Grishan in this life has never held on to anything. He was a little over thirty, and he was already determined that he would live only for himself. After his last relationship, more than three years have passed and Grishan didn’t bother it at all. To the opposite sex, he was quite neutral, even a little philosophical.

At this stage of his life, he met Lika. More precisely, she met him at corporate party.

Lika was a young woman - attractive, slim and flexible, about thirty-five years old in appearance. With a charming smile and manner, during a conversation, look into your eyes.

While dating, Grishan with a bottle of beer was pushing her, without any ulterior motive, some kind of fiery speech about football, standing in front of a large flat-screen TV. And she, suddenly, suddenly offered to exchange phones. So it happened.

Lika was a divorce with experience, her husband had long disappeared in an unknown direction, had a daughter - a novice student. And somehow everything went on further, it was spinning so that Grishan moved to live with them. Lika's daughter lived separately with her boyfriend, and she practically did not show up at home.

He is well aware that he will have to live in the female territory and possessing certain knowledge of female psychology. Grishanya took all the key points, such as financial, under his control. He clearly assigned responsibilities, and set a certain framework in relations with Lika, while she looked at him with loving eyes. A woman is a woman, you will not control her, she will destroy everything. So he thought, and, in general, was right. Far into the future, Grishan did not look in and lived, as they say, for today.

Since this all started.

Lika stood at the stove, in a light robe, turning over pancakes in a griddle.

- Today, Ksyushka called, will run in after lunch, do you mind? Get to know ...

This was the daughter of Lika, and Grishan never saw her again, even though he lived in their apartment for about two months.

“Of course,” Grishanya was reading a newspaper, since he was not a fan of gadgets, the Internet and computers, “in the store, buy what?”

- Yes, buy, please, something for tea. Any cake, well, or on your choice. Sit, chat.

- As you say.

A couple of hours later, the kettle was on the table. Everything was ready. And Grishan, holding Lika in the corner, gently pawed her for the most intimate places through her robe, whispering sexual vulgarities in her ear. Driving Lyca into a slight but pleasant embarrassment.

The doorbell rang, and Lika ran to open.

“Hello,” Ksyushka sounded the ringing voice, and after a little fuss in the corridor, she went with Lika to the kitchen.

- I am glad to meet you, Grisha, - Grishan did not have the habit of being original.

- Ksyusha! - Ksyushka was in a great mood and looked at Grishanya with interest.

They sat down at the table. Conversation ensued about life, school, work and other Labud.

From the very first minutes, Grishan appreciated the daughter Lika. All in the mother, the same lively and taut, small in stature, sweet expressive face and straight hair over the shoulders. Character, rather a little spoiled, obstinate. With Lika kept on equal, as a friend.

Ksyushka looked at Grishan with undisguised interest. As usual, they look at unidentified objects that are subject to more detailed study. She immediately identified in him an intelligent, accomplished man, a little bit harsh.

Ksyushka unconsciously tried to somehow hook up Grishan in the conversation, to evoke negative emotions in him. But he kept his distance, was restrained, answered politely and was rather gallant. Adhered to the basic rules of being in the women's team.

In the evening, when Ksyushka had already left. Lika asked:

- Well, how are you?

“Good,” Grishan answered shortly, so that he was quickly left behind.


The next day was Sunday. Having done a few things in the morning, Grishan and Lika decided to spend the afternoon in bed and watch some TV show.

Near the bed was a small coffee table with a plate of strawberries. And, Grishan, throwing off the blanket with naked Leakey, slowly fed her.

Taking another berry, he drove her face Lika, breasts, nipples, and then brought it to her mouth, but did not let him eat strawberries immediately. I watched Lika try to reach her with the tongue as soon as the strawberry touched her lips.

Lika liked this game very much, she laughed a lot. Lying on her back, bending over and caressing her sexy body, she was forbidden to help herself with her hands in this game. She erotically licked her lips, opened her mouth and did her best to deserve another berry. While Grishanya told her that for this he needs to be done once again.

He drove a strawberry over her scarlet lips, forcing him to suck. He ordered her to open her mouth and stick out her tongue as vulgarly as possible, leading the berry along the berry from the tip to its very foundation, while Lika diligently licked both the berry and Grishani's fingers.

So inflamed her that she was ready to pounce on him.

“Become cancer,” Grishan told her, rising from the bed.

Lika instantly sticking out her ass, turned across the bed to face him, playfully looking from the bottom up. Her back was strongly arched, her ribs stood out against the background of a small chest. The pulse was frequent, and the breath was abrupt. Her legs were spread, and from above her defenseless stretch of attractive crotch was clearly visible from above.

Grishanya took her hair spread over her shoulders, gathered them in a bun, standing in front of Lika, and without delay, brought the dick to her mouth. She immediately swallowed him, with some convulsive, satisfactory sigh. Began to suck greedily, smacking and almost rumbling from pleasure. A member squished in her mouth, and from her throats, sometimes a choking, unrestrained, excited moan was heard.

Lika liked everything, and the fact that Grishanya looks at her accessible naked body, how she treats her, appreciates her, and how she diligently sucks his dick like an agreeable bitch. She was in favor of any scenario, and was very much against it if he hotly finished it in her mouth, which Grishan diligently put on his dick. She needed her, she was used, and thoughts about it just drove Lika to such an extent that the shiver ran through her whole body.

- Come on, blyudyushka, go on. Be a good girl.

Lika was very wound up, and between her legs was wet. She actively sucked, not stopping, feeling like a strong arrogant cock rubs her moist lips and tongue, over and over again, inevitably penetrating deeply to the very throat.

Everything was in full swing, and Grishan, feeling the approach of an orgasm, was already thinking about how to turn on an excited Lika, who was standing with cancer, and to fuck her in the accessible snatch.

As the door to the room swung open and Ksyushka appeared on the threshold. She quietly went into the apartment, as she had her own key, and thought that there was no one at home.

- Oh, - Ksyushka stopped for a second. However, the picture of her eyes was more than frank.

Choking face with delight sucked dick forgetting about everything, wagging his ass, leaning on his elbows and legs spread wide.

Grishan froze when he saw Ksyushka unexpectedly appearing with side vision. And Lika, having come to her senses a bit later than all of them, first squinted her eyes, and only after that, after making a few more movements, and releasing the dangling member from her mouth, she turned her head.

Ksyushka immediately hurried to close the door.

Her appearance turned out to be a complete unforeseenness, and to continue further sexual games became inappropriate.

Lika threw on her robe, ran into the bathroom, and then hurried to the kitchen, where the lights were on. Grishan, on the other hand, got into bed and decided to continue watching TV; he had no reason to go into these women's affairs.

- What are you without warning? - asked Lika Ksyushka, as if nothing had happened.

“I had a fight with him,” answered Ksyushka, facing the window.

- With whom? With your Igorkom?

- Yes. And left him.

- How so? What happened?

- Well, for a long time to explain. I'll stay home for now, can I? - Ksyushka turned and looked at Lika.

- Of course…

There was an awkward pause.

“Of course, live, this is your home too,” Lika hurried to smooth out the awkwardness of the situation.


A few more days passed and everything was getting better. Lika worked for twelve hours with a schedule of two through two, Ksyushka went to college, Grishani had a regular work for three days - he worked in a joint venture, and the company worked around the clock. She and Lika worked together there, but in different departments.


The next morning, Grishanya was sitting in the kitchen, drinking tea and reading a newspaper, he had a day off. Lika recently went to work and was supposed to return in the evening. Everything was fine, and there was still a whole day ahead.

Ksyushka appeared in the kitchen and climbed into the fridge. She was in panties, a T-shirt - through which her small breasts stuck out, and as usual went around the house barefoot.

Grishan has already become accustomed to this form of her home wear, and this almost did not cause him any free association.

Ksyushka took out a slice of pizza, putting it on a plate and throwing it in the microwave, sat opposite Grishani, starting to examine it.

- What? He asked her.

- Will you live with your mother for a long time?

Grishan didn’t care much for raising the question and didn’t even immediately find out what to say by putting the newspaper on the table.

- Why? - only he could repeat his question.

- No, nothing, just asked.

- I do not understand, you do not like something? - Grishan came to his senses, decided to go on the offensive.

- Do you love her? - Ksyushka got up, took out a pizza from the microwave and started to eat it, leaning on the countertop.

“Why do you care?” Do not go where you are not asked.

“Oh, eee,” Ksyushka mocked him abruptly, “what's wrong with that?” Just think ...

Grishan could not find an answer to this attack, silently, took the newspaper and continued reading.

He did not see how Ksyushka made him a face.

Having finished the pizza, she rinsed her hands, putting the plate in the sink, and was about to leave.

- Wash the dishes with you! - there was a trace of her.

Ksyushka looked around in bewilderment, her whole appearance showed complete bewilderment, her eyebrows arched. Ksyushka could not bear such an attitude towards herself.

- You'll wash it yourself! - she blurted out, - and in general you are nobody here and they call you anything!

In vain she said this, as an instantaneous chain reaction occurred in Grishan’s brain. He no longer paid attention to many things that could adversely affect his life, but not this one. He just heard a clear disregard for himself. From whom!? Not from a respected person, but from a jerk who went to school yesterday and who, except for sawdust, was in her head, just a priori could have nothing.

One second, he jumped to his feet and found himself near Ksyushka, grabbed her by the two hands by the throat.

She was stunned by fright and rolled out her eyes. And Grishan, in a fit of rage, dragged her into the corridor, holding her neck while she fingered her bare feet. I came to my senses ... I let go. And then he bent down, grabbed her, one powerful jerk, throwing it over his shoulder, and carried him into the common room.

- Aaaaa, - Ksyushka shouted in a stifled voice, banging her fists on his back, dangling her head down - let go !!! Crazy?!

- I'll show you now who is crazy!

Having entered the room, he rushed to the sofa, turning Ksyushka, who was waving in the air, turning like a fluff. And she could not oppose anything to him, because she did not expect such a pressure. And after a moment, he was sitting on the couch, and poor Ksyushka was folded in half through his exposed leg, ass to the top.

She wanted to kick off, but then she felt such a juicy palm strike on her ass that tears instantly spilled from her eyes.


And then the second hit! Third!

She tried to crawl, ridiculously jerking her legs and stretching her arms to cover her fifth point. But where there! Grishan held her with an iron grip, continuing to backhand with one hand after another so that the resistance was simply useless.

Fourth blow! Fifth! ... Tenth!

- AAAAAA !!! AAA !!!

Ksyushka was already crying from pain and resentment. No one has ever done this to her. Now she was thrashed by the pope as a stupid schoolgirl who had not learned her lessons. It happened here and now, and absolutely nothing could be done about it.

Her red ass spun on the foot of Grishani as on a griddle. But her tormentor, absolutely nothing to do with it.

- AAAAAA !!!

Fourteenth ... Fifteenth strike!

And then everything stopped. The grip loosened. And Ksyushka, only having felt freedom, that hour was released from strong embraces and all in tears ran out of the room.

For the rest of the day, she did not leave the room, and Grishan was already preparing for a difficult conversation with Lika. Although in fact, he was so fuck on everything that happens, as far as it was possible. Well asked for it, for example, with things on the way out and what? Gathered and went. What did he lose? Nothing, in fact. Being a henpecked in a raging hen house was not part of his plans.

In the evening, Lika came home from work, a little tired but joyful. From what Grishanya concluded that she was not aware of what was happening in her absence.

“We need to do something,” she suggested coyly, smiling, “I've been waiting all day.”

“I was waiting for this too,” Grishan pulled her close to him, kissing her lips.

- How are you doing here? What did you do all day?

- Nothing special, rested.

- Let's go to the cot? The film will finish.

- Come on.

After everything that happened, Grishan fucked Lika just like a beast. One can see a certain amount of stress, he still got, and he needed a discharge.


The next day, almost everything was as usual, Ksyushka was half a day at the institute, and when she returned, she measured Grishan with a disapproving look, but then she looked away and went to her room. And Lika, closer to eight in the evening, went to work, she had to go to the night shift. Everything seemed fine and Grishan, having read a book lying in bed, decided it was time to sleep.

He turned off the floor lamp, turned on its side, and was already starting to doze when he felt that the door to his room opened slightly. Turning his head, he saw Ksyushka.

- What do you need? - asked Grishan, in the dark he could only distinguish her general silhouette.

- May I stay with you? I'm scared of one.

“Um,” Grishan, being half asleep, did not quite understand what was going on, “come on,” he agreed.

Ksyushka slipped into the room and dived next to him under the blanket. At the last moment, he noticed that she was only in her panties.

However, he turned his back on her and within five minutes began to fall asleep again. His thoughts drifted farther and farther away. And then something unusual happened. He felt a woman's body next to him, which breathed, leaned against him. It was so gentle and pliable. He turned and hugged him on the machine. His hand slipped below, held on the female buttocks, got into the panties, and the body is flexing it in every way, helping him in exploring himself.

And then Grishan realized that something was not quite right. His head cleared a little and it turned out that he was not pawing Lika, but Ksyushka.

But not only that paws, so this bitch herself willingly exposes all the sweetest. And between her legs everything flows. Ksyushka has already pulled off her panties and gently rubbed about Grishan all over.

“Um, we didn't agree on that,” he said hesitantly, but could no longer stop pulling Ksyushka to his ass.

“I will do everything you say,” she said in a quiet whisper.

The dream of Grishani disappeared like a hand. He turned on the floor lamp, and already kissed Ksenia lying on her back in a hickey, covering her with his body from above. There was something attractive in her, adolescent, some kind of fragility, refinement, immediacy. His sexual instinct worked so powerfully that he flew like a moth into the fire.

Ksyushka, too, was extremely agitated to such an extent that she already had squeezing somewhere in her chest and lower abdomen. It was such an enthusiastic feeling that she was flying at a crazy speed down a roller coaster. It was so breathtaking and just that!

She will be fucked by this adult man, whom she has been continuously thinking about for several days and who can do anything with her. To whom she was so afraid to go today, and who finally finally paid attention to her as a woman!

Grishan widely spread her legs and already introduced his excited dick into a narrow wet vagina, starting to fuck Ksyushka with deep, powerful movements.

She felt lying under him, as his strong hands pawed her ass, chest, waist, and everything they could reach. He constantly kissed her, they met intertwining languages. His member, picking up the pace, hard and confidently filled it over and over again, ignoring all obstacles and bringing her indelible pleasure. Their bodies rubbed against each other, exchanged smells and vital energy. Ksyushka wanted this to never end, and that this happened to her all the time.

Grishan abruptly took out his penis, and, slightly moving away, began to finish Ksyushka on a flat tummy. A member bummed, some droplets of semen flew almost to her breasts. Having calmed down a bit, Grishan fell off to the side, and looked at Ksyushka.

Her smiling face shone with happiness. She breathed intermittently, moving away from intercourse. It is easy to stretch out the middle finger to the stomach, smearing it in the semen, and with a smooth movement, bringing it to the mouth, at first licked it several times. And then, clasping her lips, she began to suck, showing how she enjoyed the taste, looking vulgarly and looking with interest at Grishan:

“Mmmmm ...”

- You will suck dick next time - he promised her - go to the shower.

Fifteen minutes later, naked Ksyushka was already pressed against Grishane, gently stroking his chest.

“I feel very good,” she said to him.

- If you think that this will change something, you are very mistaken. Your household duties have not been canceled.

- Do you like me?

- Like, but do not fall for me.

- I was not going to. It was just interesting to me, - Ksyushka tried to justify herself, at the same time having stuffed herself a price.

- That's clever.

- We still will be together?

- We will. If you become well behaved.

That night they spent in the same bed.


Ksyushka started to behave much better. But Grishan did not stop and constantly pressed on her, taking advantage of the fact that Ksyushka woke up to him some kind of irresistible craving. He was even afraid to sleep with this in front of Lika, from some of her daughter’s very expressive views.

Ksyushka after the institute flew straight home, just to be close to him. And when he left for the day, she was very bored. She didn't say anything out loud, but Grishan already read it like an open book.


Lika again went to the night shift. And Ksyushka, waiting for this, decided to seize the moment.

While Grishan was in the room, she set the table.

I knocked on his door with the words:

- The supper is ready!

He walked into the kitchen, and saw the absolutely naked Ksyushka meeting him. She stood at the table, stretched out along the line, and a towel was thrown over her arm, like a waitress.

“I will serve you, sit down,” she said loudly and masterly.

His gaze slid over her slim body, shaved pubis and long legs. He sat down and began to eat, while Ksyushka, something additionally cut there, washed out and in every possible way bothered.

- I will walk like this when the two of us can? - She asked, over her shoulder, not looking up from business.

“You look good,” Grishan told her, “keep your back even.”

- Yes thank you.

Grishan was not accustomed to the fact that a lot of attention was paid to him, but he was all really interested. It is so interesting that he considered himself to be some kind of experimenter, who bends a pencil, but for some reason he does not break. How far will she go? When, finally, he would send him to hell and begin to kick, this question was rhetorical.

He ate, thanked Ksyushka for dinner. She began to wash the dishes. And when I finished, I saw that Grishan brought a bucket filled with water and with a floor cloth.

“Well, you can clean the floor at the same time in the kitchen,” he ordered calmly, “I had to do this a long time ago.”

Ksyushka hesitated:

- Well, I will wash my ...

- Now wash ...

- Okay ... I'm going to get a mop ...

- My hands, you do not need a mop.

Ksyushka knelt down, hesitantly took a rag and looked up at Grishan.

- Come on, come on. Begin, - he calmly encouraged her.

She soaked the rag and began to hesitate to rub the floor around her.

- Not this way. Cancer, ”Grishanya decided to tell her,“ and try to make him sparkle after you. ” Two hands hold a rag.

Ksyushka started crawling on her knees, wiping the floor from old stains. The beginnings were somehow sluggish, but quickly got into the taste, realizing that they were looking at her. Favorably raised her ass and bent her back, feeling like a sexual slave.

“Here, well done,” Grishan praised her, sitting down on a chair, and admiring the curves of the body of the newly minted housemaid, “but he already thought you would have to smack the belt.”

Ksyushka had everything inside, and this added to her motivation and speed, and after a few minutes the floor was clean. She put down the cloth and, without getting up, looked inquiringly at Grishan.

“Crawl here,” he called.

She crawled up.

- Turn around. And get up cancer.

She instantly turned her ass to him.

- Put your hands on your ass and push.

Ksyushka slightly raised herself and unconditionally obeyed, kneeling and pushing the buttocks of her protruding ass with fingers. Her breasts stood out ahead.

Grishan was silent for a while, admiring the expressive crotch, and asked:

- Has anyone fucked you in the ass?

“No,” Ksyuha answered barely audibly, standing with her back to him and turning her head to the side as far as possible.

- You had a young man? What, did he never fuck you in the ass?

Grishan, to be honest, he himself had already taken a bit of his impudence, and his free treatment with his daughter Lika. But, in the end, what is arrogance he thought, just imaginary social foundations.

“Nobody fucked me there yet,” Ksyushka replied, embarrassed.

- Why?

- I did not give him.

Grishan was already specifically excited, pulled out a swollen cock from his fly and began to podrivat it, looking at the girl's elastic ass.

“Turn around,” she ordered.

Ksyushka on her knees turned to Grishan and was right in front of the smoking member standing. And she could not take her eyes off him, he seemed to be hypnotizing her and drawing her.

Grishan pulled her hair and she, leaning on his arms, standing with cancer, catching the mouth raised by the dick, began to suck his frenzy like the last slutty whore. Contradictory emotions so overwhelmed Ksyushka that she no longer noticed anything around, concentrating fully on her work.

- Now you will go to the bathroom and clean yourself up, - Grishanya put her head on the penis, - it's time for your naughty ass to lose her virginity. I want you to have all the holes working. Do you understand?

“Mmmmm,” answered Ksyushka, making a throaty sound, according to shaking her head and continuing to suck dick hard.

Grishan tore her off from his penis, raised her to her feet, gave a ringing slap to her ass:

- Go, and only quickly, you have fifteen minutes.

That evening, Grishan fucked Ksyushka for the first time in the ass, lying on her side. And Ksyushka finally got attached to him. As if some kind of obsession fell on her, she was ready to fuck him in any place and at any time. Anywhere, anywhere, somehow, as long as he was there. But unfortunately, she spent much more time with Lika, causing Ksyushka to have impotent, poorly controlled jealousy attacks.


- Didn't it seem to you that Ksyushka somehow changed? - asked Lika, slicing the salad.

“No, but what about her?” Grishanya read the newspaper as usual, simultaneously supporting the conversation.

- Well I do not know. Some she became more responsible or something. It now helps around the house, it does not go where the line is.

- Well you know better. Maybe matured?

“It seems to me that Igor had a bad influence on her,” Lika shared her feelings.

- Yes, young people do not want to do anything. There are no goals in life, no goals in life, no concepts, - Grishanya enthusiastically turned over the newspaper to the next page.

- And she is tense, even sometimes rude.

- Is she rude? Hmm ... Maybe a problem at school? - asked Grishan.

“She doesn't say,” Lika poured the sliced ​​vegetables into a bowl.

- It seems to me, you just need to keep up with it and everything will work out. She is already completely independent.


Ksyushka was sitting in her room and trying to sort out her feelings. She was very attracted to Grishan and she could not understand why. Maybe due to the fact that he remained inaccessible or because he constantly imposed his own rules on her, staying one step ahead. On the one hand, Ksyushka wanted him to gently embrace her, stroke her head, confess her love. Cared about her, said compliments. She wanted to be the only one for him. On the other hand, the more he dealt with her in a bestial manner, with coarse, uncompromising bluntness, forcing her to do absolutely unthinkable things, the more hellish flames flared up in her. And Grishanya constantly balanced somewhere in the middle. And she had to admit in her heart that she liked tough men. And all this cool whirlpool tightened it with insurmountable force.

Ksyushka could manipulate, start ignoring or somehow try to control him. But, practically, she was 100% sure that he would, with an absolutely impenetrable face, take up his stupid newspaper again and pretend that it does not exist at all in this world. And it will continue until the end of the century. As a result, only she will lose.

The doorbell rang, and after half a minute Lika called Ksyushka:

- Go, they came to you.

Ksyushka threw on her blouse and went out onto the stairwell.

- Hold on. This is for you! - Igorek, slightly hesitantly shifting from foot to foot, solemnly handed her a huge bouquet of red roses.

- Thank you, - Ksyushka wanted to portray joy, but her head was occupied with a completely different one. And all that happened to her was a languid, non-initiative smile.

- How are you? What are you doing? - Igorek decided to start a conversation.

“I’m writing coursework,” Ksyushka lied, “a little busy.”

- Yasnenko ... And then, what are you going to do, maybe we’ll go somewhere?

- Let's not today. A lot of things have to be done, the exam will be soon, - Ksyushka tried not to look him in the eye.

- Come back to me ... I thought a lot and realized that I didn’t always behave properly with you. I really like you and really need you.

“You are to blame for everything,” Ksyushka abruptly chopped off.

- So you will be offended by any little thing? Same all usual household things, they are quite solvable, if both of this we want. My sister said we are the perfect couple!

- I am not ready to answer something yet, I need to think.

- And how much will you think? And in general, what is there to think about !? - almost shouted Igorek, - how can you even say such a thing !? - a person who does not understand Igor, has become a continuous dissatisfied grimace.

- Let's take a pause, I, the truth, now is not up to it. So much has come on lately. I love you very much, but please, let's not hurry, ”Ksyushka said with a heartfelt voice with such intonation that she could even envy the eminent authorities of the Youth Theater.

- Well, well, two weeks is enough for you?

“We'll see ...” Ksyushka was rather tired of this useless wordplay.

- And what do you think I should do?

“I'm not disappearing anywhere ...” she said vaguely.

- Let's call each other, - said Igor Igorek angrily, turned around sharply and went to the elevator.

Ksyushka went into the kitchen, with a bouquet. I put it down and crawled behind a vase to pour water into it.

Lika with Grishaney interrupted a lovely conversation, turning on her. On the wall, the TV turned on quietly.

“A beautiful bouquet,” said Lika.

“Broom,” Ksyushka grinned scornfully.

“What did he say,” continued Lika.

- He said that he loves, cannot live and bla bla bla bla ... - Ksyushka filled the vase and stuffed her magnificent bouquet into it.

- And you?

“I said I would think about it,” Ksyushka, emphasizing the last word, turned her gaze expressively to Grishan.

- Forgive him? - Leek has always been interested in the topic of relationships.

- He is very good, would not want to upset him ...


Lika went to the next night shift, and Grishan, to Ksyushka’s complete joy, suggested that she go with him to the grocery store. Together they chose what to buy and it was a lot of fun.

When she returned, Ksyushka as usual, stripped naked and began to cook dinner. She wanted very much for Grishan to spend the next night with her.

Grishan ate, got up from the table, and Ksyuha went up to him and, standing on tiptoes, climbed to kiss. Grishan hugged her tightly with her waist, took her chin with her other hand, and slightly raising her attractive face, made her look at himself.

- I'll punish you today.

- For what? I was very obedient, - Ksyushka frankly looked at him with wide open shiny eyes.

- A lot of reasons have accumulated. Lika said that you became rude, you lie to your boyfriend ... so good girls do not.

- I'll fix it, really. I just did not know how to.

- Let's go to the room.

Grishan, sitting on the bed, again flogged Ksyushka, but this time with a belt, in the same posture as the last time, bending it over his leg. She was very afraid at first, but quickly relaxed and even vulgarly parted her buttocks, herself putting up a bulging naked ass, the pain, oddly enough, was not very strong and very sweet. The wide belt, backhand, beat her once again on the ripped ass, which she vulgarly twisted from side to side, whimpering and asking for forgiveness.

“I will fight you with a belt, for any fault,” Grishan answered her moans.

- I understood everything! - she squealed in a thin, pleading voice, - please!

Ksyushka caught herself thinking that she liked the fact that Grishan was doing it. That she is happy no matter what he did with her. Deep down, she was grateful to him for showing who she really is. Ksyushka was in full power of him, and she was blushing, imagining herself from the outside, but there was some peace and tranquility in her soul. She felt so completely subordinate that languid bliss was spreading down her stomach, and she increasingly wanted Grishanya to take her roughly and rape her.

- Here you go again!

Belt cutting through the air hit Ksyuha on the red fidgety ass.

- AAAA! Fuck me !!! - Suddenly she cried out, being in the middle, between pain and pleasure.

For this cry, she received a few more blows more than usual, and whimpered, clenching the blanket with her fists.

“Now go to the corner, stand there and think about your behavior,” Grishanya let her go and Ksyuha, recovering herself, carried out his order.

“Not so ... And on your knees, face the wall ... And your hands behind your back,” he added.

Grishanya went to the kitchen, took a vase with a bouquet and, returning to the room, put the vase next to Ksyuha on the table.

She silently stood with her face in a corner, on her knees, bending her entwined arms at the elbows behind her back.

Grishan slowly undressed, lay down on the bed, turning on the TV. He took his phone, rummaged in it.

- Ass stutter, - he ordered once again Ksyuhe, - even stronger! Here, and stand. Now I photograph you as a keepsake.

Ksyushka waited for Grishan to take plenty of photos, she didn’t care.

Several shots were very expressive, sobbing Ksyuha froze, standing, bent and leaning forward on her knees in the corner, with a booty vyporya booty with traces of a belt on her butt apart, and with her hands behind her back. Her hair developed over the shoulders. And next to it was a magnificent festive bouquet presented to her.

“Excellent photos,” Grishanya slowly considered what he had done, “I really like and you can see everything well.” You need to take pictures more often, you are very photogenic. Crawl here litter.

Ksyushka was already all wet from such treatment with herself, and then she almost finished cumming at all. She silently turned, crawled up to the bed with cancer and, having climbed on her, with some kind of ecstasy took the dick substituted for her in her mouth, starting to suck it greedily, forgetting about the surrounding space.

Smacking, squishing, not at all embarrassed, she took a member deep in her mouth as much as she could. Flowing drool, wet dick took her to the very glands, and she, standing with cancer, her lips tightly wrapped, sucked, feeling that he was becoming harder and harder.

Ksyushka suddenly remembered her impressions, as having entered this room recently, she saw how her mother Lika sucks the same cock. And Ksyushka, for some reason, wanted to be better.

“Look at me a whore,” rudely tore her from Grishan's thoughts.

Ksyushka looked up and felt like some kind of guilty girl who was working for forgiveness. The more Grishanya humiliated her, the more she wanted to do something for him.

Grishanya admired her curved slender back and kicked ass. He pulled out Ksyushka's dick from his mouth, gave her a small slap in the face, moved his fingers to her lips, forcing him to suck.

Then he slid a slippery member over her face, which she licked with ecstasy from all sides, continuing, if possible, to look at Grishan. Breathing intermittently and grabbed the dick lips at the first opportunity. Ksyushka agreed on everything and was grateful for everything. In her eyes, Grishan read enthusiasm.

- Dick you suck well learned, - he praised her, while Ksyushka tried as best she could.

Grishanya turned her around and pressed her back so that she would lay down on the bed with her breasts. And helping his fingers, put his dick Ksyushka in the vagina, holding her tightly by the waist. A member of the wet snatched in her pussy and Ksyushka convulsively clutching at the pillow, finished in a minute. She finished with her mouth ajar and wound the pelvis in ecstasy, getting a tasty slap on the ass, from which she wept moaned.

- Do not twitch thing!

Dick walked into the vagina freely, rubbed on the labia and almost reached the uterus. Ksyushka, closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, lust reflected on her sensual face. Her hard uncompromisingly ebali, without putting anything, as she always wanted, pawed and tightly controlled. And, Creature, this is for her at the moment, it was a very appropriate word, from which she almost came again. And she is a bitch, down-and-out whore, stupid hoezoska, lowered slut and thousands of other similar words and you can do anything with her, punish, flog, rape, stop at her. After thinking about it, she received a second powerful orgasm.

- Mmmmmmm .......

Grishan pulled a dick out of her, pulled out a grease from the top drawer of the bedside table. And already Ksyushka plentifully greased the rear opening, putting fingers into it. She knew in advance that she would be fucked in the ass today, so it was not a surprise for her. While Grishan was with Lika, Ksyushka, thinking about him, and lying alone in her bed at night, she fucked herself with a can from an anal deodorant, having achieved that he would go in there freely. And she really wanted Grishan to appreciate it.

“I will fuck you in the anal every time until the dick goes in there freely, but we'll see,” Grishan told her so before.

“You're not as tight as last time,” his three fingers slid easily into her soft anus.

And the bent Ksyushka, leaning on her chest, widely spread her buttocks with both hands, knowing that it would look much better when she started to fuck.

- Something to develop her ass? - asked her Grishan.

“Yes,” answered Ksyushka barely audibly, slightly shaking her head as much as possible.

“Good girl,” Grishan praised her, and she became very pleased.

He hung over her, holding her waist tight again. And Ksyushka felt that her member comes in anal, covered with her thin flesh. It comes in very easily, as if falling through. Reached the end, stopped, then back, then faster and faster, smearing and stretching the hole. And now she is already fucked in a young, cool ass, lifted to the ceiling, with full dedication. Not like the last time, carefully, but quite for an adult, not sparing, and without any discounts. And the member with great speed comes into it for the most eggs.

She liked it, she squeezed into the pillow, feeling the friction and how her exhausted ass pulls on the penis. And she, like a whore, holds her ass with both hands, so that it is more convenient to fuck in anal. Swaying slightly at each entry of the dick.

Ksyushka remembered the words of Grishani: “I want you to have all the holes working. Got it? ”

And today it happened, her first time fucked in all holes. And from this she was delighted.

A member splashed inside Ksyushka, lowering the sperm, filling it and continuing to move. Grishan still twenty seconds continued to fuck Ksenia, waiting until everything flows into it to the last drop, inside the anus. Ksyushka slapped on the ass, she turned around and, realizing everything at once, diligently sucked the dick to shine, inhaling the smell of fresh sperm, feeling it on his lips, kowtowing in front of Grishani and without any doubt that he absolutely definitely looks like a hundred in his eyes Percentage done for whore.

They went to the shower washed each other. And already gently rested after rough sex lying on the bed. Ksyushka clung to Grishan lying on her side, and he thrust her hand over her, held her still itchy ass, caressing her wet anal and shoving her fingers in it shallowly.

- Do you like me? She began, a little uncertainly.

- Of course you like.

- Do you love me?

“I love you both,” Grishan was not cunning.

- I want to be together with you.

- Are we not together?

“Not so, in a different way,” Ksyushka corrected herself.

- I do not know what Lika will say to this.

- Talk to her.

“You know, this is dangerous,” Grishani, his picture of the world began to fail, “we are deceiving her, in fact,” he added.

- You are not sure about me?

“I'm not sure about her ...”

- She won't do anything. She had nobody for a long time.

“You want me to be with both of you?”

- Yes.

- And how do you imagine this? - asked Grishan.

- You will unite us ... - Ksyushka thoughtfully drove her palm across his chest

“For Lika, I'll be guilty.” For you…

“She will agree if you don't leave.” I know her. Everything will be almost as it is now. She loves You.

“Hmm ... I have to be with her or with you, I can't break.

- You can. Be with us at the same time.

- And fuck you at the same time? - Grishan tried to get the essence of this conversation.

- Yes. Sometimes. I will not interfere, I will obey. Do you want me to talk to her carefully? As a woman.

Grishani's brain was overloaded. All this did not fit his patterns.

- You want to say that I will fuck her, and you will watch and participate?

- Yes. I'll be there, - Ksyushka said it very simply.

- Will you suck me a dick, lick her pussy, suck with her as with a friend and you will like it?

- Yes.

- And her?

- And to her too.

- How do you know?

- Between us already was this, several times, after alcohol. Me and She.

Grishan slightly got up and looked at Ksyushka intently:

“I don't know how to talk to her.” Take it upon yourself if you want. I'm not against.


Three months have passed. Grishan did not expect this. At first, it was a difficult conversation with Lika, but she immediately accepted the rules of the game. And as it turned out, this conversation was not easy anymore for Grishani than for her.

Then they began to sleep together on one double bed, he, Lika and Ksyushka. At first they just slept, then for the first time they had sex. And after that went, gone.

Grishan lived with Lika, rolled like cheese in oil and everything was even better than it was. There was always a small unofficial competition for him, and he automatically became an indisputable authority. He adjusted to women, they adjusted to him.

Lika was very surprised to learn that Grishan was smacking Ksyushka with a belt. After all, Lika herself from Ksyushka always blew the dust particles. And with Lika herself, Grishan never acted in this way. But then, I realized that Ksyuha herself was glad to turn in front of Grishani with her ass without completing any tasks, so that he would pour it properly. She calmed down, and even often liked to look at it out of curiosity, when there was an opportunity, and sometimes taking pictures on the phone.


Lika and Ksyushka were kneeling naked on the bed, and caressed each other, kissing. Gently drove his hands over his chest and body.

Grishan, long undressed, looked at it, standing nearby. And Ksyushka handed the phone:

- On, call now.

“What can I tell him,” Ksyushka turned her head.

- Say anything. That's your business.

- Okay…

She dialed the number.

- Hello .. ... Well, what about you? ... .. We have to part ... ... No, everything is fine .. ... We will not be able to be in a place ... ... You would know what I am ... .. Yes, the other if you want ..., - Ksyushka handed the phone to Grishane.

- Well, what did Igor say? - asked Lika.

- I hung up.

“You took him so long to take his head off,” Grishan noted.

“Well, I really didn’t know what to say,” Ksyushka innocently justified, “do you think I'm to blame for this?”

Lika was sitting on the legs of Ksyushka, who was lying on her stomach and stretched out, whose hands were handcuffed to the head of the bed. They put a pillow under Ksyushka’s stomach so that her skinny ass, all in goosebumps, was raised.

“Ksyushenka be patient,” Lika told her.

“Daddy, I'll be obedient,” Ksyushka whimpered mournfully, turning her head. She had already started to call Grishan a daddy in piquant moments.

Grishan silently silenced her, stuffing two pairs of panties into him. And without delaying, he began to smack Ksyushka on his bare ass, and on his lower back.

Ksyushka was arched, every muscle was visible on her back, her ass was shaking. But the belt, with a ringing click, inevitably got where it should be.

“Emmmmmme Emmmae,” came Ksyushka's long, drawn voice, muffled through the gag, she tried to scream.

“That's right, do not pity her,” Lika supported, “that is what rubbish.” The guy cheated and tried to deceive me.

“And I'm not going to regret it, she deserved it, fucking with everyone in a row, and then a little podzabranny fucking nose will turn back,” Grishanya agreed, again striking Ksyushkin’s bare ass with a sweep of a belt, “She needs to be flooded at least once a week.

- Emmmmmme Emmmee, - Ksyushka just dragged from everything that happens. She was both hurt, and so kayfovo to be in the role of a victim, that she just came from all this bezpellyatnosti, and such treatment with herself. Lika and Grishan knew this, so they did not stint on words in order to lower her insignificant dignity below the plinth.

- Emmmmmmeee, - the belt with a whistle once again, sank sharply on the ripped ass, and Ksyushka constantly crawled her stomach on the pillow, not having a single chance for release. Nothing depended on her, and everything was in the hands of the dad punishing her.

“Don't whine,” said Lika coldly, “you will be flogged for a long time, just started.” We need a raised girl. Keep your ass straight, people are looking at you! And do not turn around!

“Emmmmmmmee,” Ksyushka’s red ass was already covered in belt tracks, and bouncing elasticly with each beat. Ksyushka could not tighten her arms or legs, lay stretched, with a bare ass lifted on a pillow and received blows one after another, only lifting her head.

“That's right for her,” agreed Grishan, “unless you pull out this bitch like a goat as a sidorov, there will be no sense from her!”

“Emmmmmmmee,” Ksyushka’s sweaty nipples rubbed wildly on the bed sheet, she was being dragged in the ass today very seriously, stronger than usual. But she pushed her ass even harder, as she was ordered. She herself knew what a docile bitch became after such. There was sex in front, and the main lady was supposed to be Lika, and Ksyushka needed to suck, lick, and only with a strong desire for Grishani to substitute her holes. Her actions, on this day, everyone should have been pleased.

- Well, enough, probably from her? - Lika said interrogatively, - will you insert her tail today?

- Yes, sure. It will be till night, naked and with a tail to walk, she is punished.

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?” “The strap sank down on poor Ksyushka's bouncing ass several times. The body, with which, was already covered with light sweat from this marathon.

And on this whipping was discontinued. Ksyushka was released, tears appeared in her eyes, but it was a common thing.

She, next to Lika, was on her knees, and they alternately sucked Grisane dick, courting him from all sides and kissing languidly with each other.

Next, Grishan put Lika with cancer, put Ksyushka with cancer, taking her by the hair and spitting on her face. Pushed Ksyushka in the crotch of Leakey forcing him to lick everything, from pussy to the inside of the buttocks and anal sex. And Ksyushka diligently licked, sticking out her tongue as much as possible, while Grishanya admired all this. After spanking, Ksyushka could have been handled at all.

- You still want your ass? - he threatened Ksyushka, - work the language!

Then he began to fuck cancer, slender face, at the same time taking out the dick and letting it lick to Ksyushka, who was close to him and carefully watched the process. And after some time, finished Lika in the pussy, again grabbed Ksenia by the hair and gave her to lick Lika's crotch and his dick from the sperm.

All three of them were lying on the bed, fooling around for a while. Grishan raised Ksenia, putting her, bent over, on the bed on half-bent legs, and turning her back to herself, made her spread her buttocks wide apart. He took an anal ball with a tail out of the bedside table, and slowly smearing it, he began to twist Ksyushka in anal, and Lika watched approvingly all this:

“She is very happy with this tail,” she noted fairly.

“All go, lie down,” Grishan called Ksenia, and that hour crawled onto the bed.

“I'll do it, you don't mind,” he asked Lika at the same time.

“Of course,” Lika was already rising, putting on her robe, “while I go to the kitchen, I’ll see what we eat today.”

She left, and Grishanya put Ksyushka in a big hug. They began to suck and caress each other.

- How nice today! - Ksyushka looked very joyful, and Grishanya slowly tugged at her pussy. Ksyushka turned over on her stomach, stretched like a cat, sticking out a red ass with a tail, - Igo-go! - she laughed.

“And it’s not the other way around, you’ll be having dinner tonight, waving a tail,” he supported.
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