to put the products in the kitchen, I walked gracefully into the room where there was a large bed.

“Come on, come here,” I said.

Kate entered.

- Sat on the bed, fast! - I ordered.

- Yes, my lady - Katya answered and sat on the bed.

- Do you know that today you will get a spanking from me?

- Yes, Mistress!

- Do you know why?

- Yes, Mistress!

- I thought you did not know! - I lifted the dress and unzipped the leggings. From there, still looking dildo. Gradually, he climbed to 15 centimeters, all in grease.

- Suck! - I said Kate.

Katya began to suck quickly and efficiently.

- You can, when you want! - I said.

Three minutes later I took him by the hair and stopped him.

- And now take off your pants, turn your ass to me and lie down on your stomach!

Katya obeyed.

“Mmmmm ... I'll fuck you now.” And specifically.

I took the dildo in my hand and began to fool around a little, at the same time caressing. He is increasing. As a result, he became half a meter long and 20 wide.

I began to gradually enter Katya.

- Like?

- Yes, Mistress! - shaking from the pain, Katya said quietly.

- So here, bitch, next time, to know how to open the door lady